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Sapphire: Iron Angels, MC (Book One)

Page 6

by Samantha McCoy

  “Fine,” Sledge sighed. “It’s not like I can give her orders anyway.”

  “Well, you could,” Tank grinned.

  “But she’d tell you to go fuck yourself,” Sapphire called over her shoulder, taking another swig.

  “Right,” Sledge sighed, shaking his head. “Alright. Let’s go.”

  Tank waited until everyone left before he closed and locked the door. Making his way over to the bar, he sat quietly on the stool. Not wanting to push, he waited until Sapphire was ready to talk.

  Chapter Nine


  Her head was swimming. She knew she should have put the bottle down a long time ago. Or really, she should have never picked it up. The moment she heard that the Iron Angel compound was attacked, she knew. She just knew. The cartel had no intention of going to the club. They went directly to the beehive where they were least expected. Where everyone let their guard down. When Sapphire had walked up to Sledge to demand answers, she heard Piper’s voice over his phone. She knew then that something horrible had happened. There was no way Piper would bypass her unless...unless...something had happened that Piper didn’t want to tell her. Like her mom being gunned down...


  Out of the corner of her eye, Sapphire saw Tank sit on the barstool beside her. She waited for him to say something, but he just sat.

  Maybe he’s waiting for me to say something...

  Sapphire wasn’t one to talk about her feelings. She never had been. She was the one who faced life’s struggles on her own. She handled her own shit.


  But the longer she sat there and the more tequila she drank, she started to wonder if it was time to let someone in.

  Can I trust him? What if I let him in and it blows up in my face?

  So many questions meshed with the chaos of her mind. Pain sliced through her heart and a wave of nausea hit.

  Jumping up from the stool, Sapphire made a mad dash for the bathroom. Throwing open the door, she entered the first stall she came to and emptied her stomach. Feeling her hair being lifted and a cool rag pressed against the back of her neck, the nausea started to recede.

  “C’mon,” Tank said quietly. “Let’s get you upstairs.”

  Slowly Sapphire got to her feet and turned, finding herself flat against Tank’s wide chest. Leaning forward, she rested her forehead against the hardest pectoral muscle she had never felt.

  Good grief! This man is built like a fuckin tank.

  “How did you get your name?” she blurted out.

  “The name Tank?” He chuckled.


  “Because of my size. Reaper and I were training one day and he said I was built like a tank. The name kind of stuck.”

  “I can see that,” she mumbled. “It definitely fits. I feel so tiny next to you.”

  “Is that a bad thing?” Tank asked.

  “No,” Sapphire sighed. “It’s definitely not a bad thing.”

  Standing at almost six foot, it was hard for anyone to make Sapphire feel small and delicate. But standing next to Tank, she felt that and more.

  “C’mon,” Tank finally said, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and escorting her out of the toilet stall.

  “Wait,” Sapphire groaned. “I’m in the men’s bathroom? Eww!”

  “At least you didn’t stick your face in the urinal,” Tank teased.

  “That’s nasty,” Sapphire huffed. “Do you have any bleach?”

  “Are you going to clean the bathroom?”

  “No. I’m going to scrub my skin raw,” Sapphire replied, disgusted. “Then soak my hands and knees in it.”

  “Let’s get you upstairs,” Tank laughed. “And you can get a hot shower.”

  Sapphire followed him out of the bathroom and back towards the office. When she had walked back here earlier with Sledge and Reaper, she hadn’t noticed the staircase, of course she’d had other things on her mind. Walking behind Tank, she had the perfect view of his ass.

  Damn! Baby got booty!

  “Enjoying the view?” Tank chuckled.

  “I was,” Sapphire replied honestly.

  Sapphire waited as Tank unlocked the door to his apartment. Entering, she was shocked. The place was beautiful — clean, contemporary and everything put in its place.

  “Surprised?” Tank asked.

  “Why you ask that?”

  “Because the look on your face says that you’re seeing something you didn’t expect. What, did you think you would walk into a pigsty?”

  “Honestly? Yes. From my experience, most men don’t keep spotless homes.”

  “I like things a certain way. Not necessarily spotless, but since I’m the only one ever here, it’s pretty easy to keep clean.”

  Sapphire walked around the living room. A picture on the fireplace caught her eye.

  “Your sister?”


  “What?” Sapphire asked, knowing she heard him wrong.

  “That was my wife,” Tank replied.

  “Was?” she asked.

  “She was killed,” Tank relayed. “By a guy who ran a red light.”

  “Oh.” Sapphire breathed. “I’m sorry.”

  “It was a long time ago.”

  Silence grew between them. What else could she say? He must have loved the woman dearly to still keep a picture of her if she died a long time ago.

  If Sapphire didn’t know better, a feeling close to jealousy filled her. A part of her hated that another woman had a chance to be his. Another part of her felt horrible that she felt that way about a dead person. What did that say about her? And why would she even be jealous? It wasn’t like there was a relationship between her and Tank. Shit! They barely even knew each other.

  “Um, yeah,” he said, breaking the silence. “Why don’t I show you to the bathroom and then I can grab you one of my t-shirts to wear?”

  “Okay,” Sapphire replied. “Sounds good.”

  The bathroom was just as gorgeous as the rest of the apartment. Black and white marble was used for the counter tops and surrounded the tub and separate shower stall. Really, tub was an understatement. It could easily hold four people.

  “Go ahead and jump in, I’ll be right back with that shirt,” Tank said, walking out of the bathroom.


  Stripping down quickly, Sapphire turned on the shower and was immediately met with hot water. This wasn’t anything like her shower at home. There she had to wait a good five minutes before the water started to warm up. Stepping under the spray, she tried to relax. She tried to clear her mind, but just as fast as the hot water came so did visions of her mother.

  Young and beautiful, raising her and her sisters. Her taking the girls to the park, pushing Sapphire on the swings. So many memories flashed in her mind until Sapphire couldn’t keep up, one faded into another. Until finally, she pictured her mother standing in the kitchen with her midnight black hair pulled into a tight ponytail, crystal blue eyes — the same as Sapphire’s smiling at her as she told her she was taking time off to come help Rachel.

  “Shhh,” Tank whispered, pulling her against his chest.

  She never heard him enter the bathroom or step into the shower behind her. She never even realized that she was crying. But the moment he touched her, a dam broke. Every emotion Sapphire had held in check downstairs, shattered wide open. Fear, anger, hurt — all warred inside of her and poured down her face.

  “It’s going to be okay, baby,” Tank cooed. “I got you.”

  “I should have gone back,” Sapphire cried. “I should have...”

  “No,” Tank said. “Don’t do that. No second guessing. Going back would have changed nothing. You would have never made it back in time to change anything.”

  “I know...” Sapphire hiccupped. “I just can’t believe she’s gone.”

  “I am so sorry,” Tank whispered, placing a soft kiss on the top of her head.

  Sapphire relaxed back into his arms. She lost track
of the time they’d spent sitting on the shower floor. It wasn’t until her hand touched his leg that she realized he was fully clothed.

  “Oh my goodness,” Sapphire pulled away to look at him. “You’re soaked.”

  “It’s okay. It’s just water.”

  “I’m so sorry!”

  “You have nothing to be sorry for,” Tank replied. “You needed something and I was able to give it. Pretty simple.”

  “Thank you,” Sapphire smiled.

  “Let’s get you out of here,” Tank nodded.

  As he helped her to stand, another tiny fact dawned on her. She was naked. While she should feel embarrassed, she didn’t. There was something about Tank that made her feel safe, cared for, and vulnerable — all at the same time. It was an odd combination, but if she was honest with herself, she kind of liked it.

  Chapter Ten


  Standing up, he helped Sapphire step out of the stall, while at the same time, Tank tried his best not to drool over the luscious curves of her body. Quickly, before he did something he would later regret, he grabbed a towel from the cabinet and held it out to her. The moment she wrapped it around herself, he had to swallow a groan of frustration.

  When he had entered the bathroom to leave the shirt, he hadn’t thought twice about going into the shower when he heard her crying. The sound had broken his heart. The moment he had opened the shower door, he knew she was gone, lost in her own head. Not thinking of her being naked, he immediately pulled her against him, but not before he noticed the old, healed crisscross scars that covered her back. He wanted to know who had marred her. Who would dare tarnish the beautiful woman in his arms. But instead of voicing his question, he just held her. He would get his answers later.

  Now, standing in front of her, he wanted nothing more than to rip the towel away from her and devour every inch of her. Scars or not, she was still the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. But being consumed wasn’t what Sapphire needed. Tonight, she needed a friend and that was exactly what Tank planned to give her.

  “C’mon,” Tank opened the door and led Sapphire down the small hallway and into his bedroom. “You can sleep in here tonight.”

  “Is this your bedroom?” Sapphire asked.

  “Yeah,” Tank replied. “But tonight, I’ll take the guest room. I figured you’d be more comfortable in here.”

  “I can’t take your bed,” Sapphire argued. “I can sleep in the guest room.”

  “Nope,” Tank said grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the bed.

  “Tank,” Sapphire giggled. “Really, I don’t want to take your bed.”

  “You don’t have a choice,” Tank said, throwing back the sheet and blanket. “Climb in.”




  Not allowing her to win the argument, Tank reach for Sapphire and lifted her into his arms. All at once, he sent her flying onto the bed and quickly pulled the sheet up to her chin.

  “Holy shit!” Sapphire hollered. “Don’t ever do that again.”

  “Then learn to listen to me.”

  “Learn to take no for an answer,” she countered.

  “Not likely.”

  “Exactly. Don’t expect miracles.”

  “Touché.” Tank grinned. “Now, get some sleep. If you need me I will be right down the hall.”

  “Okay,” Sapphire sighed, snuggling deeper into the mattress. “This bed is heaven.”

  “I know. Hence why you are the one sleeping in it tonight.”

  “Thank you, Tank.”

  “You’re welcome, honey,” Tank replied walking to the door and turning off the light. “Sweet dreams.”

  “Sweet dreams,” Sapphire mumbled back.

  Tank could tell she was almost asleep. Hearing the news about her mom and trying to hold it together for so long had taken a lot of energy. Add the crying session into the mix, and Sapphire had been exhausted. Softly closing the door behind him, Tank headed for the kitchen.

  He needed a drink, but this time, he didn’t grab the alcohol. Opening the fridge, he pulled out a Dr. Pepper and popped the top. Walking to the couch, he flopped down and thought about the events of the day. So much happened in the blink of an eye, just like the day Trisha was killed. Everything was okay until that one split second moment in time, and then — it wasn’t.

  At some point Tank had fallen asleep and was woken up by the sound of a ringing phone. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his cell and saw Sledge’s name displayed. Thinking the worst, he quickly connected the call.

  “What’s up?” Tank said not wasting time with greetings.

  “How’s she doing?”

  “She’s alright, so far,” Tank wasn’t going to tell Sledge or anyone else about the breakdown in the shower. As far as he was concerned, it was Sapphire’s business to share.

  “Okay,” Sledge sighed. “Reaper and I will be making a trip to Houston tomorrow. I’m sure Sapphire will want to go.”

  “No doubt,” Tank replied. “I think she’d go whether anyone else did or not.”

  “Right,” Sledge agreed. “I think it would be a good idea if you came along for the ride. I know you normally don’t get involved in this type of stuff, but I noticed Sapphire is comfortable with you. And when she gets there, she will probably need the support.”

  “Count me in,” Tank answered. “I was planning to go even without you asking.”

  “Cool. We will head out around noon.”

  “We’ll met you at the compound.”

  “Sounds good.”

  Ending the call, Tank stood from the couch and stretched his arms above his head. He needed coffee, and more sleep if he was going to make the ride to Houston later that afternoon. Deciding to pass on the hot beverage, he made his way to the spare bedroom; but as he was about to open the door, a noise from his room caught his attention. Not wanting to leave Sapphire to suffer through her emotional pain alone, he quietly made his way to the other door.

  Slowly opening it, he quickly realized that she was having another crying spell or a nightmare. Sapphire Kimber was lying in the middle of his bed with one of her delicate fingers buried deep in her pussy. Instantly, Tank’s dick was at full attention. Standing in the doorway, he knew the noise he had heard were her soft moans of pleasure.

  The sight in front of him was like something out of a wet dream. Sapphire, legs spread, in the middle of his bed was a scene he had played in his head more times than he could count. And now, it was a reality. Reaching down, Tank rubbed his palm roughly over the zipper of his jeans. He wanted to release his own groan of pleasure but knew if he did, Sapphire would know he was there. Watching.

  In the darkness, he could see she was getting close to orgasm. Her finger moved in and out of her pussy faster and her other hand picked up its manipulation of her clit. The moment her back bowed off the bed, he knew.

  “Tank,” she whispered.

  Oh fuck! She was masturbating to him!

  That soft cry was almost enough to cause him to nut in his own jeans. But not quite.

  It was in that moment that Tank made his move. Quietly, he removed his jeans all the while keeping his eyes trained on her. She was still lost in the moment. Still playing with herself, not even noticing he was in the room. Moving closer to the bed, he waited for the right moment to join her. Watch Sapphire pleasure herself was the most erotic thing he had ever seen. He almost hated to interrupt her, but his need to have her, to be buried deep inside her was more prominent.

  Just as Sapphire started to increase the speed of her ministrations, Tank moved, climbing on the bed between her legs.

  “What the...,” Sapphire screeched.

  “Shhh,” Tank whispered. “Just lay back.”

  “What are doing in here?”

  “Like I could ignore the sounds you were making. It was like a siren’s call.”

  Tank was now close enough to see the wetness of her sex. He could smell the sweet scent of h
er arousal.

  “I can’t wait to taste you,” he mumbled.

  Now within striking distance, Tank didn’t hold back. The first pass of his tongue over her wet pussy forced a groan from both of them.

  Tank moved his tongue to circle her clit and sucked the tiny bud between his lips.

  “Fuck!” Sapphire moaned. “That feels so good.”

  Tank continued to alternate between tongue strokes and sucking until Sapphire’s back was coming off the bed again. His philosophy was — if she didn’t look like she was a demon possessed, then you weren’t doing it right. And that was exactly what Sapphire looked like.

  “Yes!” she screamed. “Please, don’t stop.”

  Not that he planned to anytime soon, Tank continued devouring her. Her flavor would be his new addiction. He had never tasted anything like Sapphire Kimber. Heaven, peace, and sunshine.

  “Shit!” her voice flowed throughout the room as her release hit her full force, and still Tank didn’t stop; not until she was begging him.

  “Please, Tank,” Sapphire breathed. “Please.”

  “Please what?”

  “I need you inside of me. Now.”

  Moving up her body, Tank kissed and licked every inch he could reach. He wanted her to remember this moment, wanted her to remember the feel of him — everywhere.

  Making it to her lips, he sucked her bottom one between his teeth and lightly bit down just as he lined up his dick with her entrance. Pushing into her, he released her lip as both of them groaned in pleasure.

  “Damn, baby,” Tank breathed.

  “So big.”

  “So tight.”

  As he began to move, he could feel Sapphire’s nails digging into his back. The sting drove him on further. Increasing his speed, he pounded into her tender flesh.

  “Fuck!” Sapphire moaned. “That hurts, but feels so fuckin good.”

  “Are you a lover of pain, sweetheart?” Tank answered, growing even harder.

  “Yes,” she moaned, as he thrust himself even deeper.

  Hearing that one word caused Tank’s balls to start to tingle. He knew he would blow at any minute, and he wasn’t ready for that. Not yet.


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