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Sapphire: Iron Angels, MC (Book One)

Page 13

by Samantha McCoy

  The table erupted in laughter. Tank wasn’t joking. He wanted to kill the man. Nobody should ever touch his Sapphire.

  Not yours.

  She will always be mine.



  Holy fuck! Tank rubbed his temples. He was losing his mind. First talking to himself. Now he was arguing with himself and had no idea if he was winning or losing the argument. Didn’t that make him crazy?

  I need a drink!

  Flagging down the waitress, Tank quickly ordered a Jack and Coke before anyone had the chance to stop him.

  “Just one,” he promised. “Something has to calm my nerves before I literally kill the man.”

  Sledge looked him over and must have seen the internal fight that Tank was trying hard to hide because all he did was nod his head.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Sapphire’s skin was literally wanting to crawl off her body. Several times she had to remind herself that killing Chaz Montgomery in a crowded hotel filled with bikers was not a good idea. But honestly, Sapphire’s hand was itching to wrap around the gun strapped to the inside of her leg.

  “Sapphire,” Chaz smiled. “How about a dance?”

  The thought of his hands anywhere near her body caused her stomach to roll. Looking at Raven, her VP was urging her to stand and not fuck this up. Raven knew her brother was up to no good. Chaz had been making backdoor dirty deals for a while now and Sapphire and the Iron Angels were commissioned to figure out just how dirty his deeds were.

  “Sure.” Sapphire smiled sweetly.

  Moving onto the dance floor, Chaz pulled Sapphire close against him. Again, the urge to shoot him was strong.

  “You look so beautiful today,” Chaz whispered in her ear.

  “Thank you,” Sapphire answered, trying not to vomit.

  “I am so happy that you accepted my invitation,” Chaz continued, oblivious to Sapphire’s discomfort.

  “I haven’t been in so long,” Sapphire replied, grabbing at something to say. “I came once with my mother, several years ago when your father was still President of the Black Spades.”

  “Ah yes,” Chaz said. “My father.”

  If Sapphire didn’t know any better, there was hatred lacing his voice. There was a suspicion that Chaz was behind the death of Roman Montgomery, but no evidence was ever found.

  Just another reason to shoot him.

  As the song came to an end, Chaz placed his hand on Sapphire’s lower back and began to lead her back to the table, but didn’t get far.

  “May I have the next dance?” Reaper asked.

  “Of course,” Sapphire grinned.

  She could feel the change come over Chaz as his hand pressed firmly into her back. She was about to tell Reaper she changed her mind, but he spoke before she had the chance.

  “I promise to bring her back to you soon,” Reaper smiled at Chaz.

  Reaching for Sapphire’s hand, he pulled her back onto the dance floor and moved her farther from Chaz’s view.

  “Listen,” Reaper said quietly. “Be careful around him.”

  “I know,” Sapphire replied.

  “No, Stephanie,” Reaper implored. “Steph, be extremely careful. Something is going on. I don’t know what, but my gut tells me something is off with that guy.”

  “I know,” Sapphire repeated.


  “Marcus,” Sapphire used his real name, finally getting his attention. “I said, I know.”

  “You know?”


  “What do you know?”

  “I can’t explain right now. After dinner, you and Sledge can come to my room. I’ll explain.”

  “What have you gotten into?”

  “I’ll explain later,” Sapphire chuckled.

  Typical Reaper, always looking out for her, just like he did when they were kids.

  “Don’t worry,” Sapphire smiled. “I’m safe.”

  “Oh, I know you are,” Reaper agreed. “You have a man sitting at our table that is drinking himself stupid so he doesn’t walk across the room and rip Chaz’s head from his body.”

  “What?” Sapphire asked, shocked by Reaper’s statements.

  “Tank is ready to kill,” Reaper confirmed.

  “That makes two of us,” Sapphire mumbled.

  “I will tell you the same thing I told him,” Reaper chuckled. “No murders today. Save it.”

  “I’m trying my best,” Sapphire sighed.

  “That bad?”

  “Yes,” Sapphire grumbled.

  “Okay,” Reaper said. “I better get you back to the table.”

  As much as she didn’t want to go back, she knew she had to. How did she let herself be talked into this job? She was an idiot and apparently, she’d lost her damn mind.

  “Thank you for the dance,” Reaper said, pulling out Sapphire’s chair.

  “Absolutely,” Sapphire smiled.

  “We’ll catch up later,” Reaper smiled. “My wife is excited to meet you.”

  “I can’t wait,” Sapphire smiled. “I’ll see you both later. Maybe we can meet up in my suite for a drink later tonight.”

  “Sounds great,” Reaper agreed. “I’ll let Amber know.”

  “Awesome,” Sapphire smiled. It was the perfect cover. Now, if Chaz or anyone else saw Reaper entering her room, there was a story to explain why.

  “It was so great to see him again,” Sapphire gushed.

  “You know Reaper?” Chaz asked.

  “Yes,” Sapphire grinned. “We actually grew up together.”

  “Childhood friends,” Chaz grinned, but it didn’t reach his eyes.

  “We were more like siblings than friends. Unfortunately, once the adult years hit, we kind of lost touch.”

  Conversation died around the table shortly after Sapphire’s admission. She was pretty sure that was a bad thing. Undercover work was really not her thing. But for some reason, Chaz had his sights set on her. He wanted her club, that much she already knew, but why?

  Well, that’s the million-dollar question, isn’t it?

  And again, the reason why Sapphire was here this weekend. She had to find out his agenda.

  As dinner came to an end, Chaz excused himself and left Sapphire and the Angels at the table alone. For the first time since she entered the hotel, she finally felt like she could breathe.

  “I need to get out of here,” Sapphire said to the group.

  “Not yet,” Raven protested. “There are still eyes in the room.”

  Sapphire tried to spot who she was talking about, but nobody stood out to her. The room was filled to capacity with bikers and other hotel guests. Too many faces to pinpoint, so she just sat back and continued to sip her cocktail.

  “What are you going to do?” Piper asked.

  “Enjoy the party,” Sapphire smiled.

  For the next two hours, she danced and talked to other club members. Several times she found Tank’s eyes glued on her and a zing of excitement would race through her. So many times she wished he would come ask her to dance, but he never did.

  She missed him. In the last couple of months, there wasn’t a day that her mind hadn’t whispered his name. Several times she had wanted to call him, but she didn’t. And he never bothered to call her either.

  “Okay,” Raven said, sliding onto the bar stool next to her. “It’s safe to leave.”

  “Who was looking?” Sapphire asked. Were other MC’s involved in this mess? Whatever this mess actually was.

  “Chaz had two other crew members in the room,” Raven replied.

  “That weren’t at the table with us?” Sapphire asked.


  “Motherfucker,” Sapphire breathed. “What in the hell have I gotten involved in? And why?”

  “I don’t know, honey,” Raven answered as they walked out of the restaurant. “But we’ll figure it out.”

  * * *

  After taking a quick shower and dressing
in comfortable clothes, Sapphire poured herself a glass of wine and waited for Reaper to show.

  The loud knock almost made her jump out of her skin. Sapphire was so on edge. This entire situation was freaking her out. Taking a deep breath, she walked over and peaked through the peephole.

  “Open up,” Reaper called out from the other side.

  “Thank goodness it’s just you,” Sapphire sighed.

  “Well, not exactly just me,” Reaper said being followed by the rest of the Henchmen and their wives. Tank was the last to enter.

  He closed the door and then stood with his back against it. Folding his arms, he looked like a titan.

  “So what the hell is going on?” Sledge was the first to speak.

  “I received a phone call a few weeks ago,” Sapphire explained. “Frank Pages, the VP of Sons of Purgatory, had information that Chaz was about to start vying for my club.”

  “Why?” Reaper asked.

  “Because it’s one of the largest in the state,” Sapphire continued. “More people, more power.”

  “But for what?” Sledge questioned. “He has a pretty good-sized club already.”

  “That is what I’m trying to figure out,” Sapphire replied. “There are rumors that he is involved in some major illegal shit, but nothing and no one can tie him to any crimes.”

  “So you’re putting yourself in danger to find out?” Tank finally spoke.

  “He wants my club, Tank,” Sapphire replied. “Fuck yeah I would. I’ve worked my ass off since taking over and my mother did the same.”

  “You should have called me,” Sledge interrupted. “I could have found a mole and sent him inside Chaz’s organization to gather information.”

  “This isn’t about you, Sledge. And I don’t need you, or any other man, coming to my aid.”

  “I’m not saying you do, Sapphire. I’m just saying it would have been safer.”

  “Why? Because I’m a woman, that means I can’t do something risky?”

  “Be careful of how you answer that, honey,” Beth interjected.

  “Oh for fuck’s sake,” Diesel chimed in. “Would you two stop the pissing contest?”

  Sapphire took a calming breath. Why did Sledge always get under her skin?

  Because he’s a better leader than you are.

  No, he wasn’t. He might have more experience, but he wasn’t better. There was no comparison between them. Man versus woman. Him versus her. Old versus new. They were different people and ran different clubs.

  “You’re right,” Sapphire sighed. “I’m sorry. Look, I am doing what I think is best for my club. That’s my job.”

  “Just let me help,” Sledge pleaded. “Chaz is a dangerous man. I do know for a fact he has connections to some serious players in the drug world. I would hate to see you get wrapped up in that, Sapphire.”

  “Steph,” Reaper interjected. “Let us help. Please.”


  “Tank, make the call,” Sledge ordered.

  “Consider it done,” Tank replied, pulling out his cellphone.

  “Who is he calling?” Sapphire asked.

  “Banjo,” Sledge replied. “He’s an old military friend.”

  “He’s a hacker that works for the government,” Diesel whispered. “A spy.”

  “Man, shut up,” Reaper grumbled.

  “Is he not really a spy?” Sapphire asked.

  “No, he’s really a spy, but D should learn to keep his mouth shut.” Reaper tsked and shook his head.

  “Oh lovely,” Sapphire groaned.

  What the hell had she just agreed to? Military spying? Was that really necessary?

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  The night had been pure hell. Watching Sapphire dance with Chaz had been bad enough, but add in the others and Tank was ready to kill someone, preferably every man that touched her. At one point, Sledge had to almost physically restrain him when one guy got a little too handsy.

  And now here he was listening to her talk about putting her life in danger like it wasn’t a big deal. Like she wasn’t valuable.

  Who in the fuck sends their President in for an undercover op? The most vital person of a club. Who the fuck does that?

  The moment Sledge gave him the okay to call in reinforcements, he was all over that shit. Stepping away from the door and walking into the bathroom, he placed the call.

  “B, we need a favor.”

  “Name it,” Banjo replied.

  “Look into a guy by the name of Chaz Montgomery.”

  “As in the President of the Black Spades?”

  “The same,” Tank answered on full alert. “How did you already know this?”

  “Because he is being investigated by every damn governmental law enforcement agency,” Banjo replied. “And, if this has to do with Sapphire Kimber, I was the one who called her.”

  “Why the fuck would you do that?” Tank demanded. “Put a civilian in harm’s way like this. That fucker is dangerous.”

  “And so is Sapphire Kimber,” Banjo retorted.

  “Pull her out, Banjo,” Tank demanded.

  “No can do, buddy.”

  “It wasn’t a request.”

  “I really don’t care what it was. She stays. She is the only one who can get information. She dates Chaz, we get the dirt.”

  “She dates...” Tank felt violent. “Oh hell no! She is not dating him. You are not going to force the woman I lov...” Taking a deep breath, Tank continued. “You are not forcing her into this just for some information. Find another fucking way. Now.”

  Tank hung up the phone without waiting for Banjo to reply. He was going to be sick. Leaning his head over the toilet, he emptied his stomach. Once there was nothing left, he moved over to the sink and quickly rinsed out his mouth. Looking into the mirror, he knew he would commit his first crime before the weekend was over because Sapphire’s life was worth more to him than his freedom. And no matter what, he would always ensure her safety.

  Decision made, he exited the bathroom.

  “You get in touch with him?” Sledge asked.

  “Yeah,” Tank replied. “Everything will be taken care of. This will all be over before the weekend is even out.”

  Sledge continued to look at Tank, searching for something. For a moment, Tank though he hid his emotions deep enough, but the small increase in Sledge’s pupils told him he was wrong.

  He knows.

  “Okay,” Sledge replied turning back to the group. “We’ll get you out of this and the threat to your club eliminated before the weekend is up. Just sit tight and lay low.”

  “Alright,” Sapphire answered.

  Tank could see the tension begin to leave her body. This entire situation had her on edge. If he could, he’d wring Banjo’s neck for putting her in the middle of all of this.

  “Alright everyone,” Reaper said. “We’ve been here long enough. Let’s head out.” Turning to Sapphire he said, “lock the door behind us. And don’t answer for anyone other than one of us.”

  “I’ll stay here tonight,” Tank offered.

  He couldn’t leave her unprotected. Not yet. Tomorrow night, he’d finish this, but tonight, he needed to know she was safe.

  “Is that okay with you?” Sledge asked Sapphire.

  “Um...” she hesitated.

  Tank’s heart stopped. What if she says no? Then he’d just have to come up with Plan B.

  “Yeah. It’s fine,” Sapphire finally answered.

  Thank God!

  “Okay then,” Sledge nodded. “Let’s go.”

  Tank waited as they all filed out of the room and then locked the door. Turning around he saw Sapphire staring at him. Awkwardness filled the room.

  “Uh. I’ll just...sit over there in the chair.” He pointed across the room.

  “Okay. And I’ll just...get in bed. It’s been a long day.”

  “Good night.”

  “Good night.”

  Tank waited until Sapphire was in bed with
the cover pulled up to her chin. Flipping off the lights, he plunged the room into darkness. The only light was from the outside street lamps which were visible through the small slit in the curtain. Taking his seat, he stared at her silhouette.

  He so badly wanted to crawl into that bed behind her. Wrap her in his arms and never let go. He had missed her. He situating himself to get comfortable, the last thing he heard was Sapphire’s breath finally even out. Knowing she had fallen asleep, Tank closed his eyes.

  * * *

  As the morning sun shone through the window, Tank forced his eyes to open and immediate fear shot through him. The bed was empty. Sapphire was gone. Jumping from the chair, he began to panic. Had someone entered the room and he hadn’t heard them?

  It wasn’t until the bathroom door creaked open and Sapphire walked through it that Tank’s heart finally calmed.

  “Good morning,” Sapphire said, not realizing the fear Tank felt.

  Before he even realized he was moving, he had Sapphire pinned against the wall. His lips crashed against hers. Tank consumed her mouth, trailing sucking bites down the side of her neck and to the sensitive spot behind her ear. But he wasn’t done there.

  Pulling the towel from around her body, he let it fall to the floor. Bending his head, he sucked one hardened nipple into his mouth and continued sucking, licking, and biting until her moans filled every inch of the room. He devoured one and then gave the other the same treatment. Working his way down her stomach, he dropped to his knees in front of her. Leaning forward, he ran the tip of his nose over her pussy and inhaled her scent. Lilacs and lavender — that was what she smelled like. The scent was heaven to him and burned into his soul. Slowly, he let his tongue trace the same path as his nose. Once at her clit, he sucked the bundle of nerves between his lips and went to work.

  Running his hands up her legs, he pushed them apart to allow for more room. Sapphire lifted one leg and placed her foot on his shoulder, completely opening herself to him. Using his strength, he lifted her weight, placing both legs over his strong shoulders and carried her to the bed, his tongue never missing a beat.

  Together they fell onto the bed and Tank continued to consume her. He couldn’t get enough of her taste. Using one hand he spread her wet folds and pushed a finger deep inside of her causing her back to bow.


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