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Sapphire: Iron Angels, MC (Book One)

Page 15

by Samantha McCoy

  “The guys and I had an assignment to take care of,” Tank answered.

  “Oh ok.” Sapphire snuggled closer to his chest.

  “How did you know it was me climbing in bed with you?” Tank asked. “I could have been some pervert sneaking into your room.”

  “You are a pervert that snuck into my room,” Sapphire chuckled. “But I knew it was you because of your smell.”

  “My smell?” That didn’t sound good. He smelled?

  “Yeah,” she yawned. “I like your smell.”

  Tank couldn’t help but smile. Before he could say another word, he felt her breathing even out. She was back asleep.

  He laid there for a while just thinking about life. All the things that had happened. Everything that led him here to this moment, with this woman. He prayed he could be the man she needed. He prayed that she would even have him.

  A loud knock on the door caused both Sapphire and Tank to sit up, hearts racing.

  “Who the hell could that be?” Sapphire asked.

  “I don’t know,” Tank grumbled, slipping into his jeans. “But whoever it is, they’re about to get a foot in the ass.”

  Opening the door, Tank was greeted by several police officers. Panic replaced anger.

  How? Nobody saw them.

  “Stephanie Kimber,” the officer said. It was a statement, not a question.

  “I’m Stephanie,” Sapphire said walking up behind him.

  “Ma’am,” the officer replied. “We need you to get dressed and come with us.”

  “Why?” she asked. “What’s going on?”

  “Just get dressed.”

  Sapphire quickly dressed. The entire time Tank’s mind was racing.

  They thought it was her.

  What had he done?

  As soon as the officers escorted Sapphire down the hall and into the elevator, Tank rushed from the room. Taking the stairs, he made it back to Sledge’s room in record time. Pounding on the door, he waited for his friend to answer.

  “Cops took Sapphire,” Tank blurted as soon as the door opened.

  “What?” Sledge asked.

  “They just left,” Tank said. “They came to the room and made her leave with them.”

  “Why her?” Sledge questioned.

  “I don’t know,” Tank was in full panic mode. “I don’t fucking know. Maybe they think...”

  Tank immediately closed his mouth when someone else knocked on the door. On full alert, Tank stood ready for battle as Sledge answered the door.

  “The cops took Sapphire,” Raven said, pushing her way past Sledge with Piper and Scarlet following closely behind.

  “I heard.” Sledge closed the door. “But why?”

  “Chaz was found dead a few hours ago,” Raven answered.

  “But that doesn’t explain why the cops took Sapphire,” Sledge repeated.

  “Someone witnessed the altercation between them yesterday,” Raven finally answered. “Fuck!”

  Tank could agree with that! Fuck, was exactly what he was saying in his head.

  “Sledge, make a call and get her out of there,” Tank spoke.

  “I don’t know if I can,” Sledge sighed.

  “What?” Tank demanded. “Call Banjo. Have him do something!”

  “Tank!” Sledge shouted. “He can’t.”

  “Then I will,” Tank said heading for the door.

  “What are you doing?” Sledge asked, stepping in from of him.

  “I’m going to tell the police that I killed Chaz,” Tank answered. “I have to get her out of there.”

  “You aren’t going anywhere,” Sledge replied. “Calm the fuck down. There is nothing they can pin on her. They literally have nothing.”

  “What’s going on?” Piper asked, eyeing the two men.

  Tank knew the cop in her was picking up on the tension vibe in the room. Could he trust her and tell her the truth?

  “Nothing,” Sledge answered.

  “Bullshit,” Piper’s eyes narrowed. “Spill.”

  “We...” Sledge began.

  “We need to focus on getting Sapphire out,” Tank interrupted.

  “Agreed,” Raven said. “So how?”

  “Piper, you’re a cop. Go to the police station. Get whatever information you can,” Sledge ordered. “The rest of us will be waiting outside.”

  “Okay,” she said. “I’ll try my best, but being that she’s my sister, I don’t know how much, if anything, they will tell me.”

  “Just try,” Tank said.

  “Will do.” Piper headed out the door.

  It wasn’t long until the Henchmen and Angels were lined up across the street from APD — waiting. Tank wanted to storm the place. He wanted Sapphire out. No time during their planning did they ever think the police would look at Sapphire. Tank had wanted to remove the threat, not create another one.

  Way to go, Asshole!

  This is a great way to get your girl!

  For the next two hours, Tank paced the sidewalk. With each click of seconds, his patience grew less and less.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Stunned. That was really the only word she could use to describe what she was feeling. Chaz Montgomery was found dead. And she was the suspect.

  What the everloving fuck?

  “For the hundredth time, I had nothing to do with Chaz’s murder!” Sapphire growled.

  “But you admit, you had an altercation with the deceased in the hotel restaurant earlier that afternoon?” Officer Dumb nut asked.

  “Yes,” Sapphire answered. “He threatened me and I kindly asked him to remember his place.”

  “Was his place dead?”

  “Are you kidding me?”

  “Ms. Kimber, I am not laughing. A man is dead. A man you assaulted.”

  “A man who threatened me.”

  They were getting nowhere. Sapphire was beyond frustrated. Standing, she tried stretching her back.

  “Please sit down, Ms. Kimber,” the officer said.

  “Not a chance,” Sapphire replied. “I have been here for three hours. My back hurts from sitting in that awful damn chair. I am done sitting.”

  “Ma’am, it really was not a request,” the officer snarled.

  That was it. Sapphire had enough.

  “Either charge me with a fucking crime,” Sapphire ordered, slamming her hands on the table. Leaning forward, she spoke calmly, “Or open the damn door so I can leave. Either way, I am not saying another fucking word.”

  “That only makes this harder on you,” the officer responded.

  Sapphire crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow in the fucktard’s direction. She was at her limit. She knew she could have the man gurgling his last breath before anyone ever made it into the room. But, that probably wouldn’t help her case any.

  Suddenly, the door opened and another officer walked in followed closely by Piper. Sapphire had never been so happy to see her sister’s face.

  “Ms. Kimber, I apologize for keeping you here so long,” the new officer said. “You are free to go.”

  “But boss,” Office dumbass protested. “I was not finished with the interrogation.”

  “Yes you are, Detective Ferguson,” the boss replied.

  “Have a good evening, Ms. Kimber. And again, I am very sorry.”

  “Thank you,” Sapphire smiled.

  Leaving the interrogation room felt great, but stepping outside into the humid Texas air felt amazing. Sapphire stopped before taking the steps to the street and drew in a deep breath.

  “You act like you were locked up or something,” Piper chuckled.

  “That place smells horrible,” Sapphire grinned.

  “I can agree there,” Piper replied. “Come on, everyone is waiting down the block.”

  “Everyone?” Sapphire asked.

  “Everyone,” Piper repeated. “Henchmen and Angels.”

  “Damn. The welcoming committee.”

  “Something like that.”

bsp; “What the fuck happened, Piper?”

  “From the information I gathered, Chaz was found dead last night in his hotel room. They are doing an autopsy to see what killed him since no injuries were noticeable to the eye.”

  “And they think I killed him because of the skirmish we got into yesterday morning?”

  “They did,” Piper answered. “But during his time of death, we were all having drinks in the hotel bar.”

  “So I was saved by cocktails,” Sapphire retorted. “Go figure.”

  Rounding the corner, Sapphire saw the group and their bikes lining the side of the street. But what drew her eyes was the man pacing. Tank look worried, scared even; and like he wanted to break something.

  Piper let out a loud whistle that caught everyone’s attention. The moment Tank’s eyes met hers, he pushed past Reaper and jogged straight towards her. Not even slowing down, Tank pulled Sapphire into his arms and swung her around.

  “Miss me?” she laughed.

  “Not even funny, woman.” Tank buried his face in the crook of her neck. “I was so worried about you.”

  “I’m alright,” Sapphire said, running her fingers through his hair.

  “I love you,” Tank mumbled.

  Sapphire froze. There was no way she heard him correctly. Not wanting to sound like an idiot if she had heard him wrong, she decided not to say anything at all.

  “Are you ready to get out of here?” Tank asked, pulling away from her, but not completely.

  “Definitely,” Sapphire answered. “I think I need some body bleach after being in that place.”

  “Come on,” Tank said leading her towards his bike. “I’ll get you back to the hotel and run you a hot shower.”

  “Sounds perfect,” Sapphire sighed. And really, it did.

  All she wanted to do was shower and then crawl back into bed. This had been the longest morning of her life.

  * * *

  Getting back to the hotel, everyone went their own ways. Tank and Sapphire headed straight to her room. The moment they walked in, Tank kept his word. Sapphire undressed as he turned on the water for her shower. Steam filled the bathroom.

  “Let me help you with that,” Tank said. Stepping behind her, he unhooked the clasp of her bra and let it fall off her shoulders. Placing a small kiss on each blade, he placed his hands on her hips and guided her towards the water.

  Sapphire stepped into the shower and was immediately met by the spray. It felt good against her skin and started to relax her. The tension faded from her muscles. Tilting her head back, she let the water flow down her face and hair.

  She never heard him enter, but when his hands began to massage her shoulders, Sapphire thought she would turn into a puddle and wash right down the drain.

  “Mmm,” she moaned.

  “Feels good?” Tank whispered.


  Tank continued to massage her. First her shoulders and neck, then moved down her arms. Grabbing her hand, he turned her so that her back was to his front. Working the muscles of her back, slowly his hands moved south. The moment they reached her ass, Sapphire knew what would come next.

  “You have such an amazing ass,” Tank said quietly.

  Sapphire just smiled, even though he couldn’t see it.

  But the smile quickly vanished when she felt the sharp bite of Tank’s teeth against her left cheek.

  “Ow,” Sapphire said, turning.

  But she wasn’t able to. Tank placed a firm hand against her shoulder and had her back facing the shower wall.

  His hot breath against her flesh made heat rush to her core. Using his tongue, Tank licked his way across to the other and gave it the same treatment. This time, Sapphire was prepared.

  Tank slowly worked his hands down the outside of her legs, massaging and caressing her.

  Sapphire moaned at the pleasure.

  Once he reached her ankles, he started moving up the inside. Anxiety filled her. The kind where butterflies filled her stomach. The closer he got to her center, the more her need for him increased.

  Spreading her legs, she granted him the access she knew he would want.

  The moment his fingertips touch her pussy, Sapphire nearly came standing in the shower. Using one hand, Tank applied pressure to her clit, then just as quickly he released it.

  Sapphire groaned in frustration.

  “Patience, baby,” he chuckled.

  Taking a deep breath, Sapphire tried. She wanted him. She had a need for him that should have scared her, but it didn’t.

  “Please,” Sapphire begged.

  The sting of Tank’s hand against her ass caused Sapphire to release another moan.

  “I said,” Tank answered. “Patience.”

  Using his other hand, Tank ran it along the crease of her ass, finding her tight hole. Sapphire stiffened.

  “Is this a virgin ass, my love?” Tank whispered.

  “Yes,” Sapphire admitted. Anal sex had never really been her thing. Before now, she was never interested in it.

  “One day,” Tank said, adding pressure with the tip of his finger. “One day, this beautiful ass will be mine.”

  Sapphire groaned.

  “You like the sound of that, baby?”

  “Yes,” Sapphire confessed.

  Sapphire felt his breath against her skin seconds before his tongue replaced his finger. But he didn’t linger. One quick swipe and he was turning her, pushing her back against the wall, he latched his lips around her clit. Sapphire fought for air. The feel of his mouth against her caused a chain reaction. Her knees went weak, but Tank didn’t allow her to fall. Throwing her head back, the orgasm rushed through her. Just as the feeling started to leave, Tank would start all over again. Sapphire couldn’t draw in enough air to fill her lungs.

  “Michael, please,” Sapphire begged.

  With a final slow, lingering kiss against her clit, Tank stood and turned off the water. Sapphire watched as he stepped from the tub and wrapped a towel around his waist and grabbed another for her.

  Still panting, Tank engulfed her in the towel and lifted her. Carrying her to the bed, he gently laid them both down and pulled the covers over them.

  Snuggling close against his chest, Sapphire had never felt more protected, more cared for in her life.

  “Go to sleep, baby,” Tank whispered.

  Closing her eyes, she did just what he had suggested. It had been a long morning. Just as she started to drift off, she heard him whisper those three words again and with a smile, she let the darkness pull her under.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  He laid there watching her sleep. His woman. His world. He had no idea what he would do tomorrow morning when it would be time to head home.

  How could he leave her again?

  The thought nearly choked him. Not having her by his side nearly brought tears to his eyes. Waiting until she was in a deep sleep, Tank slipped from the bed and quickly pulled on his boxers.

  He needed help.

  He needed to talk.

  Grabbing his phone, he sat in the chair next to the window and sent a text to the one person he knew that could give him direction.

  Tank: I need help.

  Diesel: That much is obvious. You just now figuring that out, brother?

  Tank: I’m being serious.

  Diesel: So was I.

  Tank: D! I can’t lose her.

  Diesel: Oh fuck! You are being serious. Talk to me, dude.

  Tank: I’m in love with her. I don’t know when it happened or even how, but I am. I can’t lose her. What the hell do I do?

  Diesel: Sometimes love is that way. It hits us like a bullet to the chest from a sniper we didn’t ever know was out there. If you don’t want to lose her, then don’t.

  Tank: What do you mean? Explain.

  Diesel: Sapphire has a club to run. The only way you can keep her is to go with her. Is she worth that? Sometimes we have to make sacrifices for the people we love.

Fuck yeah, she’s worth it.

  Diesel: Then why do you need help from me?

  Tank: What if this doesn’t work? What if I lose her like I did Trisha?

  Diesel: Okay. Stop right there. She is not Trisha. You can’t keep being afraid to move forward. You have to live, dude. If Sapphire is the woman you want, then go after her. Make a life with her and leave the past in the past. Learn to have faith. To trust in yourself again and to trust in her.

  Tank sat there in the silence of the room. Could he move beyond his past? Could he have faith and trust again? Could he go forward just trusting that everything would work out, that everything would be okay, that she wouldn’t get ripped from him — completely destroying him?

  If he were honest with himself, there was only one way to find out. Taking a deep breath, Tank decided it was time. He wouldn’t allow fear to keep him from the woman he loved and the life he wanted. He would rather live life with her than without her. To him, Sapphire was worth risking it all. To him, she was his life.

  Tank: Thanks, man.

  Diesel: What are you going to do?

  Tank: Fight for the life I want.

  Diesel: Every day. Every day will be a battle until it finally clicks for you that you have nothing to fear. But if a life with Sapphire is what you want, then it will be worth the fight.

  Tank: She is. Thanks, brother.

  Diesel: Any time. Now, get your girl, man!

  Tank looked over to where she was sleeping. Get your girl. He would. He made a silent vow to himself that he would never stop. Every day, if Sapphire would have him, he would make sure she knew just how much he loved her. How much he needed her. She would never again have to ever wonder how he felt about her.

  Sitting there, looking out the window and the midday Texas sky another thought hit him. Pulling up a contact on his phone, he dialed the number and spoke quietly.

  “Hey, it’s Michael. Listen, remember that thing I talked to you about a while back? It’s time. Get it ready for me. I’ll need it by the end of the coming week.”

  After he was reassured that everything would be set, Tank hung up the phone with a new sense of purpose. Heart lifted, he slipped out of his boxers and climbed back into bed. If all went as he hoped, this time next week, he and Sapphire would be sleeping in another bed — together.


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