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Chronicles From The Future: The amazing story of Paul Amadeus Dienach

Page 27

by Unknown

  In the arts, primitivism and abstraction were fashionable and things that used to be considered inconsistent and incoherent, were now considered a new kind of style. In architecture, the era of cubic shapes had replaced the masterpieces of earlier eras. “The unmistakable sign of decline,” said Lain, “was not so much the fact that such ‘works of art’ were produced, but the fact that the second they came out they were immediately welcomed by the public without any questioning or complaints. Mainly this was the great debasement.

  During the 20th century, the moral values of the 19th century gradually gave place to the materialistic attitude towards life, its physical “upgrading” through the popularisation of amenities and the “practical” pursuits. The standards of living went up and the consumption of food and industrial products rose to an extent inconceivable for previous times. The “pursuit of the dollar” thereafter became one of the primary motivations of creative action and everyday life. Sensitivity had become old and obsolete. Man’s consciousness didn’t challenge the circumstances anymore and his capabilities for rebellion—very common in the past—had decreased significantly.

  The “Western spirit” expanded in terms of territory, but also lost a large part of its spirituality. It diffused everywhere, throughout the world, gradually overpowering the unique attributes of each nation, like race or language, even in the countries of the Far East. The Anglo-Saxons in general managed to impose themselves on an international level with their currencies and their language, and the North American confederation in particular took on responsibilities of political influence around the world, to such an extent that no one could have imagined at the beginning of the century. But they weren’t prepared for it; they lacked tradition and experience.

  Along with the economic, political and technological culture that came from across the ocean, Europe was also flooded by the immature American culture, which managed to prevail in almost all areas of intellectual life without the slightest resistance: in aesthetics, dance, music, visual arts, architecture, principles of the youth, attitude towards life. Everywhere! In education, the teaching of the “classics” was significantly reduced everywhere in order to save time for technical training and “more practical” education.

  Acts of violence, terrorism and subversion and manifestations of nihilistic attitudes and mentalities occurred every so often everywhere. Long established principles such as solidarity, aid and compassion for the weak and poor and the respect for human dignity started collapsing one after the other, even within families, in front of the new powerful, selfish sermon: “Every man for himself.”

  If to all that you add the “automation of work” in the new, large industries, which deprived people of time for reflection and moral self-control in the course of their life—something vital for the people of this era—one can understand the poverty of inner life and self, which was one of the main features of the 20thcentury, along with the stressful pace of life and the many manifestations of the "aggressive struggle for survival,” as they call it today.

  The prevalence of a type of realism, according to which technical progress is not the means to an end but the end itself, was the main culprit for the crisis of intellect and spirit. That’s why a new Middle Ages made its appearance in Europe and everywhere else in the world, without anyone realising how or why this happened. They said it was as if it came out the light of the “televisions”, out of this blizzard of white light and images…

  The democratic ideals were replaced by the “competition of autocracies”. The main concern of the entire 20th century was whether the totalitarian institutions should be of right or left-wing ideology. And many conflicts were generated for this reason.

  There also occurred several clashes, decades later, when the uncontrollable overpopulation led both the peoples and their unworthy ruling classes to complete deadlock. And when it finally became clear that the necessary preventive measures for monitoring the demographic indicator had been delayed too much, the good old ethical and political demands for “individual freedoms” and for “civil and human rights” collapsed even more to the point where nobody even thought of them anymore.

  The Middle Ages had come creeping on the sly. In disguise, they made their way into society through blithe and cheery dances, illuminated boulevards… It was the materialistic century, an era of zero sensitivity, zero concern for human values and zero noble feelings. It was an era of unilateral technological progress without the necessary moral maturity of man.

  Everybody was only interested in themselves. Love, straightforwardness, mercy and forgiveness were all swept aside. Within a hard and wildly competitive environment, the value or indifference to the means used by someone for the purpose of attaining wealth was judged based solely on results and effectiveness! The hesitations of conscience were considered as “lack of common sense”! What prevailed was the thirst for power and domination and the smothering of every reaction or emotion that arose by any means possible.

  Young people, who were then lacking even the basic moral values, said that “they didn’t believe in anything” and, of course, the ones who were to blame were the adults, who had left them alone, without a guide, to “find their own way.”

  At the same time came what was later to be called “the worthlessness of idols”, meaning the observation that, in all parts of the world, young people had started admiring “idols”—actors and mimes, boxers, footballers, scruffy, longhaired musicians, courtesans and heartless tycoons—instead of true heroes!

  As a result of the lack of faith in at least some ideals, people lost their inner balance. The fall of ideals left a terrible void. People suddenly became incapable of approaching a superior view of life and the world, a deeper interpretation. The world of religion collapsed. A number of physicists argued that the scientific knowledge had come to replace the “naïve faith” in good!

  But too much faith in the omnipotence of science did not solve any of the problems humanity was facing, or at least those members of humanity that deserved to be called humans, said Lain. In short, they said that problems didn’t actually exist and that questions were posed in vain since there were no answers. “Things are what they are” was their motto. In their view, life was an irrational flow of sequential events, a completely random biological evolutionary process without purpose, direction or reason.

  And there came times when this disappearance of all faith and metaphysical havens, combined with the exhausting rhythm of life of the human-robot, resulted in the appearance of distressing mental side effects on a grand scale: severe neuropsychiatric disorders and extensive suicides and then a stage of nihilistic self-abandonment prevailed for many years.


  “Nowadays we teach the incidents of prehistory not only for informational purposes but also as a means of exemplification and kind of intimidation,” Lain said. So in teaching and on the Reigen-Swage, the unwinding of historical facts and events also has an educational mission. Everything is exposed objectively, as it really happened, and students are called to draw their own conclusions.

  But someone who has lived in the 20thcentury, like me, would find remarkable exaggerations in the historical overview of the problematic areas of our times. In any case, what I saw prevailing today is a “sense of liberation” due to the reassurance that “the worst has finally passed” and that those dark times will never come back. This era is characterised by an “exalted soul”, a high morale, a deep faith that keeps them morally armed and prepared to fight and sacrifice to defend their current institution if ever such a risk were presented again.



  Tremendous clashes have taken place, especially after the 21stcentury of the Christian chronology, no longer regarding the world trade and the global industrial supply, the ports and the domination of the seas and the “areas of consumption” or the once sought after “energy sources”- which, up until the 20thcentury, were the main
objective of the foreign and economic policy of the great powers at the time, but for whole different reasons. The cause of those clashes was the criteria that would be established and applied among the various tribes and nations, relating to birth and population control and the “replacement rates” that should be allocated to each race and also the wording of the corresponding legislative texts that were to be voted by international parliamentary assemblies and implemented later by the global institutions of power.

  Racial discrimination was, of course, not tolerated by people, at least on these issues, and so they didn’t have to keep highlighting the principles of humanity and the value of “equality” in the spiritual entity of man. However, what once existed and was applicable in the years of “comfort of space and number”, now had to be desperately fought for since they were well aware of the fact that times had changed and that it was now a matter of survival or extinction. A terribly hazardous situation had now arisen: extensive famines had occurred, mainly in the poorest nations in Asia and Africa, and millions of children were starving and dying, tormented by poverty. But even the industrialised countries of Europe had seen the shadow of malnutrition spreading over them. And because of that, social and political upheavals occurred frequently throughout the world.

  The Baltic peoples together with the Slavs, Scandinavians, Germans, Latinos, Greeks, Walloons, Flemish, the Anglo-Saxon and a part of Indians and Israelis had a common front contrasting the above arguments for “humanism” to the “unpostponable need for action” for humanity and therefore shaking the edifice of civilisation their ancestors had carefully built.

  This need had become extremely pressing and tight like a noose, a noose more and more ruthless and suffocating and this created a terrible contradiction between theory and practice. As the decades went by, one could clearly see that it was no longer only a matter of food sufficiency but also adequacy of space and that the “phantom of the number”, this once unprecedented and unknown terror, this new nightmare that soon came to completely cheapen and demean the value of the human being and to eliminate in its own way–its way being the decline in quality that follows any “inflation”—all hitherto achievements of humanity.

  There came times when the ancient law of the jungle defeated the principles of early civilisation. The unfortunate coloured races were finding themselves in a disadvantaged position in all the confrontations, despite their unparalleled numerical superiority, because they once had faith in international laws and had left their strongest weapons in the warehouse of a central federal authority, that is, essentially in the hands of the whites, who always got the majority of votes in global institutions. Another cause of their disadvantage was their inability to effectively cope with new discoveries in the field of mass destruction weapons and the “scientific” conduct of war. Thus, one could see very old, primitive impulses and instincts reviving, even temporarily.

  We, the people of the 19thand 20thcenturiescannot conceive how huge and intractable a problem it will be for us in the future to find, an empty and permanent place in that colossal “human organism” called earth and to integrate ourselves into it and manage to live our lives.

  The great evil had come as suddenly as a flood and to such an extent that no one had predicted it. Any measure adopted each time gave the impression that it had come too late. And then many scientists who worked on the issue of demographic perspective were accused of incompetence and poor forecasting. Then the public outcry was directed at the Roman Catholic and Protestant Churches, because by “living in the clouds” and by insisting on the old perceptions and the negative attitude, they had contributed to the failure to timely legislate institutions for effective birth control and the monitoring of demographics.

  And the days when the whites saw only the person behind the black and yellow skin and preached that “all men were created equal”, the days when white people had even gone into civil wars in order to enforce the principles of humanity and respect for life and freedom of every human being, regardless of their colour, now seemed like a dream…



  As I have already mentioned, they divide history into two major periods: the “most ancient” (Eldere) and the “new” (Nojere). What is considered as the “New Era” is the last five hundred and twenty-four years, the era of the “enlightened person”, the era when the Homo Occidentalis Novus appeared. Its starting point was the first Nibelvirch and the survival of Alexis Volky. Sometimes they use the Greek words for it: “Nea Epoche”.

  Before that was the Eldere, the “most ancient age” that had lasted nine hundred and eighty six years, starting from year 1, namely the time of the establishment of the Retsstat (the “Global State of Law and Order”), which coincides with the launch of their own, new chronology. Further back was “the dark ages of prehistory” according to their own strange perception. They say that for thousands of years “people had been struggling to survive under the triple scourge of anarchy: economic, political and demographic.”

  In schools today they paint a rather exaggerated and grim picture of our times, which they call “prehistoric: an image of chaos, brutality, mutual extermination, a “dark world” with criminal instincts and perversions, with “thirst for pleasures in life and indifference to moral acts”, with materialistic motives everywhere and disregard for decency.

  In fact, their idea of love-making was that of a superficial and heartless act, a mere biological pleasure without spiritual contact, emotion or inner qualities. The influence of “family and school” had been reduced to the minimum. The young people were after “life”, “intense activity”; any kind of “dynamic action” rather than thought. The hours of meditation seemed long lost and gone.

  The least one of us could say to object to this is that they always “overstated the exceptions”, something that I noticed myself and told Stefan as soon as I got home that night from Lain’s.

  He smiled and told me that the production process of the “economic commodities” was arbitrary and completely lacking in coordination. There were also too many rival, dominant political powers and patterns in international relations, something like states within a state, and last but not least, a lack of any monitoring of demographics. He smiled again…

  They too have their own historians and their own methodologies in historical research and historiography. Their own distinction, the border between history and prehistory is not the beginning of writing, as it was to us. Their starting point was the prevalence of law and order. This last one—law and order and its final establishment—they consider a prerequisite for real, spiritual civilisation.

  I’ve been told that attempts to impose control on births had also been made during “prehistoric times” and on a grand scale indeed, but without “united institutions throughout the world.” And this lack of appropriate institutions had led to extremely grave historical injustices. And it goes without saying that all the efforts for the establishment of political federations and especially economic unions and all sorts of economic consortiums before the Retsstat—the establishment of the Universal Commonwealth with law and order—had the exact same impact on society.

  They say that over 450 years of “prehistory” were full of such “experimental institutions” and various “separatist coups”, leading each and every time to global crises and collapses before the final proclamation of the Universal Unifying Assembly on March 5th, 2396 AD, which later in the future came to be triumphantly justified.

  Most of these experimental institutions were regional, taking the form of nationally or ideologically neighbouring racial groups, which were aiming for a simple “balance of power.” And although the substantial value of those institutions was essentially negligible—due to the form in which they appeared— it constituted the foundations on which the Universal Commonwealth, in its present form, was ultimately built. That happened more or less around 2390 AD, that is, 477 years after our League of Nations. The dominant figu
re, as I was told, was an Englishman named John Terring, the first leader of the Universal Commonwealth.


  The first fighters of the new world and global food issues


  As I mentioned above, “exemplification” and “bullying”, along with the transmission of information and knowledge, were nowadays used as educational tools for teaching prehistory in schools, lectures and the Reigen-Swage. Something like showing our children the way and conditions of the life of a Roman slave in a galleon, the morals and traditions of the time of feudalism and the extent of the sexual rights of the master over the newlyweds in the villages of the serfs or the pyres of the Inquisition in Spain...

  And yet today they honour the people of the 24th and earlier centuries in many respects, regardless of how appalling the incidents of those times are. In their eyes, those people of our times are the “first fighters”, who struggled and fought and suffered in order to enable future generations to live a normal, human life. They are the “honoured ancestors”, the “pioneers who paved the way.” They look back to our era with gratitude! They characterise it as “epic” and “heroic” and strongly believe that it was necessary for the course of history; without it the law and order and the rationalisation of life would never become possible.


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