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My Alien's Obsession

Page 11

by Stasia Black

  “Father wants to see you.” There’s a pause as if First is perusing the scene he’s found before him. “Both of you.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  I hold Juliet’s hand as we are taken to the Great Hall. The throne room. I’ve only been there once before, when the ship was being built. I’ve never been called before Father. In truth, I’ve only met the man a handful of times.

  I am not sure why I am surprised. It was not as if Juliet and I could hide away in my barracks forever. I suppose I was hoping for just a little bit longer with my mate before having to expose her to the court. Because where the King is, there also is the Queen.

  I have never met her, but I know enough to know she is a snake. Conniving and backhanded. She wanted my father and the power of the Thraxian throne even though he was betrothed to another—my mother.

  So she seduced him away. To this day I do not know how she did it. But my mother was made to flee or else the new Queen would have killed her and the babe inside her. Me.

  I must outwit the Queen at her own games by appealing to the only one who has more power than her—my father. Who has shunned and ignored me my entire life.

  Juliet clings to my hand and even though we are not connected at the moment, we were so recently that I can still feel her. She is afraid but she stands tall beside me. She has greater strength than she knows.

  I only pray to the ancients that I do not betray her trust by failing her now.

  First waves his wrist in front of a sensor and the double doors to the Great Hall slide open. The chamber beyond seems much larger than in my memory. The oval-shaped room at the center of the ship was built as the one place in the ship for all of those among the royal caste and their court to come together at once.

  But since it is empty now, our footsteps echo as we follow First down the tiled path to the ancient thrones that were saved from Draci. The entire chamber is decorated with mementos of our past. This room was also built to be a place of connection to the ancients. Draci-fired glass sculptures line the walls, from the most primitive to the intricate as our race grew in power and cultural refinement.

  But my eyes are drawn only to those who sit on the thrones. A host of royal guards stand at attention behind them and servants hover around Father with trays of meats and pastries. He lounges on his throne, cup of rousi wine in one hand while he plucks from the delicacies on a tray with his other.

  Beside him, however, the Queen sits as straight as if her spine were an arrow. Her eyes are cold and assessing as she evaluates Juliet and me.

  It is as if I can feel her plotting from across the room. But I do not flinch nor look away. I meet her gaze and hold it the entire time we walk across the huge hall to stand in front of the intimidating thrones.

  They are fashioned of molten gold but because they are ancient, they are also crude. Hoarding Draci always loved the shiniest minerals and thirty-two millennia ago, Draci began to form loose societies, which was when the thrones were first fashioned. Rumor is, they are dreadfully uncomfortable, but they are such a symbol of power and continuity with our past, rulers have continued to sit on them all this time.

  Neither the King nor Queen says a word. Father continues to eat noisily and the Queen looks down her nose at us, obviously enjoying her superior power.

  It is not permitted to speak before the King or Queen does.

  But I realize too late that Juliet does not know this.

  “Hi,” she says, giving a little wave, then biting her lip and dropping into an awkward curtsy. “I’m not sure how all this King and Queen stuff is supposed to go. But I’m Juliet and obviously this is Shak, but of course you know that already, seeing as he’s your son.”

  By the ancients, every word that comes out of her mouth is worse than the one before. I squeeze her hand to try to signal her to stop talking but she must take it for encouragement because she only continues on.

  “And yeah, so you guys’ whole knock-up-the-earth-chick thing, that worked out.” She laughs awkwardly and points at her belly. “I’ve got your grandbaby in here. Thrax the 10th or whatever number you guys are on now.”

  The Queen’s eyes flare with fury and I must intervene before she lets loose her fire and kills Juliet on the spot.

  I step in front of my mate. “What I believe my mate intends to say is that our greatest hopes have been achieved.”

  I look to my father. “King Thraxcruhxas, might we beg your eternal mercy to look favorably upon the successful mission that you yourself initiated.”

  He finally waves the food platters away and looks at me.

  He is older than when I last saw him, much older. And he is not the fit, strong Draci King I remember. He is soft around the middle and the skin around his eyes and mouth now sags with age. He looks to be a century older than I know him to actually be.

  Even his eyes are dull and slightly filmed over as if with cataracts. But when he looks at me, my own eyes burn, because how many times did I wish for this, only this? For my father to look upon me and say, “Thou hast done well, son.”

  Even after all this time, I am anxious to hear his judgment upon me. It is foolish. He is but an old man and Juliet is my life now.

  But I still strain, my heart racing as I wait upon his words.

  “She is with child?” he asks.

  “Yes,” I say emphatically.

  I move to the side so Juliet may come forward. “And see,” I urge her to lift her forearm. “The babe works a transformation in its mother. I think perhaps to make itself a suitable environment for gestation or to protect her from harm.”

  Lastly I clasp Juliet’s hand and stand proudly by her side. “Truly it is a miracle. Our race has a future. Just as you envisioned, Father.”

  Father nods, looking Juliet up and down curiously. He opens his mouth to say something, but the Queen cuts him off.

  “Yes,” she says imperiously. “The human specimen is entirely too precious. We must protect and monitor the First Mother at all times. For her safety and that of the babe she carries within.”

  I frown. What does she mean by that?

  I look back to my father. “I request that we be returned to the surface. I do not believe that an artificial gravity environment is the best place for gestation—”

  The Queen looks to the King. “What did I tell you?” she hisses. “Your bastard son seeks to usurp you. He would run away with the First Mother and start a rebellion against you.”

  “What? No. Father, I would never—”

  “Look, lady, you’ve got a lot of nerve.” Juliet strains to move forward and I barely manage to hold her back by my grip on her hand. “First to kidnap me and drag me here, and now you think you’re going to keep me from going home? The only place me and this kid will be safe is away from you!”

  “See?” the Queen asks my father. “These primitives are vile and prone to violent outbursts. If we must continue this experiment, at least we can keep her sedated and under control.”

  Then, before my father can respond, the Queen snaps, “Guards!”

  I put my arm around Juliet and hold the other hand out. “Wait. Father, listen to me. Is it wrong that my mate wants to defend our child at all costs? She does not know this place. Consider her treatment so far. Kidnapped and thrown in a cage. Like any mother, she worries for her child. If we slow down, we can come to an accord, I know it—”

  But the guards are already upon us.

  I growl and push Juliet behind me. I will fight any who dare lay a finger upon her. Rage and flame heat in my chest. I will spew fire upon any that touch her.

  …Except that they might respond fire for fire. While I am unsure if my new partially human body can withstand the fire, I am positive that Juliet’s cannot.

  So I swallow back my flames, left with only my fists. Royal guards come towards us from all directions.

  I rage and shove the first guard that approaches. Juliet screams as three more bear down on me.

spin away from their grasp and reach for Juliet, but more guards are dragging her backwards away from me. I roar and charge them, but a blow to the head knocks me to the side.

  I kick out and knock one of the guards backwards but there are simply too many. Within moments, they have dragged me to my feet, arms pinned behind my back.

  “Juliet!” I shout but I can do nothing but watch as my mate is dragged away, kicking and screaming.

  When the doors close behind her, I finally sag in defeat. But only because pretending obedience and subservience is Juliet’s only chance. Now I must beg for what I could not fight to win.

  I glare up at the thrones and see the Queen smiling down at me. I barely contain my battle cry, wanting to throttle her.

  Father at least looks somewhat dismayed so I breathe out, trying to call myself, and then I make my petition to him. “At least tell me she will be safe,” I beseech.

  My father’s eyes come to me and with a gesture of his hand, all of the guards restraining me suddenly let me go.

  I want to immediately run after Juliet but no. I will only fail again and her safety is more important than my rage. I look back to my father. “Will my mate be returned to the cage in med bay?”

  “I imagine so.”

  “May I at least go see her there and offer what comfort I can?”

  My father pauses, tilting his head, and if I am not mistaken, his features soften slightly.

  “Your loyalty is admirable.”

  “It is not only loyalty, Father.” I stand taller. “It is love.”

  My father sits back on his throne and his eyes go distant as if he is lingering in a memory. Then his eyes snap back to me and he gives a short nod. “No harm will come to your mate. You may go to her.”

  I breathe out in relief. Perhaps all is not yet lost.

  It is only as I turn to leave that I notice the Queen’s eyes are bright purple with rage. But there is nothing she can do. The King has spoken.

  For once in my life, my father has taken my side.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  I’m back in a cage again. I yank furiously against the bars but it’s no use.

  That Queen is one piece of work. She was never going to listen to a thing we had to say. She wanted me back in this damn cage and she got it.

  The cold way she looked at me… She doesn’t just want me caged. She wants me dead, along with the... Along with the…baby.

  I drag my hands through my hair and shake my head. No. No no no. This was never supposed to happen. I was never supposed to be a mother.

  For exactly this reason.

  I can barely take care of myself, much less protect some innocent baby from all the bad shit in the world. I’ll fail them. Just like I did Mariah.

  Jesus, why did I have to go in there and open my big fat mouth? But no one was talking and I thought maybe I could break the ice. Obviously I only made things worse. As per usual.

  My hand drops to my stomach. “I’m sorry,” I whisper.

  Then the door opens and…Shak walks through again. My mouth drops open.

  How—? Last I saw him, guards were swarming him. How did he get away?

  I barely stop myself from shouting out his name but it’s not like he’s trying to be stealthy. There are three technicians in the lab now but again, they only stare but do not get in his way as he strides over towards my cage.

  “Juliet, I am so sorry.” He doesn’t rip the cage open this time, he just drops down beside me and sticks his hands as far through the bars of the cage as he can. His hand reaches for mine but I don’t take it.

  “Why did you do it?” I ask.

  Shak looks confused. “Do what?”

  I slam my back hard against the wall of the cage. It doesn’t move. I’m suddenly furious at him. “Why did you choose me of all people to be the mother of some new race? What the hell were you thinking?”

  “Juliet, I—”

  “No!” I shake my head. “You had no right. No right!”

  And then come the tears. I haven’t cried in eight fucking years, but now tears are flowing down my cheeks.

  “I won’t survive it, don’t you understand? I won’t survive losing another one.”

  Shak’s face moves from bewildered to shocked. “A baby?”

  I shake my head. “An innocent.” I wipe my dripping nose and my head falls to my knees that I have pulled up to my chest.

  “Mariah was my kid sister,” I whisper. “She worshiped me. She followed me everywhere. When things would get bad at home, and they got bad a lot, we’d sneak out the back door and go to a nearby 7-11. Usually I could scrape up enough quarters to buy a candy bar or get a soda or something.”

  My eyes go distant, remembering. “One night Mom and Dad were screaming. I could tell it was gonna be a bad one. Mariah wanted to stay at home and just hide out under the bed.”

  A new rush of tears chokes me. “But I convinced her it would be better to get out of the house. I’d been saving up. I told her she could get a candy bar and a Coke.”

  I swipe angrily at my tears. “She was happy the whole way there. I thought I was doing the right thing, getting her out of there. I didn’t want her to grow up thinking violence was normal or okay. But I’d forgotten that the whole fucking world is violent.”

  I take in a gulp of air. “We weren’t in the convenience store for five minutes before men came in and started shooting up the place. Mariah was at the end of the aisle and I couldn’t get to her in time. I couldn’t get to her—” I break off into sobs and that moment, that terrible moment I will never forget replays on a loop in my mind.

  Mariah looks my way, terror in her wide, innocent eyes. And then she’s knocked backward off her feet when the gunshots hit her, two rounds right in the chest.

  I race down the aisle, sliding on my knees the last few feet. The staccato pop pop pop of semiautomatic gunfire is all around as I pull Mariah into the relative safety of the aisle.

  But it’s too late. I’m only there in time to see her mouth gaping but unable to speak any words and her panicked eyes beseeching mine to help her.

  And then…then she was just…gone.

  Shak has moved around the cage and is squeezing my arm in what I know is meant to be a comforting gesture. But I pull away from him and look at him, one hand on my stomach.

  “I swore I’d never put myself in that position again. I’d never be a mother or babysitter or have anything to do with kids. Because losing another innocent life on my watch—”

  I break off but then swallow and finish. “I won’t be able to survive it a second time.” Then I laugh humorlessly. “Though I guess it won’t really matter. Because they’ll probably just kill us both at the same time. But knowing it’s coming and not being able to do anything about it…” My voice fills with tears again.

  “Stop talking like this,” Shak demands. “I will not lose you or our child. I swear to you, Juliet— The King is on our side and—”

  “Arrest that Draci,” comes a shout from the doorway and I look up in confusion to see a group of guards come in to the room. The one in the lead is pointing at Shak.

  “What?” Shak and I ask at the same time.

  Whatever the reason, they’re clearly coming for him.

  “What is the meaning of this?” Shak asks, standing to his full height. “I have the permission of the King to be here. If you do not believe me, we can go ask him ourselves.”

  “Do not blaspheme on top of your other crimes!” cries one guard. “You know perfectly well that the King is dead. You killed him.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  This is a nightmare. For it cannot be true that Father is dead and I am being dragged before the court as his murderer, while my mate remains caged by my enemies.

  This cannot be the reality that I now find myself in. Truly it cannot.

  And yet when I am brought before the thrones, the King’s lies forbiddingly empty and the gleam in the Queen
’s eye is one of a long-awaited triumph.

  Right then, I know the true murderer. It was her. The female who has been a poison upon the throne from the first day she was crowned Queen.

  The room is full to the brim. All of those in the highest castes are here. Thraxian. Syrthithian. Psaris.

  The King’s guard drag me to the Queen’s feet and then force me to my knees in front of her. One shoves my face to the floor so that I am bowed in the ultimate position of subservience.

  The Queen must lean over then, because I hear her whispered voice not far overhead, as cold as our icy planet right before we fled.

  “Your female will die along with that little bastard offspring you put inside of her. I will make it painful. Just as I did for your whore of a mother after poisoning the King against her.”

  She killed my mo—?

  Before I can roar and spit fire, a rag soaked in Dracisbane is shoved in my mouth and tied securely around the back of my head.

  I am lifted from the ground and turned on my knees to face the assembled crowd.

  “My fellow Draci!” the Queen calls out in a ringing voice that echoes around the Great Hall. “We are gathered here for the most wretched of purposes. The King is dead!”

  Shocked cries and murmurs run through the crowd.

  “Slain by his own bastard son, this mutant here before you.”

  Even more murmurs along with the occasional shout of “Kill the mutant!” come from the crowd.

  I glare them all down. They will just accept what she says? Their King is dead and they demand no examinations? No exposure of evidence?

  “King Thraxcruhxas wanted to explore this option for the survival of our race,” the Queen continues. “But clearly the human impulse for violence cannot be ignored any longer. Do we truly want to breed with such a race?”

  “No!” shouts someone from the crowd. Others echo them.

  The Queen smiles. “Would you not rather live out our long, long lives in peace after we clear this planet of the vermin infecting it? After all, if we had not arrived, they would have made it uninhabitable within a few short centuries. They would destroy their most precious gift. They do not deserve it! But we do!”


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