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The King's Innocent Bride

Page 2

by Alexa Riley

  My body responds to her warmth against mine. A primal need pushes forward. Her eyes widen as she looks up at me with those big innocent blue eyes, making me wonder if she’s even aware of my hard cock pressed up against her. I wonder how old she really is. Not that is matters. She’ll be mine either way, even if I have to wait to force her.. It might kill me, but I’ve waited this long for her to begin with. No wonder I never gave other women any notice. None came even close to her, and she hasn’t even spoken a word yet.

  Her full pink lips part a little and she lets out a small gasp. Jesus, she’s so fucking perfect. I've never seen someone look so pure and angelic. Her cheeks are tinged with a trace blush, making me notice cute little freckles that dot her small, upturned button nose and cheeks.

  Anger rushes back once again as my eyes run over the bruise on her cheek. “Who struck her?” I bite out, looking over at the guard. Now his eyes grow big as he takes a step back. My anger is clear. I wrap my arm around the pixie-like creature in a protective hold when her body gives a jerk at the tone of my voice. I want to comfort her, to let her know she’s now safe. I won't allow anyone to ever hurt her again.

  The guard’s hands fly up. “It was one of the men who found them. She punched him,” the guard defends. “We didn't know she was a girl.”

  I take a deep breath, trying to get myself under control. I don’t want to lose it in front of the girl. She’s already frightened. I don’t need to add to her fear, or worse, make her afraid of me. No, I want her trust. A lick of pride runs through me that she punched one of my guards.

  Letting her go, I kneel down, grabbing the knife from out of my boot. When she sees it, those big eyes of hers grow even rounder. “I’m going to release you,” I tell her gently, like one would talk to a small, frightened kitten. I nod to the bindings around her wrists and want to be clear I only mean to release her hands. I won’t be releasing her. No. She belongs to me now.

  The idea of just keeping her is barbaric and ludicrous, but I am king, after all. Our country doesn't enslave people. This is a free country, but who can stop me? I have final say in all matters, and in this I won't falter. Never once have I abused my power, but in this moment I know I’ll do anything to have her.

  She needs me. I try and rationalize in my mind. She’s so small and innocent. She must be protected. They said she’d been running. My narrowed eyes fly to the man who is standing with the guard, trying to go unnoticed. He drops his head, looking anywhere but at me, guilt crossing his features.

  “What is your name, princess?” I ask her as I slide my knife under the plastic bands locking her wrists together. Pulling gently, I cut through the plastic. I hand the knife over to John, who is standing beside me like always. Then I rub the red marks that have formed on her delicate ivory skin.

  I’m not sure if I’m trying to soothe her or myself. The bombardment of emotions pounding down on me is settle I want to rip this place apart for what has been done to her, but I fear scaring her. She needs to be handled with care, and I need to get myself under control for her.

  “Kate,” she whispers out so low I almost miss it. She bites her lip, glancing away from me.

  “Well, Kate, I’m going to get you all taken care of.” I turn to John. I having to fight snarling at him when I see the smirk he has on his face. I’m sure to everyone I’m acting nuts, but I don’t give a shit. “Call for someone to come take a look at Kate and get her settled into the east wing.”

  John fights a laugh. “Of course.” He takes a step back, giving Kate room to walk. I reluctantly release the hold I have on her, already missing the softness of her in my hands.

  “Go with John,” I tell her. She looks as if she wants to say something, but I put my hand on the small of her back and guide her over to him. “Dr. Lena,” I say to John. He nods in understanding. I watch as they both walk from the room.

  My heart stops for a moment when I see Kate turn and look over her shoulder at me with so many questions in her eyes. When she is finally gone from sight, I turn and let go of all the anger I’ve been bottling up.

  Chapter Three


  I follow the man the king had guided me towards almost in a daze. I don’t understand what in the heck is happening. The king seemed angry, but not at me. In fact, with me he was gentle and kind. I glance back over my shoulder, feeling his stare still on me. I never knew you could actually feel someone’s eyes on you, but I feel his. He looked at me like I belonged to him, but not in the same way my uncle does. No, this was something else. Something different that I don't understand. I, for some reason, like him looking at me almost as much as I like looking at him. I’ve never seen such a powerful man before. Not because he’s king. He carries it with him. He isn’t one to be messed with.

  I pull my gaze away from him, my cheeks warming knowing that I was caught staring at him. I’m still a little in awe of this giant who pulled me into his arms and freed my hands. In that moment, when I felt his body pressed against mine, I felt safe. I knew he would make sure of that.

  “Where are we going?” I ask the man the king had called John.

  “He wants you looked over,” the man says. I have to pick up my pace to keep up with the man as he strides down the long hallway. This place looks endless, but my mind is everywhere and I’m unable to take any of it in.

  “Why?” I question. I thought the king was a cruel man. My uncle had said so. I don’t think he’s taking me somewhere to harm me. He said a doctor’s name. I don’t think I need one, but I’m going to keep that thought to myself. I’ll do as I’m told. Maybe I can find a way to escape.

  John glances over at me, cocking a smile. “Seems you caught the king’s attention.” My breath hitches at his words. I wonder if that’s a good or bad thing. “He would never hurt you,” John adds. It’s then I realize I’ve stopped walking.

  “How would I know that?” I throw back, feeling a trace of panic taking hold.

  “Our king is a noble man.” John puffs out his chest as he says this. Certainty laces his words. It’s clear he believes this.

  “But my uncle…” I trail off, wondering if I’ll get in trouble for speaking badly of the king.

  “Do you trust your uncle?” John raises his eyebrows, likely already knowing the answer to his question.

  “No.” I shake my head.

  “Then why don’t you see for yourself?” John starts walking again, and I have to run to catch up to him. My eyes are roaming everywhere. This place is just as beautiful on the inside as the outside. I glance down at the cloak I still have wrapped around my body and see the bottom is covered in mud. Everything else around here is spotless. I look behind me and my mouth falls open when I see I've tracked mud all over the white marble floor. My uncle would lose it if he saw that.

  “In here.” I turn, almost running right into John who is standing in a doorway motioning and for me to enter. I follow him into a massive bedroom, forgetting about the mud.

  “The bathroom is in there.” He nods to another door. “Why don’t you clean up before the doctor gets here?” I know he says it like a question, but I don’t really think it is one. “I’ll leave you to it.” John turns and leaves the room, closing the door behind him. I hear a lock click into place, letting me know I won’t be leaving.

  I turn, taking in the room. My eyes go straight to the bed. It has a large canopy over it, and the bed itself is almost covered in pillows. My body feels heavy just looking at it. Maybe if I get cleaned up I could lie down for a little before the doctor gets here.

  I freeze when I walk into the bathroom. I swear it’s bigger than the house I live in with my uncle. I’m immediately fascinated by the bathtub that I’m pretty sure is a small pool. How I’d love to get into that right now and soak, but the bed is calling to me. I shut the bathroom door and lock it before I start to undress and step into the shower.

  The water rains down on me, and I moan a little at how warm the water is. I stand there for a few moments before I re
ach for the soap and start to wash myself. A honey maple smell fills my lungs. It reminds me of when the king pulled me toward him. He must use the same soap.

  All too soon I’m drying myself off. I grab a robe I see hanging on a hook and wrap it around me. It’s big enough that I could use it as a blanket if I wanted. I make my way over to the bed, and I have to crawl to get on it. This thing needs a freaking step stool. I fall into the center of the mattress and I’m sure my racing thoughts won’t let me fall asleep, but within seconds I’m out cold.

  Chapter Four


  When I know she’s out of view and hearing range I lunge for the guard who knocked her down. Wrapping my hands around his throat, I pull him towards me, my eyes locked on his in a deadly glare. I want him to feel my wrath.

  “Bring me the guards that apprehended them,” I tell him. His face is turning purple, but he manages to give small nod. I release him, letting him tumble to the ground like he had my girl.

  Still, not a trace of the anger I was feeling has cooled. I know I need to get myself under control. My eyes fly over to the man they said was her uncle. “You let us believe she was a boy?” I question, taking a step towards him. I don’t understand what game he is playing. Women in our country are treated with care. She would have been handled in a completely different manner. She was in a fucking holding cell with other men, for fuck’s sake.

  “I didn’t want to correct the guards,” the man says, raising his hands as if I might strike him. He looks like one good blow could kill him. I wouldn't do that. If he is her uncle, I’m guessing she doesn't want him to die. Though she was running from him. A million different reasons run through my mind, none of which are good. My rage towards this man rises. I clench my fist to stop myself from grabbing him.

  I didn't know I had it in me to feel such anger at things that might not even be true. “Why are you still here?” I ask the guard, who has finally come to his feet but hasn't moved from the spot. He turns and takes off running. I clench my jaw, reminding myself to have a word with John about how things are being handled around here.

  “Come,” I tell her uncle. “What is your name?” I ask as he follows me out of the hall and into my office. A few other guards follow in tow.

  “Howard Eldor,” the man says weakly, making me wonder how he’s been able to keep my woman safe. I’m shocked someone hasn’t taken her for their own. I’m going to. But if anyone else tried to do the same I’d skin them alive. I dare someone to stop me from taking her, though.

  I hold my hand up to the guards, not wanting them to come in with us. I can handle the man on my own. I can tell one guard wants to say something but steps back and shuts the double doors. I also don't want anyone else to hear more about Kate. I don't even care for the idea of someone speaking her name. A possessiveness for her has already taken hold of me. Maybe once I make her mine, it’ll cool somewhat. I know I can’t hide her away in my castle. Or maybe I can. I try to push the barbaric thought away, knowing my mom will fight me like hell on the issue.

  I’m surprised word hasn't already spread to her about my reaction to Kate. I know my mom has ears everywhere. She probably already knows, which means I’m losing time now. I need to find out what this man knows about my girl so I can go and check on her. I’m feeling more on edge each moment I’m away from her. How can such a small thing have a hold on me already? My dad’s words enter my mind, reminding me to never question what he says again.

  “Why was she running from you?” I walk over to my desk and lean up against it.

  Howard starts to sit. “Well—”

  “I didn't invite you to sit.” I fold my arms over my chest. He pauses for a moment before swallowing hard. I raise my eyebrows for him to continue.

  “Her mom and dad. My brother died when she was little. She was raised by my mother in the States until five years ago. She passed as well, and I was given custody of Kate.” My heart breaks for my girl thinking of all the loss she’s experienced. I know it is something I could help her with. My family. Our family soon.

  My eyes roam over the man. She looks nothing like her uncle. The only thing they have in common is they are both built small.

  “Why was she running from you?”

  The man’s eyes go a little wild, showing fear, likely because of how I reacted to the guard who had made her fall. He knows I’m not fucking around. “Don’t lie to me,” I grit out in warning. “I’ll be able to tell.” It’s the truth. My own dad calls me the human lie detector. It’s a skill I’ve had for as long as I can remember.

  His eyes shoot back to mine. “I’ve heard,” he mumbles. “I’m not sure, to be completely honest.”

  “Half-truth.” I push off my desk, clearing the distance between us. He takes a few steps back, but I’m on him.

  “You can have her. She’s yours,” he squeals out like a little pig. That only makes me madder. I have a feeling this isn't the first time he’s made the offer or thought of using her as a pawn.


  My eyes snap over to John, who is standing in the doorway of my office. I can tell from the look on his face he’s telling me get it together. I can’t get anything from this man if he’s dead. But I could get it from her. I bet a lie has never crossed those sweet lips of hers. She’s too innocent and sweet. I could smell it on her.

  I toss the man a good eight feet. He lands with a scream—I’m guessing he broke a rib or two—and guards come pouring into the room. “Take him back to a cell,” I command. He’s pulled from the room. Maybe a few hours in a dark cell will make him a little more talkative. I don’t have time for his stupid riddles.

  “I want everything there is to know about Kate Eldor,” I tell John as I stride past him. I want to get to the future queen of our country.

  Chapter Five


  I roll over, snuggling deeper into the warm bed. I just had the best sleep I’ve ever had in my life. It feels like I’m on a cloud. I let out a small moan, wanting to sink even deeper into the bed and never move again. I feel weightless. My eyes fly open when I hear a stifled laugh. The big white sheer canopy over me reminds me where I am. Sitting up, I look to my right to see a woman sitting in a chair next to the bed, sipping tea and smiling at me with her legs crossed.

  “Hi,” is all I can think of to say. She smiles even bigger, setting down her cup of tea on the nightstand. She looks elegant. Her dark hair is streaked with gray and is pinned back with a diamond clip.

  Her makeup is done flawlessly, like everything about her. Even her outfit is perfect—cream-colored slacks paired with a deep navy blue button-up silk blouse. “I’m so glad you have finally woken. My son was going to lose him mind soon if you hadn't,” she says with the smile still on her face as if the idea of her son losing it is amusing to her. “He paced at the end of the bed for a few hours after the doctor left until I talked him into finding something else to do.” She rolls her eyes like he’s here to see it.

  I lick my lips, wondering if she is talking about the king. It dawns on me that I actually don’t even know his name. “Here.” The woman stands, picking up a glass of water and handing it to me. I greedily take it and chug it down. The cool water is an instant relief for my dry mouth.

  “Thank you,” I tell her, handing back the empty cup.

  “You must be hungry,” she says, picking up the phone. I nod and watch as she makes a call for food before sitting on the side of the bed next to me. I pull the robe that I have on tighter when I see it came undone while I was sleeping.

  She reaches out and touches my cheek. I flinch. “Sorry. It’s looking a lot better. The cream the doctor put on there looks to be doing wonders.” I reach up myself, touching the sore spot. I forgot about being hit. This is all starting to feel a little crazy. I’ve been plucked from one world and put into a completely different one in a matter of hours.

  “A doctor came?” I ask. I don’t remember that. The idea that people have been coming and going from the room
while I slept is a tad unsettling. I must have slept deeply. I’ve always thought of myself as a light sleeper, but I do remember when I closed my eyes I’d felt safe for the first time in a very long time. Maybe that’s why I slept so well. My body thought it finally had a chance to relax.

  “Yes, but she was only here for a moment. She said she’d come back when you woke. We thought it best to let you rest.” The woman folds her hands in her lap, locking her fingers together like she is trying to keep herself from touching me. She almost seems excited.

  “I’m Kate,” I tell her.

  “Oh my goodness.” She lets out a laugh. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I’m Cecily, but you can call me Cece for now. I can’t believe I didn't introduce myself. I guess I’m used to people knowing who I am.” She studies me for a moment. “But you don’t know who I am, do you?” I shake my head. With the way she is dressed and how she holds herself, I’m guessing someone of importance.

  “Did you know who my son was before you met him here?”

  I shake my head again. I’d definitely remember that man.

  “I don’t know many people here. I wasn't allowed to go far from my uncle’s home. I knew of the king from hearing my uncle talk about him,” I admit. I lick my still-dry lips. “Please don’t make me go back to my uncle.” I drop my eyes down to my hands.

  “You’re not going anywhere, sweetheart.” She places her hand over mine and gives it a small, reassuring squeeze. I look up into her warm eyes that have become soft now. She reminds me of my grandma, and a pang of longing hits me. I miss having someone who actually cares about me.


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