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The King's Innocent Bride

Page 5

by Alexa Riley

  “Stand back because I’m kicking the door in,” I shout. I don’t want her to get hurt in the process. I could call for a key, it’s the civilized thing to do, but then I’d have to wait, and I’m done waiting, especially if my princess is upset. She can try and put up all the walls she wants, but I’ll show her I will only rip them all down to get to her. There will be no space between us.

  “Fine.” She flings open the door before I can throw my shoulder into it. She marches past me. I go to grab her, but she sidesteps me. I have to fight a small laugh at the angry look she tries to give me, but even in her anger she’s fucking adorable. I keep myself under control, knowing that smiling right now will not get me any points. I don’t stop her as she marches towards our room. I only follow and lock the door behind us, knowing now I have her right where I want her.

  She puts her hands on her narrow waist, fire lighting in her eyes, but I can tell she has been crying. I like this spark she’s showing, but the tears I know she shed cut deep. It reignites the anger I felt moments ago. I push it down because I know I need to be soft with her. She might have some fire right now, but she’s all soft and sweet under it. In fact, I think she’s using her feistiness now so that she doesn't cry in front of me. I don’t like the idea of her trying to hide any part of herself from me.

  “I will not be a mistress,” she throws out.

  “No,” I agree, clearing the distance between us and picking her up. She squeals in surprise, but her body melts into mine as she places her small hands on my chest, reminding me how little she is compared to me and that I need to be gentle with her. “I’ve never had a mistress, nor will I have one. I’ll have a wife.”

  In my conversations with her, I’ve been dancing around what she’ll be to me, because I don’t want to scare her. I know it’s fast and I want to ease her into it, but the word mistress has put me on edge. For her to think she would ever be such a thing snapped that razor-thin control I had, and now I have no qualms about letting her know she’s going to be mine in every way.

  Her fingers dig into my shirt, grabbing tightly. “I met her,” she cries, her eyes filling with tears. She thinks she caught me in a lie. “No, you met a liar. I’ve never touched that woman,” I grit out. The idea of touching that woman makes my stomach turn. I don’t even want to say her name out loud.

  Nicolette is nothing but a spoiled brat, which would be almost forgivable if it wasn't for her behavior. Her attitude is the only thing that makes her memorable and clearly not in a good way.

  “I won’t lie to you, Kate. There are many women who want to marry me.” Her face scrunches up in distaste, but I press on. I want to get this out there so there won’t ever be confusion on the subject again. “They want my title, want to be queen and have a cushy life.”

  “I don’t care about any of that,” she cuts in.

  She’s telling me something I already know. She’s too sweet for that. She’s not a user. “I know.” I kiss the end of her nose, watching her face soften for me. “You want what I want. Love. A family. All of it.”

  “I’d like that more than anything in the whole world. To just be happy.”

  “If you let me, I’ll give you that. Let me prove it. Don’t fight it.”

  Chapter Eleven


  I slide my hands up his chest and wrap my arms around his neck. I want that, too, but I’m scared of grabbing onto it and it being ripped away from me. I’m not sure I could live through that. I’ve lost so much in my life already.

  “We have a month until the wedding,” he tells me, and my mouth drops open in shock.

  “Our wedding?” I squeak out. He hasn't even asked me to marry him. It wasn't even five minutes ago I was trying to get away from him as fast as possible. Now he’s saying we’re getting married? That would explain all the wedding stuff in his office…

  “Yes, our wedding.” The vibrations from his rumbled words make me giggle. “Give me this month to let you see that this is real. That I’m in this and there is no one else.”

  I have nothing to lose and I want this so badly. “I didn't like being jealous,” I blurt out. This is a big part of what’s still holding me back. I’ve never been stingy with anything in my life, but with him the idea hurts bone deep.

  “I don’t like the feeling either. You’re not alone in that, princess. I’m fighting my own jealousy. But trust me, there is only you for me.”

  “Why are you jealous? I’ve never even been on a date before. You were my first kiss,” I tell him. My cheeks feeling warm at my admission. How can someone with no experience keep his attention? He’s a king. An experienced, sophisticated ruler. I have no clue what I’m doing. I still can't believe that he put his face between my thighs. My center contracts as I think about it. I want to do it again.

  He digs his erection into me. “Don’t remind me how untouched you are. You have no idea what that does to me.” Pure hunger shows in his eyes. “I get jealous because I want to keep you that way. Only for me. I don’t like other men even looking at you. Did you not notice how my men kept their distance from you?”

  I had. “I thought they just didn't want to touch me because I was the mistress. That they thought I was gross or something.” I look down, hating to admit that.

  “Don’t you call yourself that again,” he snaps.

  I raise my head in shock.

  “I’m sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you. I don’t like anyone—even you—talking about you in that way. They avoided touching you because they knew it would be the last thing they ever touched.”

  “Oh,” I say breathlessly. That should probably freak me out, but oddly it does something else to me. I lean in and place my lips on his, wanting to be closer to him.

  “I only want to be yours. I don’t want anyone else knowing me the way I want you to know me,” I whisper against his mouth, feeling a little shy about my admission. His mouth takes mine in a deep kiss. I feel my back come up against a wall as one of his hands slides up my dress and I wrap my legs tightly around him.

  “I’m the only one who touches this.” His slides his fingers across my center. I feel myself grow wet with need.

  “Yes, only you.” I try to push myself more into his hand, needing the same relief he gave me earlier.

  “Fuck, you’re soaked for it,” he rumbles. “Were you running around the castle like this? Your pussy begging for attention?” There is a touch of anger to his words. His jealousy turns me on even more.

  “Maybe you should have been here when I woke up. Then that wouldn't have happened,” I tease back. He nips at my neck, and I gasp in pleasure.

  “I won’t make that mistake again,” he grits into my ear. The power in his voice sends a delicious chill down my body.

  When his hand leaves me, I cry out. “James! No!”

  “You call me your king when I have you like this,” he tells me. My eyes lock with his. I like that. My king.

  “She told me I should only call you King. That only people close to you call you James.” His jaws firms at my confession.

  “You call me James in public.” He moves his hand between us a moment later, and I feel his bare, hard cock against my pussy. “But when we are like this, I’m your king. Your everything.” His cock slides against me, making me moan.

  “To everyone else I’m the king, but I’m your king. Your everything. Do you understand the difference?” I nod, unable to speak. I’m so close to cumming, but I do understand what he means. To everyone else he’s their leader, but to me he’s my whole world, and more importantly he wants to be that and I want that, too.

  “Say it.” He stops moving back and forth.

  “You are my everything,” I pant. He is. He’s all I know anymore. My fingers dig into his shirt. “My king.”

  “Fuck yes, I am.” He starts moving again. “Going to mark this pussy. I might not be taking it right now, but I’m claiming it,” he groans as his cock slides back and forth across my clit.

  My breathing
grows deep and I know what’s coming. I’m so close. Just a little more and I’ll be there.

  “Give your king what he wants, my little princess. Cum on my cock so I can claim you.” His words spark my orgasm, sending me over the edge. I cry out, but his mouth falls onto mine, silencing my scream of pleasure as his release spills onto me. He jerks against me, and even more of his warmth coats me.

  My eyes close as he keeps me pinned to the wall. His breathing is heavy like he just ran miles. I hum in pleasure knowing that I did that to him. My doubt about not being able to please him slips away. If he wanted to be with that other woman he’d be with her now. Not here with me, promising me the world.

  James slowly pulls away from me, kissing my neck as he does. I slide down his body, my feet unlocking from around his waist and touching the floor. I look up at him. A satisfied smile is on his handsome face, making him look younger. I reach up and touch his face. I feel so close to him right now. It’s such a foreign feeling to me.

  “I have a surprise for you.” He pulls back a little and my dress falls back into place. He adjusts himself, putting his cock back into his pants. My eyes bulge out a little as I wonder how the two of us will ever fit together.

  “I want to show you something.” He grabs my hand and lifts it, kissing the back of it before he starts pulling me from the room, his fingers locked tightly around mine.

  Chapter Twelve


  I show Kate around the castle, wanting her to know how to get around without getting lost or turned around. I want her to feel comfortable here. This is her home, not just a place she’s staying.

  When we reach the top of the stairs that go down to the basement I give her hand a small squeeze before I let it go. I wrap my arm around her shoulder and pull her into me. I kiss the top of her head. “I need to make one stop before I take you on your birthday surprise.”

  She looks up at me, her eyes filling with tears. “You know it’s my birthday?”

  I lean down and kiss her. “I’ve tried to learn everything I can about you. You’re going to have to give me the rest.” I kiss her again. Her body melts into mine, and I reluctantly pull away before this goes any further and I have her up against another wall. I don’t want anyone seeing her come undone for me. That’s for me alone.

  “Come.” I guide her down the stairs, stopping at John’s door. I give a knock before I open it. John is behind his desk looking bored while Nicolette sits on a chair in the corner, red faced with her arms crossed. I don’t know if it’s because she’s angry or she’s been crying. Not that I give a shit either way.

  My princess tenses up next to me. I lean down and kiss the top of her head. What I am surprised about is to see my mom standing there. Her hands are on her hips and she looks pissed. I know the look. I got it a few times when I was a young boy. It’s one I make sure to never get from my sweet mom because I know if she has that look she’s been pushed past her limit.

  Mom’s eyes come to us. “Kate, sweetheart.” She rushes over to her and pulls her from my hold. I let her go, even though I don’t want to. My mom wraps her in a tight hug. “You look rested,” she tells her, pulling back.

  “Thank you. I feel great.”

  I take my girl’s hand in mine, wanting contact with her.

  “That’s great! We can start making plans for the wedding.” My mom beams at Kate. A huff comes from Nicolette, making us all turn to look at her. The excitement leaves my mom’s face and she gives Nicolette a hard look. “I’m so sorry, Kate, that you had to meet this woman. I’m certain after today you’ll never see her again.” Nicolette’s face pales for a moment before it’s wiped away and anger returns quickly. The spoiled brat within is plain to see.

  “Jesus,” John sighs, probably because he’s been dealing with this for a while and all he wants is to get home to his wife.

  “Nicolette, you owe your future queen an apology.”

  Her mouth falls open.

  I give her a challenging look. “Make it a good one.”

  “I’m sorry,” she bites out.

  “And?” I add, wanting more from the brat.

  “I’m sorry I lied.” No, she’s sorry it didn't work, but I don’t say that. I just want to make it clear to Kate that this woman lied to her. And I want to show her that I have nothing to hide.

  “John.” I nod at Nicolette. He comes over and grabs her by the arm. “Make sure she’s banned from here and have an order put out that she isn't allowed within five hundred yards of my queen and me.”

  “Yes, sir.” He pulls her to her feet, dragging her as she pleads for me to take it back. She swears she’ll never do it again, but I don’t care. I watch guilt wash over my sweet girl’s face.

  “Don’t feel bad for her,” I tell Kate. “She got what was coming to her.” I don’t tell her I want to do worse to the woman, but I know my girl’s heart wouldn't like that. So I did the only thing I knew would work for both of us.

  “This is all my fault,” my mom tells Kate. “I should have never let her think she had a chance with my son, but I didn't want to be cruel.”

  “It’s okay,” Kate tries to reassure my mom. I know these two are going to get along. Both are so tender hearted. My dad and I will have to keep an eye on them to make sure no one tries to ever cause them harm. It’s something I’ll be honored to do. I’ve watched my dad do it over the years and know I can do the same. I want to keep her sweetness just the way it is. Even with all the cruelty she got from her uncle, it’s still all there, and I will make sure it always is.

  My mom’s face softens and she kisses Kate on the cheek. “You two go have your fun. I’ll see you tomorrow, sweetheart.” My mom kisses me on the cheek next.

  “Not too early, Mom,” I remind her, only getting an eye roll in return before she leaves. I’m lucky she hasn't already taken off with my girl to start planning the wedding.

  “Your mom’s so sweet.” I hear a note of yearning in her voice.

  “She’s going to be your mom, too,” I tell her, and her face brightens at that. “You’re about to have a whole family.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  I pull her into me. “And we’re going to work on making it a bigger one.” I watch her cheeks pinken. “Come, I want to show you something.” I lead her back up the stairs and out a side door, reminding myself to show her a few of the secret passageways around the castle later. I think she’ll get a kick out of that.

  “Where are we going?” she asks as we walk outside and stroll down a long path that leads through the rose garden.

  “It’s a surprise.” I wink at her. “It’s not all done, but I wanted you to see it.” I stop to pick one of the roses and thread it into her hair. Her smile grows even bigger, making my heart ache. When we get to the end of the path, I hear her breath catch.

  She turns looking at me. “Goats?!” She is almost jumping up and down. “How?” she asks.

  “I found out as much about you as I could.” I pull out a picture I have in my pocket. It came from some of the belongings my men had gotten from her uncle’s place. They found a box that was filled with pictures of Kate as a young girl. I hand her the picture.

  It’s of her and her grandmother on their farm. A goat farm. From what I could gather from the pictures Kate loved the place. There were hundreds of pictures of her playing with the goats. It was adorable. I pictured our little girls doing the same.

  “I wanted to give you something from your past that you loved.”

  Tears fall from her big blue eyes, and she takes the picture from me, holding it to her chest.

  “I thought these were gone,” she says. “I kept trying to remember what my grandma looked like, but each day it felt like my memory of her was slipping away from me.”

  “I got all the pictures from his house.” I cup her face, kissing her tears. Each one cuts me deeper and deeper. “It’s gone. I had that house ripped to the ground. You’ll never have to think about waking there again.”
/>   Chapter Thirteen


  “I don’t need a month.” I fling myself into James’s arms. He catches me easily. I pepper kisses all over his handsome face and I smile at him. I can’t believe he’s done all this for me. I don’t think I even want to wait a month. “Let’s get married right now.”

  His grip on me tightens, and my body fills with need as it always does when he’s near. I lock my legs around him, placing my hands on his shoulders. His face grows serious. “I’d love nothing more than to marry you right this second, but Mom would lose it.”

  I love how he says Mom like she’s mother to both of us. I know I had a mom when I was little, but I don’t remember her. The idea of having a mom is almost more than I can even begin to wish for.

  “She wants to plan this wedding with you, but if you want to get married now I will do whatever you wish. You always come first.” I want to melt into a pile of goo at his words. I can wait. I want to plan the wedding with his mom, too, and get to know his family.

  “I can wait.” I press my chest into his. “Even though you’re going to make me wait.” I pout. He takes my mouth, kissing the pout right off my lips.

  “Play with your goats before I drag you back to our bed and show you all the other things I can do to your little body while we wait.” He slides me down his body until my feet touch the ground.

  I kind of like his idea. “It’s getting dark,” he reminds me that we don’t have a ton of time. I look over my shoulder to see the baby goats all jumping around and playing. I break away from James’s hold, running towards them. He helps me climb over the fence.

  We spend the next hour playing with them and naming them all. There are a total of five babies, each one more adorable than the next. He talks about how each time we have a baby we should get a new one. Every word he says makes me fall deeper in love with him.


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