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Crossing the Line

Page 22

by Maggie Cole

  I pull out a chair for Piper. We sit down, and I put my arm around her.

  “Well?” Quinn says.

  Piper has her, “where do we start” expression on her face. I grin at our friends. “So, Piper and I are getting married.”

  “And you couldn’t tell your best friends this?” Vivian gives Piper another stare down.

  “I only asked her a few hours ago. I haven’t even bought her a ring yet.”

  “You didn’t buy her a ring?” Quinn glares at me.

  “Quinn! Behave!” Piper tells her.

  Chase clears his throat. “Why didn’t you get her a ring?”

  “Thank you,” Vivian says to Chase. He winks at her.

  I’m going to have to talk with him about not messing around with Vivian. Piper will kill me if he does.

  To turn the tables, I’m about to ask him what that wink was all about, but before I can, Piper cries out, “You’re all supposed to be happy for us. Not angry.”

  Quinn jumps up and hugs her. “I’m sorry, I just wish you would have told me. We are happy for you.” She pulls back and frowns at me. “You are going to get her a ring, right?”

  I laugh. “Yeah. I’m going to get her a beautiful, expensive, massive ring. You don’t need to worry about that.” And I’m not joking because I am. Piper’s going to have the most amazing ring on earth if I have anything to do with it.

  “I told you I don’t need that,” Piper insists.

  She’s serious. I know she is and I love her even more because she doesn’t care about the ring. But I do. “And I told you why I do.” I lick my lips at her and wink.

  Piper laughs softly, and everyone once again stares at us, waiting for us to fill them in, but we don’t.

  “So, how did this happen?” Jamison asks.

  Piper and I exchange another look. I tighten my arm around her and kiss the top of her head. “I asked her, that’s how it happened.”

  “We kind of need details,” Vivian demands.

  Piper has a big smile on her face. “Noah asked me. I said yes.”

  “That’s it? You two aren’t going to tell us anything else?” Quinn has her hands in the air.

  “What else is there to tell? We’re in love. We’re getting married.” I grin.

  “When? Where?” Vivian questions.

  Piper laughs. “We only got engaged last night. We’ll let you know when we figure it out.”

  Chase says, “Yeah, well, make sure you do.”

  I change the subject. “Any word on Charlotte or Xander?”

  The atmosphere shifts. Jamison speaks up. “Nancy said she would text me once either of them are out of surgery. She also said it was Charlotte’s foot they are operating on.”

  I tap my fingers on the table. The conversation is dead for a few moments. My mind shifts to Xander, lying on a steel table in surgery, and I shudder. Piper leans closer to me and I kiss her head again.

  Xander is my best friend. We’ve been through everything together. I don’t know the extent of his injuries, and until he’s out of surgery, I’m not going to know much.

  And I know Piper is nervous about Charlotte.

  “Do you think Charlotte will be able to work with her foot?” Piper asks.

  “She will probably need to be off it for a few months, but I’m sure they can give her a walking cast,” Jamison answers right as his phone buzzes.

  We all anxiously wait to hear what the news is.

  “Xander’s out of surgery.” He exchanges a look with Chase and me. I should feel relieved he’s out of surgery, but the pit in my stomach grows. Brain injuries aren’t black and white and until I see my friend, I’m not going to feel much relief.

  We all stand up to leave. Piper clasps my hand and we are across the street when I ask her, “Are you going to be okay, going back in?”

  She takes a deep breath and nods. “I’ll be okay.”

  I stop moving and turn to face her. “If you need to leave, tell me.”

  “I will. I promise.”

  I pull her in my arms and kiss her head. It scared me when she had her attack. I’ve seen a lot from my paramedic days, and I know from firsthand experience how panic attacks feel, but I hope Piper doesn’t have them anymore.

  She pulls back and clasps my hand. “Come on, Noah. We need to find out what’s going on with Xander.”

  Xander. My insides flip again. Brain injuries are serious. Until I get all the details, all I can do is pray that he’s going to be okay.

  We quickly get inside the hospital. Piper is taking deep breaths but seems to be doing okay. I put my arm around her, and she smiles at me, melting my heart even through all this chaos.

  Dr. Arnold comes out. Jamison, Chase, and I all know him, and he’s a pretty straight shooter.

  “How bad is it?” I ask, my pulse increasing.

  Dr. Arnold scrunches his face. “He hit his head hard on the steering wheel. We drilled a hole in his head to relieve the pressure, but his brain is pretty swollen. We have him in an induced coma right now in the ICU, but he is stable.”

  “Can we see him?” Chase asks.

  The doctor shakes his head. “Not right now. Maybe tomorrow.” He turns and leaves.

  Chase, Jamison, and I look at each other. “Have Xander’s parents been called?” I ask.

  Chase frowns. “They are out of the country. We don’t know how to get ahold of them right now. Their phones are going to voice mail.”

  I let out a sigh. “Great.” I turn to the girls. “Hey, what about Charlotte’s parents? Have they been notified?”

  “She doesn’t have any parents,” Piper says quietly.

  My heart sinks for her because I know what that is like. But I assume they died when she was a little older, like mine did, and don’t expect what Quinn reveals next.

  “She grew up in an orphanage.”

  “No one adopted her?” Jamison directs to Quinn.

  Quinn blinks and shakes her head.

  Jamison and Quinn exchange a glance that I can’t quite decipher and don’t have time to because another doctor comes out.

  “Chase?” the doctor asks.

  Chase approaches her. “Hey, Dr. Kelmer. How’s Charlotte doing?”

  “We got done a lot quicker than we thought. She’s in recovery right now and should do well. She’s pretty drugged up and will probably want to sleep the rest of the day, but you can go visit her before she falls back asleep.”

  The doctor leaves, and we make our way to Charlotte’s room. The others go in, but Piper stops.

  “You all right?”

  “Noah, Charlotte’s going to need help. She doesn’t have anyone except Quinn, Vivian, and me.” Piper bites down on her lip.

  “Don’t worry. We’ll take care of her. She can stay with us if necessary. Whatever she needs, okay?”

  “Really? You would be okay with her staying with us?” Piper asks.

  I tilt my head at her. “Of course. Why wouldn’t I be? Your friends are always welcome. I know how much they mean to you.”

  She hugs me. “Thanks.”

  “You don’t need to thank me, Piper. And I know we haven’t talked about it, and if you want to do something different, then tell me, but are you okay if we live in my place?”

  Piper laughs quietly.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Your place is awesome. I don’t have any issues with that.”

  I let out a breath. Why I’m nervous suddenly, I don’t know, but I am. “Good. Then if it’s going to be our home, you need to think of it like that.”

  She bites her lip and sweetly smiles at me.

  “Why are you staring at me like that?”

  She wraps her arms around me and tilts her head up. “I love you, Noah.”

  Once again, I forget we’re standing in a hospital, with both our friends in bad shape, because all I can think is how Piper is mine and I’m the luckiest man on earth. “I love you,” I murmur on her lips, and I know that the only woman I was ever mean
t for is her. Slowly, all the holes in my heart that have hurt so badly over the years are starting to hurt less. I only hope that I can fill the holes in her heart with my love for her as much as she is filling in mine.

  She pulls me out of my trance and strokes my cheek. “We better go in.”

  I put my arm around her shoulder and guide her into the room.

  Charlotte is awake, but her eyes are glassy from all the medication she’s on. Her foot is in traction with a big boot around it. The room is small.

  Quinn’s hands are trembling. She leans over and hugs Charlotte. “I’m going to step out now. You get some rest, and I’ll be back.” As she leaves the room, she’s blinking back tears, and Jamison follows her. I catch his eye as he leaves, and it’s clear, he likes Quinn.

  Piper gives Charlotte a big hug and tears fall on the pillow. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize when you called you were hurt, too.”

  Charlotte cries, too. “Is Xander...”

  “He’s out of surgery. He’s going to be okay,” I tell her.

  Chase shifts and I know he’s thinking the same thing I am. We don’t know if he’s out of the woods yet.

  Vivian is on the other side of the bed. She rubs Charlotte’s hair. “Close your eyes, sweetie. The doctor wants you to rest. Just get some sleep.”

  “I need to see Xander,” Charlotte cries.

  “He’s asleep, too. He will be all day and night. No one can visit him right now. Just close your eyes,” Piper tells her, but Charlotte cries harder.

  “Shh,” Piper and Vivian are both telling her.

  Chase and I are both blinking back tears. I motion to Chase, and we each grab one of the two chairs from against the wall. I put mine behind Piper, and he puts his behind Vivian.

  There’s no way the girls are going to be leaving anytime soon. When Charlotte calms down a bit, I put my hand on Piper’s back. “Chase and I are going to step out into the lobby. Get some rest, Charlotte.”

  When we exit the room, Jamison is holding Quinn in his arms and he’s stroking her head.

  Chase and I walk down the hall to the lobby. When we get there, Chase cautiously glances at me.

  I’ve seen that stare before. I know that the next thing out of his mouth I’m not going to like but will be true.

  “This is fucked-up.”

  I nod. “Yep.”

  “Xander is in bad shape.”

  “I know.”

  “He might not be able to perform surgery again. If he has any long-term brain issues...”

  I let out a big sigh and gaze up at the ceiling. “Let’s just see what happens.”

  Chase shifts on his feet. “Okay. How long are you staying in town?”

  “I’m not leaving till I know what the hell is going on with Xander, and I know Piper isn’t leaving without Charlotte.”

  “What’s that all about?” Chase points to the bodyguards.

  Shit. I forgot about them.

  “Kramer Sampson had Piper and I followed last time we were in town.”

  Chase’s head snaps over at me. “Why?”

  “I can’t get into it.”

  Chase scowls at me. “Noah, you know Kramer Sampson isn’t someone to be messed with.”

  “Preaching to the choir, Chase.”


  I cut him off. “Don’t worry. Everything is fine.”

  He points to the guards. “That isn’t fine, Noah.”

  “Chase, everything is under control.”

  He takes a deep breath. “Where are you staying?”

  “I got notice Monday that the buyers backed out of my penthouse. I’m taking it off the market until we know what’s going on. I’ll stay there with the girls.”

  “Is that safe for them?”

  I sigh. I can’t be mad at Chase. He’s trying to protect them. “Yes, but I’ll call in more security, so everyone is covered while they are here.”

  “You sure it’s smart to put Vivian and Quinn into whatever it is you’re doing? Guards or no guards, doesn’t hanging with you at your place with guards make them a target?”

  I press the back of my palms over my forehead. “I don’t know. I would hope not.”

  “The girls are coming with us, then.”


  “Jamison is staying at my place until his remodel is done.”

  “The girls are going with you?” I ask, surprised.

  “Yes. They don’t need to be pulled into whatever it is you’re doing. Piper is in it, but Vivian and Quinn don’t need to become a target.”

  “Is that what you think I want? Piper or anyone else a target?” I bark.

  Chase shakes his head. “Of course not. But it’s not a smart idea to even take a chance with them, and you know it. Kramer Sampson is fire, and Vivian and Quinn don’t need to get caught up in it.”

  I can’t argue with him. “You’re right. I can get them a hotel room though.”

  “Not necessary. They can stay at my place. We have plenty of room and can make sure no one is following them just in case you already put them in danger.”

  “Plenty of room, huh?” I raise my eyebrow at him.

  His face flushes a bit. “I’m going to ignore you now.”

  I chuckle a bit. “Xander said Piper and her friends were the epitome of beautiful people.”

  Chase winks. “I think Xander nailed that one.”

  In a stern voice, I warn him, “Do not mess with either of them or there will be hell to pay from Piper.”

  He holds his hands in the air. “We won’t. Don’t worry, we’ll take care of them while they are here.”

  I point to him. “You especially better be on your best behavior.”

  “I got it.”

  “Good. Don’t make me regret listening to you.”

  “You won’t,” he insists, but my gut is saying that maybe this really isn’t a good idea.



  It’s been a few days. Charlotte is still recovering, and Xander is going to wake up from his medically induced coma today.

  Noah and I have been staying at his penthouse. I didn’t realize he still had a place in New York, but he told me it was on the market and supposed to close, but the sale fell through, and that’s why we stayed at a hotel last time.

  The girls have been staying with Chase and Jamison. Vivian, Quinn, and I have spent the last few days in Charlotte’s room during visiting hours.

  Charlotte is in a lot of pain, on painkillers, and also keeps asking to visit Xander. We keep telling her that no one has been able to, and every time we do, she cries.

  It’s not the truth. Noah was the only one allowed to see him, but we don’t tell Charlotte. Telling her isn’t going to make her feel better, so we all make a pact and stick with the story.

  Noah has a meeting with Eric Tremblor tomorrow to tell him our idea of creating a diabetes co-op. He’s scheduled to meet him outside of New York in a warehouse Eric owns.

  We’re in the bathroom, getting ready. Noah is shaving, and I’m putting on my makeup. He’s just told me his plans. “That sounds mobbish creepy to me.”

  Noah chuckles. “Welcome to New York.”

  “I’m only half joking. Are you sure you can trust this guy? What if it’s a setup?”

  “Don’t worry. It’s not. I’ll have my guards with me, so if it is, which it’s not, I’ll be fine.”

  I bite my lip.

  “Stop worrying. It’s fine.” With one last stroke of his razor, he finishes then wipes his face with his towel. He leans over and kisses me, wrapping me into our world, a place I never knew could exist before Noah.

  When he pulls back, I tell him, “I like it here.”

  “In New York?”

  “Yes. I love your penthouse, too. I’m kind of sad you have to sell it.”

  “I don’t have to sell it.”

  I jerk my head at him. “Then why were you? It’s amazing!”

  He shrugs. “Seemed a waste just for me, but if you
like it, we can keep it and come here more often.”


  He laughs. “Yep.”

  The more time I spend in New York, the more I understand why Noah loves it.

  Noah’s peering at me with his head tilted. “What’s going through your mind right now?”

  “I was thinking that I could imagine living here.”

  “You would move?”

  “With you.” I wink at him.

  “You would?”

  “Yeah, why are you so surprised?”

  “I don’t know. I figured you were attached to Chicago.”

  I shrug. “But why does Bennett require you to be in Chicago? New York has always been where the majority of the M&A and Investment Capital action is at.”

  Noah taps his fingers on his thigh. “It was part of the deal. I think he wanted to watch over me because of my breakdown.”

  “It’s not for business purposes?”

  Noah doesn’t speak for a minute. “Probably not, but I promised Bennett I would be in Chicago.”

  Maybe I can change Bennett’s mind? I’m not 100 percent sure I want to move. I would miss the girls and people at work, but Noah thrives here, and I do see the attraction. “Maybe we could work in both places. Go back and forth a bit?”

  Noah laughs. “New York getting into your blood?”

  “Maybe. I want you to be happy, and I know you’re happy here.”

  “Piper, I’m happy where you are.”

  I stand and put my arms around him. “I’m happy where you are.”

  “Good.” He gives me a quick peck. “We need to get going. I don’t want to miss Xander when he wakes up.”

  “All right, I’m ready.”

  It’s about a fifteen-minute car ride from Noah’s penthouse to the hospital. When we get there, I remind myself to breathe. Being in the hospital is getting more manageable, but I still get a panicky feeling every time I arrive.

  Quinn, Vivian, Jamison, and Chase are already there. We’re about an hour before visiting hours start, so we can’t see Charlotte yet. Jamison is sitting on the couch with his arm behind Quinn. Something is going on with them, but Quinn hasn’t confessed anything. I have suspicions about Chase and Vivian as well, but she claims they are just friends.

  “The doctor just left. They have taken Xander off all the medications. Now we have to wait,” Jamison tells us.


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