Book Read Free

Crossing the Line

Page 24

by Maggie Cole

  He sits up straighter. “Why aren’t you telling me where Billie is? Is she hurt worse than they told me?”

  “Who told you Billie was hurt? She wasn’t hurt,” I tell him.

  “The nurse mentioned my girlfriend was in the car, and her foot was hurt, but that she is okay. So, she wasn’t in the car?” He scrunches his face.

  Any thought that maybe Xander is pulling my leg is gone. He seems to have lost his memory of the last twelve years.

  “She wasn’t in the car,” I assure him.

  He lets out a breath. “Thank God.”

  I nod.

  He quickly asks, “Why isn’t she here?”

  “I think we need to talk to the doctor,” I calmly state.

  Xander’s eyes widen. “Noah, what’s going on?”

  My heart is beating in my throat right now, but I don’t want to upset Xander or freak him out. “Everything is going to be okay.”

  “Noah?” He swings his legs over the bed, stands, and touches the bandage on his head. “Fuck!”

  “Slow down,” I tell him and hold his elbow while he balances himself on my arm.

  His face crumples in pain and his eyes are closed tightly for a moment, but when he opens them he grasps my arm. “Noah, tell me what the fuck is happening right now.”

  I should wait for the doctor, but I also know if I were in his position, I would want him to tell me. “I think you’re having some memory problems.”

  His moves his head too fast again and grabs it with both hands. “What are you talking about?”

  “Sit back on the bed. Just take a breather.” I sit down and pat the set next to me.

  He sits and turns. “Noah? What does that mean?”

  I swallow hard. My pulse races. “We aren’t twenty-two.”

  “Very funny.”

  “Xander, we aren’t.”


  I tap my fingers on my thigh. “No.”

  He tilts his head at me. “How old are we?”


  He laughs. “Nice try. Really, what’s going on.”

  “Let’s wait till the doctor comes in.”

  The blood from his face drains. “You aren’t joking?”

  I shake my head.

  “Noah?” His voice is shaky. “Tell me you’re joking.”

  “I... I can’t... I’m not.”


  “Try to stay calm. I’m sure it’s just from all the medicine they had you on. Let’s talk to the doctor before we freak out.”

  “Easy for you to say. You remember the last twelve years.”

  “You can still do math, so that’s good,” I tease him.

  Xander shakes his head then suddenly his face crumples with laughter.

  We share our joke and once again, it’s Xander and I, like nothing is wrong. But it is.

  He puts his hands on his knees. “Has it been a good twelve years or a bad twelve years?”

  I pat him on the back. “You’ve done good, man. You’re a surgeon.”

  Pride washes over his face. “I am?”

  “You sure are.”

  He pumps his fist in the air. “Are you and Nathan ruling the world?”

  I freeze, and chills run through me. He doesn’t know Nathan died.

  “Why are you staring at me like that?” Xander asks.

  Not able to help it, I blink back tears.

  “Noah? What’s wrong?”

  My voice shakes and my lungs feel tight. “Nathan died.”

  “Wh… What?”

  A tear runs down my cheek and I wipe at it. “His diabetes...”

  “No,” Xander whispers.

  I bite my lip and turn toward the window but quickly spin back when Xander sobs loudly.

  I blink as fast as I can, but tears stream down my face. Xander’s chest is heaving and he’s crying harder than I am.

  Chase comes into the room with Jamison and the doctor. “What’s going on,” Chase asks as Xander continues to sob with his hands over his face.

  I try to pull myself together, and, somehow, I get out, “He thinks he’s twenty-two. He asked about Nathan.”

  Both Chase’s and Jamison’s faces drop. The doctor motions for me to get off the bed, and Xander slowly pulls his hands away.

  We stare at each other a moment. Saying everything in unspoken words. It’s as if we are twenty-two again. The grief in his eyes hasn’t changed. I’ve always remembered that expression he had when Nathan died. Except the last time I saw it, Nathan was in my arms, and Xander was trying to get me to release Nathan so they could put him in the body bag.

  My chest is tightening more, and the doctor says, “I need everyone to leave the room so I can examine Xander.”

  “I’ll be back.” I pat Xander on the back, and he gives me a painful expression before more tears fall on his cheeks. When I leave the room, I’m crying again, and my chest is so tight, I’m struggling to breathe.

  Jamison and Chase are both holding back their tears, and I make a beeline for the outside.

  The bright lights of the hospital are blurry, and I’m once again in my tunnel of panic. When I step outside, I breathe deep and find my way over to the bench I sat on a few days ago with Piper.

  My head is between my legs, and I’m finding my breath again when Piper’s hand is on my back. I sit up and she pulls me in her arms. I don’t mean to, but I weep like a baby.

  “Shh.” She tries to comfort me and kisses my head.

  I thought I had worked through all this. I thought I had done my grieving. But Nathan’s death and watching Xander relive it all just about broke me.

  “He doesn’t remember,” I gasp between sobs.

  She squeezes me tighter and strokes my head.

  Chase and Jamison, I’m tight with, but Xander has been with me through everything. Xander was my rock when both my parents and Nathan died. He was close to Nathan as well.

  I pull back from Piper and wipe my tears off my face. She strokes my cheek.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Shh. Don’t be.”

  “Xander doesn’t remember the last twelve years. It’s like it’s just disappeared from his memory.”

  She brushes her hand through my hair. “Let’s wait for the doctor to diagnose what’s going on and not jump to any conclusions, okay? It might be from the meds, according to Jamison.”

  But what if it’s not?

  I turn away from Piper, but then I remember that she doesn’t know the details of my meeting with Eric. I turn back to her. “I need to tell you about my meeting with Eric.”

  She pauses. “What did he say?”

  “He’s going to call Dawn and try to get a co-op set up through her so the nonprofits can run it.”

  Her face lights up. “Noah, that’s great! What is our part going to be?”

  I shift on the bench. “That’s the thing. His one caveat is that I step back and stay completely out of it. Basically, he said I’m young, and he’s not, and he’s wanted to take Kramer down forever. He thinks it’s his last chance to make a difference with his career.”

  Piper tilts her head. “So, he’s going to do everything, and we don’t have to be involved?”

  “That’s what he requires.”

  “And you trust him?”

  “I do. I probably shouldn’t trust anyone, but I believe him.”

  “Are you able to stay out of this?”

  It’s a question that was on the edge of my mind before I saw Xander. Staying out of this meant letting go of the control and obsession I’ve had for twelve years and putting my full faith and trust in a man I hardly know, but who my gut tells me isn’t going to screw this up.

  “If I don’t, he pulls the plug.”

  “But, are you able to?”

  Ah, Piper. My sweet Piper, who’s the smartest person on earth. She knows this is going to be hard without me having to tell her. Slowly, I nod. “I’m going to. For your safety, and our future, I’m going to. I have
no more cards to play. If Eric screws me on this, I’m back to ground zero. I’m going to have to trust his word.”

  Piper bites down on her lip for a moment. She strokes the hair above my ear. “I’m really proud of you.”

  I squint at her in question.

  “I know it’s hard for you to step back, but you’re doing the right thing.”

  “What if I’m wrong?”

  “Then, we will figure it out. But you aren’t. I feel it in my gut that you aren’t.”

  I take a big breath then kiss her on the lips. “We should go back in.”

  “You sure you’re okay?” Piper strokes my cheek some more.

  I can’t stay out here forever, and my breathing has gone back to normal. “Yes. I need to know what’s going on with Xander.” I stand and pull Piper up with me.

  Walking inside, everything feels right even though so much is wrong. My arm is around her shoulders, and her arm is around my waist. And whatever is ahead of us, it’s going to be okay because I have Piper on my side.



  A few months later, Charlotte is staying with Noah and me. We hired a nurse to take care of her when she got out of the hospital, but she’s almost ready to get a walking boot and told us she’s going back to Chicago to work once it’s on.

  Eric Tremblor has made good on his word. News of the diabetes co-op has gone viral online, and millions of people have become members.

  The price of insulin is already dropping, and it’s only a matter of time before the markup in the overall market collapses.

  Bennett has made several site visits to the New York office. During the first one, Noah filled him in on his plan with Eric Tremblor. Bennett is happy Noah and I are out of the way of danger.

  We have been sharing an office. I could have taken an empty one, but we like working side by side. We are pursuing several companies, and it’s been a fun transition from director to VP.

  While Noah is visiting with Xander, Bennett comes into our office.

  “Piper, you seem to have settled in.”

  “Yes. Everything is great.” I stand and hug him.

  He pulls back from the hug. “You sure you don’t want your own office?”

  I grin at him. “Nope.”

  He chuckles.

  Now’s as good of a time as any to ask him.

  “Bennett, can I talk to you about something?”

  “Sure.” He sits down across from me and taps his fingers together.

  “I know that the deal was for Noah to live in Chicago to be the successor. And I appreciate you letting us stay out here while our friends are recovering, but is there any way Noah and I could maybe split our time between New York and Chicago?”

  Bennett shrugs. “Sure.”

  “Sure? That easy?” I squint at him.

  He leans closer to the desk. “Piper, do you know why I told Noah he needed to be in Chicago?”

  “I have some ideas, but I don’t know for sure.”

  “I didn’t want him breaking down again or getting killed out here. If he’s staying out of the co-op and letting Eric handle it, then I don’t need to worry about that. But Noah also has you now, and I have a feeling he’s not spending all his time working?”

  I blush. “No, he’s not.”

  Bennett leans back in his seat. “Good. Keep it that way, and you two can live where you want. Noah is more than capable of running things from either office.”



  I stand and go to his side of the desk and hug him again. “Thanks.”

  He throws his hands in the air. “I knew you two would be good for each other.”

  I tilt my head at him in question.

  He shrugs. “Hey, you can’t fault me for wanting the best for my nephew, can you?”

  I gape at him. “So, you were playing matchmaker?”

  “I wanted you to have the experience and become the VP of the M&A division, but I won’t lie and tell you it didn’t cross my mind that you two might connect.”

  I bend down and kiss Bennett on the cheek. “Well, thank you for that.”

  He blushes and stands. “I’ve gotta go, or I’ll miss my flight plan. Tell Noah I said bye?”

  “Will do, Bennett. Thanks for everything.”

  He leaves. I sit back in my chair and swivel it so I’m overlooking Manhattan.

  So much has changed. I never thought I would want to leave Chicago, nor did I ever think I would find someone like Noah. Bennett has been gone for about an hour when Noah comes in.

  “Penny for your thoughts?” His mouth is near my ear.

  I jump in my chair. “Noah!”

  He sits against the desk. “What are you thinking about?”

  I lick my lips at him. “You.”

  He pulls my chair over so I’m sitting in front of his legs. “What about me?”

  I playfully slap him. “I shouldn’t tell you just so it drives you nuts.”

  He pretends to stab himself in the heart. “You’re killing me.”

  I stand up and adjust his tie. “Bennett said to tell you goodbye. He had to catch his flight.”

  “Sorry I missed him. What else aren’t you telling me?”

  “He said you could run the company from Chicago or New York.”

  Noah freezes. “He did?”

  I put my hands around his neck. “Yes.”

  He pumps his fist in the air. “Wait. How did that come up?”

  I smirk at him. “I asked.”

  “You asked?”


  Noah raises his eyebrows at me. “Are you telling me you want to move to New York?”

  I shrug. “I don’t think I want to leave Chicago completely but maybe spend more time here. Go back and forth?”

  Noah’s grin widens. “I’d love that.”

  I stand up and step between his legs. “Good. Let’s do it, then.”



  He cups my face and kisses me.

  “How is Xander?”

  His face falls. “The same. Trying to find Billie.”

  Xander still can’t remember anything. He doesn’t recall Charlotte and told Noah that he’s in love with Billie, his old girlfriend. He feels like he’s cheating if he pursues anyone but her, so he’s trying to locate her.

  No matter how many times Noah, Chase, or Jamison tell him he broke up with Billie and they weren’t compatible, he won’t let it go.

  Charlotte’s heart is broken. She won’t admit it to me and claims, “We only were together a few times,” but I know better. I saw her face when Xander didn’t recognize her, and the same expression appears whenever Xander’s name is brought up. We try not to talk about him in front of her, but when we’ve slipped up, I’ve heard her sniffling through her bedroom door at night.

  Xander’s position in Chicago is on hold until his memory comes back. The doctors have told us that it should return at some point, but they can’t guarantee when.

  “Is he still depressed?”

  “Yeah, a bit.”

  Xander’s loss of memory is frustrating for him, and since he can’t work, it’s been hard on his psyche.

  A sad frown is on Noah’s face.

  Taking a deep breath, Noah stands up straighter and brushes my hair off my face. “Hey, I forgot to tell you I’m taking you out tonight.”

  I press my body closer to his. “You are, huh?”


  “Where are we going?”

  “I’m not telling you.”

  “The last time you told me that you took me to The Vibrator and got on stage in a speedo,” I tease.

  “That won’t be happening tonight.”

  I pretend to pout then ask, “What do I wear?”

  He licks his lips. “Panties are optional.”

  I slap his arm. “Ha, ha!”

  Wiggling an eyebrow at me, he tells me, “Summer casual. Nothing too fancy, but stilettoes are
always a good choice.”

  I’m wearing a strapless pink sundress, and a new pair of Jimmy Choo pink stilettoes that Noah bought me. When I come out of the bedroom, his face lights up.

  I point at him. “You’re drooling again.”

  Charlotte smirks at Noah. “She’s right. Lots of drool.”

  He pretends to wipe his face then kisses me. “Ready?”

  “Yes.” I wave to Charlotte. “Have a good night.”

  She waves back. “You, too. Have fun.”

  Noah leads me out of the penthouse, into the elevator, and through the lobby. When we get outside, his driver Lou is waiting.

  Once we’re in the car, Noah pulls me on his lap. “Well?”


  He licks his lips. “Panties or no panties?”

  I lean into his ear. “It’s too early in the night to tell you that. But I’m not wearing a bra.”

  He groans and kisses my shoulder then teases the curve of my neck with his tongue, sending shivers down my spine.

  My lips find him, and everything is right in the world as he pulls me in, showing me for the millionth time that he’s mine and all he desires.

  It doesn’t matter how many times Noah kisses me. Energy vibrates through me as he breathes life through all my cells, leaving no doubts about how deep his love for me is.

  We aren’t in the car long when it stops. I only notice we are stopped because Lou opens the door. “Whoops. Sorry to interrupt.”

  Heat creeps up my neck.

  “No worries,” Noah tells him then pecks me quickly on the lips.

  I move off his lap. He gets out of the car and reaches in to help me out. We’re at a marina with hundreds of luxury boats parked in boat slips. I tilt my head at him in question.

  He wraps his arm around my waist, and leads me down the dock then stops in front of a big yacht. The back reads Piper.

  I squint at him. “Is this yours?”

  Pride crosses his face. “Yep.”

  “You have a yacht?”

  “We have a yacht.”

  Okay, that’s pretty cool.

  “You named it after me?”

  He grins wider. “Yep. It was the thing I loved most before I met you. I never named it because nothing ever felt right before.”

  I’m stunned, blinking back tears. “Noah...” I don’t know what to say. I’m overwhelmed with emotion.


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