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Page 4

by Lena Little

  “You’re probably tired after the night we just had.” He hands me the water and I twist the cap off and back on, not remembering that the purpose of it is to actually drink it. I swallow hard and his eyes dart to my throat like the way a cheetah tracks prey on the Serengeti.

  “I’m still running on adrenaline actually.”

  “Why doesn’t it surprise me that you’re still full of energy? I can see it in your eyes that you’re tough. You’re a fighter. You’ve grown up under similar circumstances that I have.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  “It takes one to know one. I know that although you feel safe here with me, you’re also scared…scared of what it means to trust someone else, because, like me, you’ve learned that doing so leads to nothing but disappointment. It’s why you probably do everything for yourself, just like I do. Well, it’s time to end. Let some of those troubles, those burdens, the worry go. My shoulders are big enough for the both of us and I don’t just want to carry it for you. I need to.”

  “Why do you need to? It doesn’t make sense.” I cross my arms, making my posture more stand-offish to his words, letting him know I’m not going to buy any b.s.

  “You’ve awoken something new inside me. This need to be everything for you. To fill not just the role of a lover, but also something more…paternal.”

  “What if I don’t want that?”

  “You do.”

  I roll my eyes. “Okay, hypothetically say I do want that. What if I’m not ready yet?”

  “I’d never push you to do anything you don’t want to.”

  “Thank you for respecting boundaries.”

  He closes the small space between us and I feel his energy again like I’m about to fall into a vortex and there’s no way I can ever get myself out. “But you are ready. You’ve got it written all over you.”

  His pants are sticking straight out at me, completely horizontal as he looks me up from head to toe, a rumble coming from his throat. His muscles are pulled tight like ropes, his pupils dilating like he’s ready to consume me.

  Dare I challenge him to do just that, especially considering he’s already told me this dress is going to be on his floor, and things are playing out just as he said. Not only did he say, but I want out of this annoying fabric. Getting off while I rode him was unlike any experience I’ve ever had. And that was with clothes on. I can only imagine what it’s like to be with him with nothing separating my skin from his.

  I take the bait, step into the trap he expertly set. “Oh yeah? What else is ‘written all over me’?”

  “One thing for sure is about to be all over you.”

  “What’s that?” I swallow.


  In one move that defies the laws of physics for someone his size, surprising me that he’s so nimble, he grabs me by the waist, knees the door shut, and then flattens my back against it as his mouth ravishes mine.

  His hand finds my neck, goosebumps immediately covering my entire body. They only intensify when his rough digits slide up my neck and his hips press into mine.

  My back arches and for the second time tonight, I feel more alive than I ever have. Those words he mentioned seconds ago pass through my brain.

  My shoulders are big enough for the both of us and I don’t just want to carry it for you. I need to.

  All the anxiety, the stress of just surviving on a daily basis, the hustle…it overwhelms me and my whole body capitulates to him, a big exhale leaving me as the weight of the world leaves me, even if just momentarily, to someone I know who not only can help but truly wants to.

  The bottom of my feet find the tops of his and I use him as a launching pad, scaling the wall of muscles that make up his physique, my legs wrapping around his hips like earlier, but this time I know the end result is going to be different.

  His hand takes hold of the back of my dress and yanks diagonally, the polyester fabric tearing so easily for the animal that’s clearly got me in his paws. I feel his first and second fingers slide into my bra and in one scissor motion it’s gone, my breasts on full display as his other hand kneads my butt, his lips trailing their way down the side of my neck, crossing over to my throat and then through the valley of my exposed tits.

  “Fuck,” he grunts. “This isn’t ending like the freshman dance type thing we did in the bathroom. This is the grown-up, adult, triple x rated version that’s ready to go down. You sure you’re ready for this?”

  “I’m ready,” I respond without a single second thought in the world. No sooner has my confirmation left my lips than I feel my body moving, being carried to somewhere else in a record clip.

  Not three seconds later, and despite my legs being wrapped around his back and my thighs squeezing hard, he tosses me like a discarded apple core…my strength no match for his.

  My body flies through the air, backward, and I have no idea what, or where, I’m about to land.

  Or more accurately…bounce.

  The mattress underneath me breaks my fall and quickly I slide up on my forearms and scurry back to the headboard like a cornered animal. But the real predator is him, as he stalks toward me, reaching down and grabbing the bottom of his shirt with both hands and then pulls it up and over his head.

  My eyes are immediately drawn to the ink on his left pec muscle, a tribal tattoo. Seeing me focusing on the art on his body, he explains without me asking, sliding out of the rest of his clothes in the process.

  “Deep down inside, even though I was always a lone wolf, a loner, a sovereign individual who answers to no man or no land…despite all that and the way I projected that to the world…I always wanted to be a part of a tribe, a group, a community. I needed a group to lead, to be in charge of, to watch over like a sheepherder, but not an old Englishman in the countryside…in order to protect my flock from the wolves, I had to be a wolf myself. And that’s what I’ve always been. The only difference now is I finally have that community. I finally have you. And together we’re not going to join a community, we’re going to build one all on our own. A family. Because I’m a jealous motherfucker and I don’t want my neighbors looking at the most beautiful girl in the world, my soon-to-be wife. Because they will have thoughts, they’ll covet, then the wolf will turn on the flock and all trust will be lost. But a family, bonded in blood? That’s stronger than anything on this planet, in the universe. Nothing can, or will, come between us. I won’t fucking allow it. You can take that to the bank.”

  His muscles flex as he moves onto the bed, his weight nearly tipping the headboard up as his knees find the foot of the mattress. Slab upon slab of muscle rippling in the light, the trunk of flesh between his legs damn near at a ninety-degree angle he’s so hard.

  “Should we shut the curtains so the morning light doesn’t come in?”

  “No. Fucking. Way. I want to see you, every inch of you. And I want you to get a very clear, up close, and personal look at exactly what you do to me…as you’re doing it.”

  “But I-I don’t know what to do. I’m not sure I’m going to do anything right.”

  “Shhh,” he says, placing a finger over my mouth. “Just being yourself is all it takes to drive me wild.” His finger slides down until just the tip rests on my bottom lip, which I run through my upper teeth. He uses the opportunity to turn his hand from vertically to horizontally and slides his finger onto the tip of my tongue and I instinctively suck on it, bringing both hands up to take the single one of his as I guide his finger in and out in a slow, rhythm.

  “This is only the beginning. You understand, Pumpkin?”

  I can barely concentrate, but manage to moan an affirmative reply as I bask in the way he’s preparing me for what’s about to come. The crazy thing is this alone already has me at the brink, and he hasn’t even put anything between my legs yet, hasn’t even touched me there even though I want it so damn bad.

  On cue, his other hand traces over my panties, straight up my slit and I gasp, biting down on his finger slightly.
br />   “So hungry for Daddy’s big dick, aren’t we, Princess?”

  “Daddy,” I begin the word already so natural. “I want you to…touch my princess parts.”

  His wrist firms and his entire body stills. His upper lip curls, dark threats form behind his glazed eyes. In response I try and suck on his digit again, trying to jumpstart what he’s just brought to a screeching halt. He says nothing and responds to nothing. I’m lost as to where I just lost him and out of nowhere I pout. “Daaadddyyy! I need you.”

  “You need me to do what exactly?”

  “I need you to touch my princess parts?”

  “I’m sorry. Whose?”

  I swallow hard and my disappointment turns to a mischievous grin. “Your princess parts.”

  “That’s right, Little Girl. Mine. You. Are. Mine. Every part of you, every thought, and certainly this,” he says, cupping my sex in his hand.

  I push my hips forward, my aching cunt pressing against his palm.

  “So fucking wet, so fucking responsive. No one’s going to blame me for getting you pregnant,” he growls at me. “This little pussy of yours, of mine, is just too ripe.” He pauses, pulling my panties to the side and exposing my slit. “Fucking hell,” he exhales. “Look at that sweet little cunt. And the best part? It’s mine all mine. Fuck that getting you pregnant shit. That’s minor league stuff. I’m not getting you pregnant with my child. I’m going to fuck you so hard you’re going to have triplets, twins at minimum. There’s gonna be at least two babies growing up inside you until your body can’t do it anymore, and by that time there will be some robot AI surrogate that can carry more babies for us…because you know I’m not letting any living breathing person around the unborn children that are ours.”

  “You’re crazy,” I laugh, but he doesn’t flinch. His beliefs truly are set in stone.

  “You think I’m playing,” he threatens, rubbing his thumb over my pearl and making my body go crazy. “I’ve got more than enough firepower in these balls,” he adds, cupping his cajones, “to fill you for a hundred lifetimes.”

  “Just look at you,” he says, his eyes going to my middle. “These are your last moments of freedom because I’m about to fucking own you. I’m going to beat you like you stole something, and you did…every single thing about me because just as much as I own you, the woman you’re attached to owns me in tandem.”

  Is he talking to my…cunt? Carrying on a conversation with my body part?

  “You’re never gonna get a good night’s rest again, my pretty peach. And what does Daddy do with a peach so perfect and juicy? He rubs it all over his face of course.”

  Julian’s body collapses at the foot of the bed, his face an inch from my middle and then in one move he yanks my panties clean off and licks straight up my center. My ass cheeks tighten as I flex my sex toward him. His hands grab my butt like a bowl as he tips my pelvis, lapping at my juices like it’s a bowl of soup that has the cure for every known disease to humankind…and he’s currently infected with all of them.

  In rapid fashion, my wetness coats his tongue, chin, and cheeks. He continues devouring me with crude licks and although I’ve never even allowed a man to so much as see me down there, I know Julian is the best in the world at what he’s doing.

  I fight back the urge to climax, but when he says, “You just wait…I’m going to kiss this mess back onto your pretty little face while I mate you like a wild animal,” I can’t do much more to stop the dam from breaking.

  He moans more savage sexual promises into my sex but I can’t even make them out, my head spinning as he whips me around the bed like a pit bull devouring a stuffed animal.


  “That’s not my name,” he growls back angrily.


  Hearing me say the word out loud is the final nail in the coffin, the trigger pull that sets off the gun.

  My body goes off, trembling wildly as pleasure shoots through me to the core of my being, the center of my body convulsing up and off the mattress like I’m possessed.

  I yell his moniker yet again and the echo ricochets off the walls sounding us as if they’re closing in on us as nothing else in this world matters other than the two of us.

  My hips buck and my legs lock as I unload a fountain into his face. His tongue dives deep, spearing my womanhood as he tries to put his orifice back in the dike, but the flood is too strong. He counters by licking, sucking, and lapping at my middle, cleaning up my release like a sponge, his tongue the red carpet as he makes me not just the star of the moment, but puts a warmth in my heart that says he’s going to keep me on this pedestal for the rest of my life.

  Crazy and naive? Maybe. But after eighteen years of being stepped on, over, and kicked down I’m not missing this opportunity for my own legs to shutter as my feet kick uncontrollably as I find more pleasure with him than I have in my entire existence.

  “Time to deliver on that promise,” he says, his head rising out from my crotch, covered in juices which quickly meet my mouth in a kiss so wet it would make a dog jealous. He licks up the side of my cheek like he’s man’s best friend and has missed me for months on end, leaving a trail of my own musky scent smack dab on my face.

  It’s beyond dirty. It’s filthy. And I fucking love it.

  He fists his shaft and knees my legs open wider. They go to snap shut instinctively and he shoots me a smirk. “That’s what you’ve been doing with all the other men all these years, but Daddy’s here now. Open up and let me in!”

  I do as I’m told because he’s right. “Is it going to hurt, Daddy?”

  “Don’t you worry, Precious. You don’t have to do anything. Just lie there and let Daddy have his way.” He stares at my sex one last time as if he’s looking in a casket at a funeral, my virginity about to disappear forever as he makes me into a woman.

  And then my eyes lock on his cock…as in really get a good look at it.

  “Don’t worry. Daddy won’t hurt you…much. Not in a way that doesn’t feel good. Just remember I’d never hurt you in a bad way, only good.”

  I freeze.

  “I need to know you’re sure, that you still want to do this. If you’re having second thoughts we pull the plug now,” he says with a grimace. “It will destroy me, but it’s more important I don’t destroy you with the animal that’s begging to get out from inside me.”

  Moment of truth time and I think how silly it is to consider that billions of people have sex and I’m scared of my first time. Then again I’m pretty sure most of them weren’t staring down the barrel of a loaded gun because I’m pretty sure he’s harder, thicker, and ready to shoot harder and farther than some weapons on the market these days.

  “I think I’m ready,” I announce.

  “I don’t want you to think. I need you to know. But just know this…once your body has adjusted to having me buried inside you, once your body realizes that it’s going to be stretched open wide every time I see you, your body will stop questioning it, and just accept all the pleasure these dozen inches are going to give it.”

  “It is big.”

  “Big enough that after today you’re going to shake every time I walk into a room as you just know that I’m not walking out of said room until I fill you to the hilt with my come. Every. Single. Time.”

  “My body is shaking right now.”


  The room goes silent and I take a deep breath. “I’m ready. I’m sure. Final answer.”

  One corner of his lips pull up and that trademark smirk returns, his nostrils flaring in triumph. “That’s my Little Girl.”

  His lips snare mine in a slow, wet kiss and before I realize what’s happening I feel the crown of his cock pressing into me and no way in hell is he taking a no or do-over or false start for an answer. And the best thing is that despite me having no idea how he’s going to fit all of his thick inches inside me, I know it’s the right decision…because he let me make it.

  He’s possess
ive, territorial, and jealous, but when he makes a decision that involves me or one that is entirely about me he makes sure to involve me or let me make the call altogether. Now that’s a real man, a man who knows what he wants but still takes the time to hear what his woman, his queen, wants too.

  “Gonna need spit and muscle to get in,” he grunts. “So tight for me, Baby Girl. You kept it so perfect for Daddy.”

  Slowly he works his hips forward, my stomach clenching.

  “Breath,” he adds.

  I do as I’m told as best as I can, fighting back a tear that’s not from the pain but from the emotion of this man wanting to claim me as his own so badly.

  “You okay?” he checks in.

  I nod.

  “Anytime this gets to be too much, you promise you’ll tell me. Don’t be afraid to say so or speak your mind.”

  “I’m not afraid of anyone!” I blurt out.

  “That’s my girl.” His hips punch forward slightly more and all the air inside my body leaves.

  “Oh my God it hurts…but…in a good way.”

  He exhales hard, his relief clearly written on his face as he kisses my cheek. “That’s because we were meant for each other. When I took you out of that underground card game it meant I was responsible for you from that moment on. It didn’t happen by chance. It’s because we were meant to happen.”

  “You said that earlier,” I remind him.

  “I know, I just have to keep saying it to convince myself this is even real…that I found you. That…this,” he says, looking down at what amounts to half of his inches stuffed inside me.

  “There’s more?”

  “A lot more for you, Kitten.”

  “I want it. I want it now. Give it to me like you want to give it to me.”

  “You can’t handle that right now.”

  “Try me,” I challenge.

  He looks over each shoulder almost as if he’s getting ready to say or do something he shouldn’t, but luckily for me, he does it anyway. His hips pull back and then in one move he thrusts his entire member into me. I thought the first time he entered me all the air left my body but this time he shows me an entirely different level.


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