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Holy Island Trilogy 03 - The Final Countdown

Page 13

by Sheila Quigley

  At last, satisfied that he had the right house, they pulled up close to the gate and got out of the car. Patrick was about to open the gate when it was pulled open from the other side, and a young man ran out.

  ‘Danny! Kristina said, slightly amazed that he would be here of all places.

  ‘You? Oh God, not another one!’ he yelled, spotting her.

  ‘Stop him,‘ Ella screamed, running out after him, followed by Mike and Coral.

  Reacting quickly, Patrick grabbed for Danny’s middle and spun round with him just as Mike reached them.

  ‘Get off me,’ Danny yelled. ‘Fuck off.’ He struggled with Patrick, but when Mike joined in, he knew he had no chance. Deflated, he stopped struggling.

  ‘Phew,’ Patrick said. ‘You’re ripe, son.’

  ‘Fuck off, old goat.’

  Coral shot Patrick a sorry look. He smiled. ‘No problem Coral love. And may I say, you’re looking as lovely as ever, my dear.’

  ‘Thank you, Patrick, and the same back… Come on, Danny. Come inside and I’ll get you some fresh clothes.’

  Danny glared at her. It isn’t my fault that I stink, no one's given me the chance to change clothes, he thought, then looked at them all. No chance of ever getting away from here either.

  Fucking surrounded.

  When is it all gonna end?

  Again filled with despair, and actually having listened to the things Smiler had been saying to him when everyone had left the room and left them alone to talk, he gave in. Not that he’d planned to go far. He just really needed some time to clear his head, and get used to the fact that Smiler seemed an OK kind of guy, who had been to hell and back himself, and was coping in his own way.

  In fact the last thing he’d said, before they all came back, was, 'It gets a tiny bit better every day.'

  ‘All right,’ he declared. ‘But I want some explanations about every fucking thing that’s gone on. And why the fuck I’ve been tossed from pillar to post for the last few weeks. As well as practically being accused of everything under the fucking sun.’ He glared at Mike and Kristina in turn. ‘And you two!’

  ‘You’ll get them, Danny,’ Ella said. ‘I promise you, we’ve just been waiting to get everyone together.’

  ‘OK, but I want the truth this time.’

  ‘Don’t we all,’ Mike said.

  Ignoring him, Danny went on, ‘I mean it. Not gonna be fobbed off with a load of rubbish this time… I want to know why two of my best friends are dead, why you told me Shelly was here when she’s not, and just who the fuck Them are. And you all know who I mean when I say Them! Don’t you! 'Cos I know this is all down to Them. And you’re all fucking well in on it. In fact, want to know something? I’m fucking sick of asking!’

  ‘Take him in, Coral. I won't be long, just need to…’ Mike said, missing her nod, because his eyes were for Kristina only, and hers for him.

  When they had all gone in, Kristina moved towards Mike. Suddenly his arms were wrapped around her. After a moment, he looked deep into her eyes and said, ‘Why did we let it end, Kristina? How could we have been so, so stupid?’

  Kristina shook her head. ‘I don’t know, Mike. One of those things, I suppose…' She shrugged. ‘Shit happens. But now,’ she smiled up at him, ‘now I feel like I’ve finally come home.’

  ‘There’s a lot of talking to be done, Kristina. And a lot of listening, with nothing but hard dangerous work ahead… Our own business, though!’ He smiled.

  ‘On hold, Mike.’

  She smiled up at him, they kissed, then hand in hand followed the others into the house.

  Half an hour later, Mike sat with one arm around Aunt May, the other around Kristina, with Smiler next to Aunt May, and Ella taking a photograph. ‘Put your arm around Aunt May, Smiler,’ she urged him. For the briefest of moments he hesitated, then with a smile he put his arm around Aunt May. She leaned in and rested her head on his shoulder. Smiler felt as if his heart would burst.

  Mike had never been so happy for the longest time. He was with everyone he loved. For this brief calm before the storm, it was as if the families didn’t exist, and life was sweet.

  A few minutes later Brother David, who had spent most of the day in prayer until Mike popped up to see him for a quick catch up, arrived downstairs to join them, taking care to avoid looking at Coral and keeping as far away from her as possible. He was followed by Danny, who had showered, shaved and now wore jeans and a blue t-shirt that actually fitted him.

  Aunt May stood up. ‘OK, time to get down to a few bloody home truths, all.’

  When she had finally finished speaking, she was met with stunned silence for a moment. Until Danny, the first one to find his voice, blurted, ‘So basically, ‘cos a whole bunch of fucking…sorry.’ He shot a quick smile at Aunt May. ‘Like I said, because of these people's greed, we’re all in the mess that we’re in now?’

  ‘Basically yes, that and the love of power.’

  ‘Well, count me in, whatever you’ve got planned, OK? But in the meantime, what about Shelly?’


  Shelly thought she was seeing things when the gates closed behind her. Feeling as if she’d been transported back to the monastery near Berwick she stared around her, fear flooding through her body the closer to the building that they got.

  Jesus Christ! It is a carbon copy of the monastery.

  Can’t do this.

  No way!

  Keep calm. Turning her face to the window so that he couldn’t see, she took a couple of deep breaths.

  No backing out now

  ‘What, er…is it a hotel?’ she asked, searching her mind for his name, then remembering he’d never actually given it.

  ‘Sort of,’ he replied, with a sarcastic smile. ‘Trust me, you’re gonna really love it here.’

  ‘Thought you were just picking some gear up?

  ‘Yeah, but we gotta socialise a bit.’ He put his hand on her knee and squeezed. ‘Know what I mean?’

  Shelly knew what he meant all right, and at this moment it was all she could do to keep herself from latching tightly onto his throat. Determined to see it through, she kept telling herself to be calm. One way or another, preferably before tonight was over, she would see her day with the bastard.

  He brought the car to a stop close to the main door and, like a gentleman introducing a lady to her new home, hurried around the car and opened the door with a flourish.

  Pretending not to realise that the tight grip he had on her arm as they walked to the door was to stop her from running away, she smiled innocently up at him as the door opened.

  His grip tightened, as she’d guessed it would. Playing along, she started to struggle and glared at him.

  ‘Let go, you’re hurting me.’

  ‘Can’t do that, sorry. Not until I hand you over.’

  God! she thought, remembering the monastery, do they all go through a fucking induction course?

  ‘What do you mean, hand me over?’ She struggled harder. Before he had a chance to answer her, the heavy oak-panelled door opened, and a tall, broad-shouldered man reached out his hand and grabbed her other arm.

  ‘Hello,’ he said. ‘Welcome.’

  ‘No!’ Shelly screamed. ‘Let me go!’

  ‘Bye,’ the man who had brought her said, a big dimpled smile on his face as he turned back to the car. He was practically clapping his hands in delight. Before the night was over, he hoped to bring in at least another two willing victims.

  The big man with the bald head dragged her through the door then, keeping hold of her with an iron grip, he locked the door with his other hand. Pretending to be overawed by everything that was happening, not that it took too much pretence, Shelly stared around at her surroundings. It was so much like the monastery that it was practically unbelievable, right down to the tiniest detail. The whole set up freaked her out. Silently, facing away from the guard, she took some more deep breaths, wondering if they were doing any good. She was still in a state of
panic, and the tight lid she had on it kept slipping.

  Her mind, though, was racing. This must be the new guy drafted in to take the place of the last guard I injected. A small glimmer of satisfaction drifted through her. He had been a nasty bastard all right, and deserved what he’d got.

  ‘Move it,’ the new guard said.

  ‘No thank you, mate. If you’re up to kinky stuff in here, you picked the wrong girl. I’m off. ‘ She turned towards the door, but he still had tight hold of her.

  ‘You’re not going anywhere.’

  ‘I am so!’ She made a big show of struggling with him, even though she knew it was useless. She had to keep up the pretence at all cost.

  Ignoring her protests and keeping tight hold of her, he answered his ringing mobile. After a moment he said, ‘OK, got it.’

  ‘No. Get your fucking paws off me.’ She slapped his face hard.

  He smiled at her. The bastard hasn’t even blinked, Shelly thought, a tingle of fear running up her spine.

  ‘Come with me, girl, and you’ll get what you came for all right.’ With hardly any effort, he dragged her to a doorway that she knew just had to lead off to half a dozen rooms kept for the newbies until, after only a few days, they became totally addicted. Then they were forced to sleep in the sheds with the rest of the workers.

  The door opened just before they reached it and another guard stepped in.

  Shit! she thought, for God’s sake, please, please don’t let the freak recognize me.

  She put her head down, but she could feel his eyes boring into her. She knew it was now or never. Her fingers twisted the lid of the insulin pen in her pocket, then flicked it off with her thumb. She turned the top until it reached the very end. She’d practised this over and over and, though still terrified that the very fine needle might snap, she was even more terrified that this lecherous bastard might recognize her.

  ‘Look at me,’ he demanded.

  Poised for action, and trying hard to keep a look of revulsion on her face, she lifted her head.

  ‘Hmm, the hair colour’s all wrong.’ He paused for a moment studying her.

  Shelly’s heart felt as if it would burst. He knows it’s me. Shit!

  ‘But now and again he doesn’t mind a change.’

  Oh my God thank you. Shelly thought, her heart easing. He doesn’t know it’s me.

  ‘You’ll do for tonight’s entertainment.’

  ‘For what?’ she yelled, continuing to play the game. ‘And get your hands off me, creep, or I’ll call the police. Fucking pervert.’

  He laughed out loud. Insults were two a penny, and he’d heard the lot. They were all of them, without exception, very, very sorry later. Slowly he studied her face, wondering briefly if he’d seen her somewhere before.

  ‘I’ll take her, shall I?’ the first guard said, breaking the spell.

  ‘Why, what you after, like?’ The original guard looked at him suspiciously.

  ‘Nothing. Just thought I’d save you the trek.’

  ‘I’ll take her.’

  He turned, his grip tightening on her arm and, heart pounding again, Shelly deciding that plan A was out the window. It had been stupid, anyhow. No way would she have been able to inject this gorilla in front of the Leader, then get away with attacking the Leader. Wonder Woman she definitely wasn’t. It was now or never, though. New plan - sort the gorilla, then go for the Leader, supposing she had to get into bed with the bastard.

  ‘Come on,’ he said, without looking at her.

  Playing along, Shelly dug her heels in, but the strength he possessed was way above normal, and she may as well have been a fly batting against a pane of glass trying to be free.

  The door slammed behind them, and quickly Shelly pulled her insulin pen out. What worked before will work again, she reasoned as, pretending to trip, she used his strength to pull her over and pressed the plunger, injecting the full dose into the top of his leg.

  In moments, he crumbled. Suspecting nothing, he stared at her, puzzlement in his eyes just before they closed.

  The door opened and Shelly jumped up, snatching the second pen out of her pocket. She was ready to do it again, to whoever came through the door.


  ‘You sure you’ve searched everywhere?’ Ella asked, trying to keep the worry out of her voice and failing miserably.

  ‘She’s gone looking for them, hasn’t she,' Coral stated. ‘Check the fridge for her insulin pens.'

  Seeing as he was the closest, Smiler jumped up and went into the kitchen. A few moments later, he was back. ‘No sign of any insulin pens in there.’

  Mike frowned. ‘Where do you think she’s gone?’

  ‘I know where she’s gone.' Coral replied. ‘She’s gone looking for the Leader.’

  Mike raised his eyebrows.

  ‘Ah, Mike. You don’t know, do you, that the other night she had the guts to inject one of the Leader's guards with insulin.’

  ‘Hmm, well done her.’

  The rest of them nodded.

  ‘She what?’ Brother David said in awe.


  ‘Yes, I know what you said… Wow, brave girl.’

  Danny smiled at everyone. Way to go, Shelly, he was thinking. For the first time in weeks, his heart felt just that little bit lighter, until Aunt May brought him crashing back down.

  ‘You do all realise she bloody well might not be coming back.’

  Every pair of eyes turned to Danny. Looking back at them, he shook his head and, even knowing the danger she had put herself in, said, ‘She will… I know she will.’


  Shelly held the pen like a spear just above her right shoulder. The first guard lay perfectly still at her feet, apart from his left foot which was twitching ever so slightly. Her hands were trembling, but she’d done what she had set out to do.

  Although she knew it wasn’t over yet.

  And now the door was slowly opening and creaking, just like the door in that other hell had creaked, and the other guard stepped through.

  Without hesitation, Shelly threw herself at him.

  ‘No, Shelly, stop,’ he yelled, as the needle made contact with his shoulder. ’You don’t understand, I’m on your side.’

  ‘Liar!’ she screamed, pressing the plunger. ‘No one’s on my side, least of all you… Die!’

  He twisted away from her and grabbed her arm then, pushing her away from him, he quickly pulled the pen out of his shoulder. Seeing that it was empty, he stared at her in horror.

  ‘Die, bastard, die for everything you’ve ever done.’

  He shook his head, his face white with shock. ’Shelly, you don’t understand.’

  ‘Ha! I understand all right, and you’re dead, mate. Just like him. Die, you bastard, make the world a better place.’

  A moment later he felt cold liquid run down his arm. He gasped, and Shelly, thinking it was his last breath, smiled.

  He smiled back at her as he said, ’The needle must have stuck in the seam of my jacket.’

  Shelly’s face dropped. Frantically she looked around for an escape route. Get out, get out, her mind was screaming at her.

  ‘It’s all right, Shelly, I’m on your side,’ he repeated, slowly so it would penetrate the fear and doubt he could see on her face, and the panic as he saw her reach into her pocket.

  How many needles has she got in there? he wondered. He’d been lucky once!

  ‘Please, please, Shelly, you’ve got to believe me. How do you think I know your name? Take time, think hard. Have you ever seen me before, anywhere?’

  ‘What?’ She paused for a moment. It hadn’t occurred to her until he mentioned it that he had been calling her by her name. ‘But how…How can I....’ She gestured with her hand to the now lifeless body on the floor. 'You…you look just like him, it takes a certain kind of person to do what he does.’ She shook her head.


  ‘No. I don’t believe you.’

  ‘You haven’t got a choice.’ He went on quickly, ‘I’m part of Aunt May’s set up, Shelly, for fuck's sake, not this lot. Now quick, we’ve got to move him before anyone comes along. There’s no one else we can trust in here. And you are just going to have to trust me, girl…I’m all you’ve got.’

  Still unsure, she stared at him.

  Reaching down, he grabbed the guard's arms and started pulling him down the corridor. ‘Open the third door down, quickly.’

  Making her mind up - like he said, she thought, there’s no one else - she ran ahead of him and opened the door wide, and he pulled the guard through. Straightening up, he looked at Shelly and said, ‘I’m Mitch by the way, short for Mitchell. And I know you’re Shelly, that phone call was from Ella.’

  Shelly looked at him. Should she trust him or not? He knew all the right names, but that could be a cover. He could be working for both sides. 'Help!' she wanted to yell, but help would never come. Not in here, the home of the damned.

  ‘OK,’ she said after a moment, knowing that she had no choice and had to trust him. ‘What now?’

  He looked around the small room. It was a library with one narrow window on the far side. The walls were lined with books. Some of them, he knew, were very rare, and the outside world thought they were lost forever. The Leader, cursed with insomnia, used the library mostly in the middle of the night, sometimes disturbing a slave's sleep to read to him. Next to the window there was a spiral staircase that led up to the Leader's bedroom.

  ‘Ah, I know. Quickly, while I pull him over to the staircase, grab something heavy.’

  Obeying, though not having a clue what he was going to do, Shelly searched the room with her eyes. Spotting what looked like a very heavy candlestick on the desk she ran over, grabbed it up and met him at the staircase.

  ‘What now?'

  ‘Now we’re gonna have to make it look like an accident, as much as we can.’

  She frowned. ‘How?’

  ‘Well, let's just say he fell down the stairs and hit his head just here. It’s possible, people fall downstairs everyday, don’t they?’ He took the brass candlestick from her, raised it above his own head and brought it crashing down on the guard's head, leaving a huge indent in his skull.


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