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Hostage: A Dark Mafia Romance (Romano Brothers Book 1)

Page 6

by Cade, Samantha

  I march up to him, the muscles in my arms tensed. Instead of punching him, I shove his chest. “And you forgot how I think.”

  I pull myself away from him before I let things get out of control and walk outside. The frigid breeze helps mellow some of my anger. Vince brought up a lot of shit that I don’t really want to think about. But what he said about the Nabatovs bothers me the most. It’s true. They’ll think they own Mia just because she worked one of their parties. I curse myself. How could I ever let her out of my sight? I start towards my car. I need to get to the Fry Hut.

  “Hey, bro. Wait up.”

  I turn back, squinting against the sun, and see Mateo. He jogs up to me, then lifts his shirt, flashing the gun stuck in his pants.

  “Just so you know,” he says, keeping his voice down. “Whenever you want to go take them out, I’m ready.”

  I pat him on the back. “Thanks, man. But cool your fucking jets, would you? I’m not starting up a war again just to get you hard.”

  Mateo groans. “We hardly ever see any action anymore. Pop and Vince just want to play it safe.”

  Mateo yanks the gun from his pants, and starts twirling it around his finger. I see the way his lips twitch, and the bloodlust in his eyes. He looks a lot like Nico. An image of Nico’s broken body flashes behind my eyes. I can’t let my little brother end up like that.

  “I hate to admit it, but maybe they’re right,” I say. “Now go on. Get back inside.”

  Mateo scowls at me before doing what I say.

  Chapter Eight



  I’m standing in front of the bathroom mirror in my Fry Hut uniform. The confidence I’d felt this morning after coming up with this plan is starting to fade. It takes several minutes for me to work up the courage to look at myself in the mirror.

  I study my face. I look exactly the same, but something’s different. For so long, I’ve felt like I’ve been drifting aimlessly, helpless against my tragic circumstances. But being with Leo makes me feel powerful, ready to take control of my life. I refuse to give up the happiness I have with him just because some scarred thug wants me for himself.

  I’m ready to stand up for myself. Or not. I really can’t decide.

  “I should tell Leo,” I tell my reflection, then instantly second guess myself. I could only imagine Leo’s fury if I tell him about Anton. Leo’s so insistent that I’m his, I don’t doubt he’d act impulsively, blinded by his own rage. I don’t want him to get hurt, or to be faulted for drudging up old, bloody feuds. I need to make this problem go away on my own.

  I’m not wearing a lick of makeup. My uniform is dowdy, and stinks like grease. My hair is tied in a messy bun, and I’m wearing my ugliest sneakers. I’m positive Anton will take one look at me and decide there are better options out there.

  I force myself to step off of the bus in the warehouse district. Even during the day, this place has an ominous feel. There’s a cacophony of heavy machinery and men shouting as I walk down the street. The warehouse Dani took me to the other night looks like any other. I wonder if anyone will even be here.

  If Leo knew what you were doing…

  I rap lightly on the warehouse doors while this thought flits through my mind. Leo had explicitly warned me to stay away from here. But he doesn’t know the whole story. I wait for almost a minute, though it seems much longer than that, for someone to open the door. Just when I’m about to lose my nerve and scurry away, I hear footsteps approach.

  The man who opens the door has a shaved head that reflects the light. He squints in the daylight, and looks at me suspiciously.

  “We didn’t order any food,” he says, gruffly.

  He starts to close the door. I almost let him. But if I don’t take care of this now, it could get much worse.

  “Wait,” I say, louder than I’d meant to. The man cocks his head. His brows scrunch together, making him look absolutely terrifying. “I’m not delivering food. I’m hear to see Anton.”

  “Anton?” he growls. “What business do you have with him?”

  I dig my fingernails into my palms to keep from trembling. “I was told that he’d selected me?” I cringe at how weak I sound.

  The man steps back and looks me over. The corner of his mouth lifts into a half smile as his gaze settles on my chest.

  “Yes, I see now. You have a nice body under such drab clothing.” He opens the door wider and invites me to step inside.

  “Thank you,” I mumble, and immediately regret it.

  The room is dark and filled with a smoky haze. Once my eyes adjust, I can see a few men lounging around. The bald man barks something to them in Russian. They all start to laugh, and blatantly gawk at my tits and ass. They speak loudly to each other. I know they’re talking about me, and I don’t care to know what they’re saying.

  The bald man gestures for me to follow him. I cower behind him, jumping at every shadow, every sound. This wasn’t how I imagined myself handling the situation. I had planned to be bolder, braver. But I’ve retreated into that scared little girl again.

  We stop outside of a door. The bald man goes in while I wait outside. I hear low, muffled voices coming from inside of the room. After a few minutes, the bald man returns, and invites me to enter.

  The first thing I notice is an offensively strong stench of cheap cologne. I imagine someone has just doused themselves in the stuff. The office is rather ordinary with filing cabinets, a computer, and a desk in the middle of the room. The man behind the desk, however, isn’t ordinary.

  Anton stands to greet me. He isn’t a very tall man, and only has a couple of inches on me. I straighten my back, determined to hold my own as he shakes my hand. The gash in his cheek has started to heal. It’s covered with an ugly, rust covered scab. Anton scratches it constantly. At the ends, the scab is starting to detach.

  “Good afternoon, Mia,” he says, pulling my hand.

  I stumble forward, and catch myself before I bang into his large, barrel chest. Anton’s neck is wet where he’s patted on that dreadful cologne. It’s obvious to see that this man thinks a lot of himself and his appearance. He wears a gaudy gold medallion that dangles onto his thick chest hair. I wonder if he unbuttoned the top three buttons of his shirt for my benefit. I know there’s no way to reason with him. Just like with my dad, I can’t use logic to argue my point. To persuade a man like Anton, I’d need to acknowledge his delusions.

  Don’t be scared. Take care of business, I tell myself. The sooner I get rid of this guy, the sooner I can get back into Leo’s warm arms.

  Anton brings my hand to his lips, and gives it a wet kiss. “You have kept me waiting, my dear.”

  “Oh, sorry,” I say, innocently. “I didn’t know I was supposed to come here.”

  “It’s fine, fine. I would’ve come for you eventually. But you couldn’t wait, huh?” He swings his arm towards a couch. “Have a seat with me.”

  I sit down, ankles crossed and my back unnaturally straight. Anton claps his hands together.

  “Shall we get down to business? I expect you have some demands?” His voice becomes bitter on the last word.

  “No demands,” I say, cocking my head to the side. “Just questions.”

  Anton lets out a belly laugh. “You’re not greedy like the others. Usually they want to set their own allowance, or demand cars, clothing, jewelry. I knew you were different.” He leans into me, and brushes the hair away from my ear. “Tell me, darling, what did you think when you heard the boss of the most powerful family in the northeast wanted you.” His fingertips tickles across the top of my thigh. “Did it make you wet?”

  I turn away so he doesn’t see the disgusted look on my face. “I was confused, actually. I wondered if it was a mistake.”

  “I don’t make mistake,” he says, grabbing my knee.

  “That’s probably true,” I say with a big smile. I look around the room, making my eyes big. “But you’re so successful, so powerful. You could have any
one. I don’t understand why you chose me.”

  Anton shrugs. “Some things can’t be explained. You caught my eye. And I had to have you.”

  “But, come on,” I laugh. “You’re surrounded by beautiful women all the time, way more beautiful than me. I work at a fast food restaurant. I’m not worthy of a man like you.”

  Anton tilts his forehead towards me. I can tell from the look in his eyes that my plan is backfiring. He tightens his grip on my knee.

  “Hearing you say that is making me hard,” he growls. “Would you like to see?” He grasps my hand and starts pulling it towards his lap. I see the bulge growing in his tight jeans, and yank my hand away. Anton’s lips spread into a straight line, and I see the flash of anger in his eyes. It subsides, and he smiles. “You don’t give it away so easily. I like that. It will give me a chance to use my charms.”

  Anton jumps up from the couch, then opens a drawer in his desk. He retrieves a fake white rose, and hands it to me.

  “For you,” he says with a wicked grin, as if this should make my panties fall right off.

  “Thanks,” I say through my teeth, and take the rose from him. “I just think you’ll be disappointed with me.”

  Anton plants his hands on the side of my face, clicking his tongue. “You shouldn’t hold such a low opinion of yourself. I assure you, I won’t be disappointed with you, because you will do exactly as I say.” He jerks my face up so I’m looking into his ugly face. “I don’t have to explain what will happen if you disobey, do I?”

  I shake my head. My bold pretense dissipates, and I’m left with paralyzing fear. It’s not lost on me who this guy is and the violence he’s capable of. Why did I come here alone?

  “I don’t wish to threaten you, so consider what I’m about to say a formality, okay?” He nods my head for me, then laughs at his own joke. He bends down until his eyes are level with mine. “Do you think I got to where I am by being a fucking idiot? I know what you’re trying to do. But once I see something I want, Mia, I make it mine. I’m prepared to offer you the world. You will sleep on the finest sheets, wear the most expensive clothes, feast on champagne and caviar daily. No one in their right mind would give up on an opportunity like that, especially a poor orphan like you. The only explanation is that there’s someone else. Another man.”

  I gulp, struggling to keep my face blank. Anton looks away, and his upper lip curls angrily.

  “I don’t like to share,” he says with a shrug. “It doesn’t matter who he is, I can easily crush him, like I have so many others. And don’t think you can fool me. I know where you live, where you work. I have eyes everywhere.” He smacks his hand lightly against my cheek. “There, now the unpleasantness is out of the way.”

  He releases my face. I feel the moisture from his sweaty palms clinging to my cheeks. I stare straight ahead, feeling like I’m in a tunnel. Everything else is black and circling around me. I’m starting to realize that Leo and I don’t have a chance. We never did. I can’t go up against a man like Anton, and I can’t let Leo either.

  Anton reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a rolled up wad of money fastened together with a rubber band. He peels off two hundred dollar bills and presses it into my palm.

  “We’re having a party here tomorrow night,” he says through a smirk. “I want to show you off. Buy yourself a new dress. Something classy. But sexy too.” He looks at my sneakers with a raised eyebrow, then hands me another hundred. “And new shoes too.”


  I’m halfway home when I realize I’m still clutching the money. The bills are crumpled and damp from my sweaty palm. Three hundred dollars. That’s more money than I’ve ever held in my hand at one time. I’m tempted to ball it up and throw it out of the window. Or even better, I could give it to the young mother sitting in front of me, whose hands are full of diapers and babies. I could just slip it to her without saying a word.

  Despite these altruistic thoughts, I know I’ll do as Anton says. I have to laugh at myself. I went in there thinking I was going to take control, but when have I ever been anything other than helpless, at mercy to the whims of those around me? Leo had made me feel like a woman, and given me something worth standing up for. I want to be his, only his, just like he says. But I know it can never happen. It’s too dangerous to us both to continue this relationship.

  I shove the money into my pocket and get off the bus at my stop. I’m too lost in my dark, tumultuous thoughts to pay much attention to what’s around me. Muscle memory guides me down the sidewalk, to the stairs leading up to the apartment building. I swing my head down low and start to climb up.

  I hear someone walking up behind me, but I don’t bother to look. When I reach the first landing, the footsteps speed up, leaping up several stairs at a time. I whirl around, but before I can see who it is, I feel a strong arm around my waist, and a hand over my mouth.

  “You never know where I’m hiding,” Leo whispers gruffly. He holds me in his rigid grip for a few moments, not letting me make a sound, before letting me go.

  I turn around to face him and he immediately wraps his arms around my waist. I remember Anton’s warning, that he’s always watching, and my limbs freeze with fear. Leo bends to kiss my neck, and the fear thaws into relief.

  “Leo,” I say, crashing against him. I hug him tightly, wishing I never had to let him go. The emotion I’ve been holding down starts to release, making me shake.

  This is too risky, I think, and back away from him. I scan the parking lot below for any mysterious cars or figures. Leo picks up on my paranoia in an instant. He steps towards me and strokes my cheek, which makes me flinch.

  Leo scrunches his brows with worry. “Is something wrong?”

  When I smile, my mouth feels dry. “Just a long, stressful shift. That’s all.”

  “That’s all?” Leo says suspiciously. “You’re as white as a ghost.”

  “Am I?” I put my hand to my forehead, taking my temperature. “Come to think of it, I don’t feel well. I should get to bed.”

  Leo reaches around my waist and grabs my ass. “I was thinking the same thing.”

  I yelp, inadvertently, and back away from him, right into the railing. Leo’s confused look is enough to break my heart.

  “I might be contagious. I don’t want you to catch anything,” I explain.

  Leo walks up to me and presses against me. With the railing digging into my back, and Leo’s solid body in front of me, I have nowhere to go. I can feel his cock growing firm in his pants. Though we’re risking our lives doing this, I can’t stop the warm desire traveling up my spine. Why can’t I just follow him to my room, lie back, and submit to him? Why does it have to be so complicated?

  Leo kisses me lightly on the lips. I shudder from fear, but Leo thinks it’s lust.

  “Don’t worry about me,” he says. His mouth spreads into a cocky smile. “Come on. Let’s get you to bed.”

  There’s no arguing with Leo. He thinks I’m his possession after all. When I turn around and start walking up, Leo smacks my ass. I wonder if anyone saw that, and every muscle in my body tenses.

  In my bedroom, I throw my bag in the corner and sit on my bed. Leo closes the door behind him and locks it. He stands in front of me. I look up, and he’s so impossibly tall and large. I believe him when he says he wants to protect me, but he can’t protect me from Anton. I focus my eyes on his belt buckle, trying to work up the nerve to break up with him.

  “Can I get you anything? Tea? Soup?” Leo asks.

  “No, thank you,” I say. “I think we should talk.”

  Leo pulls the blankets back. “You should lie down.”

  “I’m okay. I’m feeling better now. Leo-“ The words die on my lips. I can’t bring myself to lie to him and say I never want to see him again.

  Leo cocks his head, studying my face. “You’re not sick?”

  “No, I don’t think so.”

  Leo smirks. The cocky glimmer in his eyes makes me forget my fea
r, and makes my panties wet. No one can see us in here, I reason with myself.

  “I’m glad you’re feeling better.” He strokes his finger down my neck and chest, and lets it linger in the collar of my shirt. He reaches inside the cup of my bra and flicks my nipple. With the other hand, he unbuckles his pants and whips out his cock.

  His dick is so gloriously beautiful, thick, long, and smooth. Despite knowing better, I wrap both hands around the shaft. Leo grabs my bun, and thrusts his hip forward. The tip of his cock presses against my lips.

  “I’ve been thinking about you all day,” he says, hungrily. “I went to the Fry Hut to find you, but you weren’t there.”

  “I must’ve gotten on the bus before you got there.”

  Leo squeezes his hand in my hair, tugging at my scalp. “I told you. You don’t take the bus anymore.”

  “I guess I forgot,” I say. I stick my tongue out and flick it over the head of his cock. I do this to distract him, and because I really want to. If I’m going to say goodbye to Leo, I want to taste his body one last time.

  It works at getting Leo’s mind off of our conversation. He closes his eyes and moans. I slip my mouth over the head, and flit my tongue around the ridge underneath. Leo’s knees buckle a little as he loses himself in the pleasure. I hold onto his hips, and work my mouth up and down the shaft.

  “Look at me,” Leo groans. “I want to see your mouth filled with my cock.”

  I do what he says. Leo focuses on my eyes while his cloud with lust. His upper lip curls and twitches. He pulls my head back by the hair, slowly, and he slips heavily out of my mouth. He pulls me up by the arms with a grunt.

  “Take off those fucking clothes,” he demands.

  The timbre of his voice sends a shiver down my spine, and moisture gushing between my legs. I hurriedly remove the uniform and throw it to the side. Leo loosens my bun, and my hair falls over my shoulders. He looks up and down my body, then pushes me back on to the bed. In an instant, he’s on top of me, kissing his way down my chest.

  It feels so natural to obey him, so right. I get so turned on thinking of him as my owner. This is the way it should be. Leo holds on to my breasts as he positions his head between my legs. He watches my face as he plunges his mouth into my pussy. His tongue covers every inch of my wet folds. He thrusts it inside of me, before moving up to focus on my clit. He sucks my engorged nub, making my eyes roll into the back of my head, and my back to arch. Leo sinks two fingers inside of me and starts to massage my G-spot. He’s licking and fingering me in alternating rhythms. By vision goes black. All I can focus on is the mounting ecstasy inside of me. With his free hand, he reaches up to twist my nipple.


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