Book Read Free


Page 7

by Lauren Runow

  She takes almost too long and fear overcomes me. No, please don’t say no. I need you… I’m shocked as this revelation comes to me.

  She replies:

  I can be persuaded…

  With a huge sigh of relief, I respond:

  I’ll pick you up in a few?

  Sounds good…

  Pulling up the number for Andrea I text:

  I’m so sorry to do this but I’ve come down with something and I would hate to get you sick. I’ll make it up to you, I promise ;-)

  Not waiting for her reply, I click off my phone and head for the door.

  There’s a knock at the door and I jump up with excitement.

  Using the door opener from the top of the stairs, I swing the door open to see him standing in the doorway. The light floods in around him making him look angelic as he looks up to me.

  We’re caught in each others gaze as he asks, “Hello, Allison. Are you ready?”

  “Ready for you?” I pause, biting my bottom lip not sure how to answer. “Not so sure yet…”

  He smiles and grabs my hand, pulling it up to his mouth, kissing the back but not saying anything in response.

  Walking to his car, he opens the door for me before walking to his side. Once he’s in, he starts the car, making the engine roar while Led Zeppelin Ocean fills the car. Mouthing to me the lyrics about a girl winning his heart and giving me a wink as he pulls out onto the road.

  “Where are we going?” I ask.

  “How often do you play tourist in this wonderful city we take advantage of everyday?”

  I laugh, “You’ve got to be kidding me? I’ve lived here my whole life.”

  “I bet you haven’t done this…”

  “We’ll see.” I reach to turn up the next song, Stevie Nicks Leather and Lace. I grin knowing the irony of the song coming on at that moment.

  Charlie looks at me during the man’s lyrics sang by Don Henley.

  My stomach does somersaults listening to the words and his emphasis on that part.

  Will I ever understand what issues this guy has? One day at a time. That’s how this will go. One day at a time. I will not fall for him too quickly. I won’t. Somewhere deep down inside, my subconscious is tapping her foot, shaking her finger saying, Too late. But I shake the thought away.

  He enters Golden Gate Park and makes his way to Stow Lake. Parking, he looks to me, “So, have you done this before?”

  I look around lost, “There’s a lake here?”

  He laughs, “See, I told you. It’s a hidden gem that not many people know about. My parents used to take me here. It’s been years since I’ve been back…” His voice starts to crack and he quickly exits his door and walks around to open my door. “After you, madam.”

  “Such a gentlemen,” I smirk, grabbing his hand as I step out of the car.

  “Come on!” His face lights up like a little boy and for a second I envision a younger Charlie here with his parents and wonder what happened to that innocent little boy to make him the way he is today?

  We walk up to the boathouse that looks like a Swiss cottage with white horizontal boards and red and white painted shutters. There are rowboats and pedal boats for rent and Charlie decides on a rowboat. He holds my hand offering me support as I step in first and then he follows, stepping into the rowing position while I sit opposite him on the seat at the front of the boat.

  The lake is small and basically a big oval. There are ducks, fish and even turtles swimming in the water. Rowing around the lake, I forget that we’re still in San Francisco since the trees and quietness of the water are so surreal.

  In comfortable silence, I take it all in, relaxing the late afternoon away.

  When we come upon the old stone bridge, he stops underneath it and I’m brought back to my childhood memory of The Little Mermaid and the song Kiss the Girl. Smiling at the thought, I look his way to see him staring at me. After a moment he leans forward and kisses me. It’s a soft, sweet kiss that he holds, sighing before he opens his mouth to kiss me again.

  Once he pulls back, he lets out a deep sigh while he sits, leaning his forehead to mine, whispering, “What are you doing to me?”

  A flush comes over me and all I can think of is, “Saving you.”

  I thought it was the perfect thing to say in the perfect moment but by his reaction I must have been wrong. Dead wrong.

  He quickly starts to row back to the boathouse, looking down and only glancing up at times to make sure he’s rowing in the correct direction. The expression on his face is one I’ve never seen before and my stomach starts to turn.

  What did I do wrong?

  He hasn’t been able to look at me since our kiss and, all of a sudden, I’m on the date from hell, especially since I have no idea where things went wrong.

  How can he change that fast? The fun, sweet boy is gone and a new silent, mysterious man has arrived.

  He helps me out of the boat but doesn’t say a word and just walks over to turn the boat back in. Quietly walking back to the car, he hops in, not opening my door like he did when we got here. Hell, not even making sure I’m following him. I almost feel like if I take too much time he might just drive off and leave me here.

  Once I open the door, slide in and buckle my seat belt, I sit back, pouting in my seat looking out the window.

  This dude has major issues.

  The car is quiet until we pull up to my house. After stopping the car, he places his hand on my knee before I can open the door. He finally looks at me, letting out a deep sigh that he tries to hide but I can see it on his lips as he says, “Thank you for going with me.”

  “It was fun. I’m glad you took me.” I don’t have it in me to be mean so I try to be friendly. After all, I did enjoy myself before he got all weird on me.

  A smile slowly fills his face and I can see the happy little boy slowly coming back to me. Trying to capture that mood again I ask, “Do you want to come in?”

  “I can’t…” He gives no other explanation as his eyes harden and he looks away.

  “Uh… Ok then. Thank you.” I’m not trying to hide the confusion in my voice. This man is confusing as hell and even though I can’t come out and say it, I want him to know how lost I am.

  It must have worked because immediately he looks at me again and, without a second thought, leans forward, kissing me with a long, sensual kiss. Running his fingers through my hair and moaning at every breath. My heart pounds as he continues to slowly move his tongue around mine like he’s searching for an answer.

  I’m frozen in time. I’ll give him any answer he wants, as long as he never stops kissing me.

  Leaving me breathless he stops and holds me close, touching his forehead to mine. “Till next time, Allison,” he says breathless.

  I’m still in a daze and surprised when I can get the words, “Good night, Charlie,” out in a barely audible whisper.

  I open the car door and walk to my apartment, quickly opening the front door and not looking back. That kiss was so unbelievable that I’m surprised I was able to walk at all.

  Still trying to catch my breath, I’m taken out of my daydream by the voice of my mom.

  “Is that you, Allie?” my mom calls down the stairwell.


  Walking up the long staircase I see her flipping through a magazine at the kitchen table.

  I’ve always been impressed with my mom. She’s in her late fifties and no matter where she is or what she’s doing she’s always impeccably dressed. Today she has on a white pencil skirt, teal shirt and white Prada high heel shoes. Her hair is pulled up, elegantly tucked away, leaving small tendrils falling down.

  “Hey, Mom! What are you doing here?” I ask.

  “Nichole has got some big news to share but we were waiting for you. She is on the phone now. What have you been up to, dear?”

  “Oh, Mom, I’ve met someone! He’s gorgeous, too! And he even shares my love of music! He just took me to Stow Lake on a rowboat.”

sp; My mom brightens up from hearing I’ve met someone and it makes me smile even more.

  I’m taken out of my girly dreamland when Nichole walks into the room sounding annoyed, “Ugh, you aren’t talking about Mr. Married Man again, are you? Is that where you’ve been?”

  “He’s married?” my mom questions, shocked I’m sure by what Nichole just said.

  “No, Mom,” I scowl at Nichole, “He’s not married.”

  “At least that’s what he keeps telling you. Jury’s still out on that one.” Nichole taunts back. “I think you left out some details when you were explaining your Knight in shining armor.”

  “Details…?” my mom looks over to me.

  “No details. There are some small issues but they’re no big deal.”

  Except that he’s sweet and romantic one minute, then completely ignores me the next. My subconscious sighs but I push the thought out of my mind.

  “Whatever, Allie. On to my news.” Nichole jumps up and down with excitement. “I got a big print modeling job! I leave in a few hours to fly to L.A. It’s a photo shoot for Calvin Klein! I’m going to be the main focus!”

  Our mom jumps up to hug her, “Oh, dear! That is wonderful!”

  “Nichole, that’s great!” I’m trying to sound enthusiastic about it but deep down I’m just eh.

  I’ve always found it funny how different the two of us are. Nichole has always wanted to be a model, where I’m trying to be behind the camera and have no need to ever be in front of it. “Wait, when will you be back? We have the concert tomorrow.”

  “I could care less about the concert, Allie. Punk music is your thing. I was just going because you begged me and because you needed me to drive. I have way more important things to do. Why don’t you ask your Knight to go with you? If he’s not married then it shouldn’t be a problem.” She jumps up and down turning around, “I have to go pack! What should I bring?”

  My mom follows her into her bedroom and I’m left alone in the dining room thinking about the idea of asking Charlie to go with me.

  Would he go? Should I ask him? Damn, I really want to go. I begged Nichole to go with me because I knew I couldn’t find anyone else to go with me. But I would love to see him again. This would guarantee me to see him again. But what if he says no? What if he laughs because I want to go to such a teenybopper show?

  My stomach turns at the thought of having to ask him. I push it out of my mind, grab a bottle of water and walk into Nichole’s room to help her pack.

  It’s late at night and I can’t sleep. Nichole left for L.A. and my house is quiet, too quiet. I’m stuck in my thoughts and can’t get Charlie out of my mind. That kiss... I’ve never felt a kiss all the way to my toes before. How does he do that?

  I hold up the tickets to the concert. Well, here goes nothing. I pick up my phone and text him:

  Are you awake?

  Only a second goes by and he replies:

  I was just thinking about you…

  My heart melts at his response.

  Feeling’s mutual. My sister left for L.A. today so I’m home all alone.

  I hit send hoping he will get the hint to come over. A minute goes by and I can tell by the absence of the ellipsis on my phone that he’s not responding. Shit. Any other guy I’ve dated would have been here in a second with that open invitation this late.

  Then the thought hits me. Or he’s at home with his wife…

  Shaking my head at the thought I go back to the reason I text him in the first place. Holding my breath, I type and hit send before I chicken out.

  I have tickets to see Paramore tomorrow night. My sister was supposed to come with me but she had to leave for L.A. at the last minute. Any chance you want to join me? It’s at the Concord Pavilion. Have you ever been?

  This time he replies without hesitation and I’m so thankful.

  I’d love to. Shall I pick you up? And yes, I used to go there as a kid. I have good memories of that place.

  I let out a huge sigh of relief and roll over on my bed, delighted to hear he’ll go!

  Great! Say 6 at my house?

  I’ll be there. Till then, Allison…

  Good night.

  Morning arrives and I’m looking over my schedule for the day to see I have someone named Jacquelyn today, but not until noon. I’m having trouble even remembering who she is when my phone rings showing Ms. Devine calling.

  Shit. I hope she didn’t talk to Andrea.

  I answer nonchalantly, “Well, good morning Ms. Devine.”

  “You sound like you are feeling better,” she snips over the phone. “You know you can’t just cancel on our clients without discussing it with me first.”

  Great, she’s pissed. “It must have been something I ate. I was sick and I didn’t want to bother you,” I plead hoping she’ll believe me. “I’ll make it up to her. I know exactly how. Believe me, she’ll still be a very satisfied customer. Have I ever let you down?” I try my hardest to sound cocky as hell.

  She sighs, “Ok, Mr. Ashley. Please do not pull anything like that again…” then hangs up.

  Flustered, I hang up, dropping my phone to the bed. It rings again almost instantly and I answer trying to hide my irritation, “Was there something else?”

  I’m shocked when I hear Allison’s timid voice on the other end, “Um, hi.”

  Crap. I look down to my phone seeing Allison’s name and quickly change my tone, “Oh, hello there, beautiful.”

  She lets out a sigh before continuing, “Good morning. Are you up for a WOD this morning?”

  “Yeah, I’m actually heading out to go right now. Should we try your place this time?”

  “Sounds great!”

  “Till then…” I hang up, grabbing my things and head out the door.

  We meet up at her CrossFit on Van Ness. Allison’s dressed in black capri workout pants and a tight tanktop that says CrossFit across the front. I feel my face light up when I see her walking toward me.

  Her CrossFit is structured times and classes so we join a group of other people already warming up. During a class everyone warms up together and does simple movements like squats, pushups and sit-ups. Then they work on a skill, helping everyone improve on their movements.

  Today they’re working on handstands with the ultimate goal being handstand pushups. Everyone takes a turn practicing their handstand by leaning up against a wall to support them, improving upon their form and strength.

  The first goal is to hold the handstand for a minute, some people can, and some people can’t. Everyone is encouraging one another helping them get to their own personal goal. It’s Allison’s turn and she tucks her shirt into her pants to make sure it doesn’t fly over her head.

  Kicking her legs up, she holds the handstand tightly, focusing on a spot on the wall in front of her. I can’t help but be playful with her so I lean down to catch her eye, smiling at her, trying to break her concentration.

  It works and Allison’s legs fall back down as she gives me a mean look then laughs out loud.

  Next is my turn, since this is my first time at this CrossFit the trainer asks, “Ok, Charlie, your turn. Where are you in this skill?”

  I smile trying not to act too cocky saying, “I got this.”

  I step a few feet back, away from the wall completely and push my feet up to a handstand making my shirt fall down over my face. I drop my feet back down to the floor and remove my shirt, throwing it to Allison who’s watching me intently, which fuels my little show even more.

  I kick back up to the handstand, making every muscle in my chest tight as I feel my arms bulge. Balancing on my hands, I walk about six feet to the wall, steady myself against the wall and do five handstand pushups with ease before kicking my legs back down and standing back upright.

  The class erupts in applause; impressed with my skill, I’m sure. I smile like it was no big deal and walk back to Allison, grabbing for my shirt and slipping it back on.

  Allison teasingly laughs, “Show off!”
  “Jealous?” I laugh, teasing her right back.

  The class continues with a few more people trying their handstands before getting ready for the WOD.

  We walk to the board to see it’s a partner WOD. Allison smiles, “Perfect day to come. Though, after that manly display of your handstand walk you know everyone will be expecting us to win.”

  I raise my eyebrow to her, “We got this, baby.”

  The WOD consists of two rounds of movements with a medicine ball. First movement is forty squats, only one partner squatting at a time and, after each squat, you throw the ball to your partner, then 100 sit-ups, each time throwing the ball again to your partner as you sit up, then run 400 meters with one person holding the ball and the other having at least one hand on the ball at all times. The trick is the ball can never touch the ground. If it does, each person has to do ten burpees.

  We grab our ball and nod at each other ready to begin. The coach yells out, “Ok, three, two, one – Go!”

  Allison squats first then throws the ball to me standing in front of her. The process is smooth as we count out our forty squats easily, moving onto the sit-ups. We fly through them, noticing that we are ahead of everyone as we head out for our run with me holding onto the ball.

  Once back, I squat and throw the ball to Allison starting the second round. She squats then throws it to me. I miss and the ball slips out of my hands hitting the floor. We both tilt our heads back in frustration, then laugh as we drop down to the floor counting out our burpees.

  After the ten burpees, Allison picks up the ball, teasing me, “Don’t drop it again!” as she squats.

  The burpees pushed us back and when we head out for our run someone else is right ahead of us. We give each other a oh-hell-no look as we both run as fast as we can, passing the other people.


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