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Unwritten Page 13

by Lauren Runow

  Proudly, Nick laughs, “They’re the same drink. Our most popular one on the menu called Painkiller. It’s Appleton and Smith and Cross Rum, Pazdon Coconut Cream, Lime, Pineapple, Orange and Nutmeg. I just wanted to have fun with the presentation.”

  “And that you did. Thank you.”

  “Did you guys want to see a menu?”

  “Sure. What’s good here?”

  Nick turns back to the bar to grab two menus and holds them out for us to grab. “The G&G Burger is bomb. It has Gruyere Cheese and Applewood Smoked Bacon. And I highly suggest adding the marrow on top.”

  I look to Allison for approval. She smiles and shakes her head up and down before I order, “That sounds great. We’ll take two, please.”

  “You got it.” Nick walks away, leaving us to our drinks.

  I blow the fire on top of my glass out and pick it up, offering a cheers motion, “To us.”

  Allison smiles sweetly, picking up her glass, bringing it to mine and lovingly replies, “To us.” We touch our glasses together and both take a drink.

  “Damn, that is good,” I proclaim and Allison nods in agreement.

  Our food arrives and it is the biggest gourmet burger I’ve ever seen. Allison tries to flatten it saying, “I’m not sure I can even get my mouth around this.”

  I just laugh as I pick it up, giving it a try.

  “Oh, man… This is delicious,” I say with my mouth full of food.

  She gives it a try and the juices run down her hands. She can barely fit her mouth around the entire thing and it starts to fall apart in her hands as she takes a bite. Her eyes close as she tilts her head back, agreeing with me, “Man, you aren’t kidding. It’s so juicy.”

  We devour our food, ordering another round of drinks halfway through. Sitting back, we’re stuffed to the gills as we enjoy the remainder of our lavish drinks.

  Nick walks over asking, “How was it?”

  “Damn good. Thanks for the recommendation.”

  “Can I get you anything else?”

  I look down to my watch, “No, we have to meet someone in an hour so we should head out.”

  “Sounds good, I’ll get your check.”

  Allison quizzically looks at me, “Meet someone?”

  I smile and give her a wink, “You’ll see.”

  I pay the bill, walking up to the bar saying goodbye to Nick who looks over to Allison waving, “It was nice to meet you.”

  “You, too. Thank you for the fabulous drinks.”

  “Anytime. I hope you guys make it this way again soon.”

  We leave out the side door, which makes us wrap around the outside of the building and the seating offered out back. “This place is so cute,” Allison points out.

  I smile, grabbing her hand as we walk back to the car.

  The weather is nicer in St. Helena than San Francisco so I pause before pulling out of the side street parking spot looking to her, “Should we drop the top?”

  Allison lights up, “Sure!”

  I drop the top, roll down the windows and grab a ball cap from my glove box, putting it on as we set off through the Napa Valley toward Hwy 128.

  The road is a narrow two lane curvy highway lined in trees providing shade. The wind gets too much for Allison’s hair to manage so she reaches over, grabbing my hat and pulling it down over her eyes. I laugh and after a minute grab my phone, scrolling through the songs before connecting it to the stereo.

  Justin Moore’s Lettin’ The Night Roll starts and I can’t help the boyish grin overtaking my face as the lyrics sing about driving down a country road and stealing his hat.

  I quickly lean over, giving her a swift kiss as we head past Lake Berryessa. After coming down the long curvy mountain road we enter the little town of Winters before heading south on 505, merging on Interstate 80 toward Vacaville and exiting at Nut Tree Rd.

  Memories flood my mind as it does every time I come back to Vacaville. We exit the freeway, turning right on Nut Tree before turning left under a sign that reads Nut Tree Plaza. There’s a beautiful ornate carousel at the front of the plaza with a Nut Cracker like statue holding up boxes in the corner.

  I look to Allison, “Did you ever drive through here when you were little?”

  “Um, not sure… it doesn’t look familiar. Wait, didn’t it always smell like onions around here?”

  I smirk, “Yeah, it did. Not anymore though. And yeah, it was different back then. That used to be the sign on the side of the freeway, well obviously a bigger version,” I point to a rectangular wooden sign that reads Nut Tree with little flags on top that sits on the corner. I laugh, adding, “Hey, you’re a Bay Area girl… Do you remember the E-40 song Outsmart the Po Po’s?”

  She nods her head yes.

  I take a stab at my rapping skills and try to flow with the words about meeting halfway at the Nut Tree making Allison laugh. “Well, welcome to the Nut Tree,” I say, holding out my arms to either side.

  His rapping skills just cracked me up. I love that he’s so comfortable with me that he would even attempt it. I’m still in shock that he opened up to me about his family and now, here I am in his hometown. This day, this guy, can’t get any better.

  There’s a small colorful train that circles the plaza and the sound of its horn ringing “Choo, choo” radiates off the buildings surrounding us. We park and walk through a side gate where the train arms are up allowing us to walk by.

  Two kids run up to Charlie screaming, “Uncle Charlie!”

  I watch as he leans down to his knees, ready to embrace the attack of their hugs, smiling, “Hey buddies! How are you?”

  They each grab one of his hands, pulling him to the merry-go-round, screaming, “Make us go fast!” He does as they ask, making them go around and around as they yell, “Weeeeee!”

  A guy our age walks up to Charlie, hitting him on the back, saying, “What’s up, bro? Good to see you.”

  Charlie turns to him and they shake hands before Charlie leans over to hug the girl that’s with him.

  The guy speaks up, “I saw the Mustang. It’s looking so good. Your dad would be really proud.”

  Charlie smiles at him, “Thanks, bro. Hey, I want you to meet my girlfriend, Allison.”

  He offers his hand to me, pulling me in close and wrapping his arm around me in pride.

  This must be a big deal because the guy can’t hide his surprise, “Girlfriend? Wow, Charlie.” The girl with him slaps his chest like girls do when their significant other does something wrong. “Ugh, Sorry. Nice to meet you, I’m Jason.” He reaches his hand out to shake mine.

  The girl pipes in, “Please excuse my husband, Allison. It’s great to meet you, I’m Jen, and these are our two children, Mason and Leighton.”

  “Yes, his name is Leighton Thomas, same as my middle name,” Charlie announces with pride. “Huh, Leighton, what’s your name?”

  Leighton’s little voice chimes in, “Leighton Thomas!” Making us all laugh at how cute the little, curly haired boy is.

  Mason is much bigger and he runs over, jumping on Charlie’s back. “Come on, Uncle Charlie! Come ride the teeter-totter with me!”

  He looks to me and shrugs like he has no choice, grinning like a little boy and racing Mason to the teeter-totters.

  Both Jason and Jen laugh, shaking their head as they offer to sit down on a bench that lines the play area. Jen speaks first, “They love their Uncle Charlie. He spoils them rotten though.” She’s smiling and laughing in disapproval.

  I’m confused because Charlie just told me he was an only child. I think for a second, trying to work up the courage to ask, thinking maybe they can let me in on more of who Charlie is. “So, they call him Uncle Charlie…?” I pause, looking for the right words. “I thought he was an only child?”

  Both Jason and Jen look to each other with their eyes wide, searching for the right words. Jason finally speaks up, “How much do you know about Charlie?” Jen squeezes his hand giving him a be-careful-don’t-give-too-much-away look.<
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  I give them a reassuring frown, “I know his parents have passed away.”

  They both let out a sigh of relief. “Charlie came to live with me when they passed.”

  “Oh, he never told me which friend he stayed with, just that a friend’s parents took him in. I’m glad to see you’re still close. He told me that was a rough year.”

  “Yeah, he’s like a brother to me. I would do anything for him. He’s had a rough life since then. He’s a good guy though.”

  Jen interrupts, “A great guy. We’re so happy to see him finally find someone.” Now it’s Jason’s turn to squeeze her hand giving her a don’t-be-so-obvious look. She smiles, blowing it off. She’s speaking girl talk now and it goes straight to my heart and I smile brightly back at her in appreciation.

  We hang out in the plaza for an hour or so, Charlie playing most of the time with the boys while I talk with Jason and Jen. We discuss everything from my photography to guitar lessons that Mason is currently taking.

  I love seeing Charlie so playful with the two boys and I’m caught, more than once, admiring them.

  Finally he joins us, sitting closely to me, putting his hand on my knee, smiling to Jason and Jen, “So what kind of lies have you told her about me?”

  Jason laughs, “Oh, don’t tempt me.”

  Charlie looks at me, “We better get going, babe, if we’re going to make it to Tahoe before it’s too late.”

  I look at him, surprised, “Tahoe?” He winks at me, standing up to say his goodbyes.

  Jen reaches her arms out to hug me as she whispers in my ear, “Take care of him. He needs it more than you know.” Then pulls back speaking louder, “It was so good to meet you, Allison. I hope to see you again soon.”

  “Same here Allison, really nice to meet you.” Jason leans in to hug me as well.

  We say our goodbyes and hop back on Interstate 80 heading east toward Sacramento.

  I speak first, “Your friends sure were nice.”

  “Yeah, they’re the only family I have. Man, I love those little boys.”

  “You were really cute with them,” I pause, “I’d love to have kids someday.” I look his direction trying to gauge his response.

  He offers me a genuine smile, saying, “Me, too,” and my heart sinks hearing his response.

  Two hours later we arrive in South Lake Tahoe and pull into Harrah’s parking lot. “This is it. Have you ever been here?”

  “Not for years,” I respond, getting out of the car.

  He hands the keys to the valet and we walk into the hotel, entering a room glowing with slot machine lights flickering all around, pinging loud sounds as players take their chances at big winnings. We make our way to the registration desk and check into the hotel.

  “Yes, Mr. Ashley, we have you in a suite with a lake view. The elevators are right through those doors and you’ll be on the 11th floor,” the hotel clerk points out.

  “Thank you.” Charlie picks up our small bags and grabs my hand, walking toward the elevators.

  “A suite, Mr. Ashley…” I tease.

  Charlie’s mouth forms a straight line and I’m instantly afraid I’ve done something wrong.

  He leans down, kissing my forehead, “I told you, my friends call me Charlie.” He smiles sweetly but I can tell I’ve hit a nerve. Ok, so no Mr. Ashley then… Does it remind him of his dad or something? Gosh, now I feel horrible.

  In the elevator we’re alone and only slow symphony music plays over the speakers. The charge between us grows as we creep higher and higher toward our floor. He continues to hold my hand but stares straight ahead, looking at nothing. I can feel a slight tremble in his hands and if I didn’t know any better, I would swear he’s nervous. The thought makes me smile as the elevator comes to a stop.

  He opens the door to the suite and I walk in, impressed with the size of it. We enter into a living room area with a door on the right that leads to the bedroom.

  I go to the window to look out at the beautiful lake view, and when I turn around, I see him staring at me and I feel a surge between us instantly, like it’s pulling us closer and closer. Our eyes are fixed on one another, and I can tell we’re both questioning what the next move will be.

  Charlie breaks the silence, “Should we go to dinner?”

  I try to hide my sadness at his question. No, I want you… But I reply, “Sure…”

  “Friday’s Station is a great steak house on the top floor with an amazing view.”

  “Sounds good.” I grab my purse and we walk out the door.

  Back in the elevator that surge is still there as he takes hold of my hand again. He looks at me and in an instance, he pushes me up against the wall and kisses me, wrapping his hands through my hair and slightly lifting me off the floor with his body. It takes my breath away and too soon the door dings opening to an older couple waiting to enter.

  Charlie jumps back, wiping his hand to his mouth. We both turn crimson as he grabs my hand and walks through the door acknowledging the couple, “Excuse me, Ma’am – Sir.”

  The old woman’s voice fades away as she turns to her husband, “Ah, young and in love.”

  I look back and smile at her as the doors close.

  A hostess greets us then walks us to a corner table with an amazing view. The lights twinkle through the city below and there’s a big dark area where the vast lake sits. “Wow, how beautiful,” I say in amazement.

  “I’m glad you approve,” he smiles warmly.

  We enjoy a romantic meal together, gazing into each other’s eyes and lost in moments of what I feel is pure love.

  Once we’re finished, we enter the elevator again and he presses the button for floor 11. He turns to me and I know he’s remembering the short time ago in the same elevator.

  He mercifully walks toward me, smiling a shy smile and wraps his hands around my hips, pulling me in closer to him. Looking deep into my eyes before he places a simple, small kiss on my lips as the ding announces the arrival of the floor and the doors open again for us to walk out.

  He swipes our room key, holding the door handle, looking up to me as he opens it. Allowing me to walk through first, he then places the key on the counter before walking to me, standing in the doorway of the bedroom.

  Looking down as he grabs my hands, he gradually looks up into my eyes and whispers, “You really are going to save me, aren’t you?”

  My heart melts as my eyes light up and with the most intense passion and love I can muster up, looking deep into his eyes, I whisper, “I hate you.”

  “Allison.” He swiftly picks me up, swinging me around before calmly lowering me down and holding me close against him. I place my hands on either side of his face and we kiss, lost in each other.

  Charlie picks me up, wrapping his arms under my legs and walks me to the bed, placing me down, whispering, “Give me one second.”

  I walk away from the bed and reach into my back pocket to pull out my phone, swiping it on and pulling up my text messages, searching for Ms. Devine. I quickly type:

  I quit

  Then switch the phone off before walking back toward her.

  Carefully, I lie down next to her, stroking her hair and looking into her eyes. I kiss her softly before pulling her shirt off over her head then pulling mine off as well. I move my hands up her thighs, leaning in to kiss her bare stomach as I unbutton her jeans slowly, removing them along with her panties.

  Allison pulls herself up to a seated position and starts to undo my jeans. We’re both silent; knowing the only thing we want in the entire world is each other. She helps me remove my pants before lying back down on her back with one knee up, resting her foot on the bed.

  I wrap my arm around her leg, resting my chin on her knee, as I declare in a cracking voice, “God, you are so beautiful. I think I’m falling in love with you.”

  Allison sits up again, placing her hand on my face. Smiling, she whispers, “I love you, too,” as she leans in to kiss me softly.

  I exhale
deeply as I put my hand on her shoulder, slowly moving her bra strap down her arms. She reaches behind herself and unhooks it so I can remove it entirely.

  We sit here, silent, comfortably naked with each other and all of my fears are gone. I quit my job. I want her and nothing else. I have no clue what I am going to do now but it doesn’t matter. I’m about to make love to her and I know she’s the last woman I ever want to be with.

  Gently, I lean in to push her back down to the bed, kissing her neck and moving down to her nipple. God, I’ve wanted to suck on it for so long and now that I have the chance, it’s even better than I imagined. Her skin is so soft, her nipple hardens under my touch and my cock is dying for some attention but I want this to go nice and slow. Savor every inch of her.

  Just like the perfect girl she is, she must be reading my mind because she reaches down and, for the first time, wraps her hand around my cock. Just the feeling of her soft touch wrapping around me makes me want to cum right in her hands. I have to take a deep breath and focus so I don’t lose it right here and now. Everything about her feels so good, so right, I know I’ve found my forever.

  I need to be inside her, feel everything she has to offer, so I position myself near her slick entrance and play a little. Moving my tip all around her pussy. She’s completely waxed and her bare, soft, wet folds feel so amazing against my cock.

  I tease her some more before slowly pushing myself inside. She doesn’t protest, instead she spreads her legs even wider for me so I can be as far inside her as possible.

  I hear her moan in appreciation as I willfully pull out before pulsing back in. I reach around for both of her hands and hold them tightly in mine, moving them above her head.

  Moving so slowly, I kiss her as I make pure love to her. No games, no money, no role-playing. Just love.

  Sun shines in through the hotel window waking us both out of a blissful sleep. Allison is curled up on my bare chest and she runs her fingers through my chest hair, whispering, “Good Morning, Charlie.”

  “Good Morning baby. Did you sleep well?”


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