Book Read Free


Page 14

by Lauren Runow

  “Yes, I did.”

  We lay in each other’s embrace, enjoying the blissful moment. I break the silence as I start to sing in a whisper Unwritten Law Elva, “I’m in love with you in love with me.”

  Allison looks up in disbelief. “I love that song! Not many people know it. I can’t believe you do,” her voice not hiding her excitement.

  “Of course, it’s Unwritten Law. I knew I loved you then.” Allison cocks her head to the side giving me a questioning look. “I saw you that night, at the concert at Slim’s. You took my breath away then. I tried to talk to you but you left before I could. You were wearing your black tank top with the red heart that said Unwritten Law on it. The same one you wore to the Paramore concert.”

  Allison’s eyes are big in awe as I tell my confession.

  “When I saw you that day at Starbucks, I knew it was too good to be true. I sat next to you for a good ten minutes before you noticed me. That’s why I brought up Unwritten Law to you. I knew you were there and what your response would be.”

  Allison’s face is glowing as she confesses, “I did see you. That night. And those entire ten minutes you sat next to me at Starbucks, I also thought it was too good to be true. In my mind, I begged you to acknowledge me sitting next to you.”

  I place my finger under her chin, lifting her head up to reach me as I kiss her passionately. Before long we’re lost in each other, making love for the second time.

  We’re back in my car, leaving the hotel but before I start the car, I look at Allison. “I have one more place I’d like to take you, but first, breakfast. Do you like bagels?”

  “A bagel sounds great. Where else are you taking me?”

  “You’ll see.” I give her a wink and start the car. The radio is tuned to a country station playing Kenny Chesney You Save Me. I lean into her, kissing her softly while the song plays.

  Leaning back I whisper, “Baby, you save me,” then pull out of the parking lot onto the main drag in South Lake Tahoe.

  We drive for a few miles before driving by the lake. “It’s so beautiful here. So quiet and serene,” Allison notices looking out at the view.

  “Yeah, a totally different world than the City.”

  We pull into a small strip mall of just a few buildings where a sign reads Rude Brothers – Bagels with Altitude.

  Allison laughs, “Cute name”

  I grin in agreement as I turn the car off. We enter in a small coffee shop like atmosphere with a display counter full of all different kinds of bagels. Once we receive our food we walk out, around the corner to where we’re closer to the lake to enjoy our bagels in the beauty that is Lake Tahoe. Everything is quiet around us, with only the sound of the slight breeze through the trees above us.

  Allison takes a deep breath of mountain fresh air in, slowing exhaling, saying, “I could get used to this.”

  I smile, “Wait till you see where I’m taking you. Come on.” My little boy excitement is back as we run hand in hand back to the car.

  Driving for a few more miles, I turn right, taking us off the main drag to a quieter more residential area. The area is bare and I’m saddened by the memory. “Man, I forgot, a fire came through here in 2007. I can’t believe everything is still gone.”

  The trees are small, more stick-like resembling and every so often there’s a house that you can tell didn’t burn down when everyone around them did. “So sad…” I shake my head in disbelief.

  Following signs that read Fallen Leaf Lake, I turn onto a very narrow road that is right beside a lake. “This road closes during the winter. Crazy to think, huh? These houses can only get here by snow mobile. Most of them are summer homes though.” I inform her on the area surrounding us as we drive by.

  Arriving to our destination, I park on a dirt landing and smile my boyish grin again. “Close your eyes.”

  “Um… Ok…” Allison complies.

  I race around the car, so excited for what I’m about to reveal. I open her car door and help her out of the car. “Keep them closed. I don’t want to ruin the surprise.”

  I guide her up a few little rocks and down a little until we’re positioned just the way I want. “Ok, open your eyes.”

  Allison opens her eyes to reveal the most beautiful, exquisite waterfall. Falling sixty-five feet in a step-like formation, the waterfall is as wide as five car lengths and we’re so close we’re sprayed with mist as the water comes cascading down. The rocks are a dark red color and the water is moving so fast the bubbles make it completely white from its own force.

  “This is Glen Alpine Falls.” I look to her, grabbing both of her hands before continuing. “My parents were married right at this exact same spot.” I lean down to kiss her and completely fall apart inside as I imagine marrying her here, right here, just like my parents did.

  She turns to the falls once more in complete awe. “It’s amazing. Thank you for bringing me here.”

  We sit down in comfortable silence, holding each other in a loving embrace, watching the water flow by. Allison grabs her camera, taking shots of the breath-taking falls along with a few of just me.

  Once back in the car, I hook up my iPhone to the stereo, laughing as I scroll through my phone, “My song to you.”

  A punk rock sounding guitar plays through the speakers as Blink 182 The Rock Show starts, making Allison laugh as the lyrics talk about falling in love with a girl from the rock show.

  Allison smiles, teasing, “Yes, that’s fitting and so romantic.”

  We head back toward San Francisco but once back in Vacaville; I pull off the freeway at the Vaca Valley Parkway exit. Allison looks at me with a questioning look and I just wink, not saying a word as I pull into an industrial area with paved roads and nothing else around.

  I stop the car and turn to her, “Ok, your turn.”

  Allison laughs, looking around at the empty fields, “My turn for what?”

  “To drive.”

  “Um, what? I don’t know how.”

  “I know, I’ll teach you. This is where I learned to drive, in this car, so it’s perfect.” I unbuckle my seatbelt, open the door and walk around to her side, opening her door. She’s nervous and just sits in her seat making me laugh, teasing her, “Come on, you can do it.”

  Allison steps out of the car and walks around to the driver’s side, sliding in and buckling her seat belt. She reaches for the petals and realizes her feet are nowhere near them, making her laugh, “Um, how do I move this seat up so I can reach the petals?”

  I show her and she starts the engine, feeling the roar all throughout her body I’m sure. It’s a lot of power and I watch as she starts to shake with nerves. She looks at me, giving me an I’m-not-so-sure-about-this look, which makes me laugh even harder.

  I try to be reassuring, “Don’t be so scared, you can do this.” I go over the basics of how to put it in drive, gas, brake, and fixing her mirrors, though no one is around to get in our way.

  She slowly presses the gas making the car move forward as she sits down more comfortably in the seat. The road is coming to an end and she’s going to have to turn around. She looks to me, eyes wide and sees I’m just sitting there, watching her with a silly grin on my face.

  “Stop smiling like that!”

  “Like what?”

  “Like you’re making fun of me on the inside.”

  I lean over and kiss her cheek, “Baby, I would never make fun of you. You’re doing fantastic. I have complete faith in you.”

  She’s smiling when she successfully makes the U-turn and visibly relaxes more when she sees that driving really is easy.

  We drive around the entire area for a few minutes and I can tell she’s enjoying it so I test her confidence. “Ok, great. Now turn here to head back to the freeway.”

  Allison slams on the brakes making us both fall forward, “Um what?”

  I start laughing again, “I’m just kidding. You’re doing great but let’s wait on the freeway training till next time.”

he pulls to the side and we switch spots before getting back on the freeway.

  The drive home is about an hour long. We listen to music, catching each other eyeing the other when certain songs come on. Acting like two teenagers in love, we’re in our own world and I love every minute.

  When I pull up to her apartment, she points to her mom’s black Audi A6 parked out front. “Oh, my mom’s here. Come in, I’d love to introduce you.”

  “Sounds great Allison, I’d love to meet your mom.” I park the car and we walk hand in hand to the door and up her narrow staircase.

  Allison yells, “Mom, are you here? Come here, I have someone I’d like for you to meet.”

  Her mom walks out of her sister’s bedroom and we lock eyes. What the FUCK? Ms. Devine. No fucking way.

  My blood boils through my veins making my palms sweat. Ms. Devine’s eyes widen but she shows no other sign of surprise.

  “Hello Allie, and who might this be?” She holds her hand out to me showing no emotion at all so I play along and extend my hand out to her. She squeezes it very firmly, not letting go and staring straight into my eyes.

  “Mom, this is Charlie,” she pauses, looking sweetly at me, “My boyfriend.”

  I take a stiff breath in, knowing what must be going through Ms. Devine’s mind. She grips my hand harder while giving Allison a soft smile.

  I muster up my voice trying to hide the shock that’s running through me, “Nice to meet you,” I pause making sure to emphasize my next words, “Mrs. Hayes.” I looked straight into her eyes, squinting when as I say Mrs. Hayes.

  She loosens her grip but still holds my hand, smiling, looking deeper into my eyes, “Boyfriend, huh?” Pausing for a second, I’m sure to make the same point I was. “Please call me Diane. Nice to meet you, too. Charlie is it?”

  “Ye, yes, Charlie ma’am.” I look to Allison who is smiling from ear to ear like a little girl and I’m thankful she has not noticed anything.

  Trying to loosen her grip, I free my hand from her and place it on the small of Allison’s back.

  “Shall we sit?” Diane points to the couches. Allison hops toward them, totally oblivious to the fact that I know her mom. I briefly think of running down the stairs but stop myself and cautiously walk into the living room, sitting next to Allison.

  “So, Charlie,” Diane speaks up, “Tell me, what do you do for a living?” her head cocking to one side and opening her eyes wide.

  “I, I’m in Customer Relations Ma’am,” I use every once of strength I have to answer the question with a normal voice.

  “Oh, and what kind of customer relations might those be?” Diane is not giving up and I get the feeling she wants me to say the truth but there is no way. I’m not telling Allison like this.

  Allison pipes in and I breathe a deep sigh of relief, “Oh, Mom, stop with the third degree. He’s just taken me on a wonderful getaway where we went to Napa, his hometown, Vacaville, and Lake Tahoe.”

  “Oh, you’re from Vacaville, huh?”

  “Yes ma’am. I live here now though.” I’m trying to be as nonchalant as possible.

  Nichole breaks the tension by barging in, “So that’s where you were? A phone call would have been nice. So,” she looks toward me, “you’re not married then?”

  “Nichole!” Allison yells at her.

  I laugh, “No, I’m not married,” then look to Allison, “Is that really what you thought?”

  Allison is crimson with embarrassment, “No, I knew you weren’t. Nichole wouldn’t believe me.” She gives Nichole a fuck you stare.

  Nichole laughs, “Ok, ok. I was wrong on that one. There’s something though…” She taunts as she turns around leaving the room.

  Allison speaks up quickly to defend me and I feel sorry she’s so oblivious to what the truth is, especially sitting in front of her mom. “He’s told me everything Nichole, back off.”

  Diane glares to me, “Everything…?”

  I quickly give her my own fuck you stare.

  Allison calms down, “Oh, Mom, it’s nothing.” She turns to me, “Can I get you something to drink?” She jumps up to change the subject quickly, leaving me along with Diane.

  We stare at each other and I swiftly get up, following Allison into the kitchen. “Sorry, baby, I should get going. Can I call you later?”

  She walks up to me, wrapping her arms around me, saying, “I’d love that.”

  We kiss in a tight embrace and I briefly forget that Diane is in the next room until she clears her throat making sure I never forget.

  I pull back giving Diane a blank stare before turning back to Allison and whispering. “Till then, my love.” I hold out my hand to Diane. “Diane, it was nice to meet you.”

  She grabs it, “The pleasure has been all mine. It has been,” she pauses like she’s looking for the right word, “enlightening.” She cocks her head to the side giving me an evil smirk.

  I pull my hand away from hers and walk down the stairs, exiting Allison’s apartment and driving away.

  I’m back at my apartment, my head spinning from meeting Allison’s mom when there’s a knock at the door. I walk over to answer it and Ms. Devine – or Diane Hayes now – barges into the room pointing her finger at my chest, screaming, “You little shit! You think you can just quit on me. I don’t think so, you little fucker! I’m not letting you go, especially for my spoiled little daughter. Hell no! You have made us both very wealthy and I will not let you quit!”

  “You can’t make me fuck women! Who do you think you are? God?” I yell back with the same intensity.

  “Honey, I have more power than you think,” her voice more patronizing now, getting deeper with every breath. “You have no idea the amount of power I have. You are going to fuck whoever I tell you to and you’re going to stay away from my daughter.”

  “Really? Or what? What could you possibly do?”

  “You really want to test me little boy?” she pauses looking me dead in the eye. “I’ll ruin your life. You’re her ‘so called’ boyfriend,” she holds her hands up making a quotation movement with her fingers. “How do you think she’ll feel knowing that you fuck for a living? And more, that you fucked someone the day before you took her away on this little trip!”

  “Obviously, if you’re her mom she knows what’s going on. I think she’ll understand. Maybe I’ll tell her. We love each other. And I quit anyway!” I stand proud, pumping my chest up toward her.

  “Oh, honey,” her voice patronizing again. Shaking her head, laughing selfishly, “She has no clue what really goes on. Maybe it is time I filled her in on what really pays for her little art school and her Prada shoes.” She pauses making sure I’m paying attention. “But I can guarantee you this. I know my daughter and she will leave you and never look back. She’s disgusted by whores. Besides, what will you do for a living? Hmm…? If I remember correctly, when I found you, you were living out of your car, working as a male stripper in North Beach. And look,” she pauses, holding up her hands emphasizing her point, “look around you baby. What did you pay for this place? A cool million? Do you think you can keep up the payments on a stripper’s salary? Fucking is all you’ve ever been good at. You know it and I know it. You’re mine, I own you and deep down you know I do.” She slaps my face lightly a few times, taunting me as everything she just said sinks in.

  An evil grin overcomes her face, as she knows she’s won. I don’t have anything else. Grabbing her purse from the floor, she heads toward the door saying in a much calmer, demeaning voice, “Oh, and I’ve smoothed things over with Jacqueline. She’s very sorry and offered to pay double to make it up to you. I’ve accepted and she’s expecting you tomorrow evening. Don’t be late…” She turns to blow me a kiss and smirks closing the door behind her.

  I’m so raging mad that I feel like I’m going to explode. I turn to the wall and throw a punch against it, ripping my hand right through it, yelling at the top of my lungs in frustration and now in pain.

  Later that night, I’m si
tting at my breakfast bar with a bottle of Vodka, a shot glass next to me and the picture of the two of us kissing in my hand, lost in a stare.

  She’s right. She’ll never be with me once she knows the truth. And what will I do? I have no skills. I barely graduated high school. What do I have to offer her? Nothing. I’m a piece of shit loser and I was destined to be a piece of shit loser.

  I take a shot of Vodka straight from the bottle and rip the picture in two, crumbling it up and throwing it in the trash. Grabbing my coat, I storm out the door and head to my favorite bar up the street. I need to be around people, anyone, I don’t care who. I just can’t be alone.

  Walking into the bar, I’m greeted by my friend, Alex, who’s the bartender. “Man, Charlie… you look like you need a drink.”

  “You have no idea. Make it a double and keep ‘em coming.” I give him a don’t-fuck-with-me look and thankfully Alex does as he’s told.

  “Anything you need to get off your chest?”

  “Fucking women. Of all ages. I fucking hate women,” my voice is full of anger and rage.

  “Hey, say no more. This one’s on the house, bro.” Alex slides a drink to me before tending to the other guests.

  After a few rounds, I can barely see straight as I hold up my empty glass to Alex, “Another one my friend.”

  “Hey man, I think you’ve had enough.” Alex takes the empty glass out of my hand. “How about some water?”

  “If I wanted water, I wouldn’t be here. Give me another fucking drink.” I say harshly and loud enough to get the attention of the people around me, including a bouncer near the door.

  “Hey, bro, I get it. You had a bad day. But man, I think it’s time to go home.” Alex is assertive but quiet and I know he’s just concerned but I don’t care.

  I’m full of alcohol and rage and don’t see anything past wanting another drink, so I throw my barstool to the floor and try to hop up on the bar to get another bottle from Alex to serve myself. I’m stumbling all over and the bouncer swiftly makes it to the bar before I do, swooping me up by my arms and holding them behind my back.


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