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Alan Bristow

Page 52

by Alan Bristow

Heinkel torpedo bombers 51

  Helicop-Air 105–110

  Helicopter Airworthiness Review Panel 299

  Helicopter Association International 232

  Helicopter Club of Great Britain 223

  Helicopter Rentals Ltd 196, 201

  helicopters, flying 69, 72–73, 79–80

  Helio Courier 188

  Helitech 369–370

  Helmsdale, HMS 82

  Henry, Gerard 105–106

  Henstridge airfield 140, 142, 143, 146, 148, 152, 162, 164, 176

  Herman F. Whiton see Olympic Challenger

  Hermod 231–232

  Heseltine, Michael 13, 336, 342, 344, 347, 349, 353, 356, 357, 358, 363

  Hill, James 363, 364

  Hiller 104, 111, 116, 124, 126

  12: 220

  12A 109–110

  12C 268

  12E 206

  360: 116–117, 120, 123, 124, 136, 199, 200, 202, 204, 206, 222, 228

  360A 9–10, 102, 105, 107–108, 110–112, 113, 114–115, 116–117, 122, 123, 127, 128–131, 135, 138, 141, 369

  360C 227, 228

  FH1100 224–225, 228

  Hiller, Stanley 14, 111, 124, 228

  Hitler, Adolf 21

  HM Coastguard 268

  Hoare Govett 341, 345, 349

  Hobson, Ronald 264

  Hodson, Flt Lt 62, 63, 64

  Hogan (Ellenga shipmate) 52

  Hogg, Quintin, QC 92, 93

  Holland 106–107

  Holland, Ron 367–368

  Hollywood Hills 34–35

  Honduras 203–205

  Hong Kong 328

  Honolulu 35–36

  Hooker, Sir Stanley 223

  Hornbill, HMS (Oxfordshire RNAS) 135

  horse-riding 207

  horses, Suffolk Punch 23

  Howard, John 222, 267, 275, 280

  Howe, Lord 363

  Hudson, ‘Polar Bear’ 38

  Hughes, Howard 228

  Hughes 500: 277

  Hughesden, Charlie 264

  Hunt, Phil 273, 295, 328

  Hunt brothers 17

  Hunting-Clan Air Transport 215

  Hunting-Percival Aircraft 103

  Jet Provost 218, 219

  Hussey Cooper, Vernon 38, 39, 40, 41, 44–45, 46, 100–101

  Hyams, Harry 224, 264, 265

  ICI 166

  ICL 143

  India 343, 348, 357

  Indo-China 10, 11, 110–120, 175, 313

  Indonesia 330–333, 334

  Inland Revenue 194–196

  Innes, Bob 318

  International Air Transport Association (IATA) 248, 251

  International Nickel 331

  International Whaling Commission 137, 152

  Iran 165, 166, 167–168, 192, 311–322, 323, 324

  Iran, Shah of 14, 18–19, 167–168, 192, 312, 315

  Iran Pan American Oil Co. 165, 166

  Iranian Air Force, Imperial 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 321

  Iranian Army 312, 315, 316

  Iranian Helicopter Aviation Co. 167, 312, 315–316, 323

  Irrawaddy River 37, 38

  James, Capt Percival Arthur Clifton 42, 43

  Japanese, the 39, 328, 329

  Japanese Navy, Imperial 39, 40

  Carrier Strike Force 36

  Jarvis, Pauline 242, 246

  Jeffries, Lieutenant 68

  Jenkin, Patrick 344

  Jenkins, Clive 13, 242, 245–247, 305

  Jennings, Captain 247

  Jet Star (bull) 366, 367

  John Brown Engineering 337

  Johnston, Philip 224–225

  Johnston (senior pilot) 189

  Jones, Jack 234

  Jones, Mr 27, 30, 31

  Jordan, Derek 316

  Junkers Ju87

  Stuka 51–52

  Junkers Ju88 51

  Kaman, Charlie 124

  Kaman company 123

  Keegan, Mike 307, 319

  Kellett helicopter 123

  Kelley, Bart 124

  Kennicot Mining 331

  Kestrel, HMS (Worthy Down airfield) 70, 73–74, 76, 77, 78

  Kharg Island 312, 316, 317, 318, 320, 321

  Khatami, Gen Mohammed 167, 312, 323, 324

  Khomeini, Ayatollah 19, 311, 316

  Khor-i-mand mountains 165

  Kiel, Germania shipyard 121

  King, Lord 255, 256–257, 350–351, 352, 355

  King Rat 18, 191

  Kings Norton, Lord 223, 270

  Kingston, Ontario 62, 63, 64–65

  Kingston-upon-Thames, Guildhall 195–196

  Kinney, Bill 261

  Kirkhorn, Jan 137, 138, 141

  Kleinwort Benson 341, 344, 345–346

  Knight, Eric Lombard 174–175, 179, 255

  daughter 175

  Knight, Geoffrey 250

  Konialidis, Constantinos ‘Niko’ 123, 124

  Kormoran 37

  Kumano 39

  Kuwait 217–219, 317, 320, 321

  corner shop man 217–218, 219

  Kuwaiti Air Force 218–219

  La Paz 177, 178, 179, 181, 186–187, 188–189

  Laine de Penguin 108–109

  Laker, Elaine 198

  Laker, Freddie 14, 174, 175, 194, 197–198, 199, 200–201, 202, 213, 215, 230, 233–235, 236–237, 248, 251, 254, 255–257, 286, 350

  Laker, Joan 198, 233, 234

  Laker, Kevin 233, 234, 235

  Laker Airways 235, 254–255, 256–257

  Lane, Captain 243

  Lane, Commander 227

  Lappos, Nick 298

  Las Palmas, Reine Isabel hotel 249

  Lascars 36

  Lavan Island 312, 317, 319–320, 321

  Lazards 346

  Le Roy, Yves 177, 312, 313, 317, 319–320

  Leckie, John 274, 275–276

  LeClerc, General 116

  Leeds City Corporation 364–365

  Left Hand Club 251

  Legrand, François 294, 295–296, 297

  Leppard, Neil 177, 185

  Lesley (Canadian girl) 33

  Levene, Peter 356

  Levrat, Jean Roux 318

  Lewis, Cecil 140–141, 147–148

  Linklaters 347, 353, 354

  Lionel (chauffeur) 202, 221, 227–228

  Little, Harry 65, 66–67, 68

  Liverpool 26–27, 45, 46

  Lockheed C-130

  Hercules 322–323

  Lockheed Constellation 189

  Loffland Brothers 226, 227

  Loftus, Bill 150

  Lombard Banking Ltd 174–175, 176, 255

  London 77–78

  Albert Hall 353

  Battersea Heliport 166

  Claridge’s 350

  Grosvenor House Hotel 323

  Leadenhall Street 10–11, 151–152

  Russell Square 52–53

  St James’s 84–85

  St Paul’s Cathedral 78

  Savoy 163, 168

  Shell-Mex House, Strand 154–156, 159–160, 173

  Simpsons, Piccadilly 200–201

  Tower Hill, merchant seamen’s memorial 46

  Trafalgar Square 54

  London to Paris speed record attempts 94–95

  Long Beach, San Pedro harbour 34, 35 looping helicopters 224–225

  Louis Newmark LN450

  Flight Director 268, 269–271

  Lufthansa 254

  Luxair 319, 321

  Lygo, Adm Sir Raymond 342, 354

  McAlpine, Alastair 350

  McAlpine, Kenneth 220, 223, 224

  Macaskill, Jim 205, 302, 309–310

  McCartney, Ian 261

  McDonald, Lord, and Inquiry 310

  McDonnell Douglas 254–255

  Apache 356

  DC-10 254, 255

  MacIntosh, ‘Sparks’ 32

  MacKenzie, Capt Mac 242, 247

  Mackinnon’s (British India agents) 41

  McLoughlin, Patrick 361

  McMahon, Jim 206 />
  Mahvi, Abolfath 312, 313, 315

  Malaysia 287–288, 299, 302, 303, 304, 326, 327

  Malaysian Airlines 326, 327, 328

  Malaysian student 327–328

  Malda, SS 38–40, 56, 100

  Malta 16, 32, 46, 55, 56, 79

  Marignane 294–296, 297

  Marsh, Alan 109–110

  Martin, Peter 318

  Martre, Henri 347

  Masayu Trading 331

  Mashman, Joe 124, 225

  Mason, Roy 238

  Matiana, SS 14, 26, 27, 28–30, 31, 32–34, 35–36, 38, 41, 100, 276

  Chief Engineer 27, 29, 32

  ‘Lofty’ (electrical engineer) 32–33

  Matteson line 35, 36

  Maxwell, Robert 286

  Mayhew, Bill 147, 168, 201, 222, 283

  wife 201

  Mayhew, Patrick 353

  Mayne-Bristow Helicopters Pty Ltd 219–220

  Mayne Nickless 220

  Melbourne 36

  Melsom & Melsom 135, 137, 138, 139–140, 141, 143

  Mensforth, Sir Eric 102–103

  merchant navy 25–41, 42–48, 49–52, 55

  Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm 347

  Mexico, Gulf of 276–277, 279–280

  Michael of Kent, Prince 210

  Middle Wallop airfield 74, 228

  Mil Mi-4 332

  Milburn, Earl 147, 158, 165, 177, 179

  Miles Martinet 70, 71

  Miller, Lt Col Sir John 208

  Miller Rayner (tailors) 26

  Mobil 197, 226–227, 231, 263, 273, 277, 306, 327, 331

  Mombasa 30–31

  Montagu of Beaulieu, Lord 363

  Monte Carlo 122–123

  Hotel de Paris 122

  Montevideo 125, 126, 127

  Montgomery (Sikorsky employee) 67

  Montreal 32, 33–34, 276

  McGill University 33

  Moore, Roger 191

  More, Kenneth 169

  Mork, Mickey 137, 141

  Morris, Charles E 261, 263, 277–278

  girlfriend Juliet 263

  Morton, Sammy 239, 250

  Morton Air Services 215, 239, 250

  Morton Olley Air Services 272

  Mossman, George 210

  Mounsdon, Diana 209, 241, 249

  Mountain, Sir Brian ‘Bill’ 213, 239, 240, 241, 264

  Mountain, Nicky 264

  Mr Cap (jack-up oil rig) 230

  Mubarak, Sheikh 217, 218

  Muriel, Andrew 160, 275, 283

  National Car Parks 264

  National Provincial Bank 12, 152

  Netherlands Whaling Co 11–12, 145–146, 148, 151–152

  New Mexico 226

  New York, Floyd Bennett Field 65, 66, 67, 104, 285

  New York City 66–67, 69, 123

  Brooklyn 66

  Flatbush 66–67, 69

  New Zealanders 55–56

  Newman, Barry 330

  Newmark, Louis 268, 269, 270

  Nice 86

  Nickalls, Nick 242, 243, 247, 248, 252

  Nigeria 259, 273, 274, 311, 327

  Nimitz, USS 322

  Niven, David 191

  Nixon, Richard 323

  Noble House 18, 192

  Norfolk Police 91–92

  Normalair 143

  Norman, Desmond 205–206

  Norris, Capt Mike 268–269, 309

  North American AT-6

  Harvard 62, 63–64

  North Denes 230, 287

  North Sea 172, 214, 228–229, 230–232, 235, 258–261, 271, 272, 277, 283, 284–286, 287, 290, 292, 334, 339–340 see also pilots’ strike, Aberdeen Norhval 135, 138, 139, 141

  Norwegians 125–126, 131, 149

  Nott, Sir John 346, 347

  Oahu 36

  Ocean Containers Ltd 236

  Ocean Prince (semi-submersible) 231

  Octopussy 191

  Odlin, John 203–204, 278, 302, 328, 329

  Offshore Logistics Inc 370

  oil exploration 154, 155–160, 161–162, 164–165, 172, 173–174, 179–181, 186–187, 215–217, 226–227, 260, 279–280, 330, 331

  North Sea 228–229, 230–232, 235, 258–261, 271, 272, 277, 283, 284–286, 287, 290, 292, 334, 339–340 see also pilots’ strike, Aberdeen

  Okanagan Helicopters 274, 275–276

  Olympic Challenger 121, 125, 126, 127–128, 129–130, 137, 222

  Olympic Whaling 127 see also whaling

  Onassis, Aristotle 9, 10, 11, 14, 121, 122–123, 124, 125, 126, 135

  Oni, Ayo 327

  Onslow, Cranley 228, 308, 309, 341, 354–355

  Operation Credible Sport 322–323

  Operation Sandstorm 314–322, 323, 324

  Orkney Islands 70–71, 72

  Ortiz-Patin˜o, Jaime 177–178

  Osborn, Lt Cmdr G.M.T. 79, 82, 83

  Osmington Mills 80

  Otis Elevators 349, 350

  Ottawa 33, 276

  Owen, Reg 307

  Page, Iris 71

  Page, Lt Cmdr Len, RCNVR 68, 70, 71–72, 73, 78–79

  Pan Am 254

  Pan American Grace Airlines 189

  Panama 190

  Panama Canal 34

  Paris 104–105, 108–109, 111

  Eiffel Tower 95

  Hotel Dominie 140

  Place des Invalides 94, 95

  Parkinson, Cecil 360, 361

  Patterson, Capt L.D. 14, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 35–36, 37

  Pattie, Geoffrey 341, 342, 345

  Paul, Bill 343, 346, 350, 356

  Payne, Norman 242

  Pearce, Austin 347

  Pearl Harbor 36

  Peat, Lt Cmdr, RNVR 67, 68

  Pegg, Bill 96, 103

  Penfold, Cliff 65, 66–67, 68

  Penrose, Harald 14, 86, 87–88, 91, 96, 97, 102, 144

  Penstemon, HMS 43

  Percival Proctor 85

  Percival Provost 103

  Perkins, John 89

  Persian Gulf 154, 155–156, 157–159, 160–162, 163–164, 166, 168, 171, 173, 174, 175, 217, 219, 260, 316, 326

  Peru 226–227

  Petrie, Bill 166, 177, 178, 184, 186, 267, 317, 318, 320, 321

  Petroleum Helicopters Inc 188, 216, 280–281, 329

  Philip, Prince see Edinburgh, Duke of Phillips Petroleum 231

  Philpott, Brian 355

  Piasecki 122, 123

  Piasecki, Frank 14, 123, 124

  PIAT (Projector, Infantry, Anti-Tank) 144–145

  pilots’ strike, Aberdeen 301–310

  Pincher, Harry Chapman 264

  Piper Apache 172

  Piper Super Cruiser 104

  Platt-Le Page helicopter 123

  Plessey 166 police work 91–92

  Pontoise (Cormeilles-en-Vexin) 105, 106, 120

  Poole, Lord 213, 239, 240

  Portillo, Michael 361

  Portland Dockyard and Harbour 78–79, 80

  Portsmouth 18, 19–20, 21–22, 23, 32

  Portsmouth, Whale Island 21, 32

  Portsmouth and Southsea swimming club 19

  Portsmouth Grammar School 18, 21, 22

  Powell, Air Cdre Taffy 197

  Power, Tyrone 34–35

  Preston, Col Mossy 94, 95, 142

  Priddy, John 203–204

  Prince of Wales, HMS 37

  Prior, James 307–309

  Pugh, Alastair 242, 243, 247, 251, 253

  Pulborough golf club 170–171

  Pullen (carriage driving referee) 212 pygmies 181–182

  Qatar 155–156, 157–159, 160–161, 175

  Queen, RFA 75–76

  Commander RNVR 75–76

  Queen Mary, RMS 57–58

  Quigg, Alec 145

  Racal Electronics 221

  Rafat, General 312, 313, 316

  Randall, John 20, 61

  Randall Minor 20

  Rangoon 37–38, 56

  Ranscombe, Jerry 316

  rapid transit systems 359–366
  Ratcliffe Mike 330

  Reach for the Sky 168–169

  Reagan, Ronald 323

  Redhill Aerodrome 201–202, 216–217, 221, 222–223, 224–225, 227–228, 230, 266, 289, 321, 323, 327

  Reece, Sir Gordon 346

  Regent Petroleum 206

  Reichert, William 125

  Reiter, Kurt 121–122, 125

  Repulse, HMS 37

  rescue operations 231–232

  Richard, Armand 318

  Richardson, Bill 247, 249–250

  Richardson, Major General 351

  Rio Tinto 331

  Robert, Medecin-General 116, 117, 120

  Robins, Ralph 343

  Robins, Steve 360

  Robinson, Robbie 177, 184

  Robinson (President of Amoseas) 187–188

  Rockley, Lord 341, 345

  Ronson, Gerald 350

  Ropner, Auriel 276

  Ropner, Sir John 276

  Ross Sea 127, 128

  Rotherwick, Lord 206, 213, 236, 334, 370

  Rowe & Pitman 349

  Royal Air Force 285

  Headley Court 266

  recruiting office 52–53

  Royal Aero Club 94, 142, 174, 201

  Royal Navy 342 see also Fleet Air Arm

  captain (recruiting) 55

  Chief Petty Officer 54–55

  pilots, training school 227

  Royston, Peter 302, 303, 304, 305, 307, 308, 310

  Sabine Offshore Services 276, 277–280

  Sabine River 277

  Safmarine 206–207

  Saigon 110, 111, 112, 115–116, 117, 120

  Continental Hotel 110, 116, 119

  hospital 115–116

  Tan Son Nhat airport 110, 111–113, 115, 116–117, 119

  sailing 367–368

  Sainer, Leonard 219

  St Eugene, Montreal 58, 59–62

  St Ignacio 183

  St Louis Mission 182

  St Vincent, HMS (Gosport shore establishment) 55–57

  Commanding Officer 56–57

  San Francisco 187–188

  Santiago 248–249

  Santini, Lt Louis 118, 120

  Sa˜o Paulo 248

  Saskatoon 275

  Saudi Arabia, Al Yamamah arms deal series 337, 346–347, 357

  Scapa Flow 70–71, 73, 74–75

  Schmoe, Bill 261

  Schroeder Wagg 341, 346

  Schubert, Dr 137

  Scone 208

  Sea Quest (oil rig) 259

  Sealby, Kay 141, 142, 194, 196–197

  Seaman, Doc 261

  Sear, Slim 268

  Select Committee, Trade and Industry 354–355

  Servisair 286

  Shakbut, Sheikh 163, 164

  Shapiro, Yasha 143, 223–224

  Sharjah 319, 320, 321

  Sharpy 19

  Shaw, Bryan 228

  Sheepy (Decca team leader) 161

  Shelbourne, Sir Philip, QC 194–195, 253, 341, 345, 352

  Shell Oil 153, 154–160, 161, 162, 171, 172, 173–174, 175, 176–177, 178, 180, 182, 192, 200, 202, 214, 217, 260, 283, 286, 299, 327, 328, 330

  Shelton, Cliff 265

  Shinkuang 39

  Shirakumo 39, 69

  Shogun 18, 192

  shooting 260–261, 262–265, 276 see also

  Baynards Park Showering, Keith 264, 350


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