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Justice for Corrie (Badge of Honor: Texas Heroes Book 3)

Page 13

by Susan Stoker

  “Did that really happen?”

  “Yup. Can’t imagine parents would allow it in the public schools today, but it was extremely enlightening for me and my friends. All done.” She caressed his now-covered erection and tugged, encouraging him to finish what he’d started.

  Trying to ignore how good her hands felt on him so he wouldn’t go off before he’d even gotten inside her, Quint leaned back over her. “Hold on to my arms, sweetheart. This is gonna be hard and fast. I’m sorry. Next time I’ll make it better for you.”

  “If this was any better, I’d be dead. I want you. I want to feel you inside me. Take me, Quint. Do it.”

  He waited until her hands gripped his upper arms before bracing himself on one hand by her head. Then he reached down and grabbed hold of the base of his dick with his other hand. He felt Corrie spread her legs even farther apart to give him room. He ran the head of his cock over her clit once, twice, then eased lower and pushed in. Quint groaned as he slowly drove himself into her hot, wet folds.

  “Shit, Corrie. Jesus, you feel good.”

  Quint’s hand came back up next to her shoulder on the bed to support himself as he pushed inside her warm body as far as he could go. He felt Corrie’s knees bend and her legs wrap around his hips. She crossed her feet at the ankles and squeezed him. She tilted her hips and Quint swore he sank in another inch.

  “God,” Quint pulled out to the tip, then pushed in again slowly, “you feel,” again he pulled out, then pushed in, “so fucking good.”

  Quint stopped talking; he couldn’t get any other words out. His thrusts sped up as he powered in and out of Corrie. She felt like heaven.

  “I can’t…shit…hold on, sweetheart. Let me know if I’m hurting you…okay?”

  Corrie groaned and pulled him closer. Quint fell onto his elbows over her.

  “You’re not hurting me. Do it. Please.” Her voice was soft and breathy next to his ear. He felt her warm inhalations as she panted against his neck.

  Quint let go of his restraint and pounded into Corrie as if his life depended on it. Amazingly, he felt her quake under him just as he lost control. He’d lasted longer than he thought he would…but only about two strokes longer. He held himself inside Corrie as he threw his head back and groaned.

  Not able to hold himself up anymore, Quint eased down and to Corrie’s side, making sure to keep one of her legs over his hip so his length stayed inside her for as long as possible. They lay there, both breathing hard, Corrie snuggled into his chest as Quint tried to catch his breath.

  “Holy shit, woman.”

  Corrie giggled in his ear and Quint thought it was the most beautiful sound he’d ever heard.

  They held each other for a few minutes, enjoying the aftermath of their orgasms. Finally, Quint pulled away reluctantly. “I have to take care of this condom, don’t move.”

  Her leg eased off of him and Quint reached down and held on to the latex as he slipped out of her warm body, secretly loving the disappointed groan that came from Corrie’s mouth. He leaned over, kissed her on the lips and whispered, “I’ll be right back.”

  Corrie rolled to her back and smiled up in his general direction as she nodded. Quint went into the bathroom and took care of the condom. He turned on the water until it ran warm, and then wet a washcloth. He walked back into his bedroom and stopped, once more enjoying the sight of Corrie on his bed, naked. She’d turned on her side and was facing his direction. She had one arm under the pillow under her head, and the other was draped over her waist. Her legs were bent and she looked like a pinup model. Quint thanked his lucky stars she was all his.

  He walked over to his bed and sat on the side. “Roll over on your back, sweetheart.”


  “I have a washcloth, I want to clean you up.”

  Corrie blushed and held out her hand. “I can do it.”

  “I want to.” Quint held the wet towel out of her reach. “Please.”

  Without a word, Corrie rolled over, but kept her head turned toward the ceiling.

  “You can’t be embarrassed about this.” Quint made small talk as he went about the extremely pleasant task of soothing her well-used folds and cleaning away the evidence of her arousal.

  “I am.”

  Quint chuckled and finished what he was doing. “I enjoy it. I like making sure you’re comfortable and have what you need.”

  She didn’t say anything and Quint let it go. She’d get used to him. He hoped.

  He didn’t bother taking the washcloth back to the bathroom. He just dumped it on the floor by the bed, making a mental note to pick it up right when he got out of bed in the morning so Corrie didn’t step on it. He couldn’t imagine how gross it would be to step on a cold wet towel first thing in the morning.

  Quint did his best to brush the condoms that had been scattered across the bed in their hurry off the mattress and then snuggled back into bed and pulled up the sheet, then the comforter. Something in his chest squeezed when Corrie didn’t hesitate, but wrapped herself around him without a word. He felt her hand on his chest, tapping.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m writing in Braille with my fingertip.”

  Quint concentrated on what she was “writing.” He smiled widely when he recognized the letters. He buried his face in her neck, crushing her fingers between them. “I like you too, sweetheart.”

  * * *

  Corrie rolled over and groaned. She was deliciously sore. It’d been a while since she’d had sex, and Quint wasn’t a small man…anywhere.

  She blinked—then stilled at the almost painful sensation. Crud. Every month she had to remove her prosthetics and give them a thorough cleaning. She hadn’t done it this month yet, and with the pain she was feeling, it was obvious she’d put it off too long. She really didn’t want to do it in front of Quint, but they were supposed to spend the day together getting his kitchen set up for her, so she wouldn’t be able to avoid it. Her eyes really felt crusty and she knew it had to be done.

  Corrie remembered when she’d put off the deep cleaning before. She’d gotten a terrible infection and had received a long lecture by her doctors. But she was embarrassed to take her eyes out in front of Quint. She’d once asked Emily what she looked like without them and her friend had been honest and told her it was a bit creepy looking. Emily had laughed and told her she looked like a character from a horror movie with the two blank holes where her eyes should’ve been. The last thing Corrie wanted was to look creepy in front of Quint, especially after the delicious night they’d had. They were still getting to know each other and she didn’t want to look like a horror-show zombie in front of him.

  Her prosthetics had to sit in the cleansing fluid for at least two hours, and really should be in there longer to give them the deep cleanse they needed. Shoot, Corrie knew she should’ve done it last night. They would’ve been done and ready to go by now if she had.

  “What’s wrong?” Quint’s voice was sleepy by her ear.

  “Nothing, go back to sleep.” Corrie gave it a shot. She still felt Quint’s head come off the pillow behind her where he’d been spooning her.

  “I’m not tired. What’s wrong? Are you having second thoughts about us?”

  “No. Jeez, why do you have to be so observant?” Corrie complained a little petulantly.

  “Because. Corrie, if it’s not us, then what. Is. Wrong?”

  He enunciated each word clearly. She could tell he was both irritated and worried by the tense way he held her in his arms.

  It wasn’t a big deal. Right? If she was going to be with him, she’d have to tell him sooner or later. “Ihavetocleanmyprosthetics.”


  Darn. “And I have to take them out in order to do it.”

  “Yeah…” He drew the word out, beginning to sound confused as well as annoyed now.

  Corrie turned in his arms and buried her face in his chest. He smelled so good, like him…and sex. It comforted her. “It’
s gross. I don’t want you to see me without my eyes in.”

  She felt Quint pulling away. She sighed. She pulled back and looked up to where his face would be. She felt his hands on the side of her head, holding her still.

  “You have to take them all the way out?”


  “Cool! Can I watch?”

  Corrie drew back in confusion. “What?”

  “I’ve never seen anything like it before. Does it hurt? How do you get them out? I didn’t know they came out. I mean, of course they come out, they’re prosthetics, but how do you clean them? Are they round?” He almost sounded like a little boy, excited for his first trip to see Santa or something.

  Corrie reached up and blindly tried to find Quint’s mouth. She missed at first, covering his chin, but readjusted her hand until it covered his mouth. She smiled at him weakly.

  “I’ll answer your questions if you really want to know, but I want you to understand, without my prosthetics in, I’m weird-looking. Emily told me.”

  Quint moved her hand away from his mouth and leaned in until he could kiss both eyelids. “You’ll never be weird-looking, Corrie. You’re different. Yeah. So what? What we look like doesn’t make us who we are inside. And you, sweetheart, are beautiful. You could have two heads and I’d still think so. I’m in like with you, and I’m quickly falling in love with you. Not with your eyes, or with your body, but with you. And this is a part of who you are. I want to know everything about you, this included. Okay?”

  “Okay.” It was the only thing she could think of to say. She wanted to screech like a little kid and bury her head into her pillow. He was falling in love with her? Holy crapola! She didn’t have time to process it though, because Quint was herding her out of bed.

  “Cool, let’s go. I can’t wait to see this.”

  Corrie just shook her head and followed Quint. He’d grabbed her hand and dragged her into his bathroom.

  “Can I have a minute?” Corrie asked shyly.

  “Shit, yeah, sorry. I’ll go down the hall to use the other bathroom. Don’t start without me.”

  Corrie laughed as she heard Quint hurrying out of the room and jogging down the hallway. She went back out into the bedroom and found her T-shirt that Quint had taken off the night before. Before they’d fallen asleep, Quint had sleepily leaned over, found it on the floor and told her he put it on the end of the bed so she could find it when she needed it in the morning.

  Corrie went back into the bathroom and quickly took care of her morning routine and waited for Quint to return.

  Quint breezed back into the bathroom and came up behind her. “Okay, carry on. I’m ready. Just pretend I’m not here.”

  Corrie shook her head and smiled nervously. As if. But she tried. She got out the supplies from her bathroom kit. She asked Quint for a clean towel and when he gave it to her, she covered up the sink in front of her. If she popped her eye out, she didn’t want it to land in the hard sink and get chipped. She’d learned that the hard way too.

  She pulled out the extractor from her cleaning kit and pulled her lower lid down until she could get the small edge of the plastic piece under the edge of the prosthetic. She pried it up until it cleared her lid and caught it in her other hand as it popped free of her eye socket.

  The prosthetic wasn’t round, as most people assumed. It was kinda oval shaped and hollow on the other side. It sat like a cup in her eye socket, rounding it out to make it look more like a normal eye.

  Trying to ignore the fact Quint stood silently behind her, most likely watching everything she did with that observant way he had, Corrie continued with her cleaning ritual.

  She used a wet cotton ball to clean away any dirt and discharge around her empty eye socket. Then she filled the eye bath with the special saline she made up at home and tipped her head back to wash out the socket of her eye.

  Corrie then took the prosthetic and ran it under warm water in the sink, using the non-scented soap she carried with her to scrub it clean. She put it into a special container to let it soak in a bath of the saline solution. Some people didn’t bother with this step, but she always felt it cleaned the eye better than simply running water and soap over it.

  She put that eye to the side and started all over again with her other prosthetic. When she finished and both eyes were in the cleansing solution, Quint spoke for the first time. “How long do you soak them?”

  “It depends. I usually keep them in the solution overnight, but today, two hours should do it.”

  Corrie felt Quint turning her in his arms. She resisted for a moment but gave in. This was a part of who she was. He was right. If she wanted this to work, he had to see her without her prosthetics. She hated it, but it was better to do it now than later, when she was even more connected to him.

  She felt Quint put his finger under her chin. Corrie lifted her head and waited, trying not to hyperventilate. She felt Quint’s lips against her forehead, then her nose, then her lips, then she closed her eyes and felt him gently kiss both eyelids.

  “You are beautiful, Corrie. Seriously. You are no less beautiful to me now, without your prosthetics, than you were lying naked on my bed waiting for me. And I have to say, and this is my inner geekiness coming out, that was the coolest thing I’ve seen in a long time.”

  Corrie snorted.

  “Seriously. And sweetheart, I honestly don’t see any difference in what you just did and what someone who wears contacts does every night. I don’t want you to feel weird about that with me. If you need to take them out and clean them before we go to bed, do it. If you think that’s gonna make me not want to bury myself deep inside your hot body, you’re way wrong.”

  Corrie stumbled into him as Quint tugged her into his embrace. She could feel his cock, hard against her belly. “Having you here in my arms, in my bathroom, wearing nothing but that shirt, is almost as good as having you naked in my bed. Two hours, huh? Good. Plenty of time for me to make up for last night.”

  “Make up for it?”

  “Yeah, I was a minuteman. I need to prove my virility to you so you don’t think I’m always that quick.”

  Corrie giggled. “Don’t we have stuff to do today?”

  “Yeah, but it can wait. This is more important.”

  “Okay, I’m in. Show me what you can do.” Corrie was more relieved than she’d ever be able to say. She’d been so afraid that he’d take one look at her empty eye sockets and be disgusted.

  She laughed and grabbed hold of Quint’s neck as he hoisted her up into his arms and headed out of the bathroom to his bed. Oh yeah, she was in like with this man. Definitely.

  * * *

  The man used his foot to crush out the cigarette he’d been smoking. So, the bitch had finally moved in with the pig cop. It made his plans harder, but not impossible. He’d finally learned the best way to get to her. It had taken two weeks, but he knew just how it’d go down now.

  The boss was pissed the cops had already found Shaun’s body. That wasn’t supposed to happen. He’d been careful, but the fucking Texas heat had done him in. If there hadn’t been a drought, no one would’ve ever found that fucker.

  The man gritted his teeth when thinking about his boss. He was the most successful loan shark in the city, but he got that way because he was a complete asshole. He didn’t trust anyone. He had no other staff…they’d all disappeared over the years.

  The man wasn’t stupid; he knew if he pissed the boss off, he’d disappear too, but for now the money was good and he enjoyed the side benefits of getting to kill and torture people and getting to screw whatever pussy he could get.

  That thought brought him back to the present. He just had to wait a bit longer. The boss was securing a new place to take the blind bitch once she was grabbed. They had to figure out what she’d told the police and use her to set an example for others around the city who might be thinking about squealing about their business. The boss wasn’t putting anything past her, though. They’d bring her some
where she’d never be able to get away, and where her screams wouldn’t be heard by anyone…and he’d get to have some fun.

  The man reached down and adjusted his cock. He loved when he got to play with women. They were so much more fun to torture than men. When he shoved his cock up their pussy right off the bat, they usually cooperated much better.

  The bitch was blind, which was weird, but he could work with it. No problem. She’d better enjoy fucking that cop while she could. Soon she’d be his to do with as he pleased. He couldn’t wait.

  Chapter 13

  Corrie lay in bed and listened to Quint get ready for work. He had an early shift and she was more than happy to go back to sleep for a couple of hours. They’d been up late the night before because they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. The last time they’d made love, Quint had kept his eyes closed the entire time at her request. He’d told her it was the most intense experience he’d ever had. Corrie smiled at the memory.

  He’d started by caressing her from her head to her feet, and then after he’d teased her unmercifully until her toes curled, Corrie pushed him to his back and returned the favor. She’d enjoyed his moans and groans as she’d run her hands and lips all over his body. She’d taken him deep within her mouth and Quint had told her how incredible, how much…more…it had felt like when he could only imagine what she was doing and couldn’t watch.

  He’d pulled her off his cock before he’d exploded and turned her over. He’d urged her to her hands and knees and had taken her from behind. After rolling on a condom, Quint had powered in and out of her with a slow and steady rhythm, keeping up a running conversation about how good she felt, how soft she was, how he loved feeling her skin ripple and shake under his hands. He’d even smacked her ass lightly and marveled at the feel of her ass heating up under his ministrations.

  It finally took Corrie snaking a hand under them and caressing his balls as he slowly entered her to get him to lose his iron control. He’d taken hold of her hips in his hands and had slammed himself inside her. Corrie had lost her balance and fell to her forearms on the bed, but the change in angle simply seemed to make him lose even more of his control. They’d both moaned and groaned until first Corrie, then Quint, had exploded.


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