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Return Of The Queen: The Kurtherian Endgame™ Book Eight

Page 17

by Anderle, Michael

  Gabriel considered the problem for a moment. “Honestly? Alexis usually figures the way out of these situations. We can work together to create an electrostatic discharge with less energy than you would use to pass a current through each group individually. If we get the frequencies right, the magnetic pulse will kill the nanos.”

  Michael nodded, patting Gabriel on the back. “A sound plan. Let’s do it.”

  Gabriel narrowed his eyes. “You’re just going to go with it?”

  Michael lifted a shoulder and grinned. “Why not?”

  Gabriel laughed as he climbed over the edge of the roof. “Sure, why not?”

  They figured out their parts as they made their way to the center of the square and hid in one of the piles of debris as cover from the Ookens.

  Michael pulled on the Etheric and rapidly increased the electric field strength around them. “Are you ready with your field?” he asked Gabriel.

  Gabriel nodded, holding his opposingly-charged field steady against Michael’s. “Yeah, but I can’t see the Ookens. Count me in.”

  Michael held the air in his mental grip, watching the square as the Ookens poured in searching for the Etheric energy discharge. “Three, two, one.”

  They separated their charged fields, causing an enormous spark to fly up as a pulse of invisible magnetic energy mushroomed out around them.

  Gabriel peered over the top of the rubble and saw the Ookens lying dead in the square. “WOOT!” He coughed. “Well, what do you know? It worked.”

  Michael chuckled drily as they waded through the knee-deep sea of dead Ookens. “Have faith in your ideas. Especially the crazy ones.”

  John opened the doors and waved Michael and Gabriel over.

  “Have any of you picked up an injury that requires a Pod-doc to heal?” Michael asked as he and Gabriel walked into the building.

  “Everyone is good,” John confirmed.

  “Then we can get on with rescuing the surviving colonists,” Michael told them. “We’re looking for the entrance to the underground shelter. Stay on the comm, and keep your senses alert for any Ookens that didn’t attack with the rest of them.”

  “Is that likely?” Christina asked.

  “Who knows?” Michael replied. “Bethany Anne usually takes them all out with one thought.”

  K’aia groaned as she turned. “Great, independent Ookens.”

  Gabriel looked around, seeing the pride the colony had in their home in the attention to detail they’d paid to their first permanent building. “This isn’t fair. The Melidans put everything into building a life here, and now all that’s left is this ruin.”

  Sayomi spoke over the comm. “You have incoming. The second ship jettisoned too many Pods for me to take out.”

  “How long do we have?” John ground out.

  “Five minutes,” Sayomi informed them.

  “Then we’d better find that shelter and get the hell out of here,” Michael stated. “Sayomi, get some transport down here for the people.”

  “Sending transport Pods to your location,” the AI replied. “Seven minutes.”

  Michael considered the logistics. “Have them land on the roof.” He turned to the others. “New plan. Defend this building while Gabriel and I get the people to the roof. If it gets messy, we can take them through the Etheric.”

  John began giving instructions to the others while Michael and Gabriel took the doors between the twin staircases. They opened into a large hall that had been trashed by the Ookens.

  Michael and Gabriel made their way through the smashed furniture, being careful to walk around the bodies of the fallen colonists.

  Gabriel caught a sense of something above them just before an Ooken screeched, giving away its position on the chandelier. He threw up an Etheric shield that deflected the creature as it dropped with its tentacles splayed wide.

  Michael reacted in the same instant, throwing a bolt of energy at the Ooken as it bounced off the shield. “Nice job,” he told Gabriel.

  Gabriel grinned without humor and continued crossing the hall. “I can hear people nearby.”

  Michael indicated a door to the right. “Through there.”

  The door led to a short corridor ending in a steel door that had been scored by Ooken teeth. They stepped into the Etheric and emerged on a staircase leading to an identical door.

  Michael knocked on this door, eliciting panicked screams from the other side. “Don’t be afraid,” he called. “My name is Michael. I spoke with Talia.”

  The door opened, revealing the Loren they’d spoken to earlier. She slightly relaxed the weapons she held in many of her tentacles when she recognized Michael. “How did you get through the Ookens?” she asked with suspicion.

  “They're dead,” Michael told her. “But there are more on the way. We need to get everyone up to the roof, where there’s transport waiting to take you all to our ship.”

  “The sooner we get you all to the Meredith Reynolds for medical treatment, the better,” Gabriel added loud enough for the people standing behind Talia to hear.

  It took a few minutes for Talia to calm the fifty-something survivors and get them to agree to follow Michael and Gabriel out of the safety of the shelter.

  Michael glanced at Gabriel when John called over the comm to tell them that the Ookens were almost there.

  Gabriel shook his head. “We can’t risk taking everyone through the building.”

  “How else do we get out of here?” Talia asked.

  “Everyone, fall back to the Sayomi,” Michael instructed over the comm. “We’ll meet you back there. Gabriel and I will use the Etheric to get the people to safety.”

  “Pods are still waiting on the roof,” John confirmed. “See you back there.”

  Michael returned his attention to the anxious faces of the colonists. “Everyone grab someone else and hold on tight. The next few minutes will be strange, but you will not be in any danger. Please stay calm and help one another.”

  Gabriel added his energy to Michael’s, and they opened the Etheric around the survivors. It took a few moments to get them to the equivalent place to exit on the roof, and then another few to get everyone inside the Pods.

  The colonists on the Pod with Michael and Gabriel remained silent as they took off, except for Talia.

  The Loren stared at the destruction below with angry tears filming her large eyes. “It’s all over,” she whispered. “We’ve lost everything.”

  “Not everything,” Michael replied softly. “You’re alive.”

  Talia turned from the viewscreen in a whirl of tentacles, her lips drawn back as the tears created clean trails down her face. “What use is that when the life we worked to build is gone? We have nothing.”

  Michael projected a wave of serenity to calm the colonists and numb their shock. “I sense the need for vengeance in you.”

  Talia’s sneer became a snarl, her tears drying in an instant. “I hate the Ookens.”

  Michael caught a flash of Talia’s mind, memories of being mistaken for their enemy. “You have suffered because of them, but it is not the Ookens who are the real enemy.” He indicated the other survivors with a nod. “Whoever wishes to live in peace will be able to do so, but those who wish to repay the Kurtherians for unleashing this plague upon the galaxies will find they are welcome to join the fight.”

  “Seriously?” Talia’s tentacles twitched erratically. “Where do I sign up?”

  Onyx Station, Bad Company HQ

  Nathan wandered through the corridors, feeling the emptiness of the building with only a few soldiers rattling around. The majority of the battalion was training on Devon.

  He smiled with anticipation and changed direction when he received a message informing him that the package he’d sent to the Meredith Reynolds had been collected, heading for his office with a spring in his step.

  Bethany Anne was on the wallscreen when he walked into his office. “What the shiny fuck is this?” she demanded, holding up the offending object wi
th two fingers like a particularly smelly diaper.

  “That would be a Pepsi bottle,” Nathan confirmed with a grin. “You didn’t forget we had a bet, right? Not only did we get a hundred percent buy-in on the first group like I told you we would, but I also had to make arrangements for the veterans who reenlisted for the purpose of volunteering. Enjoy.”

  Bethany Anne's face worked through a series of emotions, settling eventually on a begrudging smile. “It’s a bet I’m happy to lose.” She twisted the top off the bottle and wrinkled her nose before taking a sip. Her expression of disgust turned to surprise when she tasted the Coke inside. She eyed him. “What gives?”

  Nathan burst out laughing at Bethany Anne’s confusion. “I just wanted to see the look on your face when you made yourself drink it. Consider us even.”

  Bethany Anne grinned, shaking her head. “Oh, no, Nathan. We’re only just getting started. Count yourself lucky that I have a little time to spend with Alexis today while the rest of the children are away with Michael and John.”

  “How are they getting on with the investigation?” Nathan asked. “I haven’t heard from Christina since they dropped off the cult cell at the Magistrate’s office.”

  “Don’t think you can distract me so easily,” Bethany Anne told him, chuckling softly when Nathan protested. “They’ve made some progress. Dad is following up on the leads they got from the cell who mindfucked Paul Jacobsen.” She took a moment to get him up to speed on the Leath connection.

  “Anything I can do from my end?” Nathan asked. “Besides searching for other cells, obviously.”

  Bethany Anne shook her head. “Just keep your ear to the ground. I’m going to hang onto Christina and Kai a little longer in case this Leath lead pans out.” She looked away when Alexis called to her from off-camera. “Got to go.”

  Nathan stared at the blank screen after she dropped the call, wondering what form her revenge was going to take and how he could avoid it. There was only one thing he could think of to do in this situation.

  He called Ecaterina.

  Yollin System, QBBS Meredith Reynolds, Queen’s Suite

  Alexis walked in as Bethany Anne dropped the call. “Is that Pepsi?”

  Bethany Anne shook her head. “Nathan’s idea of a revenge prank for not telling him about your enhancement.”

  Alexis picked up the bottle and sniffed the contents. “Coke?” She snickered and put the bottle back down. “I hope you’re not going to let him get away with that.”

  Bethany Anne’s mouth turned up at the corner. “Of course not. He’ll get his, just as soon as I come up with something that doesn’t permanently damage my chief intelligence officer.”

  Alexis fanned herself with a hand. “Good. You had me worried for a moment there.”

  “Not so worried that you want to skip shopping?” Bethany Anne teased.

  “Hell, no!” Alexis exclaimed, slipping an arm through Bethany Anne’s. “Let’s go already. I’m going to help you figure out your revenge.”

  Alexis suggested one painful lesson after another as they made their way to the main concourse. “Oh, I’ve got it!” she exclaimed as they waited for the elevator. “All we need is a couple of lasers, a circular saw blade, and enough night-night rounds to take him out for a couple of hours…”

  “Okay, spit it out,” Bethany Anne demanded, holding back her laughter. “What has he done to make you so mad at him?”

  “He’s been an ass about Christina and Kai,” Alexis admitted with a sigh. “Kai thinks Nathan hates him. It’s going to mess everything up for them.”

  Bethany Anne didn’t miss the flash of shame that crossed her daughter’s face. “Alexis, what did you do?”

  Alexis paused outside the elevator. “I read Kai’s mind. But I didn’t mean to, okay? I was wide open during the op when I was reading the cultists, and he wasn’t blocking like K’aia and Trey. He loves her, like, so much. But if he thinks Nathan won’t accept him…”

  Bethany Anne frowned and had Meredith stop the elevator between decks. “I knew he was being his typical grumpy self, but I had no idea it was affecting Christina or Kai. Tell me everything.”

  She listened as Alexis filled out the details and came to a decision to intervene. “What Nathan needs is a lesson,” she told Alexis. “I think it would be nice if he and Ecaterina joined us for our time at the resort, hmmm? TH and Char, too.”

  “What are you thinking?” Alexis asked.

  Bethany Anne held up a finger, immersed in the station’s systems. “Okay, we can get everything here. Take a look at this and tell me if I missed anything.”

  Alexis read through the shopping list Bethany Anne shared and smiled. “I think you covered just about everything but the catering.” She glanced at Bethany Anne with skepticism. “How will you get Nathan to accept this?”

  Bethany Anne chuckled. “He won’t have a problem, I promise. All we need is Kai’s agreement to go ahead.”

  Alexis looked away as she calculated the chances of Bethany Anne’s plan succeeding. “If everyone is there and being supportive, Nathan won’t have a leg to stand on if he tries to argue.” She clapped in delight. “Mom, you’re a genius. I’ll come clean with Kai when he gets back.”

  “That’s my girl.” Bethany Anne hugged Alexis and requested that Meredith start the elevator again. “We have a ton of shopping to do, and I know you’ve been looking forward to this as much as I have.”

  Alexis laughed. “You’re kidding, right? I didn’t even look at this place in the gameworld. I wanted to save it for us.”

  The elevator doors opened, revealing the identical folded arms and stony expressions of Scott, Darryl, and Eric.

  “Did you forget something?” Scott asked.

  Bethany Anne fixed them with a glare as she walked out of the elevator. “Funnily enough, I don’t recall inviting the Three Stooges on our mother-daughter trip.”

  Alexis followed Bethany Anne out of the elevator, her snarky comment dying on her lips when the atmosphere of the concourse enveloped her. She darted to the railing to look down on crowds of shoppers filling the second court. “Forget that we have to have a guard, Mom. This place is incredible. I’ve never seen so many stores in one place or smelled as many different foods. We should definitely eat, but where do we start? Am I glad I have nanocytes!”

  Bethany Anne’s annoyance melted away at Alexis’ reaction. She went over to join her at the railing. “I told you this place was the center of the retail universe, right? Some of these stores have been here since the station was founded.”

  “I believe it,” Alexis marveled, making her choice. She pointed out a boutique on the upper level. “I know we have a huge list of stuff to buy, but our first purchase has to be shoes. Shoes with heels worthy of the grown woman I am.”

  Bethany Anne recalled Alexis saying something similar at age five. “I remember that store. Let’s see what we can do about finding heels that are worthy of your womanliness. It’s about time you got the crippling foot pain you want so badly.”

  “Mom,” Alexis moaned.

  Bethany Anne chuckled at the look on Alexis’ face, knowing her daughter still had something to learn about self-acceptance being the key to maturity. “Your nanos will take care of the pain. It’s not walking in heels that’s the problem, anyway. Sitting in heels? Now that’s a different matter.”

  Alexis was only half-listening as they crossed to the store, her attention on the distractions around her.

  The store owner jumped into action when she saw Bethany Anne, apologizing to the single customer as she ushered her out.

  “Meredith,” Bethany Anne called, drawing a curious look from Alexis.

  “My Queen?” Meredith answered on the comm. “How may I be of assistance?”

  “You can charge that woman’s next purchase at this store to me,” Bethany Anne told her. “With my apologies for disrupting her day.”

  “Of course, my Queen,” Meredith replied.

  Eric folded his arms.
“Is that supposed to be a protest? Because I just know how much you hate spending money on shoes.”

  Bethany Anne lifted a finger. “This is how I make up for all this.” She waved the finger to encompass the guards, the store owner turning the sign to Closed, and the gathering crowd of both people and camera drones outside. “It happens every time I step off my ship.”

  “I would close the store for any VIP,” the owner assured Bethany Anne. “Your safety is paramount.” Her tone suggested a previous incident.

  Bethany Anne tried to recall if she’d been attacked in here during the spate of assassination attempts she’d inspired during her Empressing days, but nothing came to mind immediately.

  “I saw the news about the attack on Onyx Station,” the store owner clarified.

  Bethany Anne smiled in understanding. “Thank you. I apologize for the security level a small minority of MRAs have caused to be necessary.”

  “MRAs?” the store owner inquired.

  “Morally Reprehensible Assholes,” Bethany Anne replied offhandedly, her attention on Alexis’ path through the store. “Excuse me.”

  Alexis wandered around the displays, her gaze landing on a pair of boots that she dismissed as childish before sweeping off to grab a pair of super-high-heeled stilettos in darkest red.

  Bethany Anne didn’t know whether to be proud or mad that Alexis had snagged the shoes she’d had her eye on since entering the store. Then she noticed her daughter’s backward glance. She waved Eric away from his place at her shoulder. “Give us some space.”

  Alexis paid no attention to Bethany Anne while she unlaced her boots and put the heels on. “Don’t you just love these? It’s amazing that we’re the same shoe size now.”

  Bethany Anne fixed Alexis with a knowing look. “You can put my shoe collection out of your mind. Want a hand with that buckle?”

  “I’m good, thanks.” Alexis got to her feet in a graceful movement and walked along the mirror wall, testing out how she felt wearing what were to her the most grown-up shoes in the store. “Oh.”

  “Just ‘Oh?’” Bethany Anne asked, thinking back for a moment to a visit to Louis Vuitton in Paris one time.


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