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Full Measure [Mastering Holly Oaks] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 13

by Rayna Stone

  “Whoa, did Mac stick a hot poker up your ass? That should definitely be on your hard limits list. Why are you running?” Kelly asked.

  “I was not running. I was walking with determination. There’s a difference.” Kat huffed.

  “Where are the boys? Did you even say good-bye? Mac doesn’t like it when I leave and forget to say good-bye. He makes me feel like a teenager forgetting to tell her dad she’s going out. ‘Where are you going? Who’s driving? When will you get home? Make sure you call me when you get in.’ Jesus, he’s like Commander Safety.”

  Kat just laughed at that. Yup, her Mac was a total worrier. He called her three times already to make sure she was okay, let her know he had to go to the office, and to remind her to call when she got home since she would be out drinking. ’Course, Jay called her as well to say he had to go into Denver and to call him if she needed him. Christ. What would they be like if she got the flu? It was a terrifying thought.

  “They’re both at work. But you should know that Jay will come get me if you’re mean to me.” This better just be food and alcohol.

  “Denver is twenty minutes away, dear. Do you have any idea what I can accomplish in twenty minutes?” There was that devious grin again.

  “I swear to God, Kelly, if you plan to have anything else of mine waxed, I’ll do something terribly evil to you! I have no idea what…I’m not a terribly evil person, but I will find someone who is and do whatever they tell me!” There. Well, that was as threatening as she could get, but at least she felt it came out stern.

  “Don’t worry, pet. I promise no pain today, though Mac already made you another appointment at the spa. But you really need to work on your intimidation tactics. You kinda suck at it.”

  Sitting at the table and perusing the menu, Kat was frantically trying to come up with menacing statements to try on Kelly. Shit, she really did suck at intimidation. When a shadow fell over the table, she looked up and groaned. The Titan again. Great.

  “Hello, ladies. I’m bartending this afternoon. What can I bring you?” Kat could see the humor in his eyes.

  “We’d like two margaritas, Kent. And be nice to Kat, she knows terribly evil people who can give her advice should you be mean to her,” Kelly said in a completely stoic voice. Kat could feel her face turning red. Why did she like this woman?

  “No worries, love. The boss already asked me to treat his pet with care. I’ll bring those drinks right away.” He winked at them and strode off.

  “Boss? What is he talking about? And could you please stop trying to embarrass me? You’re extremely good at it, and it isn’t fair,” Kat whined.

  Kelly was just snickering at her. “You, pet, are far too easy to play with. Seriously? You are so adorable when you blush. You didn’t know Mac and Jay own part of this place? It’s a side venture they have with James, Ryan, and I. Oh, honey. Every Dom in here is going to know who you are by the end of the week.” Oh, great. Just how many Doms came to this club? She really hoped they’d just ignore her.

  “Don’t look so terrified. They’ll be perfectly nice. Most of the time.”

  * * * *

  Lunch and three margaritas later, Kat was having a ball. She was totally drunk, but she really liked Kelly. She hadn’t had a girlfriend since college. Kelly asked all about her life and really listened. She made Kat laugh. Maybe one day Kel would be comfortable enough to share her life, too. She told her the basics, but it was obvious she was trying to avoid something painful. Kat really wanted to be the kind of friend she could lean on, share her life with.

  “You guys are going to make beautiful babies,” Kelly said dreamily after a long pause in the conversation. What? Where the fuck did that come from?

  “Babies?” Kat could barely get the word out with more than a squeak.

  “Yeah, you know, very little humans with big heads. Why are their heads so big? That’s extremely weird.” Oh, my, Kat was not the only drunk one here.

  “Why are we talking about babies? I know we’re sort of going at relationship warp speed, but come on. Besides, I doubt there’ll even be babies.”

  “Why wouldn’t there be babies? You said earlier that you wanted them, and Mac and Jay love kids. You guys would be great parents.” Kelly might be slurring a bit, but she was totally serious. God, she did want babies. She always felt like she was meant to have them. But how would that even work? Would she marry one of them? Which one? Would they want to know who the father was? Jesus, could social services take the kids away because of their relationship or lifestyle? That was a lot of questions, and it was way too soon to be worrying about that anyway.

  “I don’t know, Kel. There’s a ton we need to talk about before that happens, and I’m not ready for kids yet. I’m still kind of dealing with the whole, ‘I just moved in with two guys, we’re all fucking each other, and oh, by the way, there are floggers involved’ part. Let me catch my breath.” Great. Now she was totally thinking of babies.

  “Fine, but I’m just giving you a heads-up that I am not babysitting, no matter how cute they are. I am not good with kids. I had to babysit my nephew when he was two so my sister could voluntarily go deliver a second kid. Disaster. I was praying for backup after three hours. I seriously considered putting him in the stocks for his own good. Do you have any idea how fervently little children try to kill themselves? It’s unbelievable. I have never been in a position where my companion was constantly doing something that could easily get him killed. And the mess! How something that little could make so much of a mess is beyond me. I don’t even want to know how I got some of the stains on my clothes.

  “Now his sister, on the other hand, is perfect. She’s three now, and whenever he does something she doesn’t like, she calmly looks at him and slaps the shit out of his face. It’s priceless. Little girl has some serious skills. I mean, she really lays his ass out.” Kat could only imagine. Kelly would be like a cheerleader and coach at the same time. That little boy better start taking karate.

  “You don’t think you’ll ever want kids?”

  “Oh, hell, no. Though I think I could start a business for moms. Baby gags, miniature restraints, collars and leashes. Maybe a how-to guide. You know, how to hobble your toddler, shibari for the child that kicks in its sleep, time-outs guaranteed to discipline. Now that could be a moneymaker.” Yeah, Kelley was so never babysitting.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Kat could feel the rays of the sun bathing her face when she woke up. She was nestled between her two loves and so happy she could cry. As she looked at them sleeping peacefully, she played with her little leather collar. She could not believe it had been two months since she found this life. Two wonderful months filled with joy and love. When Mac first placed her collar around her neck in their playroom, she felt a sense of calm wash over her. Like a physical tether to her Master, she felt his presence whenever she wore it. She started putting it on as soon as she got home from work. She didn’t like to take it off. She didn’t care that it was a play collar, it made her Master’s.

  Kat slithered down the bed. It was Saturday, nobody had to go to work, and they could lounge and play all day. She and Jay had taken to waking Mac together. She loved the feel of him in her mouth, so silky and hard. It seemed a lifetime ago that she didn’t even care for oral sex. It was like an addiction now. She felt a need deep in her soul to give him this pleasure, seeking nothing for herself. Kat knew there were Doms who would demand their sub’s service, denying any release in return. Mac was never like that. His main focus was always giving pleasure to Kat and Jay. It may be torturous getting to that point, but it was always more intense because of it. She and Jay loved it when he allowed them to offer themselves for his release alone. They needed him to feel their devotion to him in a physical way.

  She felt Jay stir and groan quietly at the sight of her taking down the sheet to reveal Mac. She smiled up at him and lowered her head to begin lightly kissing Mac’s cock. He was an impressive man even in rest, but he was rapidly respondi
ng. She heard him sigh and felt his hand smooth her curls away from her face. “Morning, Master.”

  “Good morning, pet.” He smiled.

  Getting back to her treat, she licked up the broad vein on the underside of his cock. She loved to feel that vein pulse on her tongue. She especially loved the sounds he made when she sucked lightly on it and laved the vee where the head met his hard length. When she sucked the head into her mouth, she was rewarded with the salty taste of his pre-cum.

  Jay kissed down Mac’s stomach and joined her by licking around his stalk while she continued sucking in gentle pulls. Mac grabbed Jay’s hair in a tight grip. That was Mac’s silent command for Jay to take over. Kat didn’t mind in the least. She couldn’t deep throat yet and knew Mac could be rougher with Jay. She loved watching Jay take him, watching how focused he was on their Master’s body and reactions. He had years to learn exactly how to please Mac. She couldn’t think of anything more beautiful than watching him perform something that demonstrated just how intimately they were connected.

  Mac was breathing heavier now, and his cock was twitching with his heartbeat. As she released him, Jay moved into a better position and took him deep. He relaxed his jaw and slid Mac back into his throat until his nose was nuzzled in Mac’s pelvis. Holding his breath, he stayed there and swallowed around Mac’s cock. Mac moaned in pleasure. Kat felt sure she would’ve passed out by now from lack of oxygen, but Jay was calm and focused. Finally, Mac tapped his head, and Jay withdrew, hollowing out his cheeks to suck hard. When he took a deep breath through his nose, she knew it was time to begin in earnest.

  Jay was working over their Master’s cock, up and down, swallowing him deep on every pass. Kat scooted farther down and began licking his balls. She sucked one into her mouth and then the other, gently squeezing him and fluttering her tongue. She felt the heavy globes draw tighter, so she grew more aggressive. Just as she started rubbing the sweet spot between his sac and anus with her fingers, she heard Mac roar and saw him push Jay down and hold him. Jay swallowed every ounce of Mac’s seed and held him deep until Mac softened in his mouth. With a final kiss to his stomach, they both crawled up to snuggle around Mac and let him catch his breath.

  “Damn. I love you both so much. And I love my Saturday morning wake-up.” This caused Jay and Kat to burst out laughing. Yes, their Master definitely loved the Saturday routine.

  “I wish we could stay here in bed all day, but we have a schedule to keep.” He smacked them both on their asses. “Kitten, go ahead and shower while Jay and I get breakfast ready.”

  What schedule? They usually showered on the weekends together. The bathroom was her favorite room. The bathtub was so big she could swim in it, and the shower was incredible. She’d never seen a shower so huge, with multiple shower heads and a big marble bench. She quite enjoyed getting clean with her men. It usually involved getting dirty again, but there was plenty of hot water and soap. She was actually a little miffed she’d apparently not be getting that luxury this morning.

  “Don’t look so grumpy, pet. You will shower alone this morning, but I promise to make it up to you,” Mac intoned with a rumble. Well. Okay, then.

  * * * *

  Once kitten had closed the bathroom door, Jay started to laugh. “She really gets pissed when she misses out on shower sex, doesn’t she? It’s so cute when she’s mad. Good for us she doesn’t realize her little stomp makes her ass sway so nicely.”

  Mac agreed. Kitten could stomp around naked all day. She really had a lovely ass. He turned to Jay. This was going to be a big day for all of them. He knew Jay was as excited as he was. Today they would take step one in making kitten officially theirs. Their time together so far had been amazing. They were truly a family now, and he knew they always would be. It was time to do something about it. Suzy hadn’t caused any more problems, and though Jay was stressing out over the murder case, they were all feeling relief that their personal drama seemed to be over. It was the perfect time to claim their woman.

  “Are you ready for today, slave?” he asked seriously.

  “I’ve been ready forever, Master. I want kitten tied to us in every way.” Jay was just as serious.

  “Then let’s get started.” Mac gave Jay a deep kiss and rolled out of bed.

  * * * *

  After her shower, Kat put on the silk robe Jay had bought her. It didn’t cover much, but she felt absolutely decadent in it. She put on her leather collar and headed downstairs. The smell of bacon and coffee had her stomach rumbling. God, she loved bacon. When she didn’t see them in the kitchen, she headed to the lanai. If the weather was nice, they liked to eat outside. She could do without the bugs, but she did love the view. In the morning, the sun shimmered on the water of their pond. It was absolutely beautiful.

  When she opened the back door, the sight before her took her breath away. They had flowers in vases all over the place. The table and chairs were draped in soft blue silk. They were both in their silk pajama pants. Somehow it looked better than if they were in tuxedos. The breakfast spread was enormous, with mimosas, coffee, bacon, eggs, waffles, and fried potatoes. When the hell had they done all this? And how lucky was she that they would even think to put together something so fucking romantic for her? Her eyes were burning with tears. These men made her feel so loved her heart hurt with it.

  “No tears, pet. I only want to see joy on your face today.” Mac crossed the space between them and ran the back of his fingers down her face.

  “What is all this for? It’s so beautiful. How did you guys do all this without me knowing?” She was dumbfounded. It really would have taken some time to get this all together. She hadn’t been in the shower that long, had she?

  Jay snorted with amusement. “Kat, we may be incredibly gorgeous and amazing, but alas, we’re still men. We had Kelly come over early and set it up. James and Ryan made all the food. They are all experts at being very quiet and sneaky.” He pulled out a chair for her and helped her to sit.

  “Kelly did this? Our Kelly? Whips and chains and ‘Flowers make me puke,’ Kelly?” This she could not believe. Kelly insisted that romance was nauseating. She could not have created something so soft and lovely. Leather on the table, maybe, but flowers and silk?

  Mac was softly laughing as he sat next to her. “Kelly will not admit this to many people, so consider yourself lucky, but she has an incredible talent for arranging scenes that Martha Stewart would drool over. She guards this little secret aggressively, so be warned. If you even acknowledge her participation, she will probably gag you and torture you with candle wax. Normally I would protect you from her, but since she did this as a favor to us, I promised she could have her way with you if you gushed over her for it.

  “That is so not fair. This is serious ammunition, and you’re telling me I can’t use it! How badly does wax hurt? If I can smother her in girly compliments at the club while it’s packed, it might be worth it.” No, it would absolutely be worth it.

  “Kitten, you are not allowed to use this as ammunition against Kelly. I will not be picking wax off your privates unless I’m the one who put it there, understand?”

  Damn, Dom voice. He could be such a party pooper sometimes. “Fine.” She huffed. Jay was laughing like a loon. He sucked, too.

  Mac straightened up. “Now, can we get back to the reason for all this? There was a point to risking Kelly’s wrath, kitten.” Oh, well, that made sense. Mac was a brave man, but not a stupid one. “Okay, what’s up?” she asked timidly.

  When Mac got down on his knee in front of her and Jay joined him, she felt her stomach fill with butterflies. They each took a hand and Mac cleared his throat. “Kitten, we love you. You have given us your heart and your joy. We are complete with you in our lives. We want to spend forever giving you our love. Marry us? Share our life. Let us cherish and protect you. You hold our future in your hands. I’m asking you to open them and let us fill that future with our love for each other.” Holy God. She had never imagined anything so beautiful.
She was stunned by his words. She would give them anything. She wanted to give them everything. They were already a part of her.

  After a minute of silence, Jay looked to Mac nervously then back at her. “Umm, kitten? Generally when there’s a proposal, the woman kind of puts the guy out of his misery and answers. If you don’t say something soon, I might have to excuse myself to go vomit over the railing.” He looked positively pale. God, she loved him.

  “Yes!” She started laughing as she got down on her knees with them to grab onto them both. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t even speak. You guys just astound me. Of course I’ll marry you. I love you both so much.” She was showering them with kisses as they both let out a sigh of relief and squeezed her so hard she let out a yelp.

  Once they got themselves back under control, Mac stood up and tilted her chin so he could look her in the eyes. Jay maneuvered around her so he was kneeling next to Mac. “Kitten, I want more than marriage. I will always be your husband, partner, lover, and friend. I will never fail you in those roles. Our life is a bit more complex than that, though. I want your submission and your commitment to this aspect of our life. I cannot command it. It is your gift to give.

  “Jay wears my formal collar. That collar symbolizes to us and those in our community that he chooses to belong to me and to place himself in my care. I’m offering you my collar as well as my hand in marriage. Will you give yourself to me in all ways?” This time she could answer. She needed him to master her. She needed the freedom and peace that came with letting Mac have the control. The collar he offered was security for her in a way not even a marriage license could provide.

  “Please, Master. Make me yours.”

  * * * *

  Mac felt peace coursing through him. He gripped Jay’s hair and spoke with authority. “Slave, our beautiful pet will never take your place in my heart. You share it in equal measure. I will always be your husband in my heart. I will always be your Master. As my partner and slave, I am entrusting my pet into your safekeeping. She will be your wife and partner. Do you promise to love, protect, shelter, and cherish her? Do you promise your devotion and attention to her needs? Do you promise to hold her safe in body, mind and soul?”


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