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Fools in Love (Foolish at Heart Book 3)

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by R. C. Martin

  I told him so as I reached inside his boxer briefs and took hold of his hardened penis. He grunted, grabbing the hem of his t-shirt to work it off my body. I let him go and allowed him to strip me bare before he, too, removed his clothing. Then he was inside of me, and I was blissfully full. Only, when he was completely sheathed in my core, he paused and stared down at me. Then he kissed me—softly. Lovingly. Slowly. When he finally began to pull out of me, he took his time, returning gently yet intentionally with a roll of his lips. I knew then he was telling me something.

  He was telling me everything.

  “Judah,” I whispered as I took hold of his face.

  He rolled his hips, and a whimper spilled from my lips. I hitched my knees up on either side of him, and he sank deeper. I never wanted him to stop. With every return thrust, I felt more desperate. I wanted him closer. I wanted to be so intertwined and tangled together that nothing could tear us apart.

  “More,” I pleaded on a whisper. “More, baby.”

  He groaned, sealing his mouth with mine as he thrust his hips harder. He eased out of me slowly and swept his tongue through my mouth before he pounded into me—and it was exactly what I wanted. I wrapped my limbs around him as I began to tremble. I felt my budding orgasm at the very center of my being. It felt beautiful and gigantic, and I didn’t want to let it go. I held on as long as I could. With an arched back, I pressed my body closer to his and tore our mouths apart on a gasp.

  “Oh, Judah,” I mewled.

  “Let go, sweetheart,” he insisted as his thrusts came faster. “Come for me, Teddy.”

  Squeezing my eyes closed tight, I ignored him. I wanted to feel what he was giving me for just a second longer. Then he rolled his hips just right, and there was no holding back. My whole body shook and toe-curling pleasure washed over me in waves. I moaned unabashedly and then felt it as Judah came with me. In that moment, I knew more relief and more love than I thought possible.

  When he was spent, Judah gave me his weight and continued to thrust his hips lazily. I held him close, wanting him exactly where he was. I didn’t tell him what I needed, but I didn’t have to. He knew me—he knew me in a way no one else ever would—and I adored him for it.

  “I love you,” I managed on a breath.

  “I love you, too, sweetheart.”

  Chapter Three


  Teddy reached for me as I moved to silence my alarm. I didn’t need her to tell me what she wanted. It was five a.m. on Monday morning, and I had a flight to catch—which meant she wanted me to skip my morning workout and make love to her. So I did. I coaxed her out of her half-sleep state and made her come. Three times. When she was sated and spent, I headed for the shower.

  Business trips that took me out of the state used to be unheard of. While Eddalyn’s Interiors had a significant footprint in Colorado, expanding outside the border wasn’t something I saw coming. Though, the reputation we’d managed to maintain over the years made it not altogether surprising when I got the call from a former client. A partner at a reputable law firm in the Denver area decided it was time to move on and start his own practice. He’d been in California for more than a year, and business was good—good enough to warrant a new office space for his growing team—an office space he wanted designed by me.

  It would have been a lie to say it was an easy project. Sourcing materials and vendors in Los Angeles was a chore—but not altogether disagreeable. Never one to shy away from a challenge, I’d worked my ass off for months to get the job done. Fortunately, I was just about finished. While I’d managed to keep my trips down to a few days each month over the course of six months, Teddy wasn’t a huge fan of so many nights spent without me. In all honesty, neither was I.

  Five nights apart was our agreed upon max—and even that felt too long. This trip was a scheduled three nights, then the job would be done. While I knew Teddy had plenty to distract her from my absence, with work and her planned visit to Denver, I was already looking forward to my return.

  After my shower, I went about tossing the last of my necessary toiletries into my travel bag and then got dressed. With my plane ride in mind, I opted for a pair of gray trousers, a pressed, white, button-down shirt, and my charcoal plaid, spring weight, sports coat. One last glance around the closet and I was ready to zip up my carry-on bag. I flipped my wrist to check the time, shaking my head before I gathered my things and headed for the office. I stowed my laptop and my tablet in my messenger bag and then piled my things at the door of the mudroom before I went looking for Teddy.

  I hadn’t heard her get in the shower, but the bed was empty, which meant she was only one of two places. Spotting the soft glow of lamp light reflected in the window above the front door, I climbed the metal stairs to the second story of the house. Teddy was curled up in the corner of the couch, a mug of coffee in one hand, and her laptop perched on the end table beside her. Her wavy, red mane was still untamed and draped over her shoulder and down her chest. She was also wearing the black, long-sleeved, thermal t-shirt I’d worn the day before.

  “Teddy, baby, I’ve got to go,” I informed her as I stepped foot on the landing.

  She drew in a deep breath and blew it out in a huff as she set aside her mug and stood to her feet. “Last one,” she said as I closed the distance between us.

  “Last one,” I repeated before I folded her into my arms.

  She pressed up onto her tiptoes and gave me a little of her weight as she circled her arms around my shoulders. I used to be in awe of how steadfast she remained in her choice of me. I used to believe it inevitable—the day she wouldn’t want us any longer. But that foolishness had been demolished into dust, the foundation of my belief weak in comparison to my woman. The truth was, time only intensified her desire, as well as mine. It confounded me most days.

  “Next time you get on a plane, I get to come.”

  “Deal,” I muttered with a kiss.

  “Text me at both airports. Call me tonight?”

  “I will.”

  “Tell me you love me,” she whispered into my mouth.

  Smirking, I held her close with one arm and extended my other, until I had a palm-full of her panty-clad butt cheek. “I believe I already said as much this morning.”

  Teddy giggled as she replied, “Say it, baby.”

  “I love you.”

  She reached for another kiss before she hummed, “I love you, too. I’ll miss you.”

  “You better.” I gave her ass another squeeze, and she didn’t fight me when I pulled away from her and turned for the stairs. “Try to refrain from buying our nephew more gifts while I’m away.”

  I heard the smile in her voice when she replied, “No promises.”

  “Bye, sweetheart.”


  My drive to the airport and my flight to the coast were as routine as I had come to know them. Upon arriving at LAX, I did as my wife requested and sent her a text. As I had grown accustomed, the trek through the massive airport was enough to give my legs the necessary stretch they needed after my flight. Never having been interested in navigating Los Angeles traffic from behind the wheel, I’d arranged for a driver to serve as my escort for the next couple of days. When I stepped into the cool breeze outside the airport, I was pleased to see I had the same driver as my last trip.

  “Mr. St. Michaels,” greeted the tall, gray-haired gentleman as he reached for my bags. “Good to see you again.”

  “Same to you.”

  “Will you be staying at the same hotel, sir?”

  “Yes, but I won’t be checking in until later.”

  “Straight to work, then,” he jibbed knowingly.


  It took us an hour to arrive at our destination. I ignored the traffic, answering emails and responding to Teddy’s texts along the way. When we pulled up to the new office space for Speer and Parson Law, I hardly made it onto the curb before Curtis emerged from the building.

  “Jude, good to see y
ou,” he greeted with a broad smile.

  We shook hands as I replied, “Glad to be here. Finishing touches are always the best part.”

  “The last pieces of furniture were delivered this morning,” he informed me as we made our way inside. “Looks great. Then again, I knew it would. It’s why I hired you.”

  “Your team about ready to get packed up?”

  “Chomping at the bit.”

  He pressed the elevator call button as I said, “This time next week, back to business as usual.”

  “Same to you, I guess. How long are you in town this trip?”

  “Just a couple days. I don’t imagine you’ll need me longer than that.”

  A sly expression tugged at the corner of his mouth as our elevator arrived. “That means I’ve only got a couple days to convince you to relocate.” I shook my head at him as we boarded, and he laughed as he went on to say, “I’m telling you, Jude—I know a few people in the market for someone with an eye like yours.”

  “Curtis, I appreciate your business—you know that. But this was a favor.”

  “Right. A favor worth a couple million.”

  “You know what I mean,” I chuckled.

  “Well,” he started to say as the elevator announced our arrival. “How about a walk-through and then we can talk it over more at lunch?”

  I thought forlornly of the meal I’d had hours ago and replied, “I won’t turn down lunch.”

  Chapter Four


  I took my time getting ready that morning. After Judah left, I made myself another cup of coffee and worked on some photograph edits from a gorgeous, snowy hike Judah and I had gone on a few weeks prior. While I had grown to love the process of developing my own film, there was still something cathartic about polishing my digital images.

  It wasn’t until my husband was in the air that I got up to take a shower.

  I tried not to think of the three nights he’d be gone, but rather focused on the time I’d get to spend with Ben, Harper, and Theo for the next couple of days. They were scheduled to be discharged from the hospital that morning, and I could hardly wait to get my hands on the handsome bundle. I couldn’t imagine what my sister was going through or how she felt about getting to go home, but I hoped to be of some help during the transition. With mom at the high school until spring break, and Annelise tied up at work until the weekend, I was more than happy to stand in—even if my lack of experience worked against me.

  With a shift in my job situation the previous year, I had a flexibility the likes of which I never imagined I would. While I preferred to go into the gallery at least three days a week, as the events coordinator I could easily work remotely; and with my first exhibition coming up, Geoffrey had all but taken over my role at Mountain Time Art, leaving me with strict instructions to focus on my pieces. It would have been a lie to say I wasn’t dying to set my eyes on what he’d planned, if for no other reason than to distract myself from the reality of my first exhibition—but he was as stubborn as he was evasive.

  Theo had arrived just in time. He was the perfect distraction.

  While I typically dedicated Mondays and Fridays exclusively to my photography, I decided to stop by the gallery before I headed out of town. I hadn’t seen Geoffrey in a few days. We’d texted through the weekend, of course, but that was never enough. Glancing at the clock, I figured by the time I was dressed, packed, and ready to go, I could talk him into an early lunch date.

  Before Judah and I were married, I didn’t know the ways in which it would change my life. More than anything, I wanted forever with the man I loved. Almost two years later, life with him was something I couldn’t imagine compromising in any way. I didn’t think it possible to love him more, but I was constantly falling deeper for the man. That said, life as Mrs. St. Michaels was different than I thought it would be. As I became a wife, my other relationships changed. It wasn’t that they weren’t as important as they always had been, more like time and space simply worked differently.

  My husband was my best friend. The life we lived together was what propelled me into what he’d convinced me was soon to be my photography career. He believed in me more than anyone. I used to think it was silly; almost laughable—until it wasn’t. Every trip he planned with me was someplace beautiful—someplace worth photographing. Our first Christmas as husband and wife, he bought me not just one camera—but two, with a collection of lenses to die for. Then, for our first anniversary, he had the basement redone to make space for my darkroom.

  It was in that same season that Andrew sat me down and told me it was time for my promotion. I surprised even myself when I negotiated a new work schedule, allowing me the flexibility to pursue what I was beginning to view as my art. And as my life continued to take on a new shape, so did my friendships. Now, the time I spent with Geoffrey just felt more precious than it was before. It was even more challenging when he started seeing someone. There hadn’t been anyone particularly serious since Reeve, but there was someone he’d been talking to recently that seemed promising.

  As I got dressed, I wondered if I might be able to get an update out of him over lunch. Then, thinking of the company I would keep throughout the day, I pieced together an outfit. I opted for a pair of dark, skinny jeans and a comfy, cowl-neck, beige sweater. I laid out my black leather jacket and got down my high-heeled booties to complete the look. It took me another thirty minutes to finish my hair and makeup. Thirty minutes after that, I’d packed an overnight bag, a camera, and a few necessities, for what I hoped would be a photoshoot with Theo. Certain Marta would be in the next morning, I stripped the sheets off the bed and loaded the dishes in the sink into the dishwasher before I stowed my things into the trunk of my car.

  It was just after eleven when I found a parking spot half a block away from the gallery. In spite of the clear blue sky and the sun shining down on me, the March breeze in the air was cold, and I hurried my way toward the storefront. The warmth that greeted me as I entered one of my favorite places in the world was felt both physically and metaphorically.

  “Hey, Teddy. What are you doing here?” asked Ember, not unkindly.

  In all honesty, I was quite certain she didn’t have an unkind bone in her body. She was adorable, with short cropped brunette curls, a round face with naturally rosy cheeks, and a curvy body she dressed well. Much like I had been when I started my full-time position at the gallery, she joined the staff right after graduating college.

  “Hi, Ember,” I replied as I approached the front desk. “I just thought I’d pop in for a minute. My sister had her baby on Friday, so I’m going to hang out with her and my nephew for the next couple of days.”

  “Oh, congratulations! That’s so exciting.”

  “It is. He’s adorable.” I didn’t hesitate to extract my phone from my purse in order to show her a picture.

  “So you’re going to be that aunt, are you?” teased Geoffrey as he approached.

  I glanced away from Ember at the sound of his voice and smiled at the sight of him. “You’re not surprised in the least,” I replied on a chuckle.

  “She’s right. He is adorable,” announced Ember. “His eyes are so blue.”

  “Aren’t all babies born with blue eyes? I thought I read that somewhere.”

  I turned my phone so I could have another look at Theo before I said, “All I know is these are Ben’s eyes. No doubt about it.”

  “I’ll have to pay him a visit and see for myself.”

  As Geoffrey came to stand beside me, I assured him, “Harper would love that.”

  “Speaking of Harper, I thought you were going to head her way for a couple days.”

  “I am. But I thought maybe I could talk my bestie into lunch before I go.”

  He glanced at his watch and then muttered, “I think that can be arranged. We can discuss whether or not you’ve decided which pieces you’ll show next month.”

  “Or,” I began evasively, “We can discuss your birthday.”

bsp; He rolled his eyes, like he did every time I broached the topic over the last several weeks. “I know birthdays are a big deal—but maybe, just this once, we take it easy this year.”

  “Babe, you’re turning forty. There’s no way I’m taking it easy,” I scoffed.

  “Right. Forty and single and—”

  “Are you sure you’re single?” interjected Ember. “Louis dropped by here twice last week.”

  “Oh?” I sang hopefully.

  Geoffrey shook his head and clarified, “He’s a client. We’re going to try to sell a few of his pieces.”

  This time it was me who rolled my eyes. “Oh, please. Don’t act like you two haven’t gone out for drinks.”

  “Freckles, I’m not going to turn it into something it’s not until it is.”

  “All right, well, when he comes to your birthday party, we’ll know that it is.”

  “You’re incorrigible.”

  “I’m also hungry. Come on,” I insisted, looping my arm around his. “We’ve got a party to plan.”

  “Ember?” It was all he said as I began to drag him out the door.

  “I’m good,” she said on a giggle. “Enjoy your lunch.”

  As we journeyed into the chilly air, I clung to Geoffrey’s arm, our destination already in mind. He didn’t bother to ask where we were going, but merely tucked his hands into his pant pockets as he allowed me to lead the way.

  “So, Louis dropped by again last week?”


  I could hear the warning in his tone, but I ignored it. “There’s no reason an artist needs to stop by the gallery twice in one week. And why are you acting like you haven’t been on a date with him already? Has he called you? Texted?”

  “I can tell you what he hasn’t done. He hasn’t kissed me.”

  Grinning up at my Viking, I gave his arm a squeeze and inquired, “Have you ever thought about kissing him?”


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