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Forever Bold: Forever Bluegrass #15

Page 26

by Kathleen Brooks

Jameson hugged Mo and Dirar as the door opened and Dani stuck her head in. “It’s time!”

  Ariana took a deep breath as she took her father’s arm. She couldn’t stop smiling as her father kissed her cheek. It was a beautiful evening as the sun set over the farm. At the end of the aisle was her groom looking so handsome in his fitted tuxedo.

  Rahmi flags flew as dignitaries from around the world sat with the citizens of Keeneston. Discreetly placed television cameras were broadcasting the ceremony live in Rahmi, but Ariana didn’t see any of it. She only had eyes for Jameson.

  The wedding ceremony went by before she could blink. Then Father Ben pronounced them husband and wife and they were walking down the aisle hand in hand. Ariana had never been happier than she was right then, and somehow she knew it was only going to get better.

  “Ladies,” Dani said, holding up a glass of champagne. “I am done. I am out. I have all three of my children married. Not only that, but I nailed this match. One hundred percent this was all my doing and just look at how happy my Ari is.”

  The ladies looked over at the dance floor and smiled.

  “Welcome to the club,” Kenna said, toasting her best friend.

  “It is glorious, isn’t it? Now we just get to spoil grandchildren,” Katelyn said, clinking her glass to Kenna’s and Dani’s.

  “It’ll toast to that,” Morgan laughed.

  “Screw you, and you, and you, and you,” Gemma said, holding up her middle finger.

  “Here, here,” Annie toasted.

  “Don’t be ugly and gloat,” Tammy lectured Kenna, Dani, Katelyn, and Morgan.

  “I swear, Cricket will be married before Kale,” Bridget muttered.

  “Who’s next then? I can put my awesome matchmaking skills to work starting now,” Dani said as she opened the notebook the Rose sisters had given her so long ago to help take over the town matchmaking. So maybe they didn’t always get it right but Dani proudly wrote the wedding date under Jameson’s and Ariana’s names. They made this match and that was worth celebrating.

  “I want to join your club. I’m so close,” Paige said with a sigh. “But Greer is so not cooperating.”

  “Kale’s out,” Bridget said.

  “Parker just got settled with the US Marshals. I doubt he’s ready and Porter . . .” Gemma said with a roll of her eyes. “Porter needs to, but I think he’s been hit on the head too many times to know that he needs a good woman.”

  “Well, Cassidy is up next for me, but she’s too busy traveling the world to settle down right now. I guess I’m out for a while,” Tammy said as she watched Cricket, her very youngest, dancing with her friend April and some of the firemen.

  “I wish I were up. Colton is so busy with the fire department and emergency rescue training and Landon is working hard to start up his own restaurant, so I know we’d have no luck there,” Annie told them.

  “I think Porter should be up,” Morgan said, sending Gemma a wink.

  The ladies nodded their agreement and Dani wrote Porter’s name in the book. “We’re riding the wave, ladies. Don’t worry, Gemma. We’ll find a great woman to tame Porter. After all, look how great I did with Jameson and Ari.”

  “Mrs. Davies?”

  Marcy Davies, the matriarch of the Davies family, looked up at the strapping man standing in front of her. “Mr. President.”

  Marcy saw the Rose sisters turn up their hearing aids and lean forward to listen.

  “I just wanted to thank you for the apple pie you sent me for the New Year.”

  Marcy patted his hand and looked to the First Lady who was nodding. “We’re still dreaming of it,” Tate Stratton said as she laughed sweetly.

  “I’m so glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for making that little call for me,” Marcy said sweetly.

  “Any time. Joseph was happy to assign Jameson to Ariana. I just can’t believe how well it turned out. Who would have guessed this would have happened?”

  Marcy’s eyes twinkled. “Indeed, who would have guessed?”

  “So,” President Stratton said, leaning forward. “What’s the chance of getting another apple pie?”

  Marcy glanced around the dancers before her eyes landed on someone. “I’d say very good. I might need another tiny favor, though.”

  “Anything for your apple pie. Do you need me to bomb someone? Or worse, I can send the IRS after someone. Or do you want to fly in Air Force One?” President Stratton asked.

  “Oh, nothing that big and nothing I need yet. I’ll let you now when I’ll need my little favor, but if you stop by my house on your way home tomorrow, there will be a fresh apple pie waiting for you.”

  Tate squealed and kissed her cheek before the president did the same.

  Marcy turned to the Rose sisters and glanced at the table of women toasting each other. “Such amateurs. Thank goodness we’re here, ladies.”

  “Marcy, that’s the eighth pie you’ve promised tonight,” Miss Lily said. “What’s up?”

  “Just getting ready for my next move, ladies,” Marcy said, raising her own glass as her eyes went to Porter. Bless his heart, he’d never see it coming.

  Porter Davies felt a chill run down his spine as if someone had stepped on his grave. He glanced around and only saw his grandmother smiling at him. He smiled back and turned back to his cousin from South Carolina and some of his Davies cousins.

  “I’m telling you, this new agent is impossible,” Tinsley Faulkner said with annoyance. “He was in the violent gang task force and now he’s the lone art crimes agent and he’s running around as if he’s an expert. He corrected me on Monet and Manet. Hello? I’m the professional artist. I think I know the difference between Monet and Manet.”

  “Want me to kick his ass?” Porter asked. He liked Tinsley. She was a little spitfire when she wanted to be, but really she was a total sweetheart. In fact, this was the first time he’d heard her complain about anything.

  Tinsley huffed out a breath and shook her hair. “No. I can handle Paxton Kendry. Thanks, though. That’s very sweet of you. Hey, who is Ryker talking to?”

  Porter turned to find his cousin Ryker Faulkner in the crowd.

  “Sebastian Abel. He’s a businessman,” Dylan told her before Porter could.

  “Oh, that’s him. I’ve never seen him in person.” Tinsley muttered. “My new cousin-in-law, Skye, said Sebastian helped them out some.”

  “I don’t like him,” Jackson said.

  “Yeah. I can’t place my finger on it, but I don’t trust him,” Jackson’s brother Ryan said.

  “I don’t know,” Porter said, looking at the billionaire businessman. “He’s helped us out before. He can’t be all bad.”

  “It’s just because he’s quiet,” Dylan said. “I’ve gotten to know him. Under all that brooding hardness is a good guy.”

  “So you see yourself in him,” Porter teased.

  “Actually, yeah,” Dylan answered.

  “And we all know you’re a saint,” Porter said with a smirk on his face.

  “Valid point,” Dylan admitted. “When’s your next rodeo?”

  “Four days from now,” Porter answered. “As of yesterday I’m number one.”

  “Congratulations,” Tinsley said cheerfully, her annoyance with the FBI agent gone. “I don’t know how you do it. I’d be so scared.”

  “I enjoy the thrill and challenge of it,” Porter told her. And he did. He loved horses. He loved bulls. He loved everything about the rodeo. One more injury and you’re done. Jace’s doctor voice floated through his mind. It was a voice that he was living with constantly. Porter wouldn’t let that stop him, though. As number one on the circuit, he was using every moment to let people know of the breeding program and training stable of rodeo horses he’d started. In case that final injury did come, he’d have a backup plan. Although he needed at least another year of riding before he could build up the farm enough to live off it.

  Porter shivered again. He wasn’t going to think of the what-ifs. He was here, in the presen
t, with women and bourbon. “Excuse me. I see a princess over there who I bet would just love to dance with a cowboy.”

  Jameson held his wife in his arms as they danced. He’d never been happier or more in love as he was right then.

  “My love, I have a favor to ask.”

  “Anything.” Ariana smiled up to him.

  “There’s someone I need to exact a little revenge on.” Jameson looked off the dance floor and nodded to Porter who nodded back and pulled out his phone. “Just keep dancing and pretend you don’t see me doing this.”

  “Um, okay,” Ariana said with a little chuckle.

  Jameson pulled out a small-looking gun with the wider-than-normal barrel. He hid it between their bodies and maneuvered his wife around the dance floor until his target was in sight. Then he fired it. It didn’t make a sound, but the resulting scream of surprise told him he hit his target. He spun Ari around and fired again.

  “What the hell?” Cody yelled out.

  Jameson tried to feign innocence as two miniature royal members were sticking to Cody’s face by the balls. Jameson fired again and one stuck to the middle of Cody’s forehead.

  “Who’s shooting me with dicks?” Cody demanded as he tried to yank them off his face. Only they didn’t budge.

  Ariana couldn’t hide the laughter and that just triggered Jameson’s. “I told you I’d get you back!” Jameson called out.

  “Jameson Duke, get these dicks off my face!” Cody ordered as everyone from the Rose sisters to the king started laughing.

  Then the ringtone of phones receiving a text message at the same time sounded louder than the chicken dance the band began to play as Cody hopped around trying to pull the miniature royal members from his face.

  Jameson high-fived Sophie Dagher. Any woman who could make the oozing acid gun of death could make a dildo gun with sticky balls that would stay stuck until Cody washed his face with warm water.

  “I love this town,” Jameson told his wife. “But now I want to love you. Come on, let’s thank your parents and then start our honeymoon.”

  Jameson bent and kissed his wife. Not the sweet, polite kiss either. He stopped in the middle of the dance floor and kissed his wife until he felt someone hit him with a spatula.

  “Tate,” Birch Stratton said as they finally slid into he backseat of the presidential limo. “I can’t believe you’re not wearing panties, even if it is very hot.”

  “What are you talking about?” Tate asked as she got in after him. She’d been saying one last goodbye to Abby as Birch got into the limo.

  “These.” Birch held up the white lace thong. “I get the message loud and clear and am happy to fulfill all your desires.”

  Tate watched as her husband began stripping in the back of the limo. “Babe, those aren’t mine.”

  “Ha ha.”

  “No, Birch. Really. Those aren’t mine. See?” Tate lifted her dress to the show him the sexy thong she’d worn just for him.

  “Then whose are these and how did they get into the back of the presidential limo?”

  Jameson knelt with his head bowed. He couldn’t believe how much could change in two weeks. He was married and now this. Jameson never guessed this was where his life would take him, but he’d also never been happier.

  King Dirar tapped him on the shoulder with a long sword, and then Jameson rose to his feet. Mo stepped forward and affixed a golden oryx, which displayed swords in place of the animal’s horns, to Jameson’s lapel. It was a symbol of the royal family and as Jameson looked to his new family, he saw they all wore theirs today in celebration. Even little Zaria had the symbol on her dress.

  Mo shook Jameson’s hand as the national anthem of Rahmi played. The family moved from the dais to the entrance of the building. Guards opened the doors wide and Jameson sucked in a breath as thousands of cheers erupted around them.

  The king joined them and together with the entire Ali Rahman family, they posed for a picture. King Dirar held up his hands and the crowd grew quiet.

  “Prince Jameson and Princess Ariana of Rahmi invite you to the grand opening of the Rahmi Bellator Foundation. The Bellator Foundation is Prince Jameson’s charity and will help our warriors in many important ways. We are thrilled to have Prince Jameson head this international foundation and to have the Rahmi location be the first to open. To Prince Jameson and Princess Ariana!” King Dirar called out.

  The crowd cheered and Jameson’s heart pounded with elation and purpose with every step he took. The royal family stood in unity with the Rahmi Elected Council members as they walked down the steps and along the roped-off street lined with citizens toward Ahmed’s old house near the palace.

  “I’m so proud of you,” Ariana told him, looking up at him with pure love.

  Jameson would take Ariana’s love over a crown any day.

  To the delight of the thousands of people gathered around them, Jameson took his wife in his arms and kissed her. Then together they walked hand in hand toward their future.


  Bluegrass Series

  Bluegrass State of Mind

  Risky Shot

  Dead Heat

  Bluegrass Brothers

  Bluegrass Undercover

  Rising Storm

  Secret Santa: A Bluegrass Series Novella

  Acquiring Trouble

  Relentless Pursuit

  Secrets Collide

  Final Vow

  Bluegrass Singles

  All Hung Up

  Bluegrass Dawn

  The Perfect Gift

  The Keeneston Roses

  Forever Bluegrass Series

  Forever Entangled

  Forever Hidden

  Forever Betrayed

  Forever Driven

  Forever Secret

  Forever Surprised

  Forever Concealed

  Forever Devoted

  Forever Hunted

  Forever Guarded

  Forever Notorious

  Forever Ventured

  Forever Freed

  Forever Saved

  Forever Bold

  Forever Thrown (coming Aug/Sept 2021)

  Shadows Landing Series

  Saving Shadows

  Sunken Shadows

  Lasting Shadows

  Fierce Shadows

  Broken Shadows

  Framed Shadows (coming Apr/May 2021)

  Endless Shadows (coming Oct 2021)

  Women of Power Series

  Chosen for Power

  Built for Power

  Fashioned for Power

  Destined for Power

  Web of Lies Series

  Whispered Lies

  Rogue Lies

  Shattered Lies

  Moonshine Hollow Series

  Moonshine & Murder

  Moonshine & Malice

  Moonshine & Mayhem

  Moonshine & Mischief

  About the Author

  Kathleen Brooks is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author. Kathleen’s stories are romantic suspense featuring strong female heroines, humor, and happily-ever-afters. Her Bluegrass Series and follow-up Bluegrass Brothers Series feature small town charm with quirky characters that have captured the hearts of readers around the world.

  Kathleen is an animal lover who supports rescue organizations and other non-profit organizations such as Friends and Vets Helping Pets whose goals are to protect and save our four-legged family members.

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