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Dirty Detail: Sexy Bodyguard Romance (Down N' Dirty in Love Book 3)

Page 3

by Sadie May

  Those assholes made me miss Jamie’s birthday. For that they will never be forgiven.

  One more knock, this time louder and impossible to ignore. I’m being stupid by standing here procrastinating. I know it’s not the creeper…but what if it’s a reporter?

  I throw the gloves down with a growl. Enough of this. I hate being a scaredy cat and that’s all I’ve been these past two weeks ever since I’d lost my two sexy shadows who’d made me feel safe and protected twenty-four seven.

  Fuck, I miss those guys. But like all the other upsides of the reality show, they can’t carry over into my everyday life. One doesn’t get to pick and choose with something like that. You’re either living the life of your dreams or you’re not.

  I choose reality. There’s no giant highs but there’s also no crazy lows. Of course, after I made that decision, I was told I have to put those leather pants back on because I’m going on the road.

  My mother used to say God laughs at our plans. Now I know what she means. But I’m a big girl so I’ll suck it up. Oh, who am I kidding? I’ll enjoy the hell out of it…but just for three more weeks.

  Then that’s it. For real.

  The knocking starts up again just as I reach the front door. “All right, already,” I grumble as I pull it open.

  Alex’s hand freezes in mid-air and my heart stops. Holy shit, they’re hotter than I remembered.

  And they’re here.

  My mind is too slow to catch up. “You’re here,” I say stupidly. It comes out as a squeak.

  Alex grins. Darren gives me a worried frown. God, I’ve missed these guys.

  “We’re here,” Alex says. “Can we come in?”

  Yes! Wait…No!

  Shit, I have no idea how to handle this. I don’t even know what I want.

  That’s not true, I know what I want, but I don’t know what’s best. That night I’d been on a high—that wasn’t me. That’s why I haven’t wanted to see them, that’s why I’ve been ignoring their calls and texts.

  They only knew that version of me, and there’s nothing real about her. She’s just a character, a façade. She’s not the woman who wakes up worrying about how she’s going to pay her bills. She’s not the woman who’s been living alone for years because she still can’t get over her asshole ex and his cheating.

  The woman they’d spent so much time with, the woman they’d fucked senseless that last night of the show…she was all confidence and sex appeal, and she’s not real.

  I still haven’t answered and Darren’s worried frown deepens. “If this a bad time…” my dark hottie says in that deep voice of his.

  Bad time? My eyes widen and my stomach plummets as I realize what I’m wearing and how I look.

  Oh, holy shit!

  Fuck, fuck, fuck. Out of pure instinct I slam the door shut in their faces, as if that will somehow reverse time and make it so that they didn’t just see me with no makeup, my hair up in a frizzy ponytail, and my body clothed in a giant T-shirt and sweats that made my curvy frame look like a potato.

  I hear Alex’s voice through the thin door. “Uh, Maya? Are you okay?”

  I bang my forehead against the door. Goddammit. Why hadn’t I looked through the peephole like any sane person would do, least of all a sane person who has a stalker. Good God, am I really that dumb? Why hadn’t I asked “who is it?” Why hadn’t I taken one goddamn look in the motherflippin’ mirror that is literally right next to the front door?

  So many questions and zero good answers.

  I’m officially a moron.

  The knocking starts up again and this time it’s Darren’s voice on the other side. “Maya, we’re sorry to show up unannounced like this but there’s something we need to discuss.”

  I bring my head back and stare at the door as if I might suddenly be able to see through it. No. I have not developed X-ray vision in the last few moments.

  I briefly ponder the idea of waiting them out. Maybe if I’m quiet long enough they’ll walk away.

  Or, more likely, they’ll get concerned and break my door down. I definitely cannot afford a new door.

  I sigh loudly, probably loudly enough for them to hear. “Give me a minute,” I yell. Then I bolt, into my bedroom where I quickly change into fitted jeans and a T-shirt that’s not five sizes too big. I take my hair out and attempt to run a brush through it, which only makes the frizz factor exponentially worse.

  I curse at my reflection and then toss it back up again, this time in a bun that will hide the worst of it. I look at my reflection. There’s no time for makeup but I quickly pull out a lipstick. This will have to do.

  I’m back and opening the door, out of breath this time, in a matter of minutes.

  Even knowing who will be on the other side of the door, I’m still blown away at the sight of them. They’re wearing their typical attire, slacks and button down shirts. They’ve got the short hair and sunglasses that give them a detective vibe. Not to mention the concealed weapons that bulge beneath their jackets.

  Then there’s that other bulge…the ones I do my very best to ignore. Oh, who am I kidding? I can’t keep my eyes from straying down, down, down to the holy grail of cocks. I mean, seriously. These guys are hung…and they’re waiting for me to speak.

  Right. Tongue, get back in mouth. Fuck, I’m seriously in danger of drooling…worse, I’m in danger of drooling while looking like a fucking maid. I wouldn’t be surprised if one of them mistook me for one. Um, excuse me miss, but is Maya home?

  That might be a blessing, really.

  “Can we come in?” Darren speaks first and he sounds serious that I hold the door open without even thinking. My thoughts have gone straight to paranoia-town. Maybe they’ve found the stalker. Maybe my family is in danger. Maybe they’ve learned I’m pregnant—don’t be stupid, Maya. You’re on the pill. Also, how the hell would they know before you do?

  I’ll still feel better once my period comes.

  Paranoid Maya has issues, particularly ones around getting knocked up, if it wasn’t obvious. As an unwanted child to a drunk mother and a derelict mother, my greatest fear was to get pregnant before I was ready. Or ever, actually, since it didn’t look like I’d ever get my act together to be ready.

  I’m so focused on my crazy thoughts that I let them lead the way into the family room that’s to the right of the door. I don’t bother to offer beverages or politely ask them to sit. We all hover in the middle of the room until I spit out, “What is it? What’s wrong?”

  They blink at me, each stunned in a different way. Alex’s brows arch up in wide-eyed surprise while Darren furrows his brow as if confused by the question.

  Dammit. I’d forgotten for a second there that these guys don’t know me, not the real me. They think I’m cool and confident, because that’s what I was when I was living in that fairytale world of fame and fortune.

  But that’s not me, and it all came to a screeching halt the moment the TV show ended.

  I shift uncomfortably in front of them, tugging at my T-shirt and avoiding their eyes.

  “Are you okay, Maya?” Alex asks, his lovely blue eyes are filled with concern.

  Am I all right? “Of course,” I say. But I think we all know that’s a lie. I mean, it’s just a lull, the downslide after a major upper. Not to mention the whole stalker situation which would probably stress anyone out, right?

  The weird thing is, I’m probably not as scared as I should be and I don’t know why. I mean, I knew why back when Alex and Darren had my back. They’d made me feel safe and secure. They’d been like a security blanket, making me feel safe and warm at night even before I knew how much I want them in my bed.

  Everyone thought I was crazy when I didn’t continue personal security but I guess I thought—still do think, actually—that this stalker person will lose interest once I go back to boring old me. I mean, he—or she?—didn’t come into my life until I became a pseudo-celebrity so it seems pretty obvious that he—or she—will disappear soon, once they
realize that I’m not really famous.

  It makes some sort of sense to me, though that doesn’t stop me from bolting upright in bed in the middle of the night every time the wind makes the trees brush against my window.

  I clear my throat and try this again. “What did you want to talk to me about?”

  There, that came out sounding somewhat calm and rational.

  “It’s about the tour,” Darren says. I’m shocked that he knows about it—I just found out about the tour yesterday—but I suppose I shouldn’t be. These guys were paid by the production company, they were their employees to, to some extent.

  Then it clicks. I realize what they’re going to say as Alex starts talking. I hear him telling me about how that Rodham asshole came their office, how he wants them to pick up their assignment where they left off—

  My eyes dart up to his as he says that part. Where we left off…is he kidding? Does he not remember where exactly we left off?

  Unbidden, my eyes drop down to that mouthwatering bulge again as I remember what it felt like to ride him as his friend and partner fucked my mouth.

  I draw in a long breath, realizing with a start that Alex had stopped speaking and now they’re watching me, waiting for a response.

  “It’s up to you, of course,” Darren says.

  Of course. What are we talking about again?

  Alex steps closer and reaches out for my hands. I can’t pull away, his strong grip feels too good. I feel safe for the first time in weeks. “If you’re not comfortable having us be your bodyguards again, we’ll understand. But we want to do this, Maya. We care about you.”

  Those words startle me more than anything they’ve said up until this point. They care about me? But they barely know me, not the real me.

  But then, they don’t know that.

  Heat rushes up to my cheeks in embarrassment as I realize that they’re eventually going to figure out who the real me really is, and when they do, they’ll lose interest.

  They had a thing for a rock star, not an average, paranoid unemployed loser.

  But even as I think that, I know it changes nothing. Because Alex is still holding my hands and Darren is still hovering nearby, and for the first time in what feels like forever, I can breathe. The fear that’s been hanging over me, tainting my every move…it’s gone.

  They did that. They’re doing that right now.

  I may have to face the embarrassment when reality eventually crashes in and ruins the way they’re looking at me right now, but that’s the price I’ll have to pay because I need these guys by my side. Pride be damned.

  “Okay,” I say, nodding quickly before I can back out.

  “Okay?” Alex repeats with a raised brow. Then his handsome, All-American features crease in a boyish grin. “Awesome.”

  Yeah, awesome. I struggle to match his enthusiasm. He thinks he’s getting paired up with a sexy fuck buddy and I know better. I’m not cut out to be a fuck buddy, not in the long run. I want to order take out and watch movies on my couch at night. I want kids and family and stability.

  I am so not the wild and crazy rocker chick they think I am.

  Darren moves closer and when I look up, I see the satisfaction in his eyes, but I can also see his doubts. He’s definitely the more cautious of the two and that part of him is familiar to me, like looking in a mirror.

  “I’m glad you’ll accept our help,” he says quietly, reaching out one hand to cup my cheek. The look in his eyes makes my heart melt with its tenderness.

  “How do you want this to work,” he says, his tone heavy with meaning as he casts a quick look in Alex’s direction before returning it to me.

  I know what he means…we all do. Darren certainly hasn’t forgotten how we left things last time and he’s not going to sweep it under the rug.

  Of course not. Darren would want everything spelled out so there are no erroneous assumptions.

  “We can be whatever you need us to be,” he says.

  Oh wow, my heart does a somersault even as my panties grow wet.

  What an offer…

  “He’s right,” Alex says, moving closer. Now the two of them are so close I can smell their aftershave and soap. They’re so close I can feel the heat of their skin. So close I could just reach out and—

  “You don’t have to decide right this second,” Darren says. He gently tips my chin up with his finger so I’m looking into his eyes.

  Lord, his eyes. The sincerity there makes my insides melt. I hate to let him down. I want to be the woman he thinks I am.

  But I’m tired. So fucking tired. I loved being a rock star…while it lasted. But I can’t keep up that sort of crazy rush all the time. After weeks of living that, I need a break. Tour is coming up so I know that I’ll get back into the entertainer mode soon enough, but even then…I don’t want to worry about being that every moment of every day.

  If they go on tour with me, they’ll be no escape from them, for better or worse. They’ll be with me around the clock. Night and day.

  My mouth starts to water as delicious images of just how we could fill those nights and days start to drift through my mind.

  I shake my head. They’ll be disappointed. They’ll realize I’m not some erotic fantasy woman in leather and heels…I’m just me.

  I need to tell them.

  I star up into those sweet, tender, sexy-as-hell eyes.

  Or do I?

  They’ll figure it out, and when they do it’ll suck. Watching this intense passion fade into boredom or apathy…yeah, it’ll suck. But in the meantime, we could have a hell of a lot of fun.

  “What do you guys want this to be?” I ask. I’m not quite ready to declare what I want, not when I’m still uncertain about how they’ll feel about this…about me…once they really get to know me.

  Darren’s lids grow heavy and his eyes darken. That’s the only heads up I get before his mouth is over mine, crushing my lips to his with a fierce passion that tells me more eloquently than any words exactly what he wants.

  “Mmm.” I moan into his mouth as heat rushes through me. I’ve missed this feeling, this rush. Funny how it’s been so long that I don’t even need to perform to get in the mood. I just need Darren’s firm, demanding lips and his hands that are tugging me to him, pressing me up against him so his hard length is pressed to my belly and my thighs straddle one of this thick, muscular thighs.

  Oh shit, I’m so turned on I might come just like this. Alex moves behind me and his hands cover my tits, molding the flesh and pinching my nipples through the thin T-shirt and cotton bra.

  His mouth closes over my neck and I moan again, but this time the sound is lost among other sounds—labored breathing, panting, groaning. Hands moving over clothes, under clothes, sliding over skin.

  I don’t even realize that I’ve ripped off Darren’s shirt until I’m clutching his bare chest, caressing those sculpted muscles of his abs and loving the way they tighten beneath my touch.

  Alex slips my top off too and then my bra. I’m bare. Alex slides my pants down and I step out of them so only my thong remains. After everything we’ve done this feels oddly intimate. They haven’t seen me before, not like this. Alex moves in front so they can both take a look.

  And oh, holy shit, their looks make me feel like a goddess. As if they’ve practiced a choreographed move, they’re crouching in front of me, each taking a tit in his mouth and sucking on the nipple. They’re lapping at me, sucking on me… The sight of their heads—one blonde, one dark—nestled at my breast…it’s so fucking hot I wouldn’t be able to stay upright if their arms weren’t wrapped around my waist holding me steady.

  Their mouths, their tongues, their teeth…they’re devouring me, lavishing silent praise as if my tits were sent from above. I twist my fingers in their hair and hold them tight, but I can’t take it much longer.

  I need relief. I need to see them and touch them. I need to fuck.

  They know it, or maybe they feel it too. Alex goes down on his
knees before me, tugs down my panties, and nudges my legs apart. Darren comes behind me and wraps an arm tight around my waist.

  “You ready for us, baby?” he murmurs in my ear.

  I shiver at his low voice and at the sight of his arm around me. I’m trembling at the sight of sexy Alex kneeling at my feet, his lips inches from my pussy as he lifts darkened eyes up to me, waiting for my okay.

  I nod, unable to form words. Am I ready? Fuck yes. I’ve never needed anything more.

  Once again, they’re in motion, so sure and confident in their movements it’s like we’ve all done this dance before countless times.

  Alex buries his face between my thighs making me cry out at the shock and pleasure of his mouth on my pussy, his tongue teasing the seam of my lips until I’m ready to beg. Darren is holding me upright, but just as I’m ready to start whimpering from need, he bends me forward and Alex deepens his probing tongue, licking and lapping at my clit as he moans in pleasure.

  Darren spreads my cheeks and slides his thick, hard cock up and down, teasing us both with what’s to come. I wriggle my hips slightly. I need it, I need fucking cock. Alex’s tongue is driving me to the edge and I desperately need a release.

  Darren give me just what I need, thrusting his cock into my pussy in one hard pump that takes my feet up off floor. Alex never stops, his mouth working magic on my clit, his hands reaching up to massage my tits as his friend fucks me so hard I can feel him deep inside me.

  Between the two of them I can’t hold out. They’re driving me wild. I grip Alex’s hair and hold on to Darren’s arm as we move together, Darren thrusting once more, twice…and then I’m fucking gone. I tremble between them as wave after wave of ecstasy washes over me and leaves me weak.

  Darren comes quickly after, his cum spewing inside me as I lay weak in his arms. We’re both panting and I see Alex grin, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

  Oh no, he’s not walking away from this unsatisfied. Not on my watch.

  After weeks away from them it doesn’t take long for me to feel that restless itch. I’m ready. Bring it on.


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