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Matter Point

Page 15

by GG Shalton

  After the movie, Jaxon led me down the street to a hot dog stand with umbrella tables. “Is this okay? I know it’s not fancy, but I’m not really dressed for a restaurant.”

  “Are you kidding? Hot dogs are the best!” I beamed as he looked at me suspiciously.

  He ordered our food and handed the cashier some cash. I gave up protesting or trying to pay, and he took our tray and found a table nearby. It wasn’t too cold out, so sitting outside sounded good.

  “Did you like the movie?” he asked as he opened the ketchup packet and squeezed it on his hot dog.

  “I did, thank you for taking me. I haven’t been to the movies since I came to Matter Point. My friend Isabel used to get us passes at least once a month. It was a treat to go into the town near our school.”

  “Do you still miss your old school?”

  “At first, I missed it so much I was sick about it. But I’ve gotten used to Matter Point.” I took a bite of my hot dog and chewed slowly. After taking a drink of my Coke, I wiped my face and looked at him. “What do you usually do on a Saturday night?”

  He shrugged as he wiped his mouth. “I invite beautiful cheerleaders to the movies and eat hot dogs afterward. This is a typical Saturday for me.”

  I giggled. “Good to know.”

  He smiled as he wadded up his hot dog paper and finished his meal. I took another bite of my hot dog and gave him the rest. He shook his head.

  “Rookie.” He finished my hot dog in one bite as I laughed.

  We took our trash to the trash can, and he slipped his hand around mine as we walked back to his car. We drove back to Marion’s coffee shop. I didn’t want our time to end, but I had to get home. I got out of his car as he stood beside mine.

  “Thank you for today.” I was so glad I had canceled my plans.

  He nodded. “Maybe we can hang out again sometime?”

  “I’d like that.”

  I smiled as he pulled me close and held me for a few seconds. I hoped he couldn’t feel my heart pounding. As I leaned back and looked up at him, he brushed a chaste kiss along the side of my cheek. “Text me when you get home.”

  I nodded and opened my car door. He stood in the parking lot until I started my engine and pulled out. In my rearview mirror, I saw him getting into his car. I blasted the radio and thought about the night. Jaxon was unlike any guy I had ever met. He gave off a persona that he didn’t care about anyone, but I thought it was all an act. He had deep feelings, which anyone could tell by looking at his artwork. His gentle nature was hidden by a tough exterior. He surprised me at times, and my heart was falling hard.

  Chapter 17


  I woke the next morning with Ritchie staring at me. “Are you awake?”

  It took me a minute to realize he was standing beside my bed in my room. My locked room. “Wha—how did you get in here? I have the door locked.”

  He shrugged casually. “I have a key.”

  I sat up in bed, swiping my hair out of my face. “Give it to me!”

  “Why are you so upset? I’ve already been through your stuff. It’s all boring girl stuff.” He backed away from the bed and stood by the door.

  My mouth fell open. The kid was unbelievable! “Look, you little—”

  He held up his hand. “Mom said we could go out for pizza and buy some video games when you woke up. I’m starving and bored. She said I couldn’t wake you, so I was just waiting.”

  I groaned and turned over in my bed. “Go without me.”

  “She said we had to wait for you. Something about buying you some supplies for a camping trip next weekend.”

  I twisted back around to look at him. “Camping trip?’

  “Yeah, I heard her tell your dad about it.”

  I had heard something about it in science class. It was for the geology unit—we were going to explore some caves. But it was for extra credit and not required, and I really didn’t want to go.

  Ritchie sat on my bed and huffed loudly. “Are you going back to sleep?”

  The kid was driving me crazy, and I had to think about this camping trip. “If you leave right now and give me the key to my room, I’ll get dressed and go.”

  “Fine.” He took the key out of his pocket and laid it on my dresser. “Hurry up though.”

  I watched him open the door and leave before I reached for my phone. I had messages from Trace and Paisley. I skipped over them and saw the one from Jaxon.

  Jaxon: Had a great time yesterday.

  My heart fluttered a little. I typed a message back.

  Me: I did too. Thank you for the rose.

  I watched the dots come across immediately after I sent it.

  Jaxon: Anytime.

  I pressed on Trace’s message.

  Trace: What happened yesterday? Call me.

  I took a deep breath, unsure if I should respond. After thinking about it, I didn’t want him to have an excuse to come over and check on me.

  Me: Everything is good. Thanks for checking in. I would prefer not to talk about it. See you tomorrow at school.

  I then checked Paisley’s message.

  Paisley: Hey! You missed a great party yesterday. Are you up to hang out today?

  Me: Sorry I missed it. Cannot today, I have a family thing. See you on Monday.

  I put my phone away and got ready quickly. Coming down the stairs, I saw Robbie and Amanda talking by the staircase.

  “Hey there, did he wake you?” She shot Ritchie a dirty look. “I told him to let you sleep in.”

  I looked at Ritchie standing by the sofa with an innocent look on his face. He had a small bag of chips and a Coke in his hands. His pudgy cheeks were full of chips when he looked at me with pleading eyes.

  “It’s okay.” I came down to the last stair and stood beside her. “Ritchie mentioned something about camping supplies, but I didn’t sign up to go.”

  “I don’t understand,” Amanda said. “Most the seniors look forward to the trip. You have to go.”

  “The teacher said it was voluntary, so I didn’t sign up.” I waved dismissively. “It’s only for extra credit. I don’t think I need it.”

  My father walked into the room. “I spoke to your teacher yesterday. You’re going.”

  “What?” Is he kidding me? “Why would you speak to my teacher?”

  “He plays golf at the club and we ran into each other at the driving range. Imagine my surprise when he said you weren’t participating.”

  “I don’t want to go camping.”

  “Ariel, it’s been decided. It’s an extracurricular activity that I approve of and it’s educational.” My father took off his reading glasses and wiped them on his shirt. “Trace came by last night looking for you. Where were you? I thought you were with him on your friend’s boat.”

  I looked at Amanda helplessly. Glancing back at my father, I shrugged. “I had study group with some kids in my history class, then we went to dinner.”

  He stared at me in disbelief. “On a Saturday?”

  Did he think I was lying? I straightened my shoulders and met his gaze. “It was the only day we were all available. If you don’t believe me, ask Mr. Robart. You seem to be close to my teachers. He’ll tell you that we have a group assignment.”

  “Watch your tone with me, young lady. I will not tolerate defiance.” He stormed off toward the kitchen as I held the railing tightly, trying not to react.

  Amanda cleared her throat. “Why don’t you grab your jacket. Jess and Paisley told me we could get everything we need at the hardware store near the docks. If you want, we can invite Paisley to go with us?”

  I could feel my resolve fading realizing that I had no choice. I didn’t want to take out my anger on Amanda, so I let out the breath I was holding. “I will call her.”

  Paisley was excited when I phoned
her. Amanda and I picked her up and went to a few different stores. I ended up getting a pink sleeping bag and a green tent.

  “You can share with me if you want. But this tent looks bigger. Perhaps we should bring both just in case.” Paisley’s enthusiasm only fueled Amanda to buy more supplies as she put the tent in the basket. “Do you think you will need a cooler?”

  I glanced at Paisley as she nodded. “I am bringing one too.” She looked at some shelves. “Bring bugspray and don’t forget an air mattress. The ground can get cold.”

  I never thought of how much stuff you needed to sleep outdoors for one night. How did our ancestors survive in the wilderness? We finished buying all the supplies and Amanda took us for burgers. Paisley talked nonstop about the trip and I was starting to feel a little more optimistic that it could be fun.

  Chapter 18


  I managed to be late to school. Unbelievable considering I’d left early to avoid the family breakfast. My father was being impossible. I thought I had plenty of time to stop at Starbucks for a latte and ended up in a long line, then I spilled it on my shirt. Luckily, I had a change of clothes in the backseat of my car, so I quickly changed in a gas station bathroom. Then I made it to school after the first bell.

  I slipped inside while the teacher was writing on the board. I quickly found my seat and opened my notebook.

  “Ariel?” Dillon whispered loudly. He sat right behind me.

  I twisted in my seat. “What’s up?”

  “You missed a wild time on Saturday. Where were you all day?” He cocked his brow. The way he’d asked the question, I knew he wasn’t asking for himself, but Trace was behind it.

  “I had a study group.” I shrugged.

  “Trace was sulking.” He gave me an exaggerated sad face.

  I tilted my head. “You do know that Trace and I are just friends, right?”

  He smirked as though I was lying. “Aren’t we all just friends?”

  I rolled my eyes and turned back around.

  He poked me in the back. “We’re bringing some adult beverages for the camping trip. Trace and I are sharing a tent, so we’ll switch with you and Gretchen after the teacher does her final check for the night.”

  I widened my eyes and looked over my shoulder. “I thought I was sharing with Paisley?”

  He shrugged. “She’s staying with Bailey, and Stephanie is staying with Chad.”


  “Hey, you’re lucky. Stephanie tried to corner Trace and you almost lost your spot.” His voice was teasing, but there was always a little truth in humor.

  “Ariel and Dillon.” I turned around as the teacher glared at us. “First you were late and now you won’t stop talking. Do I need to send you to the office?”

  “No, sir.” I concentrated on the white board and taking notes. Dillon tried to get my attention again, but I shook my head and ignored him. I wasn’t used to getting in trouble at school and the last thing I needed was someone contacting my father.

  Class finally ended, and I looked forward to history class with Jaxon. It had become my favorite class because it was in a different building and I could avoid seeing Trace and his friends in the hall. When I approached the door of Markson Hall, I saw Jaxon standing outside. He cleared his throat when he saw me and flashed his sexy smile.

  “Hey, you. I haven’t seen you all day.” His flirtatious voice held a certain appeal.

  I found myself smiling without trying. “Were you looking for me?”

  “Maybe,” he said as his eyes roamed over my face.

  I tried flirting. “Hmm, looks like you found me.”

  He laughed. “I wanted to show you something.” He reached into his notebook and handed me a letter. “My teacher gave me a letter from the scholarship board this morning.”

  I stopped beside him as we stood by the lockers. “What does it say?”

  “Read it. We were just talking about it a few days ago.”

  I glanced at it, reading as fast as I could.

  Mr. Martin,

  We are happy to announce that your submission was among the finalists for a full scholarship to Bernard University School of Art. Your second submission is due by November 5th for final selection. Winner will be notified by November 30th.

  Wayne Drew Board of Directors

  I covered my mouth and hugged him, but I tensed as I felt him hug me back. I stepped back quickly. “Sorry, I was just so excited.”

  He grinned. “You can hug me any time.” His eyes twinkled as he took the letter and folded it before placing it in his notebook. “My art teacher says there are only three finalists, and she thinks I have it in the bag.”

  “Wow! Did you tell your family yet?”

  He paused and shook his head. “No, I just got it. I’ll text them later.”

  I tried to contain my excitement that he would tell me first.

  We walked inside the classroom and took our seats. Most of the class was talking to each other when we heard the bell ring. Bryce wasn’t there, and Jaxon turned around to talk to me as we waited for the teacher. I looked around the room, noticing a few of the students watching us with curious expressions. I didn’t know them, but many of the students at Matter Point thought I was with Trace. If they had seen me hug Jaxon, they may wonder about our relationship.

  “Are you busy this weekend?” Jaxon asked as I tried not to stare at how long his eyelashes were. I hadn’t really noticed before, but they were perfectly shaped and made his eyes look bigger.

  “I’m going on that camping trip for the seniors. Are you going?”

  He cracked a smile. “Nah, not my scene. Besides, I have to work on Saturday morning.”

  I huffed in annoyance. “My father is practically making me go. I don’t want to.”

  “So, don’t.” He said quickly like it was the easiest thing to do.

  “You don’t know my father.” I looked at my hands as I held my pen tightly. “My stepmother bought me a tent and a bunch of camping supplies. It’s ridiculous. We’re only going to be gone one night.”

  “I heard that Matter Point makes this a big deal. Most the Northside students aren’t going. It’s only extra credit. Besides, I hear it’s just an excuse for a lot of them to hook up.”

  “That’s what I heard too, but my dad insisted. And Dillon told me that we were all switching tents.”

  Jaxon’s face hardened. “Who are you sharing with?”

  “Who do you think?”

  He groaned with a bit of frustration. “He’s real smooth and such a loser. What’s the deal with him?”

  I shrugged. “I met him when I first came to Matter Point. Our families are good friends and my dad has a few business deals with his dad. They practically throw us together when I see him, and it’s annoying.”

  “Your parents like him?”

  “Everyone likes Trace.” I looked around to see if anyone could hear me. Lowering my voice, I leaned a little closer to him. “But not more than himself.”

  Jaxon spit out a laugh.

  I shook my head. “His arrogance is unbelievable. One time, before I got to know him, he tried to charm me at a party. I was somewhat interested—until I saw him go off with another girl and try to pretend as if nothing happened.”

  “I’m not surprised.”

  I huffed. “He likes me on his arm and my dad and Amanda adore him, but I don’t want to be that girl. The cheerleader dating the quarterback, oblivious to his other activities. I told him I only wanted to be friends, but it’s as if he doesn’t hear me. He has my dad and most of our friends acting like we’re a couple.”

  “Those are his friends, that’s the problem. Are these friends interested in who you are without cheerleading or Trace?”

  I drew my brows together. “I never thought of it like that, but you’re probably right. M
ost people talk to me because of who my father is.”

  “I’m not too sure about that.” His eyes roamed my face. “You’re very special, Ariel.”

  My face warmed. I’d never seen this sincere side of him. Most the time he was flirting or teasing me. “Thank you for listening.”

  He tilted his head as though he was trying to figure me out. “It’s easy to listen to you.”

  I noticed the teacher come into the room, and we both straightened up. As much as I tried to concentrate on the teacher, I was overly aware of Jaxon’s presence. He was slowly becoming my favorite part of Matter Point.

  The rest of the week flew by. Bryce returned on Tuesday, and we spent most the class in our usual banter. I avoided Trace and Paisley by going the back ways and talking fast after cheerleading practice. It seemed all anyone could talk about was the camping trip. Trace texted me every day about the agenda and all the plans everyone had for that night. He didn’t mention the tent switching, but I knew he was planning something.

  The football team had a bye week, so on Friday, everyone was planning to go to Gretchen’s for a party. I would have to come up with another excuse.

  Chapter 19


  I watched Ariel walk through the classroom doors. She exhaled a deep breath, her face flushed. She was late again. A normal habit with her.

  “Maybe you should find a new way to class?” I liked to tease her.

  Her pouty lips closed together. “Easy for you to say. My class is upstairs in the south building. It’s nearly impossible to get here on time.”

  “Go through the courtyard.”

  Her breath caught for a second. I knew the real reason why she didn’t go through there. She was avoiding her douchebag friends who had sticks up their asses and loved to show off their wealth. The truth was that Ariel’s family was probably wealthier than all of them, but it was like she didn’t even realize it. Or didn’t care. I had heard her mention her old man. Everyone knew him as a wealthy entrepreneur and businessman, though not all his deals were known as fair. A little ruthless, was what I’d heard. He and his trophy wife were on every society website in Matter Point. They both came from old money and had built a life together that most people only saw from the outside.


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