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Cop Tease

Page 5

by Aubree Valentine

  “Show me.” He grunts.

  When I turn it around to face him, Dylan’s eyes go wide.

  “Christ,” he shifts uncomfortably in his seat. “That’s…it’s even better than the proofs.”

  “The readers are going to go nuts,” Katie adds. “They’ve been waiting on this book since she started the series.”

  Katie’s not wrong. Once the doors open, things get crazy. Readers are lined up to get their hands on this book, and the hunk of muscle sitting next to me.

  By the time the signing ends, I’m beat. Turns out, it takes a lot of energy to tame down jealousy over other women touching Dylan. Even if most of them were innocent about it.

  It’s a weird feeling, considering I have no desire to make this thing between us something more. At least, that’s what I’m telling myself when, for the first time in my author career, I skip the after party and decide to spend the evening in Dylan’s bed instead.

  Chapter Ten


  I swear I came here this weekend to visit with Kelsey and Reid. I planned to crash at their place too, right up until Dylan asked me to go out to dinner with him. Next thing I knew, we ended up back at his place.

  I told myself I would take this weekend to figure out what the hell was going on in my head. And why I suddenly feel different about this particular situation.

  Really, how much more could I possibly want? Dylan has offered me everything I could possibly desire. Or so I thought. Hell, I’ve spent more time in Tallahassee since my last book signing, with Dylan, than my own best friend who has moved here six weeks ago. In a way, he’s been my vice for coping with not having Kelsey, and Reid, around anymore.

  And yet, I want so much more.

  Doing this with him for months has me longing for domestic bliss too.

  I should be protesting right now, but tied to his bed with his face buried between my legs, I’m lost to him.

  “Holy fuck!” I swear there isn’t anything this man doesn’t know how to do. The way his tongue laps at my flesh has me tugging against the restraints, craving more – something I know he’ll give me in the end. When he adds fingers to the mix, my eyes roll back in my head, and I see stars.

  My earlier thoughts vanish.

  “That’s it, Zoey, let it go,” he mumbles against my skin, dragging his beard along my thigh before putting his tongue back to work. He’s relentless until I cum again and he’s satisfied that I’ve been properly sated, for now. Only then does he untie my limbs and gently massage my body. His bare skin skimming over mine with every touch.

  In the background, I’m faintly aware of the bedroom door opening. It takes me a minute to process before it dawns on me that someone else has joined us. Seems like Cole is just in time.

  It’s been a few weeks since I’ve found myself between these two strong and amazingly gorgeous men. Men who somehow fulfill all my sexual needs and then some.

  Admittedly, I expected Dylan to reject the idea of sharing me with another man when I brought it up. Even knowing that he’d shared women before. Perhaps as much as I wanted to explore that part of myself, I hoped that he wouldn’t want to share me.

  In the end, it only took one time before I was hooked. The way they each took care of me. Making me feel…something, beyond comprehension. The give and take, the push and pull. Where one was rough, the other would be gentle and vice versa. Ultimately, both Cole and Dylan knew how to pleasure me in ways I never thought possible.

  After the first time, where they both cherished me and worshiped my body with a tenderness I’d never experienced before – the gloves came off. Nothing was off the table when it came to making me cum.

  My eyes are on Cole, taking in the contrast between the two men in the room as he undresses. Cole’s body is a blank canvas with light brown hair dusted across his chest, trailing down to his cock. His skin, a shade or two paler than Dylan’s inked and sun-kissed body.

  The way he looks at me is totally different too. There’s always a wall that seems to go up when he walks in the room. For the first time, I recognize it for what it is. Cole is only here for Dylan and me. His heart isn’t in it, though that has never stopped him from making me feel good.

  Completely naked now, Cole steps forward, and I’m sure I feel Dylan tense, but when I look at him he nods, encouraging me to go on.

  The foreplay doesn’t last long. Tonight it seems both men are hungry and eager to please.

  Before I can blink, Dylan is sitting behind me on the bed, pushing me forward to prep me for what’s to come. While he works my back entrance with his lube coated fingers, Cole slips his cock into my mouth. I hum around his girth, eliciting a moan from him.

  “Christ, you’re good at this,” he grunts, pushing forward into my mouth while gathering my hair in his hand. “Suck my cock, Zoey.”

  I swear I hear Dylan say something, but I’m too distracted as his finger slips past the tight ring and my body shudders. The minute he knows I’m ready for him, he pulls his fingers out, and condoms are being torn open.

  Cole waits patiently while Dylan fills me first then like a well-choreographed scene, Cole takes his place and fills my pussy with his sheathed cock.

  I’m so full, yet an empty feeling takes hold momentarily. Being with the two of them is no longer appealing as it once was. Pleasureful? Yes. But…a part of me wants one of them all to myself.

  The explosion of pleasure and passion that normally occurs between the three of us falls flat tonight.

  This time, it feels different.

  Almost as if it’s the beginning of the end.




  How the hell has it taken me a year to realize this shit is getting old?

  Fucking Zoey Daniels for seven of those twelve months probably should have brought me to that conclusion before now. Before she ended up sandwiched between me and Cole again. Before I am about to blow my load in her ass as she rides both of us.

  “Son of a bitch,” I groan as Zoey sighs and leans back into my chest.

  “Fuck, she feels amazing.” Cole grunts.

  Zoey screams, “YES! Oh, God. Oh, God.”

  I can feel her body squeezing both of us, and I know my girl is close. When she wraps her arms around my neck, and Cole latches on to her tits, jealousy rages through me.

  Fine fucking time to realize I want this woman to myself.

  It’s not the first time I’ve shared her with Cole, but it’s sure as hell the first time I’ve felt something like regret and selfishness about it.

  “I need to cum,” Zoey pants. I need her to cum, so I can blow my load and get her alone.

  “Help her out Cole.” I command.

  He shifts and moves his hands. I can tell the minute he connects with her sensitive flesh. Between her very vocal reaction and how her body responds and squeezes my dick even tighter, I know she’s on the brink.

  “Let it go, baby,” I coax, using my fingers to pinch her nipples.

  “Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck! Holy shit. Dylan!”

  My name tumbling from her lips is all it takes. “Fuck, baby, that’s right.” My cock pulses and empties inside the latex that separates us.

  Cole roars his own release.

  Relief courses through my body. He’ll withdraw and take a few minutes to clean up then he’ll be gone.

  When he leans in to kiss her lips, I ignore the tinge of jealousy that rages through me. One more reason why it was time to end this.

  “Out. Clock’s ticking,” I order. It’s a dick move, but I need the space. I need Zoey to myself.

  Zoey whimpers as he withdraws from her body and moves off the bed. I know she is spent now, it’s up to me to take care of her.

  Lifting her hips, I let myself slip free as I lay her on the bed before slipping the condom off.

  “I’ll be right back.” This time I kiss her lips and slide off the bed to toss the condom.

  Cole is dressed and headed for the door by the
time I’m done. “See you later,” he says as he turns the knob and steps out.

  “Lock up on your way out, man.”

  The door snicks shut behind him as I slip back into bed next to Zoey, whose eyes are drifting closed.

  “You good, Zo?”

  Her lips curve up in a sexy smile. “Mmmhmm, I’m good.” Her voice is soft and sleepy.

  Part of me wants to tell her exactly how I feel, right now. Yet, I’m too scared to let the words pass my lips. Telling her that I suddenly want something more, risking her not feeling the same – is too much.

  Chapter Eleven


  I’m such a goddamn fool.

  Something shifted last night, in a big way. I can feel, it even though I can’t put my finger on it.

  All day Zoey’s been giving me the silent treatment. Avoiding me at all costs. Busying herself with making salads for this afternoon’s cookout. Hanging close to Kelsey and playing with Reid.

  When she heads inside now to grab the rest of the food that she helped make for dinner I follow her. Leaving my newly engaged partner and best friend, Rhys, with his fiancée and their son.

  Taking full advantage of the fact that I’ve finally gotten her alone, I walk up behind her and wrap my hands around her waist. Spinning her body around and pinning her to the counter. She winces ever so slightly, and I immediately apologize.

  “You’re fine,” she snaps at me with an attitude that I really don’t like.

  “What’s the problem, Zoey?”


  “It’s obviously something. Wishing you were still with Cole?” Jealousy kicks in again at full swing. “Tell me something? Did you enjoy feeling his cock inside you last night? I hope you know, that won’t be happening again.”

  “Says who? Suddenly you think that you get to tell me what to do? Open relationship, remember? We can fuck whoever we want. Including each other. Whenever we want.” Her sassy attitude has my dick hardening. This feistiness is exactly what I like about her.

  “Nope, that ends now. The rules have changed. I’m not about to share you with anyone else, ever again. Last night was an eye-opening experience for me.”

  “Really? How eye-opening? Maybe he’s what I want.”

  Her words take my breath away, forcing me to take two steps back and really look at her.

  This is the woman after seven months of playing fuck buddies, I somehow decided, I wanted more with. Except, right now…she doesn’t look like my Zoey at all. She looks like every other woman that came after Nat. The ones who cheated. The ones who bolted the minute my job required more attention. All the women that came in and out of my life and left scars on my heart. Making me the man I am now, the man I told Zoey I was. One who doesn’t do commitment. Because I always get fucked in the end.

  “Is he really what you want?”

  “I…I don’t know,” she mumbles as she brushes past me and into the living room, grabbing for her stuff that’s still sitting by the front door. Yet another reminder that something has changed.

  “Zoey…wait.” I run after her. Her hand’s already on the door handle. I’m confused as to how things suddenly ended up like this.

  What did I miss? Where were the clues that told me shit was about to go south?

  “For your information, last night wasn’t all that great. But since you cheapened the experience you offered me? I’m done.” Her voice is strong, confident, even though I can see the pain in her eyes.

  “Don’t leave,” I’m not above pleading. I don’t know what the fuck she’s talking about, but the last thing I ever wanted to do was to make her feel cheap, even if I’m mad as hell right now.

  “I can’t do this with you, Dylan. We agreed to keep it casual. I don’t want to do this anymore, I’m tapping out.”

  Her words are like a dagger to my heart. Guess deep down I knew if I confessed my feelings last night, she’d crush them. “Whatever, Zoey, walk the fuck away then. Just remember you wanted this. Don’t fucking expect me to give a damn about you!” I’m losing my shit as she walks out the door, slamming it behind her.

  Fuck it. Let her leave. I could run after her, but if it’s another man she wants, if I’m not good enough, she can have him. Let Cole deal with her instead.

  The thought of Cole taking what’s mine has me hating the guy. A guy who I know deep down, won’t take her – because she was mine and that’s a line that we’ve always sworn we’d never cross.

  Forcing myself to move on, I grab the salads off the counter and another bottle of beer. As soon as I step on the patio, Kelsey’s cell phone rings.

  “That’s probably your friend telling you what a dick I am,” I grunt as I set everything on the table and pop the top on the beer. I take a long swallow then look at Kelsey. “You two women, it’s like you’re both hell-bent on giving us a run for our money.”

  “Yo, you can be pissed at your girl all you want. But watch yourself with mine,” Rhys barks at me as I throw food on my plate and take a bite of my burger.

  I give him a nod but don’t say anything else. Instead, I eat my food and decide I’ll spend the rest of the night drowning my sorrows in the case of beer I bought earlier today.

  We all finish eating and carry everything inside. Kelsey insists she’ll clean up my kitchen while Rhys and I watch Reid. More like he watches his kid, while I keep the booze coming. Kelsey’s phone keeps going off, and I know it’s Zoey, but she won’t answer me. Neither of the women will.

  I pull out my phone and dial Zoey’s number, but it goes right to voicemail.

  “What are you doing?” Rhys reaches for my phone, but I pull it back out of his reach.

  “I’m calling my woman.”

  “You sound like a caveman,” Kelsey chimes in from the kitchen.

  “Well, she is mine.”

  “If she were yours, she’d be here right now. She’s obviously not happy with you. Give me the phone before you do something stupid and make this worse.” Rhys holds out his hand and gives me his trademark stare. The one that usually terrifies criminals. I must be tipsy because it’s enough to scare me at this point.

  I smack the phone down in his hand and huff.

  “What did you do to run her off anyway?” he asks me.

  “Asked her how she liked another man’s dick inside her. And told her it was the last time it would ever happen.”

  Rhys blinks and shakes his head. “You did what? She slept with someone else?”

  “It wasn’t like that. I set the whole thing up with Cole.”

  “Goddamnit. You are one stupid son of a bitch,” Rhys scolds. “I really thought you were done with that.”

  “It’s what she wanted. You know me, I’ve never had an issue before…”

  “But you did this time,” he says matter-of-factly.

  “I did this time,” I admit. “So, I let them have their fun.”

  “Then threw it in her face today,” Kelsey so kindly offers while Rhys fumbles through his phone. “You are a jerk face. Really.” She takes Reid and gives Rhys a kiss. “I’m going home. You have fun with that one.” She nods toward me.

  That’s the last thing I remember before passing out.

  Chapter Twelve


  Maybe I shouldn’t have come here.

  My insides flip as I sit in my car outside of Cole’s house. Sneaking out of KJ’s house in the middle of the night was probably not my best idea, but I needed to talk to someone. To feel something. So, I turned to the only other person I feel like I can trust right now.

  Talking to KJ only got me so far. She’s so caught up in her own happily ever after that she wants that for everyone. Now I know exactly how she felt when I was team Rhys for so long.

  The porch light flips on, and the front door opens. Cole steps out, leaning against the door frame, in a pair of sweats and a Gator’s shirt; watching, waiting for me to make a move.

  Thoughts of Dylan trickle through my mind, for a moment I second guess myse
lf again. Before I chicken out, I pull the keys from the ignition, opening my car door and step out to make my way up the tiny walkway into Cole’s house.

  He gives me a gentle smile and holds open the door for me to slip inside. “I was beginning to think you were going to sit out there all night.”

  Nervously, I wring my hands together and watch him move around his living room after locking up behind us.

  “You gonna come take a seat and tell me what’s up? You sounded upset when you called,” he says as he kicks his feet up on the coffee table and turns off the tv.

  Sighing, I give in and pick a spot on the far end of the same couch Cole is stretched out on.

  “Alright, let me have it. How bad am I going to have to kick Smitty’s ass?”

  “Who says it has anything to do with Dylan, maybe I wanted to come spend some time with you?”

  Shit. What the fuck am I thinking?

  Cole laughs and shakes his head. “Okay, one…I’ve known Smitty since we were kids. He’s always managing to fuck something up, and it would take a fool not to see what’s happening between you two. So, I’m sure you’re here because of him. Two…You and I don’t hang out. You didn’t come here for me. Even if you came here for sex, you wouldn’t go through with it because you care too much for Smitty. We may not know each other that well outside of the bedroom, but I’m damn sure you can figure out I’m not going to touch you without his consent. That is probably why you did come here. Because you know I’m safe and not going to take advantage of the situation.”

  “God, he’s such a fucking dick.” And Cole clearly knows both of us better than we seem to know ourselves right now.

  “Now, we’re getting somewhere. But tell me something I don’t know.” His lips twist upward in a grin, and I take a hard look at the man sitting to my right. Another time, another place…he may have been my type, but it seems my body and heart only want one man these days. “He’s always been a dick,” Cole goes on, telling me about the trouble the two of them got into as kids.

  I’m holding my sides and trying to catch my breath as he tells me about the time he dared Dylan to run naked across the football field during their homecoming game halftime show. Imagining a younger version of Dylan streaking through their high school football stadium has me in stitches. I’m not the least bit surprised by most of the things he and Cole got into before they both grew up – Cole going off to join the Marines while Dylan joined the police academy.


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