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The Village

Page 69

by John Strausbaugh

  Albee and, 357

  Bruce and, 421

  Buckley and, 385

  Clay and, 179

  Drexler and, 374–75

  Greer and, 523–24

  Humes and, 285, 384

  Limelight and, 326

  mayoral campaign of 1969, 449–51

  Moore photo of, 499

  Naked and the Dead, The, 328, 408

  Village Voice and, 328–31

  Majestic Records, 169

  Malanga, Gerard, 410–11

  Malcolm X, 284, 335

  Malina, Judith, 178, 247, 296, 352–55, 357, 511

  Mamas and the Papas, the, 404

  Mamet, David, 116

  Managing Mailer (Flaherty), 451

  Mancuso, David, 512–13

  Mandeville, Yellis de, 10

  Manet, Édouard, 32

  Manhattan Project, 286

  Manhattan Transfer, 513

  Manilow, Barry, 468

  Mann, Herbie, 287

  Man Ray, 261, 262

  Manton, Martin, 209–10

  manumission, 65–66

  Manumission Day Parade, 67

  Man Who Would Marry Susan Sontag (Field), 230

  Many Loves of Dobie Gillis (TV show), 231, 290

  Mapplethorpe, Robert, 492

  Marcuse, Herbert, 442

  Marie, Romany (Marie Marchand), 128–30, 190, 202, 304

  Marie’s Crisis, 13, 274, 459

  marijuana, 284–85

  Marijuana Newsletter, 479

  Marjoe (documentary), 456

  Markson, David, 445, 449

  Marlowe, Sylvia, 205

  Marshall Chess Club, 261

  Marx, Eleanor, 112

  Marx, Karl (Marxism), 48, 122, 193–94, 208, 245, 389

  Masses, The, 90–91, 96, 97–100, 102, 104–5, 120, 121–22, 131, 192

  Masson, André, 200

  Master Mason’s House, The (Greve), 145

  Masters, Edgar Lee, 98

  Mathis, Johnny, 418

  Mattachine Review, 459–60

  Mattachine Society, 459–63, 479–81

  Matta-Clark, Gordon, 522

  Matthau, Walter, 279

  Maurier, George du, 49

  Max’s Kansas City, 429, 492, 518, 534

  May, Henry F., 92

  “Maynard G. Krebs” (character), 231, 290

  Mayor (Koch), 345

  Mayor of MacDougal Street (Van Ronk), 379

  MCA Talent Agency, 300

  Mead, Taylor, 478, 501

  Meatpacking District, 266, 466–69, 519–22, 549–50

  Meat Rack (Fire Island), 259

  Meat Show, The (Brown), 266–67

  Medea in the Laundromat (play), 363

  Medico-Legal Journal, 53

  Meier, Richard, 500

  Mekas, Jonas, 238, 309–10, 312, 331, 354, 384, 430, 500–502, 518

  Melody, Jack, 294–95

  Melville, Allan, 33

  Melville, Herman, 33, 333

  Mencken, H. L., 195

  Mercer Arts Center, 503–5

  Meredith, Burgess, 333–34

  Merlin, 335

  Merrick, David, 313, 530

  Merrill, Charles, 438

  Merrill, James, 433, 438, 442

  Merrill Lynch, 438

  Meshes of the Afternoon (film), 238

  Messenger, 22

  Metcalf, Roy, 178, 231–33, 295–96

  Metropolitan, 86, 117–18, 120

  Metropolitan Museum of Art, 57, 129

  Metzger, Edith, 252

  Meyers, Jeffrey, 182

  Michelangelo, 29

  Midler, Bette, 468

  Milford, Nancy, 112

  Miller, Arthur, 421

  Miller, Henry, 160–61, 162, 237, 332, 334–35, 421

  Miller, June, 130, 160–61, 237

  Miller, Terry, 206

  Milligan, Andy, 363–65, 368

  Mills, Darius Ogden, 88–89

  Mills House No. 1, 88–89, 381

  Millstein, Gilbert, 302–3

  Mineshaft, 517–18, 542

  Minetta, 4, 5, 362

  Minetta Brook, 4, 5, 11, 66, 413

  Minetta Lane, 66, 68

  Minetta Place, 66, 72, 133

  Minetta Street, 5, 66, 68

  Minetta Tavern, 292

  Minette (drag performer), 212, 362, 531

  Mingus, Charles, 186, 187, 206, 276, 277, 304

  Minor, Robert, 100

  Minor Characters (Johnson), 277, 301

  Mintje Kill, 4

  Minton’s, 272

  Minuit, Peter, 4

  Miss Nelson’s Theatre, 13

  Miss Tallulah Bankhead (Israel), 532

  Mitchell, Joan, 245, 248, 332–33

  Mitchell, John, 380–81

  Mitchell, Joseph, 147–48, 356

  Mitchell, Mitch, 413

  MKULTRA Program, 286–87

  Model, Lisette, 200, 326, 498

  MoMA (Museum of Modern Art), 243, 258, 312, 325, 499

  Mondrian, Piet, 200, 207

  Monk, Meredith, 376

  Monk, Thelonious, 205, 213, 272, 275, 277–78, 287

  Monroe’s, 272

  Monterey Pop Festival, 397, 412

  Moody, Howard, 217, 372–74

  Moore, Garry, 264

  Moore, Marianne, 179, 499

  Moorman, Charlotte, 266

  Morali, Jacques, 517, 533

  More Miles (Kemp), 104

  Morgan, Anne, 76

  Morgan, Bill, 292

  Moroccan Village, 458–59, 464

  Morrison, Jerry, 414

  Morrison, Jim, 491, 529

  Morrison, Sterling, 410–11

  Morrissey, Paul, 411, 430

  Morse, Lucretia, 33

  Morse, Samuel F. B., 33, 101–2

  Morse Code, 33

  Mortier, Abraham, 12

  Mortimer, Lee, 211, 217, 218

  Morton Street, 238, 337

  no. 44, 291–92

  no. 47 1/2, 165

  Moses, Robert, 133, 337, 338–41

  Mostel, Zero, 207, 334

  Mother Earth, 87, 122, 131

  Mother Hubbard’s, 369

  Mothers of Invention, 409, 422

  Motherwell, Robert, 196

  Mourning Becomes Elektra (play), 108

  Mouse Trap, 128

  Mrs. Warren’s Profession (play), 365

  “Ms. Found in a Bottle” (Poe), 22

  muckraker, 49

  Mullens, Tim, 219, 222, 223

  Mulligan, Gerry, 287

  Mumford, Lewis, 340, 341

  Munson, Whitey, 222

  Murger, Henry, 31, 39, 49, 245

  Murphy, Skull, 470, 473, 475, 482

  My Disillusionment in Russia (Goldman), 123

  Myers, John, 255–56, 352, 359

  Myerson, Bess, 536

  My Life and Loves (Harris), 125

  My Life and Loves in Greenwich Village (Bodenheim), 176, 179

  My Sister Eileen (McKenney), 73

  Mystery of Irma Vep, The (play), 532

  My Thirty Years’ War (Anderson), 141–42

  Nabokov, Vladimir, 200, 428

  Naked and the Dead, The (Mailer), 328, 408

  Naked Lunch (Burroughs), 290, 335, 428

  Naked on Roller Skates (Bodenheim), 175

  Narcotic Agent (Helbrant), 299–300

  Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym (Poe), 22

  Nashville Skyline (album), 487

  Nation, 35, 36

  National Academy of Design, 33, 101–2

  National Industrial Recovery Act, 199

  National Lampoon Lemmings, 381

  National Maritime Union, 222–23, 524

  National Review, 122, 181

  Native, 540, 541

  Naturale, Sal, 508–10

  Nebel, John, 322–23

  Neel, Alice, 311

  Negroes’ Causeway, 5

  Negro lots, 4–6

  Neil, Fred, 379–80, 391

  Nemerov, David, 4

  Neuwirth, Bobby, 406, 491, 492

  New Amsterdam, ix, 3–6

  New Amsterdam Theatre, 130

  New Criticism, 256–57

  New Deal, 199–200, 215

  New Directions, 196, 233, 297, 359

  New Faces (comedy), 204

  Newfield, Jack, 284, 450, 535–36

  Newgate Prison, ix, 17–18, 447

  New Harlem, 10

  New Left Notes, 436

  Newman, Barnett, 244, 245

  Newman, Paul, 421

  New Masses, 122, 180, 191, 192, 206–7

  New Playwrights Theater, 370

  Newport Folk Festival, 378, 393, 397, 403–4, 405

  New Republic, 182

  New Rochelle, 15

  New School for Social Research, 48, 57, 187–88, 200, 229, 233, 237, 264, 350

  New Stages, 350

  Newsweek, 357, 375, 462, 489

  New Woman, 59, 80–81, 94

  New York (magazine), 450

  New York Atlas, 37

  New York City Hall, 7, 292, 340

  New York City House of Detention for Women, 169–71, 430, 434, 436, 442, 443–44

  New York Daily Mirror, 232, 377, 384

  New York Daily News, 292, 304, 325, 478–79, 511

  New York Dolls, 503–4, 505

  New Yorker, The, 31, 72–73, 112, 147, 148, 149, 182, 215, 237, 244, 296, 391, 401, 491

  New York Evening Mirror, 22–23

  New-York Evening Post, 15

  New York Gazette, 21

  New York Herald-Tribune, 179, 236

  New-York Historical Society, 33

  New York in the Fifties (Wakefield), 229–30

  New York Law School, 165–66

  New York League for Sexual Freedom, 462–63

  New York Life Building, 58

  New York Life Insurance Company, 97–98

  New York Post, 306, 434

  New York Press, 54

  New York Public Library, 171, 179

  New York Realists, 102

  New York School, 199–200, 242–56, 262

  New York School poets, 256–59

  New York Society for the Suppression of Vice, 89, 100, 127, 143, 175

  New York State Psychiatric Institute, 295

  New York Sun, 219–20

  New York Times, 28, 35–36, 55, 58, 71, 103, 134, 135, 170, 198, 237, 242, 302, 365, 370–71, 394, 551

  New York Times Magazine, 299

  New York Tribune, 36, 41

  New York University (NYU), 20, 77, 183–84, 340, 343, 440–41, 546, 551

  Brown Building, 78

  Furman Hall, 23–24

  Kimball Hall, 74, 440

  Vanderbilt Hall, 129

  New York World, 35, 118

  New York Yankees, 179

  Next Wave, 139–52

  Nichols, Mary Perot, 516

  Niebuhr, Reinhold, 421

  Nigger Heaven (Van Vechten), 85

  Night Owl, the, 404

  Nightwood (Barnes), 144, 151

  Nilsson, Harry, 379–80

  Nin, Anaïs, 161, 237–39

  Ninth Circle, 356, 518–19

  Ninth Street, East

  no. 35, 149

  no. 60, 248

  Ninth Street, West, 111

  Ninth Street Show, 248, 250, 254

  Ninth Ward, xii, 25, 63

  Nineteenth Amendment, 49

  Niven, David, 314

  Nixon, Richard, 440, 496

  No Exit (play), 362, 369, 371

  Noguchi, Isamu, 129

  Noho, xiii

  Noortwyck, 3–4

  No Place to Be Somebody (play), 281–82

  Normal Heart, The (play), 541

  Northern Dispensary, 24

  Notes of a Native Son (Baldwin), 282–83

  Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2 (Duchamp), 103

  Nut Club, 160, 527

  NYU. See New York University

  Obie Awards, 325–26, 331, 351

  O’Brien, Fitz-James, 38–39, 43

  Ochs, Phil, 388, 395–97, 404

  Odets, Clifford, 116, 130

  O’Donoghue, Michael, 334

  Offbeat (Amram), viii, 276–77, 305

  Off-Broadway, 350–59, 527–28

  Office of Strategic Services (OSS), 285–86

  Off-Off-Broadway, 359–76, 527–34

  Off-Off-Broadway Alliance, 528

  Of Time and the River (Wolfe), 183, 185

  Oh, Lady! Lady! (musical), 125

  O’Hara, Frank, 236, 248, 256–59, 277, 283, 334, 353, 400

  O’Horgan, Tom, 360, 501

  Oklahoma! (musical), 215–16

  Oko, Yoko, 493, 494–97

  Oldenburg, Claes, 373

  Olson, Frank, 286–87

  Olympia Press, 428

  Ondine (club), 413, 529

  One-Dimensional Man (Marcuse), 442

  One Fifth Avenue, 137

  O’Neill, Eugene, 94, 108, 110, 115–16

  O’Neill, James, 107, 110

  One Mo’ Time (jazz revue), 381

  “One of Us Must Know” (song), 396

  Only a Woman’s Heart (Clare), 45

  Ono, Yoko, 264

  On the Road (Kerouac), 289, 298, 301, 302–3, 305–6, 315

  On the Town (musical), 215–16

  On the Waterfront (movie), xi, 219–20

  Open Door, 275

  Operation Pornography, 420

  Oppenheim, James, 100

  Oppenheimer, Joel, 374

  Orbach, Jerry, 351–52, 449

  Orbison, Roy, 236, 379

  oreo cookie, 218

  Orgasm Event (Brown), 268

  Originale (Stockhausen), 266

  Orlovsky, Lafcadio, 300

  Orlovsky, Peter, 300, 302, 309, 311–12, 401, 402

  Orozco, José Clemente, 188

  Oscar Wilde Memorial Bookshop, 464, 523, 548–49

  Ossorio, Alfonso, 243, 251

  Other End, the, 491, 492

  Oughton, Diana, 438–39

  Our Lady of Greenwich Village (McEvoy), 445

  Our Town (play), 366

  Ovington, Mary White, 100

  Owens, Rochelle, 375, 400–401

  Pacino, Al, 511, 520, 529

  Paddock, the, 223, 279, 282, 283

  paganism, 80, 131, 141

  Page, Geraldine, 250, 351, 503

  Page, Patti, 378

  Paik, Nam June, 266

  Paine, Thomas, ix, 13–16, 119, 221

  Palazzo Chupi, 548

  Paley, Grace, 170–71, 434–36

  Palmer, A. Mitchell, 122

  Palmer Raids, 122, 191

  Pancho Villa, 117–18

  Pandora’s Box, 281

  “Pangolin, The” (Moore), 179

  Panic of 1893, 49

  Papp, Joseph, 358

  Parade (musical), 343

  Paradise Now (play), 355

  Paradise Room at the Reno Sweeney, 513–14

  Paris, 30, 31–32, 83, 140, 186

  in the 1920s, 150–52

  Paris Review, 358–59, 384, 385

  Parker, Charlie “Bird,” 186, 206, 213, 272–75, 280, 304

  Parker, Dorothy, 185

  Parker, Edie, 292–93

  Parkhurst, Charles Henry, 54–55

  Parks, Van Dyke, 404

  Park Theatre, 66

  Parsons, Estelle, 351

  Parsons School of Design, 57

  Partisan Review, 194–97, 233, 237, 281, 299

  Pasadena Art Museum, 265

  Pastor, Tony, 52

  Pataki, George, 422

  Patchen, Kenneth, 303–4

  Patchin Place, 180, 401

  Paterson Strike Pageant, 104–6

  Patrick, Robert, 108, 296, 359, 360, 365–68, 370–72

  Patrick, Vince, 449

  Patterson, Floyd, 179

  Patti, Adelina, 208

  Paul and Joe’s, 162

  Paul Butterfield Blues Band, 284, 403–4

Rendezvous, 202

  Peace Eye Bookstore, 408–9

  Pearson’s Magazine, 125

  Peel, David, 489–90, 494–95, 497

  Pegler, Westbrook, 207–8

  Pentagon Papers, 438

  Peppard, George, 291

  Pepper Adams Quintet, 277

  Pepper Pot, 130, 261, 343, 458

  Perkins, Maxwell, 185

  Perry Street

  no. 38, 197

  no. 106, 160–61

  Peter, Paul and Mary, 194, 392, 393, 396, 397

  peyote, 87

  Pfaff, Charles, 35, 46

  Pfaffians, 36, 37, 42

  Pfaff’s, 28, 32–39, 41–43, 45–46, 50

  Pharblongence, 267

  Philippines, 47

  Philips Pavilion, 187

  Phillips, William, 194–95, 196

  Phil Ochs (documentary), 396

  Phoenix Bookshop, 359

  Photo-Rama, 462

  Picasso, Pablo, 353, 395

  Pickwick, 410

  Pictures of the Gone World (Ferlinghetti), 300

  Pierce, Bradley, 413–14

  Pier 34, 522

  Pier 45, 521

  Pier 46, 521

  Pier 51, 221

  Pier 52, 522

  Pig ’n’ Whistle, 128

  Pine, Seymour, 473–74, 476

  Pins and Needles (musical), 204

  Pinter, Harold, 334

  Pirate’s Den, 160, 203

  Piro, Sal, 534

  Piscator, Erwin, 200, 279, 350, 352, 362–63

  Plato’s Retreat, 514, 542

  Playboy of the Western World (play), 108

  Playboy Press, 419

  Players Theatre, 343, 409

  Playhouse Cafe, 314

  Plexus (Miller), 160–61, 162

  Plimpton, George, 179, 385

  Podhoretz, Norman, 303

  Poe, Edgar Allan, ix, 21–24, 110

  Poe, Jim, 313

  Poe, Virginia Clemm, 22, 23

  Poe Cottage, 24

  Poe House, 24, 551

  Poème Électronique, 187

  Poetry, 196

  Poitier, Sidney, 279

  Pollet, Elizabeth, 232–33

  Pollock, Jackson, 188, 191, 200, 242–47, 249–52, 259, 263

  Polly’s, 157

  Polly’s restaurant, 81–82, 96, 127

  Poltergeist II (movie), 355

  Pony Stable, 295

  Pope Smokes Dope, The (album), 495

  Popular Front, 193–94

  population, 3, 6, 17, 63, 423

  Porco, Mike, 382, 393, 394

  Porter, Cole, 134, 150

  Porter, William Sydney (O. Henry), 47, 58–59

  Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog (Thomas), 232

  Positively 4th Street (Hajdu), 393–94

  “Positively 4th Street” (song), 407

  Potpourri, the, 329

  Pots and Pans (musical), 204

  potter’s fields, 19, 342, 510

  Pound (movie), 501

  Pound, Ezra, 143–44, 150

  Powell, Dawn, 93–94, 148–49, 150, 181, 185, 241, 250, 342, 510

  Powell, Dick, 446

  Powell, Michael Warren, 367

  Prescott, Orville, 302

  Presley, Elvis, 419, 422

  Previn, André, 313

  Price, Vincent, 313

  Prima, Louis, 169

  Primitives, the, 410


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