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The Village

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by John Strausbaugh

  Umbers, Mike, 482–83, 509, 517

  Uncle Tom’s Cabin (play), 107

  Under a Glass Bell (Nin), 237–38

  Underground Uplift Unlimited, 479

  Unger, Edith, 128

  Union Square, 52–53

  United Fruit Company, 279

  University in Exile, 200

  University of the City of New York, 20–21

  University of Virginia, 21

  University Place, 248, 249

  Untermeyer, Louis, 100, 242

  Uplift Lighting, 483

  Uprising of the Twenty Thousand, 76–77

  Up Your Ass, 427, 428, 431

  Urban, Joseph, 188

  U.S.A. Confidential (Lait and Mortimer), 211, 217, 218

  Vaccaro, John, 466, 530–31

  Vagabondia, 128

  Vain Victory (musical), 466

  Van Dam Street, 13

  Vanderbilt, Commodore Cornelius, 51

  Vanderbilt, William Henry, 193

  Vanderbilt Hall, 129

  Van Doren, Charles, 253–54

  Van Doren, Mark, 253

  Vanguard Records, 386, 392, 393, 394

  Van Itallie, Jean-Claude, 234–35, 358, 370, 372, 467

  Vanity Fair, 36, 42–43, 44, 114, 127, 182

  Van Ronk, Dave, 378–80, 382–83, 388, 391–93, 475–76, 491

  Van Rotterdam, Jan, 4

  Van Twiller, Wouter, 4, 10

  Van Vechten, Carl, 84–85, 102, 103, 151–52, 184, 192

  Vanzetti, Bartolomeo, 180, 446

  Varèse, Edgard, 129, 186–87, 273–74

  Varèse, Louise, 129, 186

  Varick Street, 13, 132

  “varietism,” 89

  Variety, 212–13

  Variety Theater, 52

  Vaughan, Fred, 43–44

  Vaughan, Sarah, 207

  Veblen, Thorstein, 48

  Velvet Underground, 410–11, 480

  Ventriloquist’s Wife, The (play), 514, 531

  Verne, Jules, 83

  Vesti, Eigil, 520–21

  Victorian in the Modern World, A (Hapgood), 85–86

  Vidal, Gore, 149, 296, 421

  Vietnam War, 433–34, 437, 440–41

  View, 255

  Villa Curonia (near Florence), 82–83

  Village Barn, 160, 247, 413

  Village Fair, 162, 202

  Village Gate, 278, 284, 287, 381, 386, 392, 399, 551

  Village Independent Democrats, 345–46, 348

  Village People, 467, 515, 517, 533

  Villager, 327–29, 330

  Village South Theatre, 358

  Village Sunday (film), 324, 383

  Village Vanguard, 129, 132, 162, 202–8, 278, 280, 284, 287, 305–6

  Village Voice, x, 217, 276, 284, 290, 303, 304, 306, 327–31, 337, 340, 343, 345–46, 351, 384, 425, 427, 443, 448, 455–56, 478, 516

  Villon, François, 29

  Vixen Books, 286

  Vodoun, 238

  Vogel, Amos, 239, 309–10

  Volstead Act, 156

  Vorse, Mary Heaton, 109–10

  Wagner, Robert, 344, 420

  Waikiki Bar, 464

  Waiting for Godot (play), x, 330, 333–34

  Wakefield, Dan, 229–30, 281, 282, 301–2, 305–6, 421

  Wake Up. We’re Almost There (Brossard), 297

  Waldorf Cafeteria, 247

  Walker, Jimmy, xi, 64, 155, 164–69, 175, 198, 208–9, 345

  Walker, William, 164–65

  Wallace, Mike, 306

  Waller, Fats, 73

  Wall Street, 6, 537, 546

  Wall Street Crash of 1929, 169, 189

  Wall Street Journal, 323

  Walter, Kate, 548–49

  War (play), 370

  Warden, Jack, 449

  Ware, Caroline F., 94, 136, 158, 159, 348

  Warhol, Andy, 265, 370

  Dylan and, 405–7, 411

  La MaMa and, 371

  Living Theatre and, 354

  Solanas shooting, 428–31

  Velvet Underground and, 410–11

  Warren, Peter, 11–12

  Warren, Robert Penn, 350

  Warren Weaver Hall, 440

  Wartime Prohibition Act, 157–58

  Washington, George, 12

  Washington, Martha, 12

  Washington Mews, 51, 180

  Washington Military Parade Ground, 19

  Washington Place, 20, 73–74, 196

  Washington Square, 19–21, 124, 339–40

  Washington Square (James), 20

  Washington Square Arch, 57, 73, 139

  Washington Square Association, 382–83

  Washington Square Bar, 470

  Washington Square Book Shop, 81–82, 108, 142

  Washington Square Outdoor Art Exhibit, 190–91

  Washington Square Park, ix, 72, 324, 340, 378, 382–86, 425–26, 460–61, 498

  Washington Square Players, 108

  Washington Square South, 21, 161, 343

  Washington Square United Methodist Church, 434

  Washington Square Village, 340–41

  waterfront. See West Side waterfront

  Waters, John, 331, 365, 444, 518–19, 550

  Waverly Place, 22, 24, 72

  Waverly Theater, 533–34

  Weathermen, 436–42

  Weaver, Helen, 300–301, 421–22

  Weaver, Ken, 401, 408–9

  Weavers, the, 377–78, 386

  Weber, Steve, 405

  Weberman, A. J., 488–90, 494

  Webster Hall, 93, 131–32, 146, 175

  Weegee, 326, 518

  Weeks, Rufus, 97–98

  Weill, Kurt, 395

  Weinberg, Harold, 178

  Weinberg, Jonathan, 522

  Welles, Orson, 357

  Wells, H. G., 83–84, 88, 145

  Wertheimer, Max, 200

  Werther, Ralph, 52–54

  West, Nathanael, 73

  Westbeth Center for the Arts, 493–94, 497, 499–500, 548–50

  Westbeth Playwrights Feminist Collective’s, 499

  West Eighth Street. See Eighth Street, West

  West Eleventh Street, 132, 219, 446

  no. 16, 439–40

  no. 18, 436, 438–40, 441–42

  no. 25, 446

  no. 263, 184

  Westenberg, Robert, 509–10

  Western Federation of Miners, 119

  Western Union, 160

  West Fourth Street, 128, 359

  no. 146, 130, 166, 343, 458

  no. 161, 395, 397

  no. 243, 532

  West Fourth Street Subway Station, 533

  West of the Moon (play), 369–70

  West Side Highway, 220, 466–67

  West Side waterfront, 218–24, 466–69, 519–22, 549

  West Street, 218–19, 220, 466–67, 548

  West Tenth Street, 11, 180

  no. 58 1/2, 57

  no. 130, 194

  no. 250, 507–8

  West Thirteenth Street, 55, 122, 268–69, 447

  West Twelfth Street, xii, 188, 517–18, 550

  no. 114, 181–82

  no. 319, 235

  Wetzsteon, Ross, xiii

  Wexler, Haskell, 332

  Whalen, Philip, 300

  Wharf Theatre, 109–10

  What Did I Do? (Rivers), 252

  When Queens Collide (play), 530–31

  Where the Money Was (Sutton), 173

  Whistler, James McNeill, 31–32, 102

  White, Edmund, 361, 528

  Cino and, 361, 366

  Hotel de Dream, 54

  States of Desire, 366, 513

  Stonewall Uprising and, 457, 512

  on Village bars and clubs, 54, 463, 470, 517, 518

  on Village streets, 423–24, 426

  White, George, 285–87

  White, Josh, 207, 279, 280

  White, Stanford, 57–58

  White Horse Tavern, 217–18, 222–23, 232, 328, 374–75, 445

, Walt, ix, 27, 34, 39–45

  Agee and, 197

  Bruno and, 126

  Fulton ferry and, 18–19

  Ginsberg and, 300

  Leaves of Grass, 36, 39–45, 339

  Pfaff’s and, 28, 37, 39–40, 41, 46

  Whitney, Eli, 51

  Whitney, Gertrude Vanderbilt, 51–52, 104, 187, 190–91

  Whitney, Harry Payne, 51–52

  Whitney Museum of Modern Art, 52, 104, 187

  Whitney Studio, 52

  “whorearchy,” 34

  Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (play), 356, 357

  Who Walk in Darkness (Brossard), 296–97

  Whyte, William H., Jr., 341

  Wicked Pavilion, The (Powell), 93–94, 149, 342

  Wicker, Randy, 460–64, 468–69, 479–83, 507–11, 540, 552

  Wigwam, 160

  Wilde, Oscar, 45, 112, 114

  Wilder, Clinton, 358

  Wilensky, Stewart, 324, 383

  Wilentz, Eli, 341, 400, 402–3

  Wilentz, Sean, 402

  Wilentz, Ted, 400–403

  Wiley and Putnam, 23

  Wilkerson, Cathy, 436–42

  Will, Gustav von (aka Tava), 522

  Willa Cather Living (Lewis), 95

  Williams, John A., 382–83

  Williams, Jonathan, 401

  Williams, Oscar, 235–36

  Williams, Tennessee, 229, 351, 352, 355, 361, 364, 409

  Williams, William Carlos, 146, 179, 253, 289, 295

  Willie, John, 286

  Wilson, David, 43

  Wilson, Earl, 323

  Wilson, Edmund, 151, 181–83, 201, 237–38

  Wilson, Jane, 235, 236, 245, 253

  Wilson, Lanford, 358, 361–62, 365, 367, 527

  Wilson, Robert, 361

  Wilson, Woodrow, 120–21, 186

  Winchell, Walter, 207–8

  Winogrand, Garry, 499

  Winters, Shelley, 326, 401

  Wintour, Anna, 137

  Wobblies (IWW), 91–93, 104, 106, 119, 122, 161, 293

  Wodehouse, P. G., 125

  Wojnarowicz, David, 522

  Wojtowicz, John Stanley, 507–11

  Wolf, Dan, 327, 328, 330, 344, 345–46, 448, 456

  Wolfe, Thomas, 183–86, 298

  Wolff, Francis, 205

  Women Behind Bars (play), 444

  Women in Love (movie), 522

  Womrath’s, 400

  Wonderful Town (musical), 73, 203

  Wood, Thelma Ellen, 151

  Woodlawn, Holly, 513

  Woods, Robert “Bobby,” 414–15

  Woodstock Festival, 455–56, 488

  Woollcott, Alexander, 112

  Workers Music Alliance, 192–93, 194

  Works Progress Administration (WPA), 199–200, 220, 251, 262

  World’s Columbian Exposition (1893), 98

  World’s Fair (1958), 187

  World’s Fair (1964), 420

  World War I, 117, 120–21, 168, 209

  World War II, 181–82, 215–17, 227–28, 262, 327

  Wright, Richard, 279

  Yankee Ward, 25, 63

  Yanovsky, Zal, 369, 404

  Yarrow, Peter, 393. See also Peter, Paul and Mary

  Yeah, 408

  Yippies, 396, 409, 429, 450

  You Can’t Go Home Again (Wolfe), 186

  You Can’t Win (Black), 293–94

  Young, Art, 98

  Young, Izzy, 273, 382–84, 394, 409

  Young, La Monte, 410, 493

  Youngerman, Jack, 311–12

  Ziegfeld, Flo, 114

  Ziegfeld Frolic, 130

  Ziegfeld’s Follies, 167, 188

  Zion AME Church, 70

  Ziprin, Lionel, 387–88

  Zodiac, the, 518

  Zoo Story, The (play), 356–57

  About the Author

  JOHN STRAUSBAUGH covered downtown Manhattan history and culture as a writer and editor for the weekly New York Press from 1988 through 2002. For the New York Times he wrote and hosted the “Weekend Explorer” series of articles, videos, and podcasts on New York City history. He has also written for the Washington Post, NPR, and PBS. His previous books include E: Reflections on the Birth of the Elvis Faith, Rock ’Til You Drop, and Black Like You. A former resident of Greenwich Village, the Lower East Side, and Hell’s Kitchen, he now lives in Brooklyn Heights.

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  Also by John Strausbaugh

  Sissy Nation

  Black Like You

  Rock ’Til You Drop

  E: Reflections on the Birth of the Elvis Faith


  Cover design and illustration by Steve Attardo


  THE VILLAGE. Copyright © 2013 by John Strausbaugh. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the nonexclusive, nontransferable right to access and read the text of this e-book on-screen. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse-engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of HarperCollins e-books.


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