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Heat in the Air

Page 3

by Serenity Snow

  Her fingers slid between Camille’s legs and brushed the dampness of her panties. “You’re wet.” She stroked her fingers up the damp slit to the swollen nubbin protected by the silky fabric.

  Camille gasped. “Please, give me more,” she begged unabashedly though she knew she’d be more than a little ashamed later. But for now, she wanted with a passion greater than prudence.

  Tylor sucked her throat as she pushed her fingers past the barrier of Camille’s panties. Camille’s breath came out in jagged pants as slim fingers licked over her clit. Her hips jerked, her eyes closed, and her fingers clenched tighter in Tylor’s hair.

  “Oh!” She drew in a ragged breath.

  Tylor’s thumb pressed against her clit while one finger tested the readiness of her pussy. Sliding in through the sticky moisture, her finger penetrated the tight cavern.

  “Oh goddess,” Camille muttered raggedly. “Tylor.” She gripped Tylor’s waist with her free hand as she rolled her hips trying to impale herself on her finger. “Please! Please!”

  She was going to go up in a pile of ash if she didn’t come soon.

  “Do you want more, Camille?” Tylor asked in a tone rife with humor and rough with desire as she lifted her head to look down at her.

  Camille nodded frantically. “I’m aching for you to fuck me, Tylor,” she admitted breathlessly. “I’ve craved you since the moment I heard your voice. It made me so wet, I had to get myself off.”

  Tylor gave her a tight and knowing smile. “You do things to me, too—I can’t explain, Cam,” she said and drew her finger out and thrust it back before pressing against her clit.

  Camille gasped, breathing harder. “Like that.”

  Tylor withdrew her finger and pressed two back into the slick humid depths. “Your pussy feels so good, baby, it’s driving me crazy.” She pressed her thumb more firmly against Camille’s clit and fucked her with rough strokes.

  Camille writhed against her hand, gripped her hair and whimpered as she ground against her.

  “Oh fuck. Oh, yes!” She mewled as Tylor took her faster, slamming her fingers in, fucking her with dominant efficiency. Camille’s head rolled against the door and her body jerked, a hard cry escaped her as bliss rolled over her.

  A breeze rubbed over her slow and easy before embracing her in a full body hug. For a second she couldn’t breathe, but the air rolled through her as if she was made of holes and then filled her.

  She gasped, eyes widening as she came again.

  “Yes,” Tylor cried. Her voice was rough and her lids at half-mast, but Camille could see the storm gray of them and the flares of lightning lighting them up so clearly it took her breath away.

  No, she told herself. She was just—she was high, she was drunk off sex for the first time in her life. And she was seeing things, curiously dangerous things.

  “Mmm,” Tylor groaned softly. “You feel so good, I don’t want to stop,” she murmured. “But—” She kissed Camille.

  All thought fled and Camille melted into her. “Tylor, you were fantastic,” she said softly. “I can’t wait to do that again.”

  Tylor withdrew her fingers with a chuckle. “Sounds like a plan.”

  Lips parted, Camille’s stomach tightened, her skin heated a fraction more as anticipation sliced through her like a knife through butter. She shuddered.

  “How about tomorrow?” Camille asked breathlessly.


  Chapter Five

  “Shit,” Camille cursed, and Tylor easily slid the bolt back and stepped out of the stall leaving Camille inside.

  “Hi.” The voice of the woman who’d joined her at her table without an invitation reached her again from outside the door.

  Tylor didn’t speak, but Camille assumed she gave her some kind of greeting. Tylor was civil that way. “I’ll be right out, Juno,” Camille said. She finished smoothing her dress as water came on in the sink.

  Camille stepped out a moment later and Tylor was leaving. She forced herself not to stare and she moved quickly to the sink.

  “I’m going to have to take a rain check on dinner,” Juno said. “My sister called. She needs me.”

  Thank goddess. “Oh.” She smiled.

  “Can I have your number?” Juno asked.

  “I don’t have a home phone, and I’m waiting to get my cell back. It’s being fixed.”

  “Okay, well, maybe we’ll run into each other here again.” Juno gave her a smile, but Camille knew she wasn’t buying that. “Nice meeting you.” She turned and headed from the bathroom.

  “Whew!” Camille said beneath her breath. She washed her hands. She checked her hair in the mirror as she did so and noticed that her hair looked a shade browner.

  Must be the light, she mused silently and then tried her hands before checking her lipstick. It was all gone thanks to Tylor’s kisses—they’d awakened the kind of passion in her she’d known never existed.

  Camille touched her fingers to her lips and grinned, stomach fluttering.

  She turned away from the mirror and headed back to her table. “I could so fall in love with Tylor.”

  Who was she kidding? She was already falling for her, she thought as she cast a look to Tylor’s table. Tylor was sitting alone, back straight as if she were some proper sixteenth century girl.

  Tylor glanced her way, and heat flushed her cheeks with memory of what they’d done in the bathroom. A smile gently tugged at her lips and Camille returned it before turning away.

  She couldn’t stay. She’d only spend the evening flirting, and she didn’t think that was a wise idea.

  It was too soon and dangerous for public displays of interest especially with that board member sitting only a few tables away from Tylor with her date. The woman had been throwing her covert looks all evening making Camille wonder if the woman was gay. As it was, she wondered what had brought her to a place so frequented by lesbians.

  The good food?

  She signaled for the server, deciding to call it a night as she silently prayed the board member didn’t decide she was guilty of trying to court a teenager and get her fired.


  She watched the building, waiting for the woman to exit. Juno expected Camille to come prancing out in about an hour after dinner with the woman from the bathroom. The scent of sex had been heavy enough in the air that she’d be a fool not to guess what they’d been doing.

  Camille didn’t seem like the type to do it on the first date or with a stranger in a public bathroom, so they must know each other.

  Her phone vibrated, and she tugged it from her pants pocket, hoping it wasn’t Necron calling her again. She knew he was anxious to get the girl and the stone in his grasp, but he couldn’t do that if he didn’t let her work.

  “Yeah?” she asked without looking at the caller ID.

  “How are things going?”

  Necron’s voice was dark and deep and held an unspoken question as it came through the line.

  “She was fucking some woman in the bathroom, so I figured she’d blow me off.”

  “You weren’t supposed to take off,” he snapped, and she rolled her eyes.

  “You didn’t ask me to hook up with her,” she muttered. She wouldn’t have minded. Camille was a hot little piece of ass. “I’m waiting for her to come out so I can grab her.”

  “Don’t damage the stone and don’t feed off the girl,” he ordered.

  “Anything else?” she asked coolly. She had no real plans to feed off her. This was work. “I need to go. You’re distracting me.”

  “I want the girl here tonight,” he said. “No stops along the way.”

  “I know,” she said through clenched teeth.

  “I’ll see you soon,” he said and ended the call.

  Juno sighed in exasperation and put the phone away. As she did, she spied Camille strolling to her car.

  Camille made her way through the parking lot fairly quickly with the springiness great sex put in the step. She expected her to
start whistling or singing any second.


  The voice was soft, carried to her on the wind and Camille turned.

  “Shit,” she whispered and pushed away from the car she was leaning against as she enjoyed the darkness of this unlit side of the parking lot.

  She had to make her move now and quick or she’d have to kill the other woman calling more attention to this than Necron would want. Then, the bastard would kick her ass.


  Cool solidity slammed into the back of her, flattening Camille against a nearby car and she let out a choked scream even as she reached for her airy magick.

  A cool thread of energy slithered down the back of her neck and around her throat and tightened. Camille grasped it and pulled. hoping it came free as easily as a loose thread, but it tightened and burned her flesh.

  Her breath rushed out of her in a gust, hitting the window causing it to crack before blowing back on them in a hard breeze that momentarily stole her breath. The person behind her grunted and fisted a hand in her hair and shoved her face toward the window.

  She exhaled roughly and her face collided with the air that was like a cushion. The attacker growled in anger, the breath hot against her neck. Then suddenly her energy rushed backward, pulling away from her physical body and into her aura.

  A dark breed?

  They were dangerous half-demon creatures who fed off the psychic and sexual energy of humans and witches. They could take part of the witch’s power if they established a psychic link with them during the feeding. Or they could twist their victim’s mind making them easily bend to the dark breed’s will.

  “That’s it,” she murmured. “Don’t fight me and this will all be over in a second.”

  Her energy felt sluggish and stilted and her stomach roiled, causing her to gag, but Camille slammed her foot down on the attacker and drove her elbow back into her stomach. Her power pooled low in her belly and a light breeze whipped up, blowing over them.

  Upon release, she quickly rounded on the woman, prepared to use the limited kick-boxing skills learned in self-defense.

  She didn’t like to use magick in public when she could help it since her power was a little erratic lately.

  The woman held out a hand and black energy snaked around Camille’s throat and latched into her skin. She fought feeling light-headed.

  Her attacker closed the distance between them and put her hand on Camille’s chest. Dark energy went through her, her skin crawling and she jerked as if she’d been shocked.

  “Back off.” She forced the words out, but they were a whisper as she pushed weakly at the other woman. Air leaked from her hands as the fear inside her grew into a frantic monster. Wet moistened her fingers and the woman grunted and slapped her.

  “Stop fighting it,” she snarled. “Let it take you under.”

  The shadow was knocked to the ground by a black wind before the caster of the magick came into view.

  The shadow faced Tylor and released a dark vein of energy. The power was thin and ropy and snaked out toward Tylor who jumped over it and came down hand extended.

  Tylor flicked her wrist and lightning flashed before stabbing into the other woman. The woman jerked and a screech tore from her throat so loudly, it triggered car alarms and drew a cry of pain from Camille.

  She covered her ears, face scrunched.

  Tylor clenched her fingers and the screeching stopped. The woman glowed as if lit from within and lightning flashed overhead. A second later the dark figure was collapsing to her knees.

  “Oh, my Goddess,” Camille said raggedly, eyes going from the fallen woman to Tylor and back again. “I thought she would never stop that horrid noise.”

  Tylor gave her an amused smile. “Get in your car,” Tylor ordered. “Patrons are coming out.”

  “What about you?” she demanded. “I can’t leave you here. What if she’s not alone?”

  “Then I’ll have to do it all over again. Now, go.”

  Reluctantly, Camille backed up. She knew the danger in the dark breeds and didn’t want to lose Tylor now that they’d begun this tenuous dance that might cost them both their jobs.

  Still, Camille nodded and picked up the purse she dropped in the attack before running to her car. She got the door unlocked with a shaky hand and pulled the key free. She glanced over her shoulder and couldn’t see anything but blackness. Brows furrowed, Camille climbed in making a mental note to ask Tylor about that spell.

  Hell, she hadn’t known Tylor was a witch. She hadn’t even sensed her power, though normally, she got a low-level hum from witches whether they were good or bad.

  Camille cranked the engine, but hesitated again. She had no business sticking around, her rational mind told her. The police would be called and questions asked. It would be better if only one of them had vague answers to give.

  She backed out of her slot slowly. She could see Tylor now and neither she nor the body had moved. Camille tried to take slow breaths to steady her hammering heart, but it didn’t help. Her hands trembled, and she barely missed hitting a pole as she drove for the exit.


  Tylor held one hand over the woman’s face and a gust of wind powered down to erode it quickly away. Then she bent and broke one finger and used wind to erode the skin and enough for her to tear the finger free. Then, she used a gust to push the body beneath a car where it wouldn’t be seen.

  After that, Tylor strode purposefully away as patrons scurried outside no doubt to make sure their car wasn’t being broken into.

  No one could see her in her partially shifted form in which she was translucent as air itself. She climbed into her car and waited for the crowd to go back inside before starting her own car and maneuver it out of the parking lot.

  She had a lab at home and she’d use the finger to get prints and find out who this had been. Then, she’d decide what her next steps would be, but one thing was clear, she’d have to take up the mantle as a warrior storm aurai to defend the new nymph.

  Chapter Six

  The next morning Camille sat on a stool at the breakfast bar. Her small kitchen afforded no space for a table and chairs, but it did nicely for a meal. The TV was on behind her in the living area she hadn’t been able to paint, so she’d put her stamp on it using slipcovers over her sofa and chairs.

  The newscaster was droning on about something, but she wasn’t paying much attention until the words ‘found dead’ and ‘Sandy’ caught her attention. She quickly turned and listened to the story as the covered body was shown.

  “The woman seemed to have been electrocuted. If you have any information, contact the police immediately.”

  Her breath stalled in her chest, but she didn’t know what she’d expected. She could have been killed—so could Tylor.

  Camille covered her face with her shaking hands as she tried to think. Patrons had seen them leave, but there was no guarantee anyone could identify them. She didn’t need to talk to the police. What could she tell them?

  A succubus had tried to drain her of her energy and her boss had killed the woman to protect her?

  They’d both be in a nut house or on death row.


  Her office door burst open and Selene groaned at the interruption. It was too early for nonsense and she had a prickly client to meet with in thirty minutes because apparently not only had Juno decided not to show up for work, she’d fallen off the face of the planet.

  The man didn’t speak. He began firing fireballs at her. She tipped her chair and landed on the floor. The hard landing was better than a hole in her shoulder she decided as she fired a dark shadow ball beneath her desk. The grunt was a warning that she’d hit her mark, and she kicked free of her chair just as the attacker rounded the desk.

  She threw out a hand, and the spell that issued from her fingers slammed into a pale man. He was thrown backward and into the wall, and Selene got to her feet as another man charged in through the door. She hit him with the sam
e spell, hurtling him out of her office. Her secretary let out a startled scream and the computer crashed to the floor.

  Selene went to the man on her floor. He stared up at her with unseeing eyes, so she moved out of the office and fired at the man getting to his feet. The spell circled around him, dark and thorny before closing around his neck and tightening.

  His face reddened and his eyes darkened with rage. “Release me,” he snarled. “Necron won’t be too happy about this.”

  “Tell him to kiss my ass,” she said and clenched her fist. The man screamed and his body shook before turning to ash. Selene glanced at her secretary who was on the floor. “Call housekeeping.” Selene strode back into her office and grabbed her purse.

  She heard the phone ring behind her and her secretary answered.

  “Selene, it’s Necron.”

  “Put the bastard through,” she grumbled and waited a moment before snatching it up. “What do you want, Necron?”

  “Did you get my message?” he asked congenially.

  “Both of them,” she retorted.

  “That was a warning,” he said his tone chilly now. “Be at the meeting this evening. We’re calling a gathering. Everyone not present will die.”

  “Why should I give way to you?” she demanded. “Kryto has agreed to this dual Congress.”

  “And we’re not going along with it,” he told her in a steely tone. “We’re revolting and preparing to oust Kryto.”

  Kryto had been defeated at the last battle he’d faced with the Light Congress which some said had been backed by aurai. He was seen as weak, his wounds substantial enough to leave him physically incapacitated for life. His magical abilities were weakened, though his power base was still intact from what she’d heard, but Voltaire and Necron were both part of his inner circle.

  “I’m not joining your fight against Kryto. He’ll send demons after you.”

  “We will deal with them the same way we’ll deal with you,” he snarled. “Your right-hand is dead and from the looks of it an aurai killed her.”


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