This is Herman Cain!
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This president is in denial that many Americans see his policies as redistributing individuals’ assets. He’s in denial about what the American people really want. He mistakenly thinks that the American people want what he wants—a government-controlled, socialistic America.
In 2012, the American people will with their votes show Mr. Obama that his assessment is very wrong.
The Race Card
While I don’t believe that Barack Obama used racial issues to get elected, I do believe that many of his supporters selectively use race to cover up some of his failures. Whenever President Obama is criticized over policy mistakes, his surrogates tend to play the race card, as if there’s supposed to be something inherently morally wrong in such criticism.
When I was doing my Atlanta radio show, I used to get callers who would ask: “How can you dare to criticize Obama since he’s black?” This kind of double standard has no place in America.
My Candidacy, Against the Odds
Some mainstream Republican pundits and, more interestingly, Democratic operatives, have criticized my candidacy. The pundits have attacked my lack of political office-holding experience, dismissing me as a radio talk show host who offers entertainment.
The Democrats attack me because in their view, and rightly so, I am Barack Obama’s worst nightmare!
To anyone attempting to scout my “weaknesses,” I list three more.
1. I don’t claim to know everything;
2. I don’t pander to groups;
3. I am terrible at political correctness.
Like any candidate or, for that matter, the sitting president, I will make some gaffes and occasionally stumble in interviews with the press.
On the other hand, my strengths include: identifying, framing, and solving problems; surrounding myself with good and great people; and giving inspiring speeches to engage the American people in my common sense solutions process.
Oh! I also like to smile, laugh, and have fun with people. I think people can handle those qualities in a presidential candidate.
I realize that the road to the nomination and the White House is long and difficult. I know that we will encounter many new challenges along the way. When one recognizes that I am up against the skeptics, the critics, the establishment, the Democrats, the liberals, including a liberal-leaning mainstream media, the need to raise significant funds, and a host of other candidates seeking the same objectives, my candidacy seems to go against the odds.
But then, that’s been the story of my life and career. Maybe my middle name should have been David. He defeated a giant against the odds.
My Leadership History
2004–2011—Board of Directors, AGCO Corporation
2001–2011—Board of Directors, Hallmark Cards, Inc.
2001–2007—Board of Directors, Reader’s Digest Association
1992–2008—Board of Directors, Aquila Corp-UtiliCorp.
1999–2001—Vice Chairman, RetailDNA
1996–Present—Founder and CEO, T.H.E., Inc., a leadership consulting firm
1986–1996—President, Godfather’s Pizza, Inc.
1996–1999—CEO and President, National Restaurant Association
1995–2011—Board of Directors, Nabisco
1991–1999—Board of Directors, Super Valu, Inc.
1992–2011—Board of Directors, UtiliCorp. United, Inc.
1992–2011—Board of Directors, Whirlpool Corporation
1992–2000—Board of Directors, Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce
1988–96—Chairman and CEO, Godfather’s Pizza Inc.
1988–2000—Board of Directors, Edmondson Youth Out-reach Program, Omaha, Nebraska
1995–97—Chairman of the Board, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Missouri (Tenth District)
1994–95—Chairman of the Board and President, National Restaurant Association
1986–88—President, Godfather’s Pizza, Inc., as a subsidiary of the Pillsbury Company
1982–86—Vice President and Regional General Manager, Philadelphia Region, Burger King Corporation
1980–82—Vice President of Systems and Services, The Pillsbury Company
1979–80—Director of Management Information Systems, Consumer Products Division, the Pillsbury Company
1978–79—Director of Corporate Business Analysis, the Pillsbury Company
1977–78—Manager of Corporate Business Analysis, the Pillsbury Company
1973–77—Manager of Management Science, the Coca-Cola Company
1971–73—Supervisory Mathematician, Department of the Navy, U.S.A.
1967–71—Mathematician, Department of the Navy, U.S.A.
1966–67—President, Morehouse College Glee Club, Atlanta, Georgia
1962–63—President, Student Government Association, S.H. Archer High School, Atlanta, Georgia
My Awards and honors
College of Diplomats, National Restaurant Association
National Black Republican Association Entrepreneur of the Year for Outstanding Leadership and Economic Achievement
Honorary Doctorate in Computer Science, Purdue University
Bennie Award, Morehouse College, Atlanta, Georgia
Ernest Royal Pioneer Award, Multi Cultural Foodservice & Hospitality Alliance
Inductee, Hospitality Industry Hall of Fame
Tribute, NRN (Nation’s Restaurant News)
Order of the Tower Award, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Doctor of Commercial Science, Suffolk University, Boston, Massachusetts
Spirit of Enterprise Award, Association of Private Enterprise Education, Dallas, Texas
Horatio Alger Award, Washington, D.C.
Carl A. Nelson Award, Omaha, Nebraska
Jr. Achievement of Lincoln, Special Recognition, Lincoln, Nebraska
National Association of Insurance Underwriters, Spirit of Independence Award, Washington, D.C.
National Association of Independent Business, Special Recognition, Lincoln, Nebraska
Nestle U.S.A., inclusion in “Men of Courage II”
Nation’s Restaurant News, Hall of Fame, New York, New York
Penn State University, Conti Professor, University Park, Pennsylvania
Member, The National Commission on Economic Growth and Tax Reform, Washington, D.C.
Inductee, Hospitality Hall of Fame, Omaha, Nebraska
Distinguished Visiting Professor, Johnson & Wales University, Providence, Rhode Island
Certificate of Thanks, Nebraskans for Quality Health Care, Lincoln, Nebraska
Resolution of Gratitude, Creighton University Board of Directors, Omaha, Nebraska
Freedom Fighter Award, Lancaster County Republican Party, Lincoln, Nebraska
Omaha Small Business Network, Inc., Premier Fast Track Entrepreneurial Training Program, Omaha, Nebraska
Distinguished Service Award, Missouri Restaurant Association, Kansas City, Missouri
Dr. Geil M. Browning Award, Career Excellence & Community Involvement, Omaha, Nebraska
Certificate of Distinguished Service, Nebraska Restaurant Association, Lincoln, Nebraska
Sincere Appreciation as President of NRA, New Mexico Restaurant Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico
African American Award, Corporate and Community Leader, The Western Heritage Museum “Profiles of Power,” Omaha, Nebraska
(50 influential people in the restaurant industry), Nation’s Restaurant News
Special Recognition, Ak-Sar-Ben Court of Honor, Business & Industry, Omaha, Nebraska
Omahan of the Year Award, Rotary Club of Omaha- Suburban, Omaha, Nebraska
Jefferson Award, American Institute for Public Service, KETV, Omaha, Nebraska
Humanitarian Award, National Conference of Chr
istians and Jews, Omaha, Nebraska
Distinguished Guest Lecturer, Cornell University, The Hotel School, Ithaca, New York
Distinguished Lecturer, Kansas State University, College of Business Administration, Manhattan, Kansas
Foodservice Management Professional, Educational Foundation, National Restaurant Association, Chicago, Illinois
Advisory Board, People’s Natural Gas, Omaha, Nebraska
Recognition Award, Minority Business Development Council, Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas
Special Recognition, National Black MBA Assoc., Inc., St. Louis, Missouri
Special Recognition, DECCA-Central High School, Omaha, Nebraska
Special Recognition, MUFSO, Dallas, Texas
Food Service Operator of the Year-Gold Plate Award, International Food Manufacturers Association (IFMA), Chicago, Illinois
Outstanding Contribution, Sixth Nebraska Conference on Productivity and Enterprise, Lincoln, Nebraska
Gold Plate Award, IFMA, Chicago, Illinois
Certificate of Lifetime Membership, NAACP-Omaha Chapter, Omaha, Nebraska
Nebraska Small Business Associate of the Year, U.S. Small Business, Omaha, Nebraska
Special Recognition, Morton Jr. High School, Omaha, Nebraska
Outstanding Contribution, Value Diversity Television Broadcast, Marriott Corporation and Marriott Family Foundation, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Distinguished Service Award, All High School 20 Reunion (1971), Omaha, Nebraska
Black Achiever in Business and Industry Award, North YMCA, Omaha, Nebraska
Entrepreneur of the Year, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, College of Business Administration
The Business Excellence Achievement Award, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, College of Business Administration
Outstanding Achievement & Leadership, Black DP Associates of Indianapolis, Indianapolis, Indiana
Special Recognition, MUFSO, Nation’s Restaurant News, New Orleans, Louisiana
Booker T. Washington Symbol of Service Award, National Business League, Birmingham, Alabama
High Business Achievements and Excellence, Civic Service, Frontiers, Inc., Omaha, Nebraska
Honors, Nebraska Black Manager’s Association, Omaha, Nebraska
Professional Achievement Award, Morehouse College National Alumni Association, Atlanta, Georgia
Life Member Society, The Urban League of Nebraska, Omaha, Nebraska
National Prominence Award, The Urban League of Nebraska, Omaha, Nebraska
MUFSO Golden Chain Award, Nation’s Restaurant News, Los Angeles, California
High Achievement Award, Hospitality Management Program, Bethune Cookman College, Daytona Beach, Florida
Symbol of Excellence, Pillsbury Corporation, Minneapolis, Minnesota
CPAC 2010 speech
Herman Cain: Good morning. Good morning. I want to thank those of you that stayed out late and drank a lot and still got up to come to this presentation this morning. Because now you can tell those that slept in what they missed.
Our Founding Fathers said it better than any group of men in history when they said, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” It didn’t say a guarantee. And there’s nowhere in the Constitution where it says that the federal government should establish a Department of Happy. It said, “the pursuit of Happiness.” But you and I know that the pursuit of happiness in this nation as defined and conceived by our Founding Fathers is violently under attack. It is under attack from liberal proposals with this administration and this Congress that are designed to strip us of many of our liberties. That are designed to restrict our ability to pursue our definition of the American dream based upon each individual’s aspirations, each individual’s motivation and each individual’s determination; not the dictate of the federal government. And so as we wrestle with beating back cap and trade, and tax and kill; as we wrestle with beating back employee no choice act; as we wrestle with beating back health care deform legislation. You see, if something is supposed to reform something it is supposed to make it better. Well there’s absolutely nothing in that proposed legislation, either version, that makes anything better. It just makes everything worse, so you can’t call it health care reform. Health care deform legislation. All of these attacks on the pursuit of happiness, but there is good news. There is good news. The voice of the people is being heard. That’s why they’ve been put on the back burner. That is good news. But we’re not done yet. We’ve got some more work to do. We won’t be finished until they’re moved from the back burner to out the back door. And we have an opportunity to do that in November 2010. Move them out the back door.
Now here’s how we do it. It’s really very simple. You see the Founding Fathers, they did their job. The Founding Fathers did their job. I did my radio show remotely last night from here, from D.C., and I had a caller and I was talking about the Mount Vernon statement that was signed two days ago by nearly one hundred leaders of conservative organizations from D.C. and all over the country, and I was praising the wisdom and the foresight of the Founding Fathers, and a guy actually called and said, “How can you admire and praise the Founding Fathers when many of them had slaves?” I said you don’t understand. The wisdom and the foresight of the Founding Fathers was to set the bar high and not low. It didn’t say we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal except slaves. It didn’t say that we are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights except for slaves. It didn’t say that. They set the bar high and challenged this nation to work up to those ideals, which we have done. You don’t set the bar low because you will work down to it. The Founding Fathers set it high and as a nation we have worked up to those ideals. We are the only nation in the world that’s been able to change the way we have changed in the last two hundred and some odd years, the only nation in the world. That’s the greatness of America, our ability to change. And so I said I’m just glad that they set the bar where they set it, because over time we have worked up to that. So the Founding Fathers did their job. They didn’t develop a limited declaration. They didn’t develop a limited constitution. No, they developed those founding principles that we should never, ever get away from, which is why I was proud to be one of the signers of the Mount Vernon Statement two days ago because we needed a reaffirmation, a reconfirmation—and as one of my other callers pointed out last night, he said, “Mr. Cain, we need a revival.” And that’s exactly what this is all about. That’s why you’re here. That’s why I’m here. This revival is happening. It’s happening across this country. So the Founding Fathers did their job.
You know, one thing that I love about talk radio is that I learn so much from my callers. I really do. I do listen. I get accused of, you know, only taking calls where people want to disagree with me. But that’s just not the case. If you can make a logical argument for your point of view, I will listen and I will share it with people. But if your argument is illogical and no facts, I will cut you off. I don’t like to waste people’s time. I don’t like to waste people’s time. So another caller called one day and said, “Mr. Cain, I love your show. I love what you, what you stand for.” And she said, “I have a,” she said, “I have a question for you.” I said, “What’s that?” “Where are the defending fathers? The Founding Fathers did their job.” And she made me stop and think. We must be the defending fathers of this nation. We are the defending fathers. And there are three things that we need to do in order to continue this momentum. In order to be able to do what the second part of the Declaration of Independence says. Too many people call up and say my vote doesn’t count, can we really change things? And I have to remind my audien
ce, and I remind people when I’m giving talks, if you read the Declaration of Independence don’t stop at Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. Keep reading. And if you keep reading, it says when any form of government becomes destructive of those ideals, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it. We’ve got some altering and abolishing to do. Keep reading. People like to stop right there. Don’t stop there. That’s the most important part, is about our right to alter and abolish. And I would like to point one thing out. I recited that without a teleprompter. I’m just saying.
And as the defending fathers, all of us are part of this defending fathers movement. I don’t care whether you call it the Tea Party movement, the 912 Intelligent Fingers Movement, all of the various organizations. That is the beauty of this movement. It has multiple arms. It has multiple arteries. I said that for the benefit of my doctor friends that are here this morning. Thank you. Yes. Docs for patients. Three things we need to do, quite simply, to make sure we can abolish the liberal control of Congress in November. And just like the Founding Fathers set the bar high, I believe we need to set the bar high and say we will change control of Congress in November, starting with the House of Representatives. Not that we are gonna reduce the majority. No, we’ve got to set the bar high and make it happen, and here are the three things that we need to do in order to bring it about.
First, stay connected. Stay connected. Every one of you in here is connected to an organization or an initiative or a movement. Stay connected. And one of the reasons that we are experiencing the success that we are experiencing is quite frankly because more people are getting connected. One of my responsibilities is to encourage other people to get connected. Not everybody should or could run for public office. Not everybody should lead an initiative. But everybody can do something, and because we have become more connected as a movement in the last year, that’s why some members of Congress are hearing the voice of the people. Now, the president doesn’t hear us yet. His administration, they do not hear us yet. Harry and Nancy, they ain’t listening yet. But the good news is, the poor conservatives in Congress along with some moderates and independents, they are beginning to listen. They’re beginning to listen. That’s why all of these threatening proposals have been moved to the back burner and it is our job to get them out the back door. So we’ve got to stay connected. One of the, one of the great things that I felt so proud of a couple days ago when we signed the Mount Vernon statement and many, many of the people that participated are here today, is that all of these nearly one hundred organizations who for so long have operated in their individual silos, have gotten above the silos and they’re looking across. And somebody made the statement, I don’t remember who said it first, nothing unites a movement like a common enemy. And we have a common enemy. It’s called the liberal attack on this nation. So stay connected.