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The Royal Treatment

Page 15

by Lindsey Leavitt

  “And to you! I would have done anything for you. But, instead, I found out from a tabloid that you were dating that producer.” The king folded his arms across his broad chest. “I’m just glad I annulled our marriage here, otherwise I don’t believe your next quick wedding would have been legitimate. The ring I gave you…I wonder…Did you take it off before you put the other one on?”

  Gina shoved her right hand in front of the king’s face. “I still wear it. I’ve worn it every day for seventeen years. You and I both know it was a promise you couldn’t keep, not with your title. I left because I loved you, Aung, and I knew I wasn’t best for you. But don’t you for a second think my feelings weren’t real.”

  “Your actions don’t match your words, my dear.” Aung hung his head in his hands. “Let’s not open this wound any more. We were young and we’ve moved on. What’s past is past.”

  Gina glanced up at the bodyguards. “It’s not that easy.”

  “It is. I am king now. A scandal for me is a scandal for my country. And I have quite a bit more pride than to accept your belated advances.”

  “That’s not why I’m here.” Gina drew in a breath, preparing herself for the delivery of her greatest line yet. “After I left you, I returned to L.A. and married Lorenzo because I didn’t want scandal either. I knew what that would mean to you and your country.”

  “We could have worked through it. We could have gotten married again, given my people something to be excited about. Yes, you aren’t royal, but—”

  “That’s not the scandal I’m talking about.” She glanced over to the bushes, and I crouched lower. “Haven’t you ever done the math with Floressa’s age? And look at her—Lorenzo had red hair and freckles. Did you notice that she has your eyes and coloring and…your laugh? She’s…she’s yours.”

  A mixture of emotions flashed across the king’s face. Confusion, understanding, fear, anger. But none of them joy. His voice was tense when he spoke. “It cannot be.”

  I closed my eyes for a moment and prayed the king would be sympathetic. Yes, finding out you have a teenage daughter with the-girl-that-ran-away isn’t your average after-dinner chat. And no matter her reasons, Gina shouldn’t have kept this from him. Gina shouldn’t have done a lot of things. But now that he knew, he could be the better person. I’d seen how he looked at Isla with adoration. Floressa deserved that too. She was innocent in this. Even if they kept it a secret from the press, King Aung could still be a piece of Floressa’s private world.

  When I opened my eyes, the king was standing. He pointed at Gina. “I want you to listen carefully. You will not share this news with anyone. If you do, I shall deny it. You will not sail into my country and ruin everything. You are an actress.” He spit the last word out. “I will not have you disgracing me.”

  “Aung, please. I know I don’t deserve your love. I ran away from it. But Floressa had no part in this. She doesn’t even know. I was hoping—”

  “Enough!” King Aung boomed. “I will have my own people confirm this news.” He shot a look at his bodyguards. “This meeting did not take place. I hope you understand if I return to formalities, Miss Chase. You may see your way out.”

  The king stormed out of the courtyard. A breeze picked up. I wrapped my arms around myself, waiting for Gina to leave. She started crying, and I felt awful that I couldn’t slip away and give her the privacy she deserved.

  Gina’s sobs quieted. “You can come out now, Flossie. I know you’re behind that bush.”

  So much for sneaking away. I stood, slowly, so that I was level with the hedge. “What just happened?”

  “Come sit next to me.”

  I circled the hedge until I came to an opening and slid next to Gina on the bench. Her face was already puffy, and she had snot running down her nose. Still, she looked beautiful. Vulnerable, sad, and beautiful. “That’s not how I wanted you to hear the news,” she said.

  Floressa would probably huff off at this moment. And she’d be justified in that. But I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I felt so bad for Gina, for Floressa. I sat there and let Gina cry, keeping my face blank.

  “So this is why you brought me here,” I said.

  Gina blew her nose. “I was going to tell you before we got off the yacht, but then I worried you wouldn’t come and then never meet him. You have to understand his reaction had nothing to do with you. It would be shocking news under any circumstance.”

  “Why didn’t you tell him before?” I asked.

  “I don’t know. No, I do. I was trying to protect you.” She crumpled up her tissue. “Aung and I married in secret because we thought it was romantic—we planned to tell his family right before moving to California to start a new life. Then his brother was killed and Aung had to stay. I found out I was pregnant, and for the first time, I was scared. After all the political chaos, the last thing this country needed was me. And the last thing you needed was to grow up both a princess and Gina Chase’s daughter. But Aung wouldn’t have accepted that. Things are more black and white to him.”

  There was some logic to Gina’s reasoning. Some. But I couldn’t say that. This was something Floressa needed to hear and digest on her own, without me putting words in her mouth. What I wouldn’t do to beam her back right now, to let her feel this moment herself. I squeezed Gina’s hand. “I don’t know what to think right now. I need some time.”

  “Of course. I think Aung, your father, needs the same thing.”

  I let go of her hand. “Then let’s not talk about this again until I’m ready.”

  “Don’t you have questions—”

  “Later. I’m going to find Barrett and Karl. I think our welcome has worn itself out.”

  I hurried across the lawn. Now, this, THIS would be a time when knowing exactly how my magic worked would be great. Magical power, or even a sixth sense, could get me connected to Floressa, whether emotionally or in person. Sure, princesses don’t want their vacations ruined, but this was the biggest drama I had ever encountered. No amount of BEST research or client background checks could replace knowing exactly what Floressa wanted me to do.

  This was a scandal. A major tabloid-crushing, life-ruining royal scandal that I did not want to mess up.

  I slowed my steps, a memory sparking to life. When I very first became a sub, I overheard Meredith talking to Floressa Chase on the phone. Confused, I’d asked about Floressa’s agency eligibility, but Meredith had said something…something about Floressa’s “status” changing. Oh, and that Façade knew things the tabloids didn’t.

  So the agency did know Floressa was a princess. And of course she was. Façade was so strict about magic, they wouldn’t waste it in a non-royal. I should have known there was more going on. Wasn’t there some sort of moral obligation to tell Floressa the truth? Just like there had to be a moral obligation to tell those poor sub hopefuls about sub sanitization?

  No. I could worry about Façade’s involvement later. That was a sparkly can of glittery worms I didn’t have time to open right now. The most important thing was to get a hold of Floressa.

  I’d just reached the sprawling palace terrace when my manual buzzed. Finally. I glanced around to check that I was still alone in the darkness. I thought for sure it was Meredith informing me she was on her way. After all, she’d intervened when I kissed Karl. If a kiss was an emergency, what category did a secret celebrity princess fall under?

  Not Meredith. Better. Floressa.

  Floressa: I got your message. Who are you? What do you know?

  I texted back.

  Me: Sorry. I’m your sub. I couldn’t get in contact with you any other way.

  Floressa: Oh. What do you want? I’m supposed to be relaxing over here.

  Uh, where did I start? Remember how you said to leave your boyfriend alone? Well, he’s here. Oh, and your mother’s ex-husband is a king—and guess what?—he’s your dad and Isla is your half sister and you are a princess.

  Also, your roller skates give me blisters.

p; Me: I don’t think it’s something I can tell you in a text. Lots of stuff is going on here. You should get back.

  Floressa: But I’ve paid for two more days.

  Me: I’m sure you can get a refund.

  Floressa: Just tell me.

  Before I could text back, a shadow fell on the terrace. I quickly hid the manual.

  “Barrett sent me to look for you,” Karl said. “He wants to leave soon.”

  I faked a smile. “Of course. I just wanted a moment. It’s a beautiful night.”

  “My word, that breeze is unseasonably cool. Take my coat.” Karl slipped off his suit jacket and slid it over my shoulders. It smelled like him—like expensive cars and mint. He sat in the chair next to me, a respectful distance away.

  “You can hear the ocean from here. Does it sound the same in California?”

  “Same ocean.” I pulled Karl’s coat tighter around me, overcome with the sudden urge to cry. I couldn’t control King Aung’s feelings. I couldn’t take the hurt away for Gina or Floressa. What use was I here? I had actual magical abilities, but I was being used as a puppet stand-in. I wasn’t special. I could have been anyone.

  And then I did cry. Not loud. Silent tears.

  “Shall we go find Barrett—” Karl noticed my tears and stopped. “Oh. Forgive me. Did I say something to upset you?”

  I shook my head.

  “Would you like to talk about it?”

  More than anything I wanted to talk about it. No, I wanted to get out of here, back home to my calm, scandal-free Idaho life. “I’m fine. Let me…let me gain my composure. I don’t want Barrett to see me like this.”

  “Maybe Barrett should see you like this. He can console you far better than I can. Unless he’s the reason you’re upset, in which case I’ll take care of him.”


  “A duel. We’re royal.” Karl cracked a rare smile. “It’s allowed.”

  My laugh turned into a hiccup. “It’s not Barrett. Barrett’s great. There’s…there’s been a lot of change in my life lately, and I have some hard choices to make. I’m trying to get through it.”

  “Can I offer a bit of advice, then?” Karl tapped his chest. “Think with this. My brain led me astray for far too long, and I’m much happier now that I’ve followed my heart.”

  I couldn’t help myself. I had to bring it up. “Is that what you did with Elsa?”

  Karl blushed. “Ah, that’s a topic for another time. Let’s not worry about my troubles now.” He stood. “But as far as your troubles go, if you ever want to talk, I’m here. We’re nearly family, after all.”

  I stumbled up and wiped at my tears. My head was telling me to jump ship, but my heart knew I had to help Floressa as best I could. “Thanks, Karl. You really are a prince.”

  “Speaking of, let’s get you to my brother.” He held out his arm and I took it, trying my best to ignore the tingles that it brought.

  Barrett and Isla were waiting for us in the sitting room. Barrett hugged me when I came in. “There you are. I thought you’d been kidnapped. Why are you wearing Karl’s coat?”

  I snuck one more sniff before taking the coat off and handing it to Karl. “I was cold. Have you seen my mom?”

  “She’s waiting in the limo. Did you make her mad again? I passed her in the hallway and she barreled right past me.”

  “She looked like she was crying,” Isla added.

  A servant clicked his heels in the doorway. “His Majesty has fallen ill and has retired for the evening. He apologizes, but bids you a warm farewell.”

  Isla rolled her eyes. “My dad gets antisocial sometimes. Promise me we can meet again. How long are you here?”

  “Um, I don’t know.”

  “I’ll talk to Dad. We will set up something.”

  I’m sure he’s looking at his calendar right now, little sis.



  I faked a headache when we got back to the yacht, promising Barrett we’d go sightseeing the next day. I only hoped Floressa, the real Floressa, would be back by then.

  I clicked back to my text message conversation with Floressa and stared at the screen. Just tell me. Should I? I had a suspicion I was breaking rules here, but I had to get her back home.

  Desi: Hey, it’s me again. Your sub.

  Floressa: Oh my gosh, first you desert me and now you’re interrupting my beauty rest. Different time zone, ever heard of it? What do you want?

  Desi: Well, first off, Barrett is here.

  Floressa: What? Barrett is THERE? What he is doing there?

  Desi: Your mom brought him as a surprise. Well, as moral support.

  Floressa: Moral support for what? You aren’t kissing him, are you? ARE YOU?

  Oh, honey. If only that was your biggest problem.

  Desi: No. She probably brought him because she had big news. About your dad.

  Floressa: Lorenzo? I haven’t seen Lorenzo in ten years. What is my mom doing talking to that jerk? I thought he was in Italy filming a movie.

  Desi: That’s the thing. Lorenzo isn’t your dad. Your dad is King Aung.

  Floressa: Who?

  Desi: The King of Tharma.

  Floressa: Ha. That’s funny. They didn’t tell me you subs were comedians.

  Desi: Floressa, I have never been more serious about anything in my life. They met when your mom was in Once Upon an Island, and she told him tonight.

  Floressa: They don’t even know each other.

  Desi: It gets crazier. They were secretly married for a bit, but then the king’s brother was assassinated and your mom ran away to America and had you.

  Floressa: You’re lying. You’re joking. It’s not funny anymore.

  Desi: I’m sorry you had to hear it this way.

  Floressa: Okay. Wait. How do you know?

  Desi: Your mom told me…told you about it tonight.

  Floressa: So now he wants to meet me?

  Desi: Um…no.

  Floressa: What do you mean no?

  Desi: He already met you. At dinner tonight.

  Floressa: And…

  Desi: I think he was shocked. He didn’t take it well.

  Floressa: How could he not take it well? I’m Floressa Chase.

  Desi: Like I said, it was kind of dramatic.

  Floressa: OMG, so this makes me a princess.

  Desi: Technically, yes.

  Floressa: That is so cool. Except the part where my dad doesn’t want me. And the part where you’re with my boyfriend.

  Desi: I’ve never been alone with him. His brother, Karl, was there the whole time.

  Floressa: Oh, Karl. That kid is dullsville.

  Desi: He’s super nice, actually.

  Floressa: Are we talking about KARL still? Who cares? My dad is a king and he doesn’t want me and…Oh, this actually sucks. I have to go lie down.

  Desi: Wait! You need to come to Tharma.

  Floressa: No way. I’m not ready yet. I still need to think about this.

  Desi: What? Floressa, what am I supposed to do?

  Floressa: Nothing. Do nothing. Don’t tell anyone about this. Sit tight and avoid everyone until I’m ready. Give me some time and don’t text me. I’ll text you.

  Desi: But what if something happens?

  Floressa: Don’t let it. Bye.

  Gina woke me up at five the next morning. For once, she didn’t look like an airbrushed image. Instead, her eyes were red, her face swollen. I rolled over, exhausted from a night spent tossing and turning. “Need to sleep,” I said.

  “The secret is out.”

  “I know it’s out.” I pulled my blanket under my chin. “You already told me.”

  “You weren’t the only one spying in the garden.” Gina picked up my clothes from the night before and folded them on a chair. “A paparazzo was there and he recorded the conversation. My publicist just called me—Star Reporter Daily is printing the story today.”

  Don’t let anything happen, Floressa said. Yeah, well, whoops.

  “Now what?” I asked.

  “The best defense is a good offense. We’re doing interviews at noon,” she said.

  “Interviews?” I buried my head under a pillow. “No. No, we aren’t doing that.”

  “Flossie, I know this is hard, but if we spin it right, this could be positive press.”

  “Spin it? This isn’t a story. This is my life.”

  “And part of your life is being in the public eye. I’m sorry, but you have to take the good and the bad.” Gina frowned. “I’m flying in Brenda Waters to do it. I feel like I connected with her during our Oscar interview, and she’s fabulous at making the interviewee look sympathetic.”

  “What does the king think about this?”

  “I don’t know. He’s not talking to me. I’ve left messages, but he’s already said he’s going to deny everything. Brenda Waters reached out to him too, so maybe that will help.”

  I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. “I thought you were going to give me time with this.”

  “Honey, either we tell our story or the media tells their version of it.” She pushed a hair out of my face “I’m sorry. Get in the shower. I’ll send for Ryder. Maybe even keep your skates on. It could add a little innocence to your image. We need you to be as likeable as possible, in case the king does counter press.”

  Once Gina left the room, I checked my manual. I’d written three texts so far to Meredith, but all of them had gone unanswered. I scrolled through the applications and paused when I thought about Genevieve’s card. I could contact her. I would be out of here pronto, and Floressa would be back in time to lace up her own skates.

  But what would that mean for Meredith? Would she get in trouble for not answering my texts? And there was that rumor about promotions; I didn’t want her to look bad. And Floressa…would it be even worse for her to be catapulted into this situation without warning? No, I could at least tell her about the interview and give her the morning to mentally prepare. Meanwhile, I’d get Flossie dolled up for her return.


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