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Best Served Cold (Perfect Dish Romances Book 1)

Page 10

by Tawdra Kandle

  Jesse nodded. “I understand. I lived with a roommate for four years.” He popped the clutch and put the truck into gear, pulling out onto the silent street. “I’d say we could go back to my place, watch a movie or something. Or even just talk. But I’m not sure it’s a good idea.”

  I bit back the sting of disappointment. “You don’t?”

  Jesse must have heard the hurt in my voice. “Julia, it’s not that I don’t want to. I do really, really want to take you home with me. But this is our first date. It’s been awesome. I had an amazing time tonight. I don’t want to rush anything. And if I took you to my apartment, even though I’d want to be a gentleman, I’m pretty sure being alone with you would trump all those good intentions.”

  I nodded. “I had a really good time, too.”

  We were silent as the truck ambled along the back roads. Jesse held my hand when he wasn’t shifting. As we pulled onto campus, he finally spoke again.

  “Julia, can I ask you something?”

  His tone was serious, and I frowned. “Of course.”

  “You’re not…seeing anyone, are you? I know you said you’d just ended a relationship, but—there’s no one else?”

  I opened my mouth to answer. Once upon a time, that would have been a simple reply. Now…I thought about Jack Duncan and about the trio of football players I’d eaten dinner with the night before. I wasn’t seeing them; it was all part of the game. But to someone from the outside, it might not look that way.

  “No, I’m not dating anyone.” I played with the button on my coat. “Like I told you before, you could hear about it around campus, so I might as well tell you. The relationship I was in last year was with a guy who…well, he’s a big deal on the track team, and his dad is in politics. Everyone knows him. Liam, I mean. And his dad, too. It was pretty serious. At least I thought it was serious. I guess he didn’t. And the ending was messy.”

  “Okay.” Jesse coasted the truck into the gravel lot adjacent to my dorm. He parked and put on the brake before he turned to me. He laid his arm over the back of the bench seat and regarded me steadily in the dim light of the street lamps and the glowing dashboard.

  “Was that relationship last year …are you over it? Over him? Or am I the rebound guy?”

  I was so surprised my mouth dropped open. I shook my head. “Oh, no, no. No rebound. No, I’m totally over him. He was—it was—” I tried to think how Ava had described my relationship with Liam.

  “I think it was just something that happened. We started dating, but we really didn’t have anything in common. Or not much, at least.” I thought of all those months. “We fought a lot. And not in a passionate way.” My face heated as I struggled to explain it. “I am pretty sure I annoyed the crap out of him sometimes. And I never felt like I was important to him. Sometimes I felt like his parents liked me more than he did. So yes, it was kind of hurtful, but not devastating.” I turned to look Jesse squarely in the eyes. “He didn’t break my heart. Because he never had my heart.”

  Jesse was quiet, his eyes on the seat between us. When he glanced up at me, a smile hovered around his lips.

  “That’s good to know. I didn’t want to be weird about that. Or jump the gun on anything. But I like you, Julia. You’re fun, and funny, and smart, and damn pretty.” He reached his fingers to brush the strands of my hair that lay over my coat collar. “I didn’t want to go any further into something that didn’t have potential.”

  “So do you think we do have potential?” I slid toward him, just a fraction of an inch.

  The smile grew, and damn, there were those dimples. Jesse moved closer. “I’m pretty sure the answer is yes, but maybe we should test the waters, just to make sure. I mean, what if we don’t really have any chemistry?”

  “That’s true,” I agreed. “It would be tragic to find that out too late.”

  “Mmm hmmm. C’mere.” His voice had thickened, and when he slipped his hands under my coat, I wondered if he could feel the thunder of my heart. I lifted my head just in time for Jesse to crush his mouth to mine.

  The jolt was insane. It was like a line ran straight from our joined lips down my middle, and fire licked along that path. Jesse’s hands slid around to my back, pressing me closer. I had just enough presence of mind to pull off my gloves and drop them onto the seat behind him before the kiss consumed me again. I plunged my fingers into the soft curls on the back of his head.

  “Mmmm.” I hummed in appreciation, and Jesse backed up a little to look at me in question.

  “What was that?” He kissed down my neck, and I let my head loll back to give him better access.

  “I love your hair.” I couldn’t believe I’d said it out loud, but Jesse only laughed.

  “Really? I always hated it. Other boys made fun of me for having curly hair when we were in grade school.” He found the hollow at the base of my throat and circled his tongue there. I sighed.

  Jesse’s hands were at my sides now, moving up and down in time with the rhythm of his kisses. I held his head in place as he plundered my mouth with lazy intensity. He wasn’t rushing, but there was no doubt about his passion.

  I eased back, thinking to lean against the door. Instead, I fell onto the seat, with Jesse on top of me. In the process, I hit my head on the door handle.

  “Ouch.” I freed one hand to rub the sort spot. “Jesse, I really like your truck. A lot. But it’s not made for…umm…this.”

  He sighed and braced his weight onto his hands on either side of me. “I think if we got creative, you’d be surprised. I’ve never put it to the test, you understand, but I’m having ideas now.”

  He sat up and offered me a hand, helping me back onto my seat.

  “Is your head all right?” He probed my hair with careful fingers. “Do you think you have a concussion? I’d be willing to stay up with you all night. You know, to make sure you don’t fall asleep. People with head trauma shouldn’t go to sleep.”

  I laughed. “Sorry, as tempting as that is, I don’t think I have a concussion.”

  “Well, it’s on your head. Literally.”

  I rolled my eyes and pulled my coat back into place. “I guess I better go inside.”

  “Are you sure? I am really re-thinking that whole first-date-good-intentions thing. I have a perfectly good guest house just a few miles away, with a very comfortable…sofa.”

  “I’ll bet you do. Maybe I can take a rain check?”

  Jesse gave an exaggerated sigh. “Of course.” He laid back his head, eyes closed. “I think I should walk you to the door. I need the cold air anyway.”

  I reached across and touched the curls over his ears. “I really did have a good time tonight.”

  “Me, too.” He ran the back of his fingers over my cheek. “So we know we have Joss in common, and I know you have a Shakespeare fetish.”

  “It’s not a fetish.” I scowled at him. “It’s an appreciation.”

  “Yeah, whatever. So what else do you like to do?”

  I cast my eyes up, thinking. “I like to read. I like to write. And cook. Oh, I love to watch sports. Football especially. And I like the beach, too.”

  “That’s some pretty random stuff. And the beach is way too cold this time of year. But the football. I can work with football. What are you doing for the Super Bowl? I was thinking of inviting some guys from the SLP grad program over to watch it. I have a decent TV in the apartment. Want to come, too?”

  I pretended to consider. “Hmmm. Are you just inviting me so I’ll cook for you?”

  Jesse’s eyes lit up. “You’ll cook for us? Hot damn. Okay, I’ll give you a menu, you give me a shopping list. It’ll be fun.”

  Laughing, I shook my head. “How did I get suckered into that? All right, I’ll cook. Let me think about what I want to make. We’ll work out the menu together, okay?”

  “That would be perfect.” He took my hand again. “I want to see you again. This weekend I can’t, because my sister is coming down tomorrow and it’s going to be big dram
a. It always is with her. Believe me, I’d much rather be with you.” He paused, and I could tell he was thinking, even as his thumb made lazy circles on the back of my hand. “Weeknights are hard. I have evening classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Would next weekend work? Maybe on Sunday, you could come over. I’ll get take out and we can watch a movie. What do you think?”

  “I think it sounds great.” I hesitated. “Did you tell your dad and Sarah that we were going out tonight? Are they going to be okay with it? With me being over there next weekend, I mean? I don’t want things to be weird between us, and I really don’t want to lose my job.”

  “I told Sarah I was going to see you tonight. She was glad, said she was hoping I’d make some friends around campus. She likes you. They both do.” Jesse kissed the top of my head. “Try not to worry about it.”

  “I’ll try. I better go inside.”

  Jesse opened his door and began to climb out. “What’s this…?” He picked up something off the ground and held them out to me. “Your gloves?”

  I put them back on and held my hands to my face as he slammed his door and came around to my side.

  “Brrrr! I am so over winter!” I slid off the seat, but Jesse stood in my way, his arms trapping me as he lowered his head to mine.

  “It just occurred to me that I haven’t kissed you standing up yet,” he said, as he did just that. Just the barest touch of lips, as I stood feeling completely vulnerable, and at the same time, perfectly safe within the cage of his arms. It was so sweet, so light. I swallowed hard and lowered my face so he couldn’t see how much he affected me.

  “Let’s get you inside,” Jesse whispered. He took my hand, and we dashed to the lobby doors.

  He insisted on walking me all the way upstairs. Technically, boys weren’t supposed to be beyond the downstairs lobby after eleven on week nights and midnight on Fridays and Saturdays. It was just after that now, but since I roomed with the resident advisor, I wasn’t too worried about her ratting me out.

  We snuck past several groups of girls, watching a movie in the lounge, hanging in the hallways to talk or popping popcorn in the small dorm kitchen. I saw more than one set of curious eyes follow us. One pair belonged to the freshman girl Liam had brought to his birthday party. I wondered if he was still seeing her, or if he’d thrown her away, too.

  Ava was still awake when we got to my room. She was lying on her bed, and I noticed that her eyes were a little puffy. She put on a bright face when she saw Jesse with me, and I introduced them again.

  “Do you want to sit down? Have something to drink before you head out again?” Ava offered Jesse. “Our entire bar and kitchen is at your disposal.”

  He smiled, and when his dimples appeared, I saw Ava’s eyes widen. I smothered a giggle.

  “Thanks, but I better get home. I’m helping out with the little bro tomorrow morning so my dad and step-mom can have a breakfast date. I hear he’s an early riser, so I should probably grab some sleep while I can.” He caught my eye. “Walk me out?”

  He waved to Ava as we stepped into the hallway. “Why did you walk me all the way to my door if I’m walking you back out? Doesn’t that defeat the purpose?”

  Jesse held me by the upper arms and drew me closer as we stood just beyond the door to my room.

  “You don’t have to walk me downstairs or outside. I just wanted one more goodnight kiss before I head out into the cold, cold world.”

  “I think I can manage that.” I stood on my toes to touch his lips. Jesse tightened his grip on me and kept me in place while he deepened the kiss. Leaning against his body, I could feel every ridge, every muscle against the length of my body. I never wanted to move.

  “Good night, Julia.” He released me, keeping one hand on my shoulder until he was certain I was steady. “I’ll call you tomorrow?”

  “Yes. Please.” I smiled up at him. “But not when you get up with Des. I’m sleeping in.”

  Feigning dismay, Jesse put his hand to his chest. “What kind of nanny are you, that you can’t offer me emotional support while I take care of your beloved charge?”

  “The kind who needs her sleep when she’s not on the clock. And he’s your brother, so that trumps nanny.” I stepped back to the door, laying my hand on the knob. “Thank you, Jesse, for a beautiful night.”

  “You’re very welcome.” He started to walk down the hall and then turned back to look at me. “Hey, Julia? You’re still very pretty.”

  Laughing, I watched until he disappeared down the stairwell. I could hear him whistling as he went.

  I opened the door and floated back into my room. Ava still sat on her bed. She had a faraway expression on her face, but she smiled and looked up at me when I closed the door.

  “Well? Come on, tell all. I want details. How was the movie? Did you go to dinner? Did he kiss you? And oh, God, Jules, those dimples!”

  I leaned against the door and dropped my head back.

  “Oh, Ave…I think I’m in trouble.”

  Pounding. Someone was pounding on my head. And there was moaning. I had been having such a wonderful sweet dream, and the person who was pounding on my head was annoying.

  “Jules, it’s someone at the door.” Ava pulled the pillow up and over her head. “Make them stop.”

  I stumbled from bed and made sure I was decent in my shorts and t-shirt. Opening the door a crack, I saw Giff, standing in the hallway with a donut box, a tray of coffee and a smile that was far too bright for so early in the morning.

  “Oh, my God, Gifford! Go away. It’s the middle of the fucking night!” I left the door opened and fell back in the direction of my bed. Early morning hours tended to bring out my profanity.

  “Well, rise and shine, sleeping beauties! Look what I’ve brought you. Donuts and fresh coffee from Beans. Mmmm. Doesn’t it smell good?”

  Ava moaned again and let loose with something unintelligible. I opened one eye and glared at Giff.

  “What time is it and why in the name of all holiness are you here at this hour?”

  “It’s after eight, and I am here because the perfect opportunity has just opened up for you today. I thought I was out of favors and ideas, but then something, ummm, popped up last night. I was going to call you, but one thing led to another, and I kind of forgot. But here I am this morning, bearing gifts.” He pointed to the coffee again.

  I turned over and buried my face in my pillow. Ava and I had stayed up much too late talking about Jesse, and the situation with Giff, and every other complicated, screwed-up element in my life. We’d counted on being able to sleep in. I had even turned off my phone in case Jesse thought it would be cute to call me when he got up with Desmond this morning.

  But clearly nothing stopped Giff when he was on a mission. I felt my bed dip and knew he had sat down next to me. I wondered if I didn’t move, if he’d eventually go away.

  It didn’t seem likely. I shifted, turning my head so I could breath.

  “Okay, early bird who gets the worm. Tell me why you’re here. But hand me one of those coffees, first.”

  Giff jumped up to retrieve the cup and pass it over to me. I plumped up my pillows and settled back to try and stay awake.

  “I was at a party last night, and I got chatting with someone I used to know a few years ago. We lost touch.” Giff studied a tiny thread on his jeans, and I wondered if this someone was an old boyfriend. Giff, who wanted to know everything about everyone else, was very circumspect about his own personal life.

  “So it turns out he’s a manager for the wrestling team, and they have a meet today. And his brother is single and in town. Used to be on the team, so he’s coming to the meet. Jeff says he’ll definitely be game to meet you there, hang out, make it look flirty. As a favor to his little brother. You know the drill.”

  I felt ill. “Giff, please tell me why I’m doing this? How is Liam even going to know I’m there?”

  He smiled. “I’m dragging my roommate to the wrestling match because this cute guy I met last night
is going to be there.”

  I groaned. “Giff, he never goes with you anywhere to meet guys. You really think he’ll do that?”

  “I know he will, I already talked to him. He’ll go with me because I’ve been giving him the guilts so bad about what he did to you. He’s trying to be a better person.”

  I snorted. “Yeah, I bet. Did he tell you what happened yesterday?”

  Giff frowned. “He said he’d seen you. But he was vague. And when he got back to our room last night, something was wrong. He wouldn’t tell me what.”

  I glanced at Ava. “He came by here when I was on my way…out. So he talked to Ava.”

  She was still buried beneath her comforter and pillow but lifted her head just enough that I could see one open eye. “Told you. He said he’s worried you’re hanging around with the wrong guys.” The eye closed and the head dropped.

  “He stopped me on the way to work yesterday afternoon, too, and when I wouldn’t chat, he started playing the martyr card. No explanation, no apology, just woe-is-me crap.”

  Giff smiled big. “Jules, that’s awesome. You’ve got him thinking about you. See, didn’t I tell you it would work?”

  I set down the coffee. That sick feeling was back. “Yeah, you told me. You’re the man.”

  “Yes, I am. Which is why you’re going to get your sweet ass out of bed and head for the gym. Today might be the tipping point. You could be back in Liam’s loving arms tonight.” He paused and shot me a wolfish grin. “Which could work out for me, too, depending on how things go with Jeff and me at the meet.”

  I shook my head at him. “What time do I have to be there?”

  “Eleven. Oh, Jeff’s brother is Dean. He’s got red hair, and he’ll be looking for you. I sent Jeff a picture of you.” Giff stood up. “Make sure Princess Pea gets her coffee, okay? I want full credit for bringing breakfast. See you in a little while.”

  He was out the door before I could answer. Ava lifted her head again.


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