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Born Into Destiny

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by Shelly Morgan

  Born into


  A Forsaken Sinners MC Novella

  By Shelly Morgan

  Born Into Destiny

  Copyright © 2016 by Shelly Morgan.

  All rights reserved.

  First Print Edition: April 2016

  Limitless Publishing, LLC

  Kailua, HI 96734

  Formatting: Limitless Publishing



  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to locales, events, business establishments, or actual persons—living or dead—is entirely coincidental.


  This book is dedicated to my children: Marcus, Mikayla, and Owen. You are more than just my children, you are the reason I wake up in the morning, the reason I strive to be a better person, and the light of my life. I love you three more than you could ever know.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Bonus Chapter


  Chapter 1

  19 Weeks Pregnant


  Making my way out to my truck, I stuff my phone in my purse, ignoring the incoming call from Zane.

  Today is my doctor’s appointment to not only make sure my ribs are healing from the altercation with Sara’s psychotic ex a few weeks ago, but also to get our first ultrasound of the baby. They did a quick ultrasound when I was in the hospital with the bruised ribs, but at that time, they were only looking to make sure the baby hadn’t been harmed. Thank fuck there was nothing wrong with the baby or else I would have brought that fucker Rick back to life just to kill him again myself.

  We weren’t able to really get a good look at the baby then, so I’m excited about today. I can’t wait to see how the baby has grown and to just see him or her. We could find out the sex if we wanted to, but I told Zane I wanted to wait until the baby was born and have it be a surprise. Zane said he couldn’t wait; he needed to know if we were having a boy or girl so he could better prepare. Not sure how he’s going to prepare differently if we have a girl instead of a boy, or vice versa, but what-the-fuck-ever.

  However, Zane sent me a text five minutes ago saying he isn’t going to be able to make it to the appointment. He’s caught up with club business or some shit like that. He then informed me that he was going to send Toby or Louie to pick me up and “accompany” me to my appointment. He doesn’t think I can drive myself, like the moment he impregnated me I need someone to help me do the most basic of tasks. He thinks I’m glass and will break. I swear, one of these days I’m going to knock that fucker upside his head for the shit he says. I know he means well, at least most of the time he does, but I’m stronger than he thinks. He needs a sensor most days. That mouth of his gets him in so much trouble, and not just with me, but with some of the brothers too.

  As I close the door, I hear my phone ring again. When I look at the screen, I see that it’s Louie. I better answer before he brings the whole damn club down on my ass. “Whatever Zane told you, just forget it. I’m already on my way and I don’t need a babysitter or someone to wipe my junk after pissing in a cup for the good ol’ doctor.”

  I can hear Louie choking on something on the other end. “Fuck, Dani! Did you really have to put that image in my head? Shit!”

  Not really in the mood for small talk, I wait him out. “Okay, I won’t go with you, but when Blaze finds out you know he’s gonna be pissed.”

  That makes me laugh. “He won’t be the only one pissed. Why don’t you let me deal with Zane? He ain’t nothing I can’t handle.” Hanging up the phone, I turn it off and make the ten minute drive to the clinic.


  I’ve barely taken a seat in the waiting room when I hear the nurse call my name. Once in the room, she takes all my vitals and has me pee in the cup. I hate that fucking part; makes me feel all gross and shit. It’s disgusting to think that someone is in a lab somewhere, or even sitting at one of those desks in the hall that I passed on my way back here, looking at my piss or whatever it is they do. Fucking gross.

  Once I’m done with that, she has me change into one of those paper gowns. You know, the ones that tie in the front and barely cover anything? They are fucking pointless if you ask me. Might as well have me sitting here buck ass naked. I’d probably be more comfortable that way too.

  Not even a minute after I get resituated on the exam table, Dr. Carmichael, my OBGYN, knocks on the door. I’m glad she doesn’t keep me waiting long. I’ve heard that some people have had to sit here in these paper gowns for up to a half an hour. Fuck that shit. I’d just fucking leave—or maybe open the door and tell someone they better get their ass in here before I start throwing shit. Yeah, that probably wouldn’t be a good idea, but what do they expect? My temper wasn’t very good before I got pregnant. What can I say, I get irritated and pissed easily. Now, though? Yeah, if you even sneeze weird or look at me wrong, I’m gonna be on your ass. I’m not proud of this, but it is what it is.

  “Hello, Danielle. How are you feeling today?” Dr. Carmichael asks as she closes the door.

  “Dani, please. Call me Dani. And I’m doing okay, though I think others would tell you differently.” I laugh because I can just hear it now—Zane would probably ask to speak to the good doctor privately to see if there was something she could do about my mood swings. Tough luck, fucker.

  She walks over to a chair by the desk and flips through my file. “The urine sample you left came back fine, and your vitals are looking good. Let’s measure your stomach quick, we’ll take a look at your ribs to make sure they are healing okay, then the ultrasound tech will come in.” I nod my head and lie back gently on the exam table, being careful of my bruised ribs. They’re a lot better than even a few days ago, but are still sore when I move a certain way.

  She pulls the gown up but leaves the sheet I have over my legs, covering my goodies down below.

  Dr. Carmichael takes out a small tape measure and places it on my stomach. I’ve just recently started noticing the difference in my growing tummy. “You’re measuring at about twenty centimeters, which is good.” Putting the tape measure away, she then starts poking around on my ribs. I try to hold back my wince, but she sees it.

  “Still a little tender?” she asks. I nod and try to hide my eye roll, but come on; of course they’re still fucking tender! That shit takes weeks to fucking heal, and even then, I’ve heard people still feel pain every now and then.

  When she’s done with her assessment, she helps me sit up and to pull the gown down. “Why don’t you get dressed so you’re more comfortable? I’ll be back in a couple of minutes with the tech, then we can take a look at your little one.” I smile and nod, thankful I can put my clothes back on.

  It takes me a
little longer than usual to get dressed again since my ribs are screaming at me. Just as I’m pulling down my shirt, there’s a knock on the door before Dr. Carmichael and a younger guy rolling a machine behind him come walking into the room.

  “Dani, this is Justin. He’ll be the one doing the ultrasound today,” Dr. Carmichael says.

  Justin holds out his hand for me to shake which I take before he sits down in front of the ultrasound machine.

  “Why don’t you lay down and make yourself as comfortable as possible?” Justin says as he motions me back over to the table I was on just minutes before.

  Dr. Carmichael again helps me lie down, then pushes up my shirt enough for Justin to have access to my stomach for the ultrasound.

  “Can we pull these down just a bit? I’ll tuck a towel in there too so your pants don’t get goo on them.” I don’t answer, I just roll my pants down farther so he has access to what he needs.

  He squirts cold jelly on my stomach, which makes me jump a bit, then he starts moving that wand thingy around on my stomach. I look to the screen, trying to make sense of what I’m seeing, but really, I have no idea. It all looks like a bunch of nothing to me.

  A few seconds pass, then I hear this loud whooshing sound. It never fails to amaze me every time I get to hear my baby’s heartbeat.

  “The heartbeat sounds good and strong.” He doesn’t look at me when he speaks; he’s too busy looking at the screen and typing away on the keyboard.

  As he moves the wand around, he points out parts of the baby that I can barely make out.

  Finally, Justin looks at me. “Would you like to know what you’re having?”

  Without moving my gaze from the screen, I answer, “No. I want it to be a surprise.”

  He doesn’t question me and neither does Dr. Carmichael. I’m sure she’s wondering what Zane is going to say because he has been very vocal during our past appointments about wanting to know the sex, but if he wanted to know, he should have worked harder to make it to the appointment.

  They finally get everything they need and hand me a towel to clean the goo off my stomach. When I sit up, Justin hands me some pictures he must have printed out without me even realizing. “Baby’s first picture,” he says with a smile in his voice, but I don’t look to confirm. I’m too consumed looking at the pictures of my baby.

  I barely remember the walk out of the room or to my car. I don’t even think I stopped to schedule my next appointment. I can’t get enough of looking at my little guy. Yes, I said little guy. Don’t ask me how, but I just know that I’m having a boy. I’m going to have a son, I can feel it. Maybe it’s in my DNA or maybe destiny is throwing me a bone, I don’t know. What I do know is that when I found out I was pregnant, I pictured this little boy with my dark hair and Zane’s eyes.

  Chapter 2

  22 Weeks Pregnant


  I wake to the sound of crashing pans and plates coming from the kitchen. I slept on the couch last night because Dani kicked me out of our bed again. Seems like it’s becoming a regular occurrence lately. She says I’m being a jackass, but really, she’s the one who is being unreasonable and a bitch. All I’m trying to do is make sure that she’s safe and taken care of when I can’t be around, which happens to be a lot lately.

  It probably doesn’t help that she’s still pissed at me from a couple of weeks ago. I couldn’t make it to her doctor’s appointment. I did everything in my fucking power, I even knocked a couple of the brothers’ heads together to make it back on time, but it just didn’t happen. Then, when I finally got home, I asked her what she found out: were we having a boy or a girl? She told me she didn’t find out, said that she wanted to be surprised. I got pissed because I thought we had decided we would find out.

  I know she wants to be surprised, but when we last discussed it I thought we said we’d find out. But she said that since I wasn’t there, I didn’t have a say in it. What-the-fuck-ever, I guess. If it ain’t one thing, it’s another with her.

  If things at home aren’t bad enough lately, now things with the club are heating up too. From what I’ve heard since transferring here from our Texas charter, we haven’t had any real threats against the club for about a decade. We haven’t had any club wars, problems with territories, or club rivals. But we’ve heard of a new club moving in the next town over, and from the stories we hear, they aren’t very respectable. It doesn’t even sound like they’re even in a club for brotherhood; they only want power and to scare and control people.

  We’ve decided to keep our eyes on them and have been doing some light surveillance. So far, though, they’ve kept a pretty low profile. Maybe because they know we’re close and don’t want to start anything until they have their base set up. Who knows?

  Mack has me helping out a lot since I did mostly surveillance and security in the Marines, so this is cake to me. I told him I can’t keep doing this with the baby on the way, but he has promised me Dani is fine and has a tail on her without her knowing to make sure nothing happens. I gave him six weeks then I’m done being away from her for longer than a couple hours at a time, and definitely not being more than a twenty minute ride away. He hopes we’ll have a good handle on this situation by then, though, and so do I. I don’t need a club war starting when I’m trying to prepare for fatherhood.

  Getting up, I make my way into the kitchen. I see Dani in one of my t-shirts that hits her mid-thigh, throwing what looks like a smoking pan into the sink, cussing the whole time about stupid fucking eggs and shitty fucking bacon.

  My laugh draws her attention to me. I should stop myself, knowing it will just piss her off more, but I can’t help myself. She’s so fucking sexy when she’s angry. “Need some help, Baby Girl?” I ask when I finally calm down enough to speak.

  She’s glaring, not answering me, so I walk up to her and take her lips with mine. She hesitates at first, tries to push me away, but she kisses me back after I kiss her harder, not letting her push me away. “Mmm, fuck breakfast. I’ll just eat you,” I groan into her mouth before I lift her up and place her on the counter.

  Spreading her legs, my hand travels up her inner thigh. When I encounter no resistance, I growl my approval of her not wearing panties, then kneel down and give her a long, hard lick up her center.

  “Holy shit! Yes, right there. Don’t stop. Don’t you dare fucking stop,” she breathes out as I continue to flick my tongue over her clit. Shit, she tastes so fucking good. Better than any food I’ve ever had.

  It only takes me a solid minute before she’s withering on the counter, hanging onto my hair for dear life, and screaming out my name as she falls over the cliff of ecstasy.

  Standing up, I pull her shirt up with me as I go, and toss it somewhere behind me, not even caring where it lands.

  When I’m standing between her legs, I push my sweatpants down my hips and say, “My turn,” then I kiss her roughly as I push my cock inside her tight pussy in one thrust.

  I pause for a second to give her time to catch her breath, but I can’t wait longer before I need to move. “Sorry, Baby Girl, you just feel so fucking good,” I mutter into her neck. I think since she’s become pregnant, her sweet pussy has gotten even tighter, if that’s possible.

  Dani starts clawing at my arms, pulling me closer as her lips search for mine. Not being able to deny her anything, I give her what she wants.

  As soon as our lips meet, I start thrusting faster, deeper, harder. This makes her scream, but I silence her with my mouth, grabbing the back of her neck so she can’t get away. I thrust in three more times before I go stiff, spilling my seed inside her.

  We stay connected, neither of us having the energy to move. That is, until I smell smoke seconds before the fire alarm goes off.

  Pulling out of her heat a little too fast, she starts to fall forward, but I catch her, making sure she’s steady before turning around to see what’s on fire. That’s when I notice the shirt I practically ripped off of Dani and threw behind me is now lying on
the stovetop, a burning mess, smoke filling the kitchen. “Shit,” I yell, racing over to the drawer and pulling out a pair of tongs. How the fuck did we not notice this?

  I try to grab the burning shirt with the tongs, but every time I think I have a good hold on it, it breaks apart and falls before I can get it to the sink. “Shit! Fuck!” I curse.

  Suddenly, I feel wetness hit me in the back of the head and a stream of water moving from my head to the shirt that is now on the counter beside the stove, still on fire. “What the fuck?” I say, turning toward the stream of water.

  Dani is holding the sprayer from the sink, drenching the burning shirt until the fire is out. But instead of releasing the trigger to stop the flow of water, she moves it back toward me, hitting me in the face. I’m stunned at first, not believing she’s actually having a water fight with me inside, but her laughter breaks me out of my shock. “Baby Girl, I suggest you run,” I say before I take off in the direction she’s in.

  She screams as she dashes out of the kitchen, trying to run up the stairs to get away from me, but I catch her on the first step. “Where do you think you’re going, huh?” I growl, then lift her up and start carrying her up the stairs. But before we even make it up two steps, my phone starts to ring.

  “You’re not gonna answer that, are you?” Dani asks, seeming almost desperate and vulnerable. I hate to upset her, but it could be club shit. “I’m sorry, Baby Girl. But it’s Mack and could be important,” I say, hoping she understands. I know that she gets the club is important and sometimes has to come first, but she has to know that she will always be my number one priority.

  “Whatever. I’ll be upstairs getting ready for work,” she says, but she doesn’t sound angry, just sad.


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