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Christmas for the Wolves & a Wolf for Valentine's Day (Grey Wolf Pack)

Page 3

by E A Price

  Bang bang bang!

  “Come on! I need to take a shower! You’ve already been in there thirty minutes,” another of Mal’s brothers, Craig, shouted through the door.

  “Use the other shower!” snarled Mal.

  “Dad’s in it. Hurry up!”

  Terri flipped the water off. “Another time, sunshine.”

  Mal grunted in annoyance, willing his erection to go down. Not easy as he avidly watched Terri drying her luscious, curvy body. They wrapped towels around themselves and went back to their room. Mal resisted the urge to punch Craig in his stupid face!

  Mal was going to suggest they resumed where they left off when Eric, his third brother, poked his head round the door.

  “Damnit! Can’t we get any privacy?!” bellowed Mal.

  Eric snorted. “Yeah, you two don’t have sex enough. Mom wants you to help move a bed.”

  Eric ducked away as Mal threw a pillow at him.

  Terri giggled and hugged her mate. “There’ll be time later.”

  Mal kissed the top of her head; his howling wolf appeased slightly. They hadn’t had sex in over three days, and he was having withdrawal symptoms. “There better be.”


  A couple of hours later the bedrooms were all ready. Ellie and Hank had moved out of their en suite room so Corinne and her husband Jerry could use it. They had moved into Craig’s room, while Craig and Eric had moved into Darryl’s room, leaving Eric’s room free for Corinne’s three sons. It was like musical bedrooms.

  Mal’s family traditionally had a big Christmas meal on Christmas Eve and then opened their presents before bedtime. Christmas Day would be spent outside in their wolf forms, hunting and running together.

  The meal was all prepped, and now Ellie was flitting around nervously awaiting Corinne’s arrival. She looked at her family who was sat watching TV in the family room. “For the love of god, please, all of you behave. I don’t mean you Terri honey. The rest of you five, though, better damn well be good!”

  Terri was surprised Ellie included her mate Hank in that. Although, she could see that the boys did get their wilder sides from him…

  Hank clucked his tongue. “She’s just your sister, who cares what she thinks? You have nothing to worry about; you’re being ridiculous.”

  Both Terri and Ellie gave him the stink eye. Terri commiserated with her motherin-law. Terri also had a sister who was seemingly flawless and constantly put Terri down. It wasn’t fun.

  Ellie wrung her hands. “You’re right. I do have nothing to worry about because this year I have a secret weapon.”

  Terri’s almost choked on some popcorn as Ellie pointed to her; Mal rubbed her back soothingly. “Me?!”

  Ellie smiled triumphantly. “I’m the first to get a daughter-in-law, a college educated librarian nonetheless, and the first to get a grandchild, and she can’t take that away from me. I can’t wait to see her face when I tell her. So, Terri, just act perfectly.”

  Terri’s eyes widened. “So, no pressure then?” She mumbled about getting a glass of water before retreating to the kitchen.

  Terri stood at the kitchen sink staring through the window at their half-constructed house. Part of her was keen to move out and spend some alone time with Mal, but she also knew she’d miss his family when they did. Even though, they’d only be a stone’s throw away.

  She warmed as Mal slid his arms around her, resting his hands on her stomach. “Ignore my mom, Aunt Corinne just makes her crazy.”

  “It’s fine; my sister makes me feel the same way. I hope your family likes me.”

  “I couldn’t give a fuck what they like, besides they’re your family now too,” said Mal frankly as he pressed his growing arousal into her back. He wasn’t overly subtle at letting her know he was horny.

  Terri twisted round to face him. “That also means my sister and my mother are your family.”

  Mal smoothed his hands down her back and hiked her up, so she was sitting on the edge of the sink. “Yeah well, as terrifying as that is, it’s worth it to be with you.”

  Mal kissed her neck as his hands journeyed inside her sweater. His beast whined, in desperate need of their mate.

  “Mal…” breathed Terri. “I don’t think…”

  He kissed her as his fingers sought the clasp of her bra. She raked her hands through his hair and…

  Hank walked into the kitchen looking for a beer. Terri pulled away embarrassed.

  “Oh for fuck’s sake!” yelled Mal.

  “Language Malcolm!” roared his father. “Oh fuck!”

  They heard voices and realized Aunt Corinne and her brood had arrived.

  Mal placed Terri on the floor, and she righted her clothes. “Later, sunshine.”

  He sighed exaggeratedly as he led Terri out to meet the rest of his family. “Yeah, yeah, later.”

  Terri could see Corinne was a similar version of Ellie. Perhaps a little prettier but not as friendly looking. Her husband was quite a small wolf at five foot ten, as well as being thin and pale. Her three sons were similar to their father, although a little taller and better looking. Still, they couldn’t begin to compare to the downright, drop dead sexiness of the Tanner men. They were all born to be heartbreakers.

  After they all had said hello, Corinne and her family looked at Terri with interest.

  Ellie slipped an arm round Terri’s thickened waist. “This is Terri, Mal’s true mate. She’s pregnant.”

  Corinne’s eyes bugged out of her head. “Well, this is a surprise! Ummm… congratulations.”

  Ellie practically bounced up and down. “Yep, I’m going to be a grandma!”

  Corinne’s family politely told Terri it was nice to meet her.

  Corinne shook her head. “Mated and expecting at only 19, that’s so…”

  Mal grinned at her proudly. “It’s great isn’t it? Terri’s due at the end of May.”

  “Yes of course, of course it is, definitely…”


  Dinner was a quiet affair. Well, relatively so. As usual the Tanner men were boisterous, obnoxious and ate like maniacs. Corinne’s family tried not to roll their eyes too much. Probably for fear they’d get stuck that way.

  Corinne was very quiet. She kept snatching glances in Terri and Mal’s direction, whether out of jealousy or disapproval, Terri couldn’t tell. But if the triumphant smile on Ellie’s face was anything to go by, it was jealousy.

  Corinne’s youngest son, an English lit major, tried to strike up a conversation with Terri, but after numerous glowers from Mal, gave up.

  The Tanner boys were unusually on their best behavior. No food had been thrown; no one had been swearing, and no one had tried to punch anyone else. Instead, they had been unobtrusively texting each other on their phones, to make fun of one another. Ellie pretended not to notice. Mal knew because Darryl sent him a text asking him how blue his balls were. Mal sent a very threatening text back that almost sent Darryl into convulsions.

  After dinner, the boys became even more animated when it came to receiving presents. They complained about the socks and clothes from their parents but fawned over Corinne for giving them money. Terri was thrilled at the baby toys and clothes.

  Mal nervously watched as Terri opened her present from him. He’d never been so unsure of himself. When the question of buying her a present arose, his mind leapt to underwear immediately. Something they could both enjoy. But, in a bid to save money, Terri had said they shouldn’t buy presents. Mal balked at the idea of not getting her something, so Terri had relented and agreed to a five dollar limit. That didn’t leave him many options.

  After probing his mother, he finally had an idea and spent a day trailing round second hand book shops in Alexandria until he finally found what he wanted.

  Terri’s eyes lit up. It was a copy of Jane Eyre. It was just like the copy her father gave her on her 11th birthday. She’d lost it a few years ago when she moved house and had always regretted it. Tears sprung to her eyes.

�s lovely; I love it.”

  She threw her arms round Mal as various members of their family awwwwed while others muttered something about getting a room.

  Mal hugged her. “Well, I did have a little help,” he admitted awkwardly.

  Terri gave him a watery smile. “My present seems really lame in comparison. It’s actually not even a real present.”

  Mal pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “I’m sure I’ll love it.”

  Terri handed him an envelope and looked away shyly. Mal frowned at her and opened it. He stilled; his face broke into a wide smile, and a tear escaped his eyes. “It’s wonderful.” His wolf pranced around like a puppy.

  He grabbed Terri and smothered her in kisses as she began to cry happy tears.

  “What is it?” Eric snatched the card, which in turn was snatched by Ellie.

  Inside was a scan of the baby and underneath were the words ‘it’s a boy.’


  25th December

  Terri woke to find Mal placing feathery kisses over her belly. “How’s my boy doing?”

  “Mmmm fine, so’s his momma in case you were wondering.”

  Mal chuckled and stretched beside her, cuddling her into his shoulder. He couldn’t stop smiling. Ever since he found out they were having a boy. He’d come close when his brothers and cousins were giving Terri congratulatory hugs, but even his possessiveness couldn’t put a dent in his joy.

  After the present giving, the family had settled down to watch a Christmas film. Darryl chose it, so it was Die Hard.

  Corinne interrupted frequently to talk about how well her sons were doing in college, the spec of her new car, how she was having her house redecorated… Ellie just smiled beatifically and talked about her grandson and how wonderful Terri was.

  Terri was completely embarrassed by the praise being leveled at her, but also somewhat delighted. She had grown up with a mother who always compared her to her sister, her thinner, smarter, prettier sister, so it was kind of nice to have someone flatter her for a change. Not that Mal didn’t flatter her every possible chance he got.

  But Terri had started yawning soon after the terrorists infiltrated Nakatomi Plaza, and fell asleep just before John McClane cut his feet on the glass. She guessed Mal had carried her to bed.

  Terri’s stomach let out an angry rumble. “Oooh, sounds like he’s hungry though.”

  “That’s my boy. Come on, let’s go get something to eat.”

  When they got to the kitchen, Mal pulled out some pancakes from the warming oven. As they were munching, Terri noticed something strange. Strange for that house.

  “The house is so quiet, where is everyone?”

  Mal shrugged. “Out for a run. It’s tradition.”

  Terri felt a twinge; other than the age difference between them she was also mindful of the fact that she was human. She often wondered if she held him back, now she was certain she had.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Mal practically inhaled a pancake before taking a huge gulp of orange juice. “Why are you sorry, baby?”

  “That you felt you had to stay here with me - I’ve ruined your Christmas tradition now.”

  “I wanted to. We can start our own Christmas tradition. The rest of the family gets the hell out of the house, and we finally get some alone time. So eat up.”

  She looked at him quizzically. “Why?”

  Mal put him plate in the sink and flashed her a predatory grin. “Because, baby, for the first time since you moved in here we have the house all to ourselves for at least a couple of hours. And we haven’t had sex in over three days. You are going to need all the energy you can get.”

  Terri tried as nonchalantly as possible to wolf down the rest of her breakfast. The moment her plate was empty Mal snatched it, deposited it in the sink and then took Terri’s hand leading her to the family room.

  They sat side by side on the couch. “Do you remember our first time?” asked Mal grinning.

  Terri colored and Mal bellowed with laughter. “After all the times we’ve been together it’s so cute that you’re still embarrassed.”

  Terri giggled. “It’s just that was the first time I’d ever… you know… propositioned a man.”

  “Glad to hear it. Do you remember how you turned to me, and you put your hand on my shoulder…” Mal took one of her hands to do just that. “And then you asked me…”

  “I asked you if you wanted to spend the night with me. And you looked absolutely horrified!” Terri rubbed a hand over her reddened cheek.

  His wolf grumbled. “I was not! I was just surprised. For a second, I was scared that you were reading my mind. I didn’t want you to see all the dirty things I wanted to do to you. And then I couldn’t believe that this beautiful, sexy, smart woman wanted to be with me.”

  “Please! All I could think is why would this young, gorgeous man waste his time on a woman like me? He could have anyone he wanted. But I knew if I didn’t say anything I’d regret it. I figured it was worth the risk of rejection.”

  Mal frowned at her. “Baby, there was never any risk. I wanted you the moment I saw you.”

  Terri smiled. “Do you remember what happened next?”

  Mal chuckled. “Of course, I could never forget. You asked me to be with you and then I started panting like a pup and said ‘yes, please.’ Then you got all nervous, so I did this…”

  Mal slid off the couch and kneeled before her. He smoothed his hands up her legs, the way he did the first time. His fingers alighted on the belt of her robe.

  “You were wearing a brown dress that tied at the front, so I did this…”

  He carefully undid the tie and bared her body to him. “Then I pulled your panties off except…

  Terri sniggered as he ran his hands over her hips. “Except I’m not wearing any now.”

  “Mmmm, even better.” He bent her legs up before placing them on his shoulders. He flashed a wicked smile. “Then I did this…”

  Mal plunged his mouth down and swiped his tongue over her wet slit. Terri dug her hands into the couch as she moaned in delight. He dipped his tongue in her channel before sucking on her clit.

  He drew back to admire her flushed body. “Then I couldn’t wait a second longer…”

  Mal freed himself from his boxers, kneeling up he aligned himself with her sex and thrust inside her. Terri gasped at the sudden feeling of fullness as Mal’s wolf roared in contentment.

  “Fuck baby you’re so tight, feels so good…”

  His eyes glittered to the amber of his beast as he pulled out and began driving himself inside her. Terri clutched at the couch as he took her with long, hard strokes. It was just as wonderful as their first time.

  “You’re so beautiful, baby…”

  His hips slapped against her flesh as she let out tiny exquisite moans.

  “I want to feel you come…”

  Mal leaned over her, trapping her and deepening the angle of penetration, making her legs slip off his shoulders and rest against his biceps.

  “I want you to come around my cock…”

  He crashed against her sensitive nub every time he forced himself inside; she could feel her release thundering towards completion.

  “Do you want that baby? Do you want to come?”

  Mal quickened his movements, fingers digging into her thighs.

  “Yes…” she hissed as an orgasm cascaded through her body.

  With one final, hard thrust Mal roared as he exploded. His wolf bellowed in pleasure at being with their mate.

  Mal massaged her thighs, placing delicate kisses on her skin, soothing her back down to earth. He was reluctant to part from her; he enjoyed the feel of being joined so intimately and of her inner muscles contracting around his softening manhood.

  Terri stroked his cheek. “I love you, so much.”

  Mal gave her his cockiest grin. “Yeah, you do.” He placed a hand on her stomach. “But not half as much as I love you.”

  His wolf howled. Mate. Mi

  Hans & Melanie – Christmas in Bunk Beds

  23rd December

  Hans Lucas fidgeted awkwardly. He hated this. He hated interfering in other people’s love lives. He certainly wouldn’t appreciate anyone else interfering with his.

  Although on reflection, perhaps if someone had, it would have saved a lot of heartache. He was ashamed to think of the way he had treated his mate, Melanie Ramirez before they got together. He had hated witches ever since one killed his father. So when he discovered his true mate was a witch, he had been standoffish. Alright, in truth he had been a raving asshole. It pained him to think of how much hurt he’d caused her. She said she forgave him, but he would always feel a little guilty. Melanie said the only sure fire way to get rid of that guilt, was always to do whatever she said. He didn’t know if he could agree to that.

  For one thing, Melanie had this need to play matchmaker. He grouched that it was none of her business what people did with their lives, but she looked at him with her big, round, brown eyes and told him she just wanted everyone to be as happy as they were. He melted at that. Yep, the angriest, most disagreeable wolf shifter in the whole of the Grey pack turned into a puppy with one look from his mate.

  Recently, Melanie had noticed the attraction between her best friend, Kayleigh and his best friend, Don. She had persuaded Hans to put in a good word to Don about Kayleigh, then, not long after, the two of them mated. Melanie was thoroughly pleased with herself for the turn of events. Hans pointed out that Kayleigh and Don were in fact true mates, and most likely would have gotten together even if Hans hadn’t briefly mentioned to Don how nice Kayleigh was. Melanie’s enthusiasm wouldn’t dampen though.

  Since then, Melanie had also managed to set Fran, a human who worked at the library, up with a jackal shifter who frequented Pizza Moon, the pizza parlor Hans and Melanie ran together. Now Melanie had her sights set on getting Carly Finlay, the pack Omega, together with Hans’ brother.

  Hans had a soft spot for Carly. She’d always been kind to him, and never took offence when he raged against her. But, he just didn’t think she would make a good match for his brother Acksel.

  Acksel was the pack’s Chief Enforcer; he was a couple of years younger than Hans, and a lot more handsome. Not things that used to bother Hans, but since he found out that Acksel had been attracted to Melanie, and had asked her out on a date, he was infuriated. Melanie had said no of course, and Acksel had no idea of the connection between Hans and Melanie, but still he couldn’t help the angry, possessive nature of his beast.


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