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Page 4

by Zenina Masters

  “Lady Nisa, do you have shoes?”

  Nisa blinked. “No. I don’t need them. My feet rarely touch the floor.” It was a peculiarity of her talent, but a cushion of air always remained under her. The Brothers had been freaked out at first, but they had adapted when they realized that she wouldn’t interrupt their contemplations. She made no noise when she walked and few even noticed that her feet didn’t touch the ground.

  Ronique paused but kept going. “Then can you rise about an inch and a half off the ground so that the dress barely grazes it.”

  Nisa looked down and did as requested.

  “Perfect. Now, if you would come with me, the hairdresser is waiting down the hall.”

  The rest of the preparation flew by in a blur, her hair ended up twisted into a regal arrangement with the majority of it cascading in curls down her spine.

  Her nails were polished and glossed and she felt feminine for the only time in her life.

  When she was ready, Brother Timo stared at her for a moment before offering his arm. “Lady Nisa, I would be honoured to escort you to your grooms.”

  They walked together as music swelled the moment she passed through the door to the gardens.

  Nisa almost turned and retreated into the abbey. Six hundred citizens were turned to watch her entry to the gardens.

  “Keep calm, Nisa. They are here to wish you well.” Brother Timo patted her arm and they walked with the music toward her mates and Father Wercos.

  Her men were wearing matching embroidered shirts and tight trousers tucked neatly into knee-high boots. The possessive looks that they were aiming at her gave her a little more confidence. She concentrated on them and ignored the citizens who were smiling at her in encouragement.

  She joined her men at the fountain of balance and took their hands. It was a strange hand holding—each of her hands had three men in contact with her skin.

  Father Wercos went through the ceremony and altered it for the particulars of their union. When the time came for them to try to extinguish the flame of love with the water of life, she made sure that the flame was impervious to being snuffed by water.

  The kiss was confusing. She began with Prio, his lips caressing hers in a slow seductive motion. Wattur spun her into his arms and pressed his mouth to hers in a quick and thorough consummation of their union.

  Raz waited for her to come to him and when she did, he leaned her back in his arms and gained the approval of the crowd as he gave her a leisurely kiss while she was cradled against him.

  When he pulled her upright, she was dizzy and it was from more than just the kisses.

  The crowd applauded wildly and the priests mingled with the citizens as they moved toward the reception area.

  Father Wercos smiled at them. “Come with me. We are going to immortalize this moment.”

  Posing with her men while her head spun was difficult, but she perked up in shock when Prio cupped her ass with his hands as he stood behind her. “Knock it off, Prio.”

  He laughed. “You agreed to honour me with your body. I am simply honouring you with mine.”

  He pressed his erection against her buttocks and rocked his hips against her.

  “Prio, I have not eaten in two days and I was promised food to come out of my bathroom earlier, without any actual snacks being given. I am about to pass out and your frolicking is going to put you on my last-entry list.”

  Raz and Watt laughed and the next image taken was of three out of four of them laughing and one looking horrified.

  They took individual images, each male with Nisa, and finally a series of images with their markings exposed. Nisa was sitting front and centre and the other three surrounded her, their shirts and her gown shifted to allow the flying predator to be visible to all and sundry.

  When she had her wedding images taken with the Brothers and Father Wercos, she was at the end of her endurance. “Either feed me or let me sleep.”

  Brother Timo smiled. “Your plates are waiting for you. The food and drink are ready at the head table.”

  With a laugh and a hug, Nisa grabbed the two men nearest to her and hauled them toward the reception. There may be a night of dancing ahead, but if it started with a meal, Nisa might just make it through.

  Chapter Eight

  “It’s time to leave.” Raz whispered it in her ear.

  They had eaten, danced, drunk and danced some more. With each passing moment, Nisa had been getting more and more excited and she thought it might have something to do with the hand under the table that was working its way between her thighs.

  She shivered and nodded. Her mates didn’t need to be told twice, Prio removed his hand from between her thighs and lifted her into his arms. The crowd hooted and applauded as they left the reception and her set strode into the abbey toward the north wing.

  “Father Wercos told us of his gift and we are very happy with it. With a few technological additions, it will be perfect. It is far easier for us to launch from a height than to gain altitude with our wings.”

  She giggled and snuggled against Prio. “I noticed. I helped out as much as I could.”

  Raz grinned. “We thought that it must be you. That many updrafts were exceedingly unlikely.”

  Watt tickled one of her feet as they walked along. “Was it tiring?”

  “Lifting you was easy, pulling the scourge apart was exhausting. I am very glad that I got some rest.”

  They shared a significant look and climbed the stairs to the upper floor.

  The abbey used to be full of priests and acolytes, but the Harmonic church had left this building to the weather of Alorcan. Its survival was a testament to the first builders on the world as well as the creator’s wish that the building remain intact.

  Raz opened a door and Nisa gasped in surprise at the room treatment that had been put in place while she was asleep. The bed was huge.

  “Do we all share one bed?” She raised her brows in surprise.

  “Of course. It will make things easier if we get called out on assignment. There is no chance that one of us won’t hear the page.” Prio stood her on her feet and stepped back.

  Raz stripped off his shirt, exposing his powerful torso.

  She licked her lips and curled her hands into fists.

  Watt removed his shirt and bent to pull off his boots, the ripples of muscle caused a deep tension within her.

  Prio removed his shirt and they all waited.

  Catching on, she moved her hands to the wide straps of her gown and moved the pleated silk off to each side, freeing her arms and exposing her mark to her mates.

  Watt moved forward and caressed the mark, sending a deep throb through her clit. She sighed and reached for him, but Raz moved behind her and pressed against the naked skin of her back. Watt kissed her lips, Raz kissed her neck and she relaxed against them, secure in the knowledge that they would bring her as much or more pleasure than they took from her body.

  Watt stroked her breasts, cupping them and rubbing her peaked nipples with his thumbs. Her breath came out on a low moan as the sensations mixed with Raz’s mouth on her neck and shoulders.

  The rough touch of his hands as Raz gently moved her hair out of his path gave her another sensation entirely. A frisson of vulnerability as their hardened palms touched her ratcheted her senses up.

  Raz tugged at her gown and there was a light rip of fabric and then a cool puddle of silk frothed around her ankles.

  Raz cupped her hips and squeezed her buttocks while Wattur moved his hands down her belly and between her thighs.

  Her sex was slick with honey.

  He parted the folds and stroked his fingers against her while thumbing her clit in a hard and fast beat, working into her opening and then retreating in a teasing motion.

  Her orgasm buckled her knees and had her shuddering in their grip. Raz’s fingers on her ass held her up and she fought the hysteric laughter that welled up.

  Watt lifted her and carried her to the bed, seating her on
the edge before working at his trousers.

  She held up her hand. “Wait. For the first time, I want you all at the same time. I have done some research and I know it can be done.”

  Raz looked at her with concern. “It can be, but are you sure? It will be taxing for you.”

  She laughed. “As far as I can tell, I won’t have to do much.”

  Prio nodded. “I am willing.”

  She looked at him and grinned, he certainly was. He was naked, aroused and there was a tantalizing pearl of fluid gathered at the end of his cock. She gestured for him to come closer and when he did, she bent to taste him.

  Salty-sweet with a flavour that she remembered from their kiss, she licked at the wide head and then wrapped her lips around it, sucking as she went.

  Nisa was having fun, but hands pulled her away and drew a noise of protest from both her throat and Prio’s.

  Watt lay back and Raz lifted her until her channel was snugged against Watt’s cock.

  She rubbed against him lightly but stopped when two fingers were doing some rubbing of their own against her rear entrance. Something slick was pressed into her ass as she backed into the pressure. The two fingers spread the lubricant while spreading her and while she winced, it was a darkly pleasurable sensation.

  The cock head pressed against her and her body snapped around it, holding it tight until Raz surged into her.

  Watt thrust upward at the same time and in that one moment, she was stuffed full and her body was rioting in confusion. It couldn’t decide whether the feeling was pleasure or pain and there was no time to decide.

  Prio knelt to one side of Watt and she took his cock back into her mouth just as the other two started in a piston-like rhythm that kept her body occupied as pleasure spiked, peaked and then started to rise again.

  Raz fucked her ass, plunging deep with every thrust, Watt pumped upward, his cock battling for space inside her and Prio threaded his hands in her hair for balance but did not pull it as she sucked and licked until he shouted and jetted cum into her mouth.

  She licked at her lips, fighting the inevitable rise of her own orgasm until she couldn’t hold it back any longer. Nisa screamed as her body convulsed around her lovers and they didn’t hesitate, each thrust to the hilt and bucked hard against her while they came.

  Nisa collapsed on Watt’s chest, flinching when Raz withdrew and returned with a warm washcloth that took away the traces of their cum and the lube he had used to get into her ass.

  Against Watt’s chest, she mumbled. “Okay, you were right, that was exhausting.”

  He chuckled in her ear. “So, it is off the table?”

  “I didn’t say that. I just need a nap and we can try something else.” She sighed and rested against him, the delightful sleep of a sexually satisfied virgin took her over.

  * * * *

  “She’s out.” Watt was trying to keep his voice low, but she stirred against him.

  Raz sat back on his heels and watched their mate as she slept. “Come on, get her on the pillows and we can take turns cuddling with her.”

  Prio sat and extended his arms to hold their bride. “I didn’t get to be inside her, so the least you can do is let me hold her.”

  Raz carefully lifted her away from Watt and Prio tucked her in carefully, snuggling against her.

  Watt looked to his set. “When will we tell her?”

  Raz gave him a scowl. “We won’t.”

  “We have to let her know that she died on that tower. It is important that she know what her talent can do to her.”

  Prio frowned. “I don’t want her frightened in regards to her talent. She has to remain free to act as her heart dictates.”

  Watt looked at him in shock. Prio was by far the most conservative of their group and if he was in favour of Nisa risking her life to maintain her self-esteem, he had to be head over heels.

  Raz shrugged and moved to take a position on the other side of Nisa, his features taking on a blissful expression as he touched her skin.

  Watt remembered the moments on the tower when she had ceased to breathe. Her air had left her in a rush and she had collapsed to the hard stone. They had administered emergency assistance and with each of them taking turns, they had gotten her to breathe again.

  It was one helluva first kiss, but it had brought her back from the edge.

  Watt sat up and leaned over Prio, stroking Nisa’s hair away from her face.

  He jerked when she said, “You guys suck at whispering. I stopped breathing, huh? It has happened before.”

  Her features were still in the angelic arrangement of sleep, but her voice was quite clear.

  We will have to try speaking in your thoughts then.

  Wow. I have heard that this works, but I wasn’t sure that doing it that way would activate our connection.

  Raz spoke. It is a ghost frequency. Our minds resonate together, even if we don’t agree.

  Prio chuckled and stroked Nisa’s hair. We have agreed on only one thing this week.

  What was that?

  Watt growled. You. The moment that we saw you, we knew that you were ours. The fact that Seelil’s fiancée recognized your eyes’ similarity to ours is what drove him to ask us to stand up for him at their wedding.

  Raz added, We worked with Seelil in matters of customs and import. He became one of our first friends on Alorcan.

  She smiled and kept her eyes closed. So, I was set up to meet you. Beela will owe me one.

  Watt stroked her arm. She is an incorrigible romantic. The idea that we could find you across the stars and yet not see you five miles away struck her as tragic. She had to correct that horrible oversight.

  Nisa opened her eyes and looked around her. Well, then I suppose I owe her. Life in the abbey has been fun, but until this moment, I never knew what contentment could be.

  Raz growled and started to press kisses from her ear down her body, Prio did the same on the other side and Watt tasted the pulse of her neck and worked his way over her breasts, learning each taste and texture as he passed.

  Oh dear. I guess contentment is a hot word. I will have to remember…ohhhh.

  * * * *

  Nisa was lost in a haze of pleasure as they all focused on her and Watt used his tongue between her thighs.

  There were worse things to have than three attentive men in her bed fixated on her pleasure.

  She would just have to remember that when she needed some attention, she simply needed to say that she was content. Her first day as a bride and she was learning all ready.


  Laughter burst from her, wild and uncontrolled. Nisa Zask Eagle flew in a swooping pattern while her mates tried to catch her.

  Watt swung in, his claws extended. She let the wind drop her while spinning him back into a tailspin.

  It was the move that Raz was waiting for. He was under her and when she dropped, she landed squarely on his back.

  She locked her arms around him and he flew them back to the abbey. As the winner of the contest, he got to have her to himself.

  He dropped to the stone and shifted while she was still attached to him. Her thin shift didn’t keep her full breasts from pressing into his back and he reached for her, pulling her around to his front with one hand while he opened his trousers with the other.

  On top of the abbey, she leaned her head back as he pressed into her and he dug his fingers into her hips and he pulled her onto him. She screamed in enjoyment as the hot, thick rod of his cock forged inside and he pounded into her hard and fast until she screamed again.

  Sighing, she slumped against him. “Well, that was fun.”

  He chuckled and ran his hand down her back.

  A short buzzing at his hip got her attention. “Aww come on. We only just started.”

  “Duty calls, Nisa. I will be with you in the morning, now go and get some rest. I am sure that Brother Timo is tired of babysitting.”

  He pressed a kiss to her lips that gave her heated images of th
ings to come and he shifted again to attend to his duty.

  Smiling, she tidied her hair and straightened her shift, walking down the stairs with the trail of semen working its way down her thigh. Nisa stopped in the bathroom before putting on her robe to check on the baby.

  Brother Timo was napping in the nursery and she slid past him to look at her son. He looked just like his fathers and baby Wercos had come into the world just as his namesake left it.

  She ran her finger along his reddish downy hair and smiled. Four years after that first wedding, she had brought this little fellow into the world and he was lively, healthy and naturally born. The citizens were surprised, but the glow of the proud fathers could not be mistaken. They were the fathers of this little one and they were letting everyone know.

  The abbey had less than a dozen priests left, but the priests now had housekeepers. The city wanted Nisa’s talent for defence and they paid for the privilege.

  She sighed softly and left the nursery, watching the windows and seeking the wings that she knew so well.

  She would soon tell her men that Wercos was not going to be an only child, but as soon as she did, they would stop playing catch with her. There was still time enough for the mid-air matings and the chases across the night sky.

  With no need to hide her talent from the population anymore, the skies were open to her, and Nisa took every opportunity to have her men race her to the skyline. They never made it beyond the valley, but Nisa never passed up an opportunity to have her lovers win her undivided attentions to take her fast in the wilds of Alorcan.

  As she caught the flash of wings in the distance, she smiled at the promise that came to her along their connection. It was still Raz’s night and he had a little more victory to claim.

  Maybe Prio would win the competition to make the new baby’s crib. There would always be another silly competition and her men were only too happy to play.

  About the Author

  Zenina Masters was born in Canada and lives in Canada. She has a regular job and does nothing particularly exciting with her life. She enjoys fishing, silence and the ability to pick and choose friends she can trust. Life is too short to watch your back all the time.


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