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The Remix (The Hollywood Twins #2)

Page 5

by Amanda White

  "Maybe she took off," Kyle said from just behind her as he looked over the posh room. "Maybe she doesn't want to see the show."

  Rachel shook her head as she glanced around the room. "That's not like Hanna. She would be sitting center stage with a smirk on her lips daring that horrible beast to look at her. No, she's been acting weird ever since that walk with Tony," finally she shrugged. "Maybe she just went on ahead of us."

  Kyle glanced at his watch. "Well we should go if we want to see the show," he said.

  "Alright," Rachel agreed, but she hated leaving without knowing where Hanna was. Still when she texted Hanna's phone she got no response, so she really had no choice. They drove together to the club, with Rachel worrying the entire way. Kyle glanced over at her as they parked. He knew how much she worried about her sister, and could see the stress in her expression.

  "We'll find her," he said firmly. "Until then, let's try to enjoy the show."

  Rachel was sure that she would not be able to enjoy it, considering that she did not like Kimberly Cole any more than she liked an ingrown toenail, but it was what she had to do, as Tony had made sure they had great seats. When they entered the club it was packed, and the fans of Kimberly Cole were nearly bursting with excitement. Kyle managed to get through the crowd, leading Rachel to their seat. A moment later the crowd erupted with cheers as Kimberly Cole strode on stage. Everyone was yelling so loud that Rachel had to cover her ears. But there was still no sign of Hanna. Her seat next to them were still empty but she hoped that her sister would show up at some point. When she glanced toward the DJ desk she saw that Tony was handling it. That struck her as strange but someone had to fill in at the last minute.

  "Hello Ibiza!" Kimberly shouted into the microphone. The crowd responded with deafening cheers. "Let's rock!" she shouted again into the microphone which made the crowd go wild once more. Rachel looked her over closely. She didn't see anything too special about the woman. She didn't even come close to being as pretty as her sister. Kyle must have sensed her attitude because he grabbed her arm lightly to make sure that she would not storm the stage.

  "Thank you so much!" Kimberly called out to the crowd. "I hope you like my new song Breaking Down."

  As the music began to play a shocked expression came over her, causing her to miss her signal to begin singing. It wasn’t the original version playing, but Hanna’s remix. She glanced over at the DJ desk to find that Tony was no longer there, now it was Hanna. She also noticed the president of the record label standing at the edge of the stage. If she threw a fit and didn't perform, he would be furious, and her career could be over. She hurried to catch up with the song, but her cheeks were burning red with anger.

  Rachel noticed her expression and glanced over at the DJ desk. She cheered when she saw her sister standing behind it. Hanna glanced up long enough to find Rachel in the crowd and wink lightly at her.

  Kimberly had no choice but to perform the song. She could not stop in the middle, and despite the fact that she was livid, she still did a great job. The crowd went wild over the remix even demanding encores.


  After the show Tony was alone waiting in the dressing room when Kimberly came off stage. She glared at him the moment she walked through the door.

  "That was a dirty trick," she growled and stalked across the room toward him. Tony turned to face her but before he could even begin to speak, Kimberly was attacking him.

  "You prick, I cannot believe that you did that to me! You and your little bitch tricked me into playing that horrible song and I swear to god you will never work in this town again-" Kimberly certainly had more to say but she stopped abruptly when the door to the dressing room swung open and the president of the record label stepped in with Hanna at his side.

  "Oh Kimberly, I'm glad you're here," he said ignoring the flush in her cheeks and the heat in her eyes. "I think you girls have a real hit here," he beamed proudly. He could already feel the surge of income from the sale of the remix. "I just talked to the radio manager from Z100, most popular Top 40 station in the country," he added as he smirked over at Tony. "He promised that the remix would be in their rotation starting next week."

  He grinned, expecting Kimberly to be just as excited, however she could barely crack a smile. "Time to celebrate!" he encouraged when he did not get the reaction he was looking for.

  "Absolutely," Tony chimed in and wrapped his arm around Hanna's waist. "Fantastic show tonight," he said politely to Kimberly and steered Hanna out of the dressing room.

  Back stage everyone was celebrating the successful show. Rachel and Kyle caught up with Hanna and pulled her aside.

  “What a great plan,” Rachel announced but she pouted a little. “You could have told me about it you know.”

  “I know,” Hanna said apologetically. “But Tony made me promise not to tell anyone, and I wanted him to trust me.”

  Rachel nodded. “You did fantastic, I have never seen a crowd go so crazy Hanna, you did it!” she cheered for her sister.

  Kyle clapped his hands lightly, and had to agree. “Hanna, that song is now a hit because of your remix. You have a real talent, and I hope you plan to continue to use it.”

  “I do,” Hanna replied with a proud smile. It meant a lot to hear such wonderful things from her sister and Kyle. Hanna was elated to know that her remix was about to become a hit, and grateful to Tony for coming up with the plan to switch DJs at the last minute. She knew that it had been risky for him, and it meant a lot to her that he had taken the risk.

  Tony walked up, and Rachel and Kyle congratulated him as well. “Well, I see snacks,” Rachel pointed out and hurried Kyle away from the two so that they could have some privacy.

  "Thank you," she whispered and stole a kiss from him.

  "Thank you," he replied and nuzzled her cheek lightly. "Your talent is what did all of this Hanna," he said firmly. "I'm sorry if I couldn't do things the way I wanted to, but at least I made sure that your talent was shared."

  Hanna nodded as she gazed into his eyes. "You are amazing," she said firmly.

  Tony grinned but was pulled away by a group of people that wanted to take a picture with him. When Hanna was alone she heard the click of high heels approaching. She looked up to see Kimberly walking toward her. She braced herself for another tongue lashing, but instead Kimberly sighed.

  "I'm sorry for earlier," she said begrudgingly. "I guess your remix is a hit. I knew it would be the moment I heard it," she admitted. "It's just I had my eyes on Tony for a long time. He made it clear that we would never date, he doesn't date singers, but I still hoped we would have a chance."

  Hanna smiled warmly as she studied Kimberly and realized that just as she had first predicted they weren't that much different.

  "Hey it's okay," she replied. "I would have fought that hard for a guy like Tony too. They are not easy to find.”

  Kimberly smiled at how understanding Hanna was. “I really do like the mix,” she added. Tony walked up as they were chatting.

  “It's good to see you two not killing each other,” he said cheerfully. Hanna and Kimberly laughed. Then Tony leaned close to Hanna's ear, the warmth of his breath tickling at her skin.

  “Hey let's get out of here and go to the beach, I know a great place,” he whispered as he ran the palm of his hand along her stomach and drew her body against his.

  “Sounds great,” Hanna whispered back. The two of them sneaked out the side door together before anyone could catch them.


  "Can I drive?" Hanna asked gleefully as they reached the parking lot.

  "Of course," he replied and handed her the keys. He told her where to turn to get to the secluded beach that only the locals knew about. It was a beautiful beach, with the moon spreading its light across the sand and the water, but the best part of it was that it was isolated. There were no houses or hotels where people could watch through their windows the antics on the beach below. Hanna was so happy that she wanted to show it in the
best way she knew. She ran off across the beach kicking sand up behind her in Tony's direction.

  "Last one in is a rotten egg!" She shouted, and then began to shed her clothing as she ran.

  "No fair, you have a head start!" Tony called out as he tried to catch up with her. He shed his shirt as he ran, but Hanna was already splashing into the water, completely nude. The weather was still warm, and the water was perfect. She gazed up at the stars as Tony sloshed into the water behind her. He had taken her lead and also left his pants on the sand. He wrapped his arms around her waist as she continued to study the brilliant night sky.

  Hanna smiled but could not tear her eyes from the heavens.

  "Is this really happening?" she asked in a whisper.

  He nodded slowly as he swept her hair back from her shoulder, letting his touch glide along her bare skin.

  "Yes it is," he replied and offered her a light kiss. She sighed as she stared at him. For once she had trusted someone, and he had lived up to her trust, and not done anything to hurt her. It was a strange experience for Hanna but it was wonderful too. Her heart fluttered as she wondered if she would be brave enough to admit the truth.

  "I guess I am falling in love with a rotten egg," she said jokingly.

  His eyes shone in the moonlight. He could feel the warmth of her skin against his through the cool of the water.

  "You really crack me up," he joked back and kissed her gently.

  "Hanna, I'm falling for you too," he added with a serious expression.

  Hanna felt as if she had found paradise, not in the beautiful location of Ibiza but in the loving arms of a man she never thought she would have the chance to meet. The moonlight played over them as if it was offering its approval as Tony drew her into a slow sultry kiss. Their kiss blossomed into something more as their fingertips began to caress and explore. In the quiet of the beautiful evening, Hanna's voice carried clearly with the pleasure that she felt. It truly was paradise.

  ~The End~

  The Hollywood Twins, Hanna and Rachel, returns in book 3 “The Premier” by the end of February. For more information, please turn the page.

  From The Author

  Thank you so much for reading this novella. I really hoped you enjoyed it. The Remix is just the second of a whole series of novellas featuring Hanna and Rachel’s adventures, while living and working in Hollywood.

  Every month, there will be new episodes of The Hollywood Twins. The next book, “The Premier” is being released at the end of February. You can look forward to it. Kyle’s movie, After the Rain, has its big premier and the twins are going on the red carpet with Kyle. However, he is feeling the pressure from his agent who orders him not to reveal that he is in a relationship but declare to the world that he is single. Rachel does not take it well. She feels the tension straining their romance and fears that she will forever have to share Kyle with the rest of the world. It all culminates with a wild night out for the twins as they take on Hollywood nightlife like never before. Will Rachel and Kyle still be together after this? It will all be revealed in the next episode of The Hollywood Twins.

  If you liked this novella, please support me and help spread the word about Hanna and Rachel. Tell your friends about the books, tweet about them and show your love on Facebook.

  Thank you so much,

  Amanda <3

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  From The Author




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