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Sociopath's Obsession (Sociopath #1)

Page 12

by V. F. Mason

  His words angered me. “We will be out of this hole at some point, brother. I promise you that.”

  He nodded, but I knew he didn't believe my words. He had no faith in us and the escape plan, but I did. I just needed one moment to be able to run away and get something to help us.

  “Do you know what they plan to do to us once our time is done?”

  “What do you mean?” His question made no sense to me.

  “After we are not useful, Damian. We are already too old for those fuckers. They will have fresher meat coming soon, and we both know it. The reason they’ve kept us so long to begin with is because—” He stopped abruptly, and I knew what he wanted to say.

  Because S was so fond of me, and Richard, his brother, loved Dom. We knew there were other kids as well, but we were all separated in different places, so we never saw each other. However, at night, you could hear sobbing and cries, or smell the urine and sometimes a dead body. Mostly, kids didn't survive this life more than three-to-five years.

  The idea of two more innocent children who were kidnapped or forced into this life made me want to slash all those fuckers with a knife and roar in rage and anger.


  I couldn't allow one more child to rot in this fucking hell. It would be better to kill them off myself than let one more boy go through this. This life was a fucking nightmare. Someone had to protect those poor kids who would come after us, and make sure the justice was done.

  A fucking promise I intended to keep.


  On your knees, boy.

  A gasp left my lips as my eyes opened wide; my rapidly beating heart and sweaty body indicated yet another nightmare. The same scene, setting, and tormentor.


  No matter how much I tried to forget, no matter how much revenge I wreaked on those who deserved it, and how thoroughly I destroyed his organization piece-by-piece, I couldn't keep the nightmares at bay.

  They weren't always vivid, but constantly present. I almost never got more than five hours of sleep, and I learned to deal with that shit. It made my business and me more efficient, so there was something good about it at least.

  My feet touched soft carpet, and I was making my way to the bathroom to get my head straight and work on my latest victim and location, when I heard it.

  A deep, terrified scream came from the room where my Sapphire was sleeping.

  Without thinking, I rushed to her and opened the door wide. She was lying in bed, tossing around, her body covered in sweat, and she was mumbling something that was hard to understand. She had tossed the blanket aside, revealing the same clothes she wore during dinner.

  I couldn't take it anymore, so I hopped on the bed and straddled her thighs. I pinned her hands on either side of her head and shook her hard. She woke up with a gasp, her beautiful blue eyes filling with confusion.

  “Get off me,” she screamed, but I was having none of it.

  She had nightmares. I had nightmares. Maybe it was time we healed each other.

  I leaned down and kissed her hard, muffling another scream with my mouth.

  It was deep. Punishing. Hot. Claiming.

  Always fucking claiming.

  My erection throbbed painfully, and I pushed it into her thigh. She gasped again, giving me easy entry to her mouth. My tongue sought hers, and we played out our own duel. There was no other feeling in the world like kissing her and having her in my arms. It was like tasting the most delicious wine or eating the best meal. My body was hot with need, something that never happened before. I wanted to let go of her hands, so she could touch me, learn my body like I craved to learn hers. Me, the man who never wanted women to touch me, to kiss me, or anything else.

  As she started to respond to me, her body grew weaker and she stopped struggling. I felt her wet heat against my lower abdomen and almost moaned from the pleasure I was receiving. I let go of her arms and moved lower. I kissed her neck, sucking hard on the flesh. I wanted to mark her, so everyone, including her, knew who she belonged to. She moaned and arched from the bed as I shifted lower, ripped her shirt apart, and latched onto her soft, pink nipples that were now fully erect. I licked around the areolas, bathing them in saliva before I sucked on them hard.

  She gasped once again, but with pain. I knew I was leaving bruises, but I didn't care. My hand slid down her stomach to her shorts and pushed them down, along with her panties. Finally, I reached her pussy and, fuck me, it was bare, sleek, and smelled delicious. My mouth watered at the thought of tasting her again. I trailed my tongue down her stomach, nipping slightly at her navel, and then I spread her legs on the bed. She was breathing heavily, and I could see the blush spreading on her beautiful porcelain skin. I nipped on the inside of her thigh then ran my tongue over it gently to remove the sting, and slowly turned my head to her heat just begging to be licked and touched. As I inhaled her aroma, she tried to close her thighs, which earned her a growl.

  “Mine,” I said. She tried to say something, but it was lost in a moan when I lapped at her pussy then sucked her clit hard with my lips. There was nothing gentle about my assault on her soft flesh.

  She was delicious, one of a kind, and I wanted to drown in her taste. My tongue moved lower to her opening and entered it. She raised her hips high. I pressed my hand on her stomach to steady her movements, and then mimicked the act of fucking with my tongue. She went wild under me. My thumb covered her clit as two fingers entered her. She was tight, although I didn't have to worry about her virginity. I made sure to check her personal history, even ex-boyfriends.

  The idea that someone else had already been in this heat made me see red.

  “Mine,” I growled again; she better not fucking ever think about another man touching her. “No one touches you but me from now on. Understand, Sapphire?” She was silent, but her hand moved to my hair and she motioned for me to continue pleasuring her.

  That fucking wouldn't do. “Answer me.”

  She was quiet, and I bit on her clit hard, causing a sting, and she cried out.

  Her eyes were closed. She licked her lips and, without looking at me, whispered, “Yes.” The beast inside me was satisfied with her answer, and I went back to sucking and licking. I raised her legs to make her wider for me, so I would have access to her beautiful pussy in all its glory and her tight little hole. I ran my tongue inside it slightly, and she jumped as I pressed her nub with my thumb. “Steady, Sapphire. I will take you here as well. Not today, but soon.” Nothing was off limits between us in bed.

  I leaned back on my knees. She was breathing heavily, and both of our bodies were covered in sweat. I removed my boxers, leaving me completely nude, and her eyes roamed over me hungrily.

  Greedy girl.

  I moved between her thighs, fisted her hair in my hand, and brought her closer to me. With one swift move, I entered her hard, and she cried out in pleasure, or in pain. Both worked for me.

  It was fucking incredible. Feeling her heat surrounding me, how her pussy stretched to accommodate me—and by no means was I small. She was gasping hard. Her eyes were closed, and that pissed me the fuck off.

  “Open your eyes, Sapphire.” She didn't do it, so I tugged her hair painfully, which exposed her sensitive neck to my gaze. Without thinking, I bit and started sucking, no doubt leaving more marks. I felt her hands in my hair. She moaned and her pussy clenched around my dick.


  “Touch me,” I whispered into her ear, and she moved her hands lower to my neck, and then down my spine and around to my stomach. I waited for the feeling of uneasiness to come from her touch, the need to throw her away from me. To be repulsed by the idea that her hands could roam my body easily.

  But it never came. Instead, her touch caused some unfamiliar emotions in me, and my body went rigid. I wanted her skin on my skin, her touch to my touch, her gasp to my breath. To be as connected to her as possible.

  I leaned her back on the bed and rested myself on her while our eyes held each other. Sh
e was lost in as much pleasure as I was. My thrusts became more frantic, faster, and deeper. I felt her legs rise and she hooked them around my waist, which allowed me deeper penetration. She moaned and shifted her head back. I leaned down to suck on her nipples again. I felt her pussy clench tightly around my dick and she came with a load moan. I gritted my teeth and held my release.

  Not yet. I continued to move inside her, but it wasn’t enough to get me off. She squealed in surprise when I flipped her over on her hands and knees. She trembled as I pulled her back against my chest. My hands caressed her breasts as I slid back inside her. I played with her tits until, breathing hard, she came one more time before I was done.

  She was so slick inside I moved easily, and God, I loved the feeling of her. Her body smelled like chocolate and vanilla. I inhaled her deeply. I maneuvered her face to the side, which allowed me access to her mouth. I licked and bit her lower lip, and then gently slipped my tongue into her mouth. I sucked on hers hard and slid my finger down to press on her clit. She whimpered and tried to move away, but my other hand was tangled in her hair and it held her tight. I was close. The tingling of my spine and balls made it feel like they were about to explode. I kept on pumping inside her. When I felt her muscles clench once again and she gasped into my mouth, only then did I allow my body its release, and I came harder than ever before.

  My eyes rolled back as my seed kept coming and coming.

  I had no idea sex could be like that, where you could lose your head and feel so fucking much. I almost lost control and came before her; no one ever had control of my body.

  Not anymore.

  I didn't fucking like it, and somehow, that made me pissed at her. I knew she would be special, but she was supposed to be special on my terms.

  If I felt the pull for her before, it was nothing compared to what I felt now. She became an addiction I would never give up, and at the same time, I became fucking vulnerable to her. She probably thought she had me.

  Well then, she was in for a fucking surprise.

  I pushed her down on her stomach and stood up. I picked up my boxers, slipped them on, and got the fuck out of the room without another word. I slammed the door shut behind me.

  My body smelled of sweat, sex, and her.

  I hated it. Not because I hated what we did, I hated it because I didn't want to wash it off, and that made me weak.

  Something I promised myself I would never be again.

  The sound of the cell opening woke me up, and my eyes immediately glanced at Dominic, who was still sound asleep. I readjusted the blanket, which had slid down to his waist, back over his shoulder. Pressing the back of my hand to his forehead, I confirmed the lack of fever, which relieved me.

  John stood behind the bars, eying the exchange curiously, and then said quietly, “Get up.”

  My brows furrowed. “Why?”

  His eyes narrowed and he spit inside our cell, close to Dominic. I barely restrained myself from jumping on him. His men would then beat me badly, and no one would be there to take care of Dom.

  “You don’t ask questions here. Get up.” I stood up as two guards handcuffed me and pushed me in an unusual direction. The specific rooms designed for ‘sessions’ were located on the right side of the cell, but this time, we moved to the left side, to an unfamiliar setting. The smelly, disgusting grey cells were left behind us as we stepped inside a lobby. Everything was decorated in white and brown—couches, tables. The smell of tobacco hung in the air. The change of rooms put me on high alert. In the middle of the room, which appeared to be an office, stood a man in dark jeans and a white button-up shirt. I had never seen him before.

  “Here is the boy we talked about.” The man turned around, his black eyes devoid of any emotion as he studied my appearance. “He has a twin brother too if you are up for it, and for the right price, of course,” John added.

  “How old is he?”

  John frowned and barked at Alex. “How old are those fucking twins?” Alex scratched his chin and shrugged.

  “Fourteen. I’m fourteen,” I decided to answer, so whatever this man wanted would be over soon.

  “If you are in the mood for something younger, I have them too.”

  The man shook his head. “He will do. Schedule an appointment tomorrow.”

  John frowned. “Tomorrow is Sunday. I can’t be here.”

  The man raised his brow. “So? I don’t need your help for fucking.”

  At first glance, the man didn't give off a vibe like a sick fucker like Alfred and S, but clearly, he had the same dark desires. The only good part about it was the fact John chose me over Dominic.

  “I prefer to supervise the first visit of important clients.”

  The man’s face widened in a dangerous smile that didn’t reached his eyes. “I’m the head of the Mexican Cartel. You hardly need to supervise me. The boy will be fine. The money will be transferred to your account immediately.”

  After a beat, John agreed. “Alex, take the boy back.”

  “Food,” the man suddenly said.

  “What?” John asked, confused.

  “Give them plenty of food and water. I don’t like bones.”

  “Sure, whatever. Alex, take care of that.” Alex pushed me harshly in the direction of the cells as my mind memorized everything—turns, codes, keys.

  John might have given me an opportunity to form the plan for running away from him. Gaining access into unknown territory was worth it, even if it meant one more repulsive fucker touching my body.


  I was twenty-three years old, and although I wasn't a virgin, my experience with men had been very limited.

  Limited, as in having only two real boyfriends and a one-night stand.

  My first boyfriend was a high school classmate, and since we both were sort of geeks and not the most attractive, we got along. None of us wanted to go to college as virgins, so, like so many others, on prom night, we did the deed. It was awkward, painful, and back then, I couldn't imagine a time when I would want to repeat the whole sex experience. The romance books I occasionally read in the library just skipped over the whole thing. However, I still had huge expectations for college.

  That was where I met Tyler. He was tall, blond, and handsome, and the whole campus was crazy about him. I couldn't believe it when he made a move on me—the chubby and glasses-wearing girl—but he did and we went on a date. After two months of dating, I decided to give in and sleep with him. I had needs as well, and his kisses were to die for. His tongue skills led my imagination to dream about good oral action. The rumors were that he was good in bed—although who the hell sent them out, I had no idea. Tyler created the mood, music, bathed my body in kisses, and that was about all the foreplay my body got. I had to fake it, while my boyfriend came with a loud groan above me. It wasn't as bad as the first time, but still unsatisfying. We broke up the next day, because he called me too frigid for his tastes. Apparently, it was my fault.

  The Tyler fiasco helped me discover the vibrator, which, as opposed to men, did wonders to my vagina, and I decided to stay celibate until the right guy came along.

  Two years later, at one of the parties Sophie hosted, I got a bit drunk and there was a handsome guy in the bar—who knows what his name was? We ended up in his hotel room, and he showed me there was good sex in this world. Actually, he took great care of me, and I was so dazzled that the next day I wanted to try it again immediately. My body was sore in all the right places, and I had a stupid grin on my face. Unfortunately, my one-night stand was gone, so I moved on. There weren’t many guys to date, so I had to stay celibate again.

  All those experiences flashed through my mind as I was lying on my stomach on the bed, minutes after he left the room. My body was sweaty, sticky from his cum, and satisfied in ways it had never been before. It was like he knew what my body wanted and gave it to me. Within seconds, Damian made me forget I hated him and what he did.

  From our very first encounter, I had an idea of
his skills, but actual penetration took it to another level. Even after being kidnapped and everything, I had no idea I could lose my head in so much pleasure, that the man inside me might feel so good. That I would crave his touch, his tongue, and his lips. His everything. What we shared still made me feel dizzy and disoriented.

  Was I supposed to feel humiliated? I did, but not because of what happened, but of how he behaved afterward, as though I was a whore he had used.

  Maybe to him I was. For all I knew, there were other women he liked to use. Did I really expect some kind of connection with him? Stupid me. And crazy.

  He killed people; having sex with me didn’t make him a good guy. Maybe I was slowly developing Stockholm syndrome. Or maybe I had never imagined a serial killer to be my one who got away.

  I pushed up, wincing slightly from the sore muscles that hadn’t been used for a long time, and the substances that were leaking down my thighs.

  Maybe I should have been terrified that he took me bareback, but knowing him, he made sure to check himself and me. Somehow, I was sure of that, and I couldn't get pregnant—there was only a two percent chance of me ever getting pregnant due to the pills I’d taken since high school—so, there was no pregnancy scare either. My body was shaking, but on unsteady legs, I went into the bathroom, turned on the hot water, and stood under the spray.

  Suddenly, I was sobbing with my head in my hands while my back was against the cold tiles. The humidity and hot water could do nothing to warm me up.

  I hated him for making me feel like this, and more importantly, I hated him for giving me the best sex of my life and then leaving. I just hated him period for showing up in my life.

  I was so engrossed in my so-called breakdown that at first I didn’t notice I wasn't alone in the shower anymore.

  Strong arms scooped me up, and I opened my eyes to see Damian’s chest in front of me. I felt the room spinning and moving, and then we were out of that bathroom, and within seconds, in another. He marched straight into the warm room, where I noticed a bathtub full of water and bubbles. Without another word, he put me in and removed his boxers. He sat behind me and pulled me back to him, so I had no choice but to lean against him. He hugged me tight under my breasts, and I felt his breath on my neck.


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