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Nothing Lasts Forever - No Secret Can Stay Buried

Page 4

by Vish Dhamija

  Serena nodded.

  'Do you know who the sole beneficiary of his insurance policy is?'

  'Me.' Serena broke down.

  'Do you know that your Worli residence was insured for over a crore of rupees — another quarter of a million US dollars?


  'Do you now realise why I need to ask you so many questions?'

  'Yes, Inspector. Are you insinuating, in any way, that I am responsible for my husband's death?'

  'No, Mrs Kumar, I am not. But someone else could be responsible; someone who knew about it and his other assets... someone like Kim who was witness to his will and knew the amounts involved. To get some part of a million dollars, people can sleep around in order to blackmail and when everything else fails, turn to the last resort — murder — to finish any evidence,' D'Cunha clarified.

  'I don't think so.' Serena shook her head.

  'It's not what you think that matters Mrs Kumar. I've spoken to a few of your mutual friends in the past twenty-four hours and some of them did not deny that Kim and Mr Raaj Kumar could have been romantically involved although, I acknowledge, no one confirmed it either. Some of them strongly believe that Kim had a kind of control on Mr Kumar at parties, especially the ones you did not attend due to your business trips or whatever. They have been seen dancing closely together in your absence; they even arrived and left the parties together… sometimes…' D'Cunha slipped in the 'sometimes' as an after thought, perhaps, realising that he had gone a little too far in his insinuations.

  'I told you she's been an equally good friend to both of us. I could trust Raaj with anyone. He wasn't the sort of guy who sleeps around with other women, Inspector.'

  There was a short silence in the room.

  'I admire that Mrs Kumar.' D'Cunha started to rummage through a file. He sifted a few papers and pulled out one, looked at Serena and continued. 'After Mr Kumar dropped you at the airport around ten on August 18th, he made five calls to Kim from his mobile phone between then and eleven. Five calls in one hour.' He highlighted the calls on the paper before passing it on to Serena.

  Serena looked at the paper and broke down. This was the last thing she wanted to hear about Raaj. She, sobbing, told D'Cunha about buying the mobile phone for Raaj earlier in the year on his birthday. Raaj had a fascination for new gadgets, and since the whole technology had only been a year old in Mumbai, he was as excited as a kid with his new toy. She went on to disclose that she had only innocently asked Kim the night before if Raaj had called in her absence, and she had said no.

  'He called five times, not once.' D'Cunha's voice was a little more confident now that his line of inquiry seemed to break some of Serena's confidence in Kim.

  'Do you have the record of any of the conversations?' asked Serena.


  'Going back to your conversation with our friends, who actually thought Kim was involved with…?' Serena intentionally avoided Raaj's name in the question.

  'I am sorry but I cannot reveal that, Mrs Kumar.'

  'So where do we go from here?'

  'I need to get permission from the department to keep a watch on your friend Kim for a few days and we will inevitably bring her in for questioning. There is no other option. I recommend that you do not probe her on this topic by asking her why she lied to you regarding the phone calls from Mr Kumar in your absence that Sunday…'

  'Why not?' Serena asked before D'Cunha could finish.

  'For two reasons, one, it might, or should I say it would, spoil your relations with Kim and second — she might get a clue that she could be under surveillance. So for those reasons I strongly advise you to stay out of this for a few more days till we get some more evidence. I fully understand what you are going through, but your confrontation with her could ruin the investigation,' he explained.

  'Okay.' Serena nodded.

  'That's all for today. I am afraid I will not be able to close the case, as quickly as I thought, to provide you with all the paperwork to proceed with the insurance; I need to present all documentation before any insurance money is paid out. It's not a case of what you and I believe, it's more how the insurers work — they want a completed investigation before they can proceed,' D'Cunha informed her.

  'That's fine, Inspector. I am in no hurry. I loved Raaj and will love him for the rest of my life. His wealth is of little significance to me without him. I would like the culprit, if any, to be brought to book first.' Serena broke down again.

  'I am sorry, Mrs Kumar. Could I ask for another tea for you?' D'Cunha tried being as sympathetic as he could possibly be.

  'Yes, please.'

  Serena got up to leave as soon as they finished their second cups of tea.

  'Could I drop you somewhere?' asked D'Cunha. 'As I said, I am off to Cuffe Parade for a security briefing now.'

  'I am off to the Taj to meet Kim at her shoot.'

  'Great. I'll drop you at the Taj,' he offered.

  'Don't bother Inspector, I'll take a cab.'

  'It's not a bother at all. I am going that way.'

  'That is really nice of you.'

  Mumbai traffic can become a car park sometimes. They quietly sat in the backseat as the driver changed lanes constantly to negotiate through the cacophonous traffic at a snail's pace.

  'She is gorgeous.' D'Cunha pointed at a huge billboard with Kim endorsing some toilet soap.

  'She certainly is.'

  'It would be difficult to refuse a woman like that, if she insisted on…'

  'Sleeping with a man?' Serena solicited.


  'Not my man, Inspector. I don't believe that one bit.'

  'I did not say Mr Kumar was sleeping with her. I am only saying that some of the evidence is pointing towards such a possibility,' D'Cunha clarified, though he knew well that he didn't need to.

  'I hope it is not true.'

  'Me too, Mrs Kumar.' D'Cunha put a supportive smile on his face. 'In my entire police career, there has not been a single case that I haven't closed in three months. I am a second-generation cop, Mrs Kumar; I promise I will not let this case break my record.'

  'I can only pray...'

  'There you are Mrs Kumar — the Taj. Say hello to Kim and remember to keep yourself calm.'

  'Thanks Inspector.' Serena got down from the car.


  Serena walked to the reception desk, as Kim had suggested, and asked if she could attend the shoot happening in the Rajput suite.

  'You must be Serena,' the receptionist volunteered, sounding confident, after a brief glance at her register.

  'Yes, I am Kim's friend.'

  'I know; she left a message to let you in. Could you wait for a few minutes, please? I will have to ask someone to take you up there, as they normally wouldn't allow anyone on that floor during the shoot.'

  'I'll wait there.' Serena pointed at the lobby sofas.

  The shoot was over by the time Serena got to the suite. The crew was packing up and the director and the client were chatting with Kim, who looked comfortable in her shoot costume; it was just as pink but even scantier than she had described earlier. Hovering around was, unmistakably, the middle-aged nouveau riche entrepreneur, who Kim had depicted so graphically that it was no effort for Serena to recognise him. The moment Kim saw Serena she excused herself and started walking towards her with her arms wide open in anticipation of a hug.

  Michael was right, as all the others were; Kim looked gorgeous, and even more so without clothes.

  'Hi Serena, I'll just change and be with you in five minutes,' Kim announced and said goodbye to everyone before she disappeared into the Ladies.

  'Are you a model too?' asked the chirpy client, who was not in a mood to leave yet.

  So now you want me to strip into a tiny bikini too. You filthy minded soul, Serena thought.

  'No. I am a banker by profession,' she answered firmly; she was in no mood for letting a past-middle-aged lunatic make passes at her.

  'Really?' he continued. '
You look stunning… sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Adi.'

  'Mrs Kumar,' Serena stressed.

  'If you wish to pursue a career in modelling, I can offer you some assignments for our other product ranges…'

  Kim came in assertively, but sweetly, as soon as she got out of the changing room to save her friend from the discussion that was getting nowhere. 'Thank you very much for the offer. Even I've asked her a few times but she is not interested in modelling at all,' she told Adi.

  'How nice to see you again, Kim.' Adi looked at Kim and continued. 'In my opinion you looked better in the costume we provided. Don't you think so Mrs Kumar?'

  'Thanks.' Kim smiled. 'Adi, we need to rush for some lunch quickly, as we haven't had anything to eat since morning.'

  'Why don't I take you both out for lunch?' He wouldn't give up.

  So he wants an orgy now?

  'Some other time please. Serena has just had a tragedy in her family and this is not the right occasion for a social event,' Kim tried explaining.

  'I am sorry to hear that. Could I help in any way?'

  Yes you can Mister. Please leave us alone, Serena wanted to say.

  'Thanks for the offer. We'll keep that in mind.' Kim wanted to leave.

  'Okay, ladies. Have a nice day. Let's have dinner together some evening, Kim,' Adi offered and quickly turned to the agency personnel asking loudly, 'When are we meeting for the review of the photographic assets? I would like to see the shoot results along with Kim, please.'

  Kim and Serena walked out.


  'He's horrible,' Serena said as they sat down for lunch in the restaurant.

  'I know, but I guess it is a standard trait in most first generation entrepreneurs, especially those who dropped out of school and started small. They got married to the girl their parents chose for them. And now, when they have all the money at their disposal, they want to have some fun on the side.' Kim almost sounded like she was apologising for Adi.

  'But would you?' Serena questioned.

  'Would I what?' Kim noticeably did not understand Serena's question or what was coming next.

  'Would you have fun with someone like him?' Serena was almost probing now.

  'You mean Adi? No.' Kim was defensive.

  'Or anyone else who showers money or promises you a lucrative modelling contract?' Serena went on.

  'It depends on the man, not the money.'

  'If Adi was Raaj, would you?' Serena was on a mission now.

  Kim was speechless at the direct question. 'Would and wouldn't. I would, since Raaj was so charming. I wouldn't for the reason that he was married to you and we are very close friends,' Kim stated.

  'Have you never had fun on the side with someone like this?' Serena stayed focused.

  Kim did not say anything for a few minutes, but her smile and expression were enough for Serena, or anyone else, to draw a conclusion.

  'I am not sure why you are asking me all these questions, Serena. As a friend, you should not be assessing my morals. I am a single, independent woman and I make my own decisions. Some of which are right and some not, but I guess the answer to your question is yes. I have slept with married men,' Kim said, without being embarrassed. She did not want to be a torchbearer or a moral ambassador. In fact, to be fair to her, she had never made any claims to be either. She was attractive, young, single, independent and unabashedly promiscuous.

  'I am sorry, Kim. I did not want to upset you. I don't know what made me ask you such obnoxious questions after meeting Adi…' Serena apologised, remembering that D'Cunha had requested her not to voice his suspicion. Even subtle unrelated ones like these risked revealing too much to Kim.

  'I can understand, my friend. I know you are going through a really rough time. I should have asked you to meet me at the reception, rather than come up and get pulled into conversation with Adi.'

  'So, where are you meeting him for dinner?' Serena retuned to Adi's parting conversation.

  'In his dreams for sure.' Kim laughed it off.

  The lunch was sparse, as expected for the two women, and it finished quickly.

  'Coffee?' asked Kim.

  'Yes please.'

  'Kim, you've been extremely nice to accommodate me in your apartment, but it's time I made my arrangements,' Serena started, as they were sipping their cappuccinos.

  'What's the rush, honey?'

  'I mean, the longer I live with you the more I will not move on with life. Moreover, you need privacy too.' Serena was fully aware of the imminent situation of Kim being called in for questioning. The relationship might not remain friendly beyond that point and it would be awkward to live with Kim and equally uncomfortable to move out later.

  'You mean privacy for Adi to have dinner with me?' Kim smiled. 'I don't have any issues. You are welcome to stay with me as long as it takes; it's only been a few days. And if you move into a hotel or a guesthouse, how would that be any better? I suggest you stay with me till you join work. Meanwhile, the police formalities regarding the accident will also be over and…'

  'That might take too long,' Serena filled in.

  'Why? Isn't it a clear case of an accident?' Kim was quick.

  'I meant, I am neither leaving the country, nor in any haste to collect the insurance, so why wait for police formalities to complete. I need to learn to move on.' She evaded Kim's question with an indirect response. She felt a tear forming and pulled out a tissue to wipe it away.

  'Suit yourself. Whatever makes you comfortable — you know I am always there for you.'

  'Thanks, Kim.'

  Kim called out for the bill. 'Let's go home now.'


  'Could I have a drink, please?' Serena asked even before they entered Kim's apartment.

  'Of course you can, but please do not use it as an escape from reality. That is how addiction starts.'

  'Vodka with cola, please.' Serena ignored the unsolicited advice.

  'Okay, madam.'

  Both the women went into their respective rooms to leave their bags and wash up. Kim was already fixing the drinks when Serena came out of the room. She picked up her drink and carried it to the sofa. Kim followed her.

  'We still have an apartment at Linking Road in Bandra. It's been closed since the last tenants left in June. I will ask the estate agent to get it cleaned and send me the keys,' Serena mentioned as Kim sat down opposite her.

  'You've made up your mind, haven't you? Okay, we'll organise that soon.'

  'Thanks for understanding, Kim.'

  Both had their first sips and lit up, one after the other.


  A few days later

  Serena moved into her old apartment in Bandra. It was the one she had moved into with Raaj after their marriage in 1993. As business grew and money started coming in, they had bought the larger apartment on Worli Seaface by the end of 1994, and Serena had suggested they sell the Bandra property.

  'Why should we sell? We don't need the money now. The investment in property will only grow and who knows when one might need it.' Raaj was decided.

  He couldn't have been more right. The prices had only gone north in the last couple of years and the rainy day that the flat might have been required for had arrived. With the Worli apartment completely gutted, the only property they owned was this. Luckily, it had been vacant since the last tenants had left in June. The estate agent had been asked to get it repainted before letting it out. It was a small accommodation with two bedrooms, but it was elegantly furnished, so Serena did not need to buy any household stuff immediately except a few bits and pieces in the kitchen and some clothes and personal belongings. Living alone once again would be painful, she knew, but one had to start. At least she was independent, and more importantly, she did not have to be with Kim if, and when, the enquiry turned ugly.

  Fortunately, the estate agent had got it painted in a neutral colour — ivory. He had also seen to it that all the electronics worked. The old apartment brought back a million m
emories for Serena, like the time they had bought a new television after the wedding, or the new bed they had ordered, and even the first toast Serena burnt in the new toaster. Each memory was freshly redolent and yet increasingly painful with each passing minute. In no time her mind was a collage of blurred images.

  Serena called up her office and her manager GK was very supportive of her taking some time off after a loss like this. He offered her his condolences and asked if she required any assistance from him or the office staff. He would be more than happy to help, he assured, but Serena could think of nothing to say but the clichéd thank you.

  'I'm fine. I just need some time to get myself together. That's all.'

  'That's okay, Serena. But do let me know if you need anything?' he asked.

  'It's not important. But if there is any post for me, could you ask our office courier to drop it at my Bandra apartment, please?' She was sobbing as she made the request.

  'I'll ask someone to do that immediately, don't worry. Be brave and take care of yourself.'


  Sonny, the chef, called on Serena the day after she moved in. It was a surprise to see him at the door at seven in the morning, without his announcing his intention to visit.

  'Hi, Sonny,' she said, almost in tears as she opened the door.

  'Hello,' Sonny said taking her in his arms for a consoling hug before breaking down himself. 'I have been feeling terrible since I got the news. I just couldn't get myself to face you, somehow.'

  Serena suddenly realised that she wasn't appropriately dressed for Sonny. She had expected the new cleaning woman when the bell rang and had opened the door without bothering to wear anything apart from the T-shirt she had worn to bed. 'Give me a minute Sonny. I'll quickly change and come. Why don't you make yourself comfortable?' She started walking away.

  'It's okay. I'll leave in a few minutes.' Sonny tried stopping her.

  'I'll only take a minute,' she said, as it was certainly not okay to her since the T-shirt was barely long enough to cover her knickers, even after pulling it down.


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