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Page 6

by Catty Diva

  “Two Reuben sandwiches and two pastrami on rye with natural cut French fries and a blueberry pie.”

  “That sounds amazing. Let me help you with it.” Pyre moves two plates over leaving her to move the pie.

  Drinks are in the fridge in her kitchenette. She grabs two and they sit down to eat. “Do you like this?”

  “I do. How did they know how to make this?” He asked.

  “I ordered the supplies and sent instructions for any relevant dishes. The kitchen staff do a marvelous job. I’m considering hiring them myself even though it may piss Razar off.”

  “Honestly, he doesn’t worry about kitchen and cleaning staff. They aren’t usually in the military. They are hired outside of it as nonessential personnel.”

  “I guess he may be hiring new staff.” She giggled. “If they accept my offer. I’m hiring for the new station and some positions in the other ones. If I get a permanent home, I’ll hire for that too.”

  “You’re considering settling down somewhere?”

  “I’m waiting to see what happens.” She admitted.

  “What if I want you to live with me?”

  “Do you?”

  “Yes, I do. I want us to be together.” Pyre admitted.

  “Where would we live?”

  “We’d live near Patty and Tar. I hoped you might like that.”

  She grinned at him. That was where she was considering getting a place anyway. “Okay. That sounds nice.”

  “Just nice? I’ll have to convince you it’s great once we’re through with our meal. This is delicious by the way.” Pyre admitted. “I believe dessert will have to wait until later. My appetite for you is building.”

  “Dessert later will be fine.” She was no longer hungry now that she’d had two sandwiches.

  “I’m through too.” He stood and waited for her to walk ahead of him.

  There was nothing she wanted more than to be in bed with him. She walked into the bedroom and stood by the bed. “So now what do you have planned?” She asked.

  “What were you wanting first, a nap?”

  “I have to admit I feel sleepy but just because I’m full.”

  “Maybe I can wake you up?” He reached over untying her belt and letting it drop first. Then as the robe gapped open he slid it off her shoulders. Once she stood in front of him naked, he did the same thing to his own robe.

  Seeing his magnificent naked body energized her. He leaned over sniffing on her. “You smell incredible.”

  “You look amazing.” He pulled her into his arms and kissed her. That made her passion rise. She felt an ache of need between her legs. “I need you so much.”

  “I’m going to give you everything you need, Baby.”

  “I need you.” She said before she fell into him.

  Both naked and ready there was nothing holding them back. She took his cock in her hand to stroke him until he was hard as a rock with a drop of dew on the end. Leaning over, she licked it off like the treat it was making him moan. Looking behind him she saw the bed and pushed him causing him to fall on it. Now she climbed on him positioning him at her entrance so she could slide all the way down. Moving on top of him, he was obviously ready to come in moments.

  “Baby, I’m waiting on you.”

  She rode him hard and felt him move his fingers to her clit worrying it until she lost control and orgasmed. She clutched at his staff with her channel and clenched hard until his seed was squeezed out as his climax rolled over him

  “Was that okay?” He asked with a grin.

  “Mm.” She replied. Exhausted now all she wanted was to sleep.

  Pyre held her in his arms with his body wrapped around her now and they both fell into a deep rejuvenating sleep. When she woke, she just stared at the sexy male who was now lying beside her. At some time while they slept, he had rolled on his back. His face was peaceful and his body chiseled.

  Not knowing if she should wake him or not, she decided to go back to sleep again for a little while. When she woke again, it was to Pyre sucking on her nipple. He bit lightly and she jerked in surprise.

  “I thought you were awake.” He smirked. Now he lavished attention on one nipple, then the next. “Your body is so gorgeous. I love your muff, it matches your red hot hair.” She blushed so hard her face overheated. “That’s a good thing Baby.”

  “Patty always teased me about being the redheaded step-child.”

  He looked confused. “What does that mean?”

  “On Earth it was about the child that a mate already had that had a bad temper and was always in trouble.”

  “I have heard redheads are extremely passionate.” Pyre said. “We have blonds, redheads and a few brunettes among our people.”

  “Among the females? I didn’t see many of them.”

  “I would guess equally among both sexes. Honestly, I never noticed. All Phoenix tend to be passionate, but some have better control and all gain that control over time.”

  “Let’s make love again.” She suggested tired of talking.

  He was agreeable and they spent the rest of the day doing just that. She knew deep down he was the male for her. There would be challenges, but she was up to them and she knew he was too. She had much to learn about the Phoenix, the Mazlans, the humans, and about the unknown species the labs had used in her and Patty’s DNA.

  She still intended to find the time to get to know her male.

  Chapter 6


  She knew anything that to do with or dealt with communications. It was a natural talent she’d worked with to create even more abilities. It took a lot not to be noticed on a ship full of males, but she did what she had to do. Wearing a hairnet with a ball cap over it made her look like her hair was shaved.

  Maybe she should have cut it off, but her hair was her one vanity. She had straight thick light blonde hair that often drew attention and comments when she let it hang loose. Covered up it drew no attention so she left it that way. She also wore glasses to cover her sapphire blue eyes.

  “Hey, George?” A tall gorgeous guy with dark blond hair asked.

  “Yes. Can I help you?”

  “I don’t know. Can you?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I was sent to see you. They said you were a communications expert.”

  “Yes, Sir. I am.”

  “I’m being sent to an outpost to investigate some suspicious activity. There are encrypted communications that are being sent from nearby. They want me to take a communications expert with me. Problem is they have a few that can get by, but none that are what you would call experts. What are your qualifications?”

  “I graduated the Space academy at the top of my class with communications as my specialty. I worked in an undercover branch of Earth gov encrypting and decoding classified communiques for five years.” She explained.

  “How did you get away from them?”

  “Perhaps you are not aware that the government is collapsing. There’s little law and order left on the planet and politicians are selling the rights to females to those interested aliens willing to pay for them.”

  He moved back shocked. “I’m sorry. I had no idea it was that bad. Last I’d heard only uneducated and untrained females were being sent away.”

  “I wanted to go. The Mazlans are fair and treat everyone well. It’s still hard not to resent the politicians profiting off people they never did a thing for.”

  “I see your point. Are you willing to go? I’ll be taking off in two days. Oh, and Ladonna insists you come to a party tonight. The foods good and if you don’t show up she’ll hunt you down.” He grinned. “By the way, my name is Glint.”

  “You’re a Phoenix?”

  “I am.”

  “A friend of Tar and Pyre?”

  “I am. Is something wrong with them?”

  “Oh, no. I like those two guys. They are good to work with.”

  “Hopefully you’ll think the same of me.” He grinned halfway like he wasn’t

  Either he wasn’t confident about himself or he wasn’t sure she could handle the job. It was hard to say. He walked away leaving her to worry about the party Ladonna was having. She liked her, but she’d never been to one of her parties. It was bad that those other girls all flocked there. Not that she hated them or anything, she just didn’t like to spend time around them.

  Little was going on in communications right now and all she had was time to think. Glint was her opposite in many ways. His hair was blond but dark while hers was light. His eyes were blue like the Earth sky before the pollution had poisoned it while hers were the darkest blue imaginable. He seemed outgoing while she was shy.

  It was like Ladonna’s party. He seemed happy about it while she, well not so much. If she didn’t attend, she worried Ladonna would come for her. Ladonna was a super com expert. That girl could control all the cameras and devices on the ship. She’d seen enough to know it even if the others were clueless.

  She had nothing to wear to a party and didn’t want to let her hair down, not literally or figuratively. There was no choice really. Perhaps she should just feel honored because Ladonna had never invited the other girls. They complained about that terribly then showed up anyway.

  Her shift was finally done. Stuart took her place. Many of the crew onboard were humans because there simply weren’t that many Mazlans. Even the captain on this trip wasn’t a Mazlan which was rare.

  Heading to her room, she thought about what she could wear. She’d heard some of the guys wore their uniforms, but the girls all dressed up. She’d heard them talk about the way this guy or that one looked. She had no pretty dresses and wouldn’t wear it anyway, not onboard ship.

  Someday she would be planetside in a safer environment and then she would worry about her looks and find herself a husband. Her closet had little in it, a couple pair of jeans, one of which was torn all to hell. She picked the new pair and partnered it with an oversized sweat shirt. The gray color made her fade into the background. Perfect. Her hat stayed on just like it was as did her glasses.

  If anyone took a look at her like this, they were desperate. Earth wasn’t a good place for a woman, especially one with things men liked like long blonde hair. This ship was loaded with Earth men and she was taking no chances.

  It was time to go so she hurried down the hall knocking on the proper door. Ladonna herself opened it. “Hello George. Come in and let me know what you want. I’ve got a wide range of drinks including liquor and lots of food. I’ll show you where it all is and you can eat and drink. Leftovers are wasted.” She led the way to a big table.

  “Hey, George.” A couple males she worked with yelled out. They were drunk.

  “Just ignore the boys.” Ladonna said as she handed her a cola.

  “I’ve not had one of these since I was a kid.” She admitted.

  “Cool, huh? I love old Earth things. I’m part human, you know?”


  The party, of course, went well. George loosened up a bit with her, but not much with the others. Going on the mission with Glint would be hard on her. They had left just moments ago. That girl was smart, more so than she was given credit for.

  Most guys paid her no mind, but she noticed Glint looked at her for a few moments at the party before he glanced away. Maybe there was some interest there? George was a pretty girl, but she hid it well. Pyre had said the female was going with Glint on a patrol or some such thing. That would probably get interesting. Especially since they’d left on a small patrol ship and would be gone for a week or so.

  Meanwhile, they were meeting up with Patty and Tar who had just come back from a supply trip to Earth. Things were taken there while mostly females were brought back. It was a simple transaction, but some of the females Razar was getting weren’t easy to get along with. Maybe he needed to invoke some restrictions,

  She and Patty could take over and get him females who actually had skills and talents. He was desperate, she understood. But Earth was so overpopulated and females were most of the population so he could do better. Out of the ten females he’d had on this ship, George had been good and Sharon had been okay, just not for the ship. Sharon, one of the shy girls, would make a great masseuse. She’d even had some training. The healer liked her the best of the group because she could help with strained muscles. She’d even heard some of the guys faked them to get a massage. Just like a male, huh?

  Those odds weren’t good. She’d tried, but the other eight were awful and she would not let them on her planet as citizens.

  “What are you thinking so hard about? George and Glint?”

  “I’m thinking about them and those other females on board.”

  “Those others are awful, well Sharon is okay for anywhere else. George is like one of the guys and she’s capable. But Baby, she has no hope of attracting Glint.”

  “Want to bet on that?”

  “What do you want to bet?”

  “Winner’s choice.”

  “You’re on.”

  “What do you think of this woman?” She asked.

  “Who is she?”

  “Do you think she’s attractive?”

  ”Will I get in trouble if I say I do?” Pyre asked with a naughty grin.

  “No, I think she’s very pretty.” Ladonna said.

  “Okay then. Yes, she’s attractive. Now who is she?”

  She giggled hysterically. “This is George.”

  “No way. You’re joking?”

  “Not even a little bit. She tried to blend in so no one will notice her. Life on Earth is rough. She’s worried about what human males here might do. I suppose it’s possible, but I doubt any of these guys would bother her.”

  “Razar would deal with them.”

  “Abuse is better to avoid. Once it happens, some damage is always done.”

  “But how can she stand to dress this way?”

  “What did she see to make her want to?”

  “Goddess, Ladonna! You don’t think she was abused, do you?”

  “I can’t be sure, but there’s certain signs I don’t see. Sure she hides, but she doesn’t jump around. She also doesn’t avoid being around people. I think she managed to avoid guys on Earth and wants to avoid them now too.”

  “That’s one of the other reasons Razar takes them all. His sister-in-law was abused and it made her a rough and selfish person for a while.” Pyre explained.

  “I didn’t know that. I could see where it might change a person. He’ll have to have counselors for them and he needs to require they see one.”

  “He has counselors. He hired several for the people freed from the lab. Most of them did have sessions with them, but the regular Earth females have not. Many are resistant to seeing any doctors.” Pyre admitted. “Razar isn’t sure why but Lista says some see it as weakness.”

  There were so many things she wanted to help with even though she had a lot going on already. She suspected she was a workaholic and Patty was as well. It was okay if they could help others. That was their main goal.

  “Have I told you how beautiful you are today?”

  “No.” She looked at him confused and completely side tracked.

  “I meant to tell you every day. Lucky I caught it.”

  “You are?”

  “Yes, I’m lucky to have you with me. Did I tell you there’s a lovely meal waiting in your room?” Pyre asked.

  She was getting a bit mixed up. “No, you never mentioned it.”

  “Let me escort you back there so we can eat lunch.” He smiled as he held out his arm and she took it. He led her down the hall from where they’d stood at the bay watching Glint and George take off in the patrol ship.

  A sense of urgency was coming off him or maybe she was just imagining things. She’d find out soon enough, wouldn’t she? Her room was just ahead and they slowed. He opened the door and the scent of a sweet candle burning hit her nose. Flowers were in the center of the table, roses and several other kinds.

bsp; The meal was one of her favorite, cordon blue on wild rice with salad and asparagus. The bottle chilling in the bucket of ice, champagne. Something was definitely up. Her eyes moved to his face and Pyre seemed nervous. Why would he be nervous? Was he about to break up with her? Her heart went wild as her mouth got dry. She’d never been dumped before. She had heard some guys tried to do it in a nice way.

  “Tell me what’s going on?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I don’t like surprises. I’m getting very upset right now. Just tell me.” She thought she might cry.

  “But it’s not bad. Can’t you just take a deep breath and sit down?” She shot him a look that said it all. Pyre dropped to his knees. He felt so bad he couldn’t take it. Her heart was about to break.

  “What are you doing?”

  “You’re part human, right? I know some humans and they say this is their ritual.” He held out a small box containing a ring. It was shiny like a diamond. “Ladonna, will you marry me?”

  She broke into tears that were a combination of relief and happiness. “Yes. I will marry you. Why didn’t you warn me?”

  “It’s supposed to be a surprise.” He slipped the ring on her finger. “We are going to be so happy together,”

  Phoenix in Flames

  Book 5


  Who is George anyway? He’s drawn to the shy female who sinks into the background so most don’t even notice her.

  George agrees to accompany Glint on a mission to assure her place on the ship permanently. Now she finds she likes him a little too much and males usually don’t even know she’s there.

  Can two people looking for love find it with each other?

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