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Festive Dog

Page 2

by Louise Collins

  Jake lifted his head and stopped his defeated march. He knew the place to go, knew where he could find something Maddox would value.

  He twirled on his toes and rushed back up the street, pushing against the tide of shoppers. Milly’s Music the shop was called, and Jake burst through the door just as a woman spun the sign to closed.

  “Sorry,” the woman said, “but we’re closing now.”

  Jake pressed his hands together in prayer. “Please, it's Christmas…”

  He hated using that word to guilt trip, especially when he wasn’t planning on buying from her but subtly stealing a gift.

  A bright smile stretched her lips and lifted her eyes. “It is Christmas,” she said, welcoming him inside.

  Didn’t Jake bloody know it…. He bounded forward before stumbling to a stop. He was in a music shop, but had no idea what he was looking for. A whole corner was dedicated to guitars, another to violins. There were instruments he didn’t even recognise, one being a metal pole erect in the air looking more like an alien probe.

  “Have-have…you got anything original from someone famous…”

  The vaguest question in the world, Jake shook his head at his stupidity.

  The woman quirked her eyebrow. “Erm no…records, instruments, computer software…what are you after?”

  Jake sighed, then he bulged his eyes at the price of a plastic harmonica. “I- nothing, it’s okay…I don’t really know what I’m after.”

  “Last minute Christmas gift?”

  “Yeah, something like that,” he said scratching at his head.

  He turned to leave but paused with his hand on the door. A piano sat at the other corner of the shop. Not as impressive in size as Maddox’s, nor gleaming with polish, but it caught his attention.

  “Your friend likes the piano?”

  Jake hummed himself back to awareness. “Hmm, yeah…”

  A flurry of movement rushed out from the back of the shop. The same dark curly hair as the woman beside him, the same brown eyes. She crashed into the woman’s leg and the shop keeper tipped towards Jake like a domino.

  “I’m just helping a customer.” The woman said, straightening up.

  “What does he want?”

  Jake flexed his face, it was awkward being discussed while he stood there, the girl may’ve been six, pushing it seven, but it still made Jake feel uncomfortable.

  “That’s not very polite, Holly, he’s a customer.”

  Holly, even the little girl’s name threw Christmas in Jake’s face. He eased the door open, ready to excuse himself.

  “I’m just gunna-”

  “The piano,” the woman said,” he wants to have a look at the piano.”

  Before he could stutter out a denial he was being manhandled down the shop by a six-year-old.

  He turned back towards Holly's mum. “I don’t wanna keep you, it’s Christmas Eve and all that.”

  She shook her head. “We’re here for the next hour anyway.”

  Holly yanked hard on his hand and he flailed, collapsing on the stool in front of the piano. It was just wide enough for both of them to sit.

  “Now you wanna buy it or what?”

  “Erm…no.” Jake said, trying to remove his arm from her vice grip. “I don’t have enough to buy it…my friend, he would appreciate it, that’s all. It’s a very nice-looking thing—

  “So you want to get it for your friend?”

  Jake scratched the back of his head, flicking his eyes towards the girl’s mum in a ‘come help me’ gesture. She didn’t. She sniggered, staring at her daughter in an adoring proud parent way.

  Jake turned back towards the smiling girl. “My friend already has a piano. I was just thinking-”

  “Does your friend play?”

  Jake bit his tongue at the change of subject before ‘umming and ‘ahhing’ at the question. He had never seen Maddox sit down and play, the grand piano was the centre piece to the room, but its sound had never filled the house.

  “I don’t think-”

  His words were drowned out by her bashing hard on the keys. He blinked rapidly at the sound, ears ringing with the suddenness. Many times, he had felt like doing that on the grand piano, but Maddox didn’t like him walking too close to it, let alone opening the lid and touching the keys.

  “I play, I take lessons.” Holly chirped.

  “Think you need a new teacher.” Jake muttered through a fake smile.

  He could’ve shouted the words and they wouldn’t have been heard above the piano taking a beating from the six-year-old. Then her fingers softened, her brow scrunched in concentration and she played a recognisable tune. Jake watched in awe at her small fingers dancing, tiptoeing onto the next note with unwavering ease.

  “Amazing,” he said, and she heard and smiled.

  “Why not play your friend some music?”

  Jake snorted, pressing one finger on the nearest key. “I’m not gifted at music like you.”

  “It’s easy,” she said, “what does he like?”

  “Beethoven, he loves Beethoven.”

  She pursed her lips and spread her hands across the piano. One hand played hard, and one hand played soft. Jake immediately recognised the dramatic beginning. Beethoven number 5, one of Maddox’s favourites to have sex to, Jake’s face flashed red instantly and he averted his gaze.


  “Nothing,” he said, rubbing at his cheeks. “Think that’s far too advanced for me.”

  Holly bobbed her head, stared at the ceiling before fidgeting on the chair. “Oh, I’ve got it, I’ve got it.”

  She shuffled on the seat before placing her hands back on the keys. The piece was slower, one note at a time and recognisable to Jake even though he had no clue why.

  “That Beethoven again?” he asked.

  Holly’s mother slapped her hand over her mouth to catch a laugh, and Holly stopped prodding out the song.

  “Twinkle twinkle little star,” she said


  “Play Fur Elise…” Holly’s mother said, taking a step closer.

  The little girl cracked her knuckles before glancing up at her mum. “Easy…”

  It was another tune Jake instantly recognised. Not some kids' lullaby, not Maddox’s performing song, but post-orgasm bliss. It brought up memories of him pressed to Maddox’s body, sweaty and exhausted. Heart slowing, and breathing normalising, but the rush and comfort remaining.

  “I like that one.” Jake whispered, his words sounded so far away to his own ears he was surprised Holly heard.

  “I’ll teach you.” she said, reaching for his wrist.

  “More likely to see a pig fly into the room than me play the piano.”

  “Try…just, copy me…”

  Jake opened his mouth, ready to excuse himself and wish them a happy Christmas, but the determination on Holly’s face kept him still. It was late, the shops all around him were closing. He was all out of options, and this was the last one provided to him by a six-year-old girl.

  He looked over to Holly's mum and raised an eyebrow.

  “Honestly, I’ve got a few bits to sort out, you’re doing me a favour by staying…”

  Jake nodded, then turned his attention back to Holly. “Christmas, it’s all about miracles right, let’s be one of them…”

  He stayed for an hour learning the piece of music, not the whole thing, but the most recognisable notes of the beginning. The good memories the track conjured disintegrated under pure frustration and if it hadn’t been for Holly and her mum’s generosity, Jake would’ve been swearing his head off. His fingers were quick and nimble when stealing a wallet or a phone, but on rows of black and white rectangles they tripped over each other. What was effortless for Holly, had him frowning and rasping with defeat.

  Holly dropped her head to the keys. “This is hopeless.”

  Jake was glad she had said it and not he. Even Holly’s mother shot him sympathetic smiles across the room. He snorted, and Holly joined him

  “I can’t get any worse, that’s at least one thing…”

  She turned her head towards him, still pressing on the keys. “I thought you’d get better…”

  “Old dog, new tricks…”

  Holly stared at him blankly and he waved the attention away.

  “Maybe…maybe next year get your friend something good.”

  The smile faded from Jake's lips. The notion of next Christmas filled him with cold dread. He didn’t know how long him and Maddox would last. Didn’t know whether the other man’s idea of ‘keeping him’ had a sell by date. He sagged on the stool with the fear of being cast out consuming him.

  “Try…one more time.”

  Her voice pulled him from the lapse into depression. He placed his fingers in the correct positions, and played the damned tune. One finger may’ve slipped, and he started in the wrong key, but he did it. The noise the piano made was recognisable, far from perfect but recognisable. Holly’s mum cheered, and Holly clapped her hands together. Jake stood and took a bow.

  He left the music shop after that one small victory, not wanting to jinx it. When he said 'have a good Christmas' to Holly and her mother, he meant it and the smile that ached his face as he walked away was genuine.

  Chapter 3

  Jake breathed warmth into his cupped hands as he strolled Maddox’s street. The hood of his jacket was up, dipping low on his head and concealing his identity. The windows of the tall houses glowed amber through the curtains; a few of the properties had strings of Christmas lights and wreaths of holly, there was none of that where Jake lived. No one would be that stupid to hang something on their doors. There were plenty of tied shoes hanging on telephone wires, but no Christmas decorations.

  He stopped and shot a look up and down the street. There were rules to visiting Maddox. One being if there was anyone else, or a car making its way up the quiet road, keep on walking. Only when the street was deserted could Jake prod in the code and slip inside.

  Richie was gone, his men dealt with, but Maddox continued to be wary months on. Jake was a secret only a few of his trusted knew about, and he intended to keep it that way.

  The street was empty and Jake jumped the few steps to get to the door. He jabbed in the code and the door clicked. He pushed through, immediately welcomed by the rich smell of Maddox. Tobacco and aftershave. Jake breathed the scent in and a slight smile lifted his lips.

  He was yet to know what Maddox he would be faced with, the moody one sat in his office, the predator lurking in the shadows, or the relaxed man lounging on the sofa with the soundtrack of violins and pianos around him.

  Jake paused, listening for music but there was none. He slipped his shoes off and unzipped his jacket before tidying them away. Maddox did not tolerate mess, and Jake studied the floor to be certain he hadn’t trod dirt in the house.

  The lights were on, the huge house was comfortably warm. Jake moved as lightly as he could towards the living room. He tapped at the door, swallowing nervously in the silence that followed.

  “Come in.” Maddox replied, a voice full of authority but lacking all emotion.

  Jake’s heart jumped, but he shook the reaction away and walked into the living room.

  Maddox wasn’t the first thing he noticed, but a huge Christmas tree competing for attention with the grand piano. Baubles glittered and shone, tinsel shimmered and the fairy lights twinkled. There was no theme, more a mash of colours and decorations. The smell of pine had merged with the tobacco and Jake sniffed greedily, exhaling and turning towards Maddox.

  Jake’s breath caught in his throat at the sight of him. The top buttons of his shirt were undone, the sleeves were rolled up and bottom untucked. His dark hair was swept back on his head and his facial hair was styled, coming down from his sideburns. The man had a dangerous look to him, and Jake’s heart immediately responded, pumping harder. Maddox looked positively feral staring at the tree.

  “I will tolerate that for one day,” he growled, and Jake couldn’t stop the shiver that wrapped around his spine.

  “It-it looks real good,” he said, not knowing if he was talking about the tree or the man staring daggers at it.

  “It’s awful, unordered…” Maddox said, flicking open his lighter.

  Jake’s lips twitched, wanting to smile but from the annoyance steaming off Maddox, he knew he shouldn’t. Maddox’s green eyes, for once, weren’t dissecting Jake but trying to ignite the tree with their anger alone. The muteness to the room broke with each flip of the zippo. Maddox’s tattooed hand manipulated the lighter with hypnotising skill. Jake didn’t want to be jealous of a Christmas tree, but as time went on he began to hate it as much as Maddox.

  “Anyway…” Maddox muttered shifting his gaze on to Jake.

  The anger didn’t lift from Maddox’s features. His nostrils expanded, and he snapped the lighter again and crushed it in his grip.

  “What the hell are you wearing?”

  Jake froze, staring back at the intense eyes on him. “What?”

  Maddox huffed and strolled the room, closing the gap between them. With no conscious thought Jake retreated until his back was to the wall and the beast of a man had him trapped.

  “What’s this?” Maddox said, gripping the top of Jake’s t-shirt and giving it a tug.

  Jake glanced down, mouth popping open when he remembered he was dressed as an elf. Maddox continued to fist at his t-shirt, ducking his head till their lips were mere millimetres away. Jake shivered, gaze dropping to the mouth that could so easily devour him.

  “I’m taking it off.” Maddox said slowly.

  An embarrassing squeak escaped Jake's throat, and he obediently lifted his arms for Maddox to remove his clothing. The elf t-shirt was thrown across the room with a growl and Maddox was back on him, trailing his eyes all over Jake’s body. He didn’t cage Jake, didn’t put a palm to the wall either side of his head or pin him with his hips, but still Jake couldn’t move, could only wait with his flesh prickling with anticipation.

  Maddox’s eyes stayed on his face, not dropping to his lips like they normally did, but darting between his cheeks.

  Maddox poked him. “And these?”

  Jake remembered Rachel had drawn red circles on his cheeks that morning. She thought they’d make him appear happier, more elf-like. All it did was make him hate Christmas that little bit more.

  “It’s marker pen,” he whispered.

  Maddox grimaced, rubbing a thumb over the mark. “I don’t like it…the red clashes with your eyes.”

  He moved both hands to Jake's face, cupping his cheeks and resting each thumb over the offending red marks. Immediately his intimidating stance softened, his gaze was almost gentle and the corner of his mouth lifted.

  “Better.” He grumbled before leaning in and pressing their lips together. The instant they touched, Jake closed his eyes, lost to the man holding him.

  There was no tentativeness to Maddox’s kiss, no gentle guiding with his mouth or soft touching lips. He dived straight in and dominated with firm strokes of his tongue, and Jake’s legs weakened at the onslaught. He needed to breathe, gulp in some air but Maddox didn’t allow it. The rich taste, the silky smoothness and the heat and skill, stole his mind, convinced his body it didn’t need to breathe, it needed this and only this. Jake hooked his arms around Maddox’s muscular neck and held on for the ride.

  He tilted up on his tiptoes with a despairing whine when Maddox leaned back to separate them.

  Jake blinked, head swimming with dizziness as he drew air into his lungs. Maddox could kill him with kisses like that, could drown him in want and a desperation that stopped his heart. Every sense heightened around Maddox, targeted him, and only he could satisfy Jake.

  “Come on, lets wash that ink off your skin…”

  Maddox took a step back and turned. Jake was sure Maddox knew he would follow. He did, as if magnetized, as if being left by Maddox after a kiss like that would destroy him.

  The spray of the
shower was hot, Jake could tell from the steam and his reddening feet, but he couldn’t feel it. All he could feel were the hands roaming his body, huge hands that his flesh responded to. Maddox ducked down, mouth finding Jake’s neck and encouraging him to lean back and display the vulnerable flesh. The marks Richie had left were long gone, but Maddox was obsessed with his throat. He kissed, licked and scored his teeth against the flesh with a rumble of approval. Jake could only gasp and hope for more, offer himself with a hanging open mouth and eagerly leaning body. Fingers scored his scalp, parting his wet hair with ease. The water ran down their faces, making their kisses hotter and wetter.

  Jake was hard, painfully so, and when Maddox finally gripped him, he jolted, throwing his head back to the tiles. He couldn’t look down and see Maddox stroking him, knew it would be his undoing, but it was part of the fun for Maddox. He wanted Jake to not only feel he was owned, but see it too. He wanted Jake to lock his eyes on his needy cock when it all got too much and watch as Maddox pushed him over the edge.

  “Look,” he grumbled in Jake’s ear. “Look down at yourself.”

  Jake whined, lifting his head higher. He didn’t want to give in so quick, not when Maddox felt so good.

  “Come on Jake,” Maddox purred, “look down, see my hand on you…”

  He panted to the spraying shower head, clawing at the mortar behind him to keep himself up. Maddox’s head knocked into his, applying pressure till his head rolled and he faced down. His reddened cock made him whimper. It was one thing feeling desperate for relief, but seeing the evidence of it, his skin stretched tight over his engorged cock and the hand driving him wild with want, made him pant in the steam.

  Maddox was playing with him, no rhythm to his strokes, just touching and twisting. His smug laugh annoyed Jake but not enough to deny it felt good. They both stood with their heads tilted down, faces pressed together as they watched Maddox tease with his hands. One hand ran the length of Jake, touch feather-light and frustrating, and with the other hand, Maddox cupped his balls, lifting them up and down, no firmness to the touch, and it drove Jake crazy.

  Maddox’s own cock was just as angry red, just as filled with blood which took a slither of Jake’s embarrassment away. He gasped, lifting on his tiptoes when the barely-there sensation got too much. The hand teasing his length stopped, but the tickling on his balls continued. He didn’t want to come from having his balls tapped, knew Maddox’s gloating face would irritate the hell out of him for the next few days if he did. He shifted away from the fondling fingers and groaned, rolling his head against the side of Maddox’s neck like an attention seeking cat.


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