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SEAL Team Seven Books 6&7 Quinn and Devon

Page 11

by Jordan Silver

  He was hot, had a kickass body and best of all he was navy. At least daddy would approve and that was half the battle.

  I lost my train of thought when he turned me around on his lap and sat me on his hardening length. And then he growled at me, “I want you again.” Oh shit that’s sexy!

  He licked my neck and shivers ran through me making me tingle in all the right places. And when his teeth bit into my flesh I felt my body soar as I lowered my hips to meet his.

  I knew he was marking me and for some reason, though I’d once smacked the dog snot out of someone for trying this same trick in high school, with him it made me feel sexy, wanted, owned.

  My nipples hardened and my insides quivered as I felt him fill me up. I was super aware of everything about him, about us. Like the way his hands felt on my ass as he lifted and lowered me on his dick.

  We even moved perfectly together. Like a dance we’d practiced time and again. What was it that he’d said on the beach that first time? Welcome home? Yes, that’s what it felt like. Like I’d finally come home.

  My thoughts splintered when he shifted his hips and touched something deep inside me and I went flying over the precipice. He pounded me through my orgasm and kept going until it built again. I think I fell in love or at the very least, very serious lust.

  I knew about sex, I’d heard enough stories over the years to know what it was supposed to feel like, and this wasn’t it. No one had ever described this feeling of dying a little from the sheer pleasure.

  I felt strong, alive, beautiful, all that just from having his hands on me, roaming my body as if he couldn’t get enough. And his thick length pounding away inside me almost out of control made me feel powerful.

  Surely I wouldn’t feel this way unless it was meant to be. There’s no way there was anyone else on this earth that could make my body sing like this.

  I had no doubts in that moment that this was right. Knowing me the doubts will come back full force once he was no longer pounding away inside me. But now, right this minute it felt so right.

  I felt my body tighten as lights went off in my head and I screamed just as he gripped me hard around my middle and growled as I felt his body explode inside me for the third time.

  Was a body supposed to feel this much pleasure?

  Who can survive it? My neck had no strength and my head dropped onto his shoulder. “You doing okay there baby?” Okay he’s got to stop.

  Even his voice was having an affect on me and the way he talks. It just went straight to my heart and between my thighs where I was still throbbing. I had enough strength to nod and his arms squeezed around me again and I just gave up.

  We ended up in the shower where he washed me again. He probably thinks I’m a complete ass because I just stood there and turned when he told me to and didn’t lift a finger to help him.

  He smacked my ass playfully and followed me out once he’d taken care of his own shower. He wrapped me in a towel and grabbed another for himself before drying me off.

  I started to wonder if maybe I’d escaped into my own head and was still really trapped in that awful basement. Had I conjured him up with my imagination?

  No way one guy can be this perfect. Watch, he’s going to do something to kill it before the night is over. Bummer!


  Shit, Quinn you better get your shit together before you scare her off. I’d had her three times in the last hour and a half, but as soon as she dropped the towel and bent over to pick up her clothes from beside the bed my dick tented the towel I’d thrown around my hips.

  I moved in behind her and wrapped my arms around her, cupping her full breasts from behind. “I can’t stop, I have to have you again. If you’re too sore I’ll go slow but I have to…”

  I stopped talking and just leaned her over the bed. I got down on my knees behind her and opened her red swollen pussy with my fingers to accept my tongue.

  She cooed sweetly and pushed back onto my mouth, sending my tongue deeper inside. I had a firm grip on her ass as I tongue fucked her deep and slow.

  The more of her taste I got, the more I needed and that damn beast was prowling back and forth in my mind. What is it? Am I supposed to fuck her all night to appease this shit?

  I’ve fucked long into the night before, but never in my life have I recovered this soon. It was as if all I had to do was look at her and my dick got hard.

  I brought her off with my tongue because I knew she had to be hurting and I was trying to make it easy on her. But that didn’t stop me from getting to my feet and driving my cock into her.

  “Oh shit, Quinn.” She reached back and held my hip as if trying to slow me down. I grabbed her hand and held it in mine as I slam fucked her.

  My cock looked red and angry as it slid in and out of her. Her juices coated me, making it easier for her to take me, but I knew from the way her tight pussy lips clung to my meat that it was going to be a while before she could take my dick without discomfort.

  I didn’t want to stay in her too long this time but I needn’t have worried. No other woman has ever made me shoot off so hard, so fast before.

  It seemed like almost as soon as I got inside her I was ready to cum and this time was no different. I reached around for her clit and brought her along with me as I felt that sweet tingle in my balls again.

  “Good, fuck, shit.” I gritted my teeth hard to hold back the roar as my cock spat and shook inside her. She drained my balls before her pussy locked me in and I double shot inside her. First fucking time in my life.

  When my head cleared I saw that I had her tiny frame trapped between me, and the mattress, and wondered if she was even breathing still. I pulled out and she crawled onto the bed as if trying to escape.

  She flopped face down and panted for air and I ran my hand up and down her back soothingly while I too tried to get air into my lungs. If I keep this shit up I’ll be dead in a week for sure.

  I looked down at my cock in amazement. He’d done me proud but this fucker need to stay down, she can’t take any more and I needed to go.

  “I need… to call…my dad. And check on the others. Are they safe with your team?”

  I didn’t bother asking her how she knew they were my team, with her dad being who he is I’m sure she knew a bit more than most about such things.

  “Hold off on that phone call Kelly, I need to debrief you but we need to join the others first.”

  I helped her up from the bed and her knees buckled.

  I picked her up effortlessly like I’d been doing it all my life and held her close to my chest. I was extremely aware of the tread of my heartbeat and my senses, which had been haywire since the night before, had finally settled down now that she was here.

  I knew without a doubt that it was her I’d been feeling, sensing. She’d awakened some shit in me that I didn’t quite have a handle on yet. But now I needed my beast to lay his ass down and chill the fuck out.

  I practically had to hold my breath so that I didn’t inhale her scent as I got her dressed myself. I looked back at the bed one last time as I headed out of the room with her in my arms.

  As much as I wanted to take her back there and spend the rest of the night between her thighs I knew it wasn’t the right time. There was too much shit to do before the night was over.

  It was enough for now that I’d had her, marked her and she now wore my scent. She’d accepted me without question, which makes this shit easier.

  If she’d rejected me I’d be in a world of hurt, at least I remember that much about the legend. Now I can shift my focus to what was waiting for me out there.

  “Have you eaten sweetheart?” I caught myself burying my nose in her hair and told myself to throttle back on the creeper factor. Don’t scare her Quinn.

  Then again, if fucking her like a centaur three times on first acquaintance hadn’t done that I don’t think anything could.

  “Not really, I pretended to eat the nasty sandwich they fed us because one of the goon
s was standing over me, but I haven’t had anything to eat since yesterday.”

  Her words sent fire racing through my veins but I didn’t give anything away. I’ll deal with them soon enough, and they’ll pay for everything they’d done to her.

  She wasn’t harmed that I could see. I knew for a fact the she hadn’t been violated, not in the obvious sense anyway. But if anything worse than being held captive had happened to her somehow I knew that I would’ve known it.

  Still, she’d been afraid and alone; I can’t let them live. I wanted to question her but held off because she’d have to do it again for the others.

  I didn’t want her going through that shit twice. I didn’t let myself dwell on her old man and who he was and what that could mean. That was a whole other headache on its own.

  Instead I took her to the kitchen and sat her on a stool at the island, before pouring her a glass of juice.

  I pulled some meat and cheese from the fridge before getting some bread from the box. I made her a sandwich and waited as she wolfed it down with appreciative groans.

  Merciful fuck! My eyes were glued to her lips and those sounds she made had visions of serious hardcore fucking playing through my head.

  What the fuck Quinn! Is this what I have to look forward to for the next fifty-sixty years? It was like everything she did had a direct affect on my dick.

  My cock throbbed like a persistent toothache and was beginning to hurt just as much. I swallowed hard when she drained her glass and lowered it before running her tongue along her upper lip. Fuck me.

  “We have to make sandwiches for the others as well.” She said it like an order or more like she knew that I would do her bidding. And so it begins. That shit had my sisters written all over it.

  I got to work making a mountain of sandwiches because I didn’t know how many of them they were. “How many of you were they do you know?”

  “Five, all military brats.”

  She gave me a look like she was waiting for me to confirm something. “It’s dawned on me that that’s not a coinkydink, no way those buffarillas just randomly chose five females who all happen to have military dads.”

  I see her dad shared a lot with her. Her terminology was pure navy. Too fucking smart and that last bit of information, if true, just added another level of fuckery to the shit pile.

  I carried on making sandwiches like she hadn’t just dropped a bombshell, but I could feel her piercing stare. “And you know this how?”

  “I asked.” At least she didn’t roll her eyes at me but it was implied in her tone. I went back to the refrigerator for more mayo and hid my smile.

  I could already see her joining the ranks of my sisters. Somehow instead of putting the fear of hell in me like it should, I somehow find that I was actually looking forward to it. I’ve lost my damn mind.

  My whole world has changed on a dime in the last couple hours and I know it. If I could feel her that strongly before we’d even met, not to mention the old ‘curse’ coming into play the minute I put hands on her, I am as sure of who she is, as I am of my own self.

  She’s mine. The one woman that was meant for me. The one I was destined to walk through the rest of my life with. And from this there is no turning back.

  I was only a little bit panicked when I realized that I didn’t know what all I should expect from this union. It had been something to shun and hide for so long, that I’d never seriously looked into it.

  Now was not the time to dwell on it though, there’ll be time enough later and hopefully she won’t take my balls in the meantime.

  But first things first, there were others in the line of danger now, people who needed my help. Once I’d gotten the whole story and dealt with the others I can focus on my own personal shit.

  For now I’ll deal with the situation at hand. But later, I’ll have to dig through my memory for the old legend so I’ll at least have some idea of where my life was headed.

  “What else did you find out?” She held her hand out after I’d bagged the food and I thought that’s what she was reaching for until she brushed it aside and took my other hand, heading for the door.

  She did it so naturally, like she’d done it a thousand times before, and something inside me eased. Shit, now something as simple as handholding is making me giddy. Tyler’s gonna have a field day with my ass.

  “I thought this debriefing was going to take place elsewhere sailor let’s go. I need to make sure the others are safe. Your friends anything like you?”

  The shot of jealousy was instantaneous and I pulled back on her hand making her stop. She smirked up at me as if she knew exactly what I was thinking.

  “What do you mean?” I could tell from the twinkle in her eye that she knew what was going on with me. It looked like she was straining hard not to laugh.

  She wouldn’t think that shit was so funny if she knew I was thinking of wringing her damn neck.

  She smiled and patted my chest with her free hand before walking on. Meanwhile I was left biting my tongue so we didn’t have our first fight.

  “Navy, I meant are they navy too. What did you think I meant?” What a little tease. Whatever those words had awakened in me laid its head down and I went calm again.

  She was very at ease with me, no doubt more of her dad’s training, and I couldn’t help but wonder how she was going to fit in with the other women. What role she’d take.

  Somehow I don’t see her falling in line the way my brothers have been constantly trying to get their women to. I foresee years of running her ass to ground, add them to the mix and damn.

  With their track record and her seeming knowhow it won’t be good. We’ve been able to keep them under control somewhat because although Vanessa was military, the baby kind of slows her down. Plus the fact that she’s pregnant again. But with this one in the mix I’m not so sure.

  “Yes they’re navy, let’s go meet them I’m sure they’re waiting.” We walked hand in hand across the yard, and more than just the feeling that had been riding me all day had changed. I felt lighter, in body and spirit. And my heart had come alive in my chest.

  Of all the things that I’d expected, this hadn’t even made the list. In truth, I’d half expected the omen to have something to do with someone from my past.

  That knowing that it was someone I loved, even though I couldn’t think of anyone that might be, except for my family who was all here with me had led me to believe it was someone I knew.

  It could’ve been one of my long lost relatives, or a friend from the old days before I signed up. But not once did I ever think it would be this.

  And now that she was here, now that I had the answer, it seemed like the most obvious thing. I felt like I’d been waiting for her all my life and it made no sense.

  I looked down at her in the moonlight, wondering how I could ever tell her that I loved her before I met her.

  That there was some strange anomaly in me that had chosen her for me and I for her, long before either one of us knew the other existed.

  I decided it was better to hold off on that for now. She’d already had a rough coupla days. And besides, I need to get my thoughts together before I come across like a raving lunatic.

  I don’t even fully understand it myself, so how could I expect her to? But again, she might have some idea seeing as how I’ve fucked her as often as I looked at her since we met a scant two and a half hours ago.



  We made it to the cottage where my brothers had already started questioning the men. The rescued women were in the other room with blankets and sipping the cups of coffee someone had made.

  I passed her the bag of food and indicated that she should take it to them. “In just a minute.” She walked across the room and I watched my brothers watch her as she moved.

  My skin burned and I gritted my teeth as the men in the room had eyes on her. Okay, I don’t like other men near her; check. That might prove to be a problem. Fuck, I’m turning into

  I barely stopped myself from pulling her back when she stopped just in front of them.

  “Eenie-meenie-minie.” She pointed at Lo, Con, and Dev and seemed to dismiss them before looking at one of the perpetrators.

  “Moe.” She gave him what I would call a death ray glare then hauled her arm back and socked him in the face. Badass.

  “Whoa brother, that’s yours?” Dev had moved over to stand beside me.

  “Yep.” I answered him feeling more than a little proud as we watched her along with everyone else. She shook her hand off and Lo lifted a brow at me.

  “Kelly, come here.” I held out my hand to her and she came to me and took it without question. The sweet little girl was gone. Her face looked like my brothers’ and I did when we were ready to fuck shit up.

  “Guys, this is Kelly McCullum, as in Admiral Kyle McCullum’s daughter.” The only people in the room who didn’t react to the name were Lyon and the other civilians in the room.

  Even Mancini who we still didn’t know if he’d done anytime in the service or not, seemed to recognize the name. There was an obvious shift in the room.

  Con’s, ‘oh fuck’. Was a sentiment I think we all shared. Her old man was one of the CO’s best friends. Not to mention his reputation among the SEALs going back forty years.

  The men had served together back in the day and he happened to be on the list we’d found with the codes. I was afraid that this shit had just gone nuclear on our asses.

  “Yes and I need to call him soon before we lose most of the western seaboard.” She wasn’t lying. From what I know of the man he would most definitely level the whole country to find his kid.

  “We will.” I squeezed her hand in mine before turning back to Lo.

  “What have we got?” He looked at her and I got the message.

  “You might as well tell him because I already know something’s going on. My guess, it has something to do with a run my dad made back in the day with his team.”

  “I recognized some of the names after I had everyone introduce themselves when we were being held.”


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