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Adira's Mate

Page 13

by April Zyon

  A guard moved to each side, hooking his arms over their shoulders, and they began the slow painful walk out of the pits. “Your wife has been notified of your release. She will meet you there,” one of the guards said.

  Fintan could only give a small nod. His tongue was too dry to speak. The pain radiating through his body at a steadily worsening pace made it too hard to think. Thankfully, just as they reached the stairs, Fintan passed out from the pain. He really hadn’t been up to attempting to climb those.


  Adira waited with her hands fisted for several long moments. It wasn’t until she was allowed into Fintan’s room in the hospital that she finally let go of the far too tight control she had on herself. She rushed to the side of the bed that Fin was sleeping on and placed her hand in his. “Fin.” She whispered his name softly against his ear, her tears falling on his cheeks. “I’m here, husband. I will never leave you again and you won’t ever leave me either.” Adira made that vow to him and herself alike. “I’m here and now you are going to heal.” She wouldn’t leave without him. She would remain there at his side until the universe stopped expanding. His lashes fluttered against her cheek. Pulling back she saw him open his pain-filled, unfocused eyes.

  “Adira,” he croaked out. His tongue flicked over his lips before he gave her a faint smile. “Why the tears, little wife?”

  “I’m just so happy to see you.” Adira pressed a kiss to his lips, careful of the pressure she applied. “Never again, Fin.” She smoothed his hair back gently and smiled. “I’ve missed you so very much, husband. No more, though. I am now Craegin and you are fully free. Medical wants to keep you overnight and I have to agree with them. Tomorrow I will take you home and ensure that you are cared for. So just rest? Bracken has guards outside of the room to make sure that we are safe. Just sleep, please?”

  “Stay,” he whispered. He was fighting to keep his eyes open. “Promise me you will stay close, Adira. Need you close.” Turning his hand under hers, he gave her hand a squeeze. Only once she’d returned the squeeze did his lids fall over his eyes. “I love you, wife.”

  “There is nowhere else that I will be. I will remain here with you. I promise,” she assured him. She smiled a watery smile at his proclamation and said, “I love you too, husband. Always. Now, do you want a drink of water? I have some nice ice cold water here for you.”

  “Please,” he said, then parted his lips to wait. When she gave him the straw he drew a couple small sips before releasing it. “Thank you, Adira.” He gave her hand another light squeeze and let out a breath.

  “Anything for you.” She brushed his hair once more with her hand and smiled. “I’ve missed you. So very much. I’ve missed your hands on my hair. I’ve missed your arms around me.” She knew that he had undergone hell for her, but she missed him all the same.

  “Dreamed of you,” he whispered. His lips curled up a little. “Helped me to sleep a little each time I managed it. Hated not having you there. Missed not touching your hair each night before I went to sleep.”

  “I missed having you touching my hair as well. It soothes me as much as you I think.” She took a deep breath and kissed his cheek again. She shifted slightly so that she could lay on his bed with him, at his side. “There, so much better. I’m not hurting you, am I?”

  “Never,” he said quickly. Fintan moved his arm so he could wrap it around her shoulders. He released another deep breath and turned his head so his lips brushed her forehead. “Better, so much better with you here.”

  Adira pressed another kiss to the side of his neck. She couldn’t seem to get enough of him. “Bracken took care of me. The poor man will likely sleep for the next week because I wouldn’t let him rest too much.” She found herself yawning again. “I couldn’t rest, not with you away from me.”

  “I will take him to task for that later. He should have made sure you rested properly. You were not too hard on him, were you?” he asked. He sounded exhausted but she knew he was unwilling to rest now that she was there with him.

  “Not too hard. I think he might have slept a few hours this last six days,” she said with a smile. “You should rest, Fin. You need to rest and heal for me. I know you heal fairly quickly, but for now you need to rest so that you can heal.”

  “Okay,” he whispered. “As long as you promise to sleep as well. If you haven’t been resting as you should have been, then you require it.” Fintan moved slightly, just enough so that he could slip his hand into her hair. On a breath he whispered, “Perfect.”

  “Perfect,” she agreed and closed her eyes. “Good rest, husband,” she whispered and allowed herself to fall asleep in the arms of the man she loved.


  The next day was a bit of a chore. Mainly the process of getting Fintan home. He wasn’t in the best of moods—understandably, of course—given his condition. And she knew he was trying his best not to be short with her, Bracken, or the others who assisted. He even apologized a few times, shocking most of them silly. Thankfully they managed to get him home and into bed without him following through on any of his threats of bodily harm to the men. But it was a very close thing, to say the least.

  By the time they got him to bed he was sweating, shivering, and generally looking a lot worse than he had been in the medical base. On the other hand, he did appear more relaxed. The familiar surroundings probably helped a great deal with that. And the fact she wasn’t ever far from his side. Adira felt a little better once they were back home. She settled at Fintan’s side on the bed and held his hand. “Are you sure that this was a good idea?” She put the back of her fingers to his cheek and felt the heat of the fever that he was running. “You should have stayed in medical.” Although, she had to be honest, she was happier having him home with her.

  “Not secure enough. I feel better with us here where we are safest. Besides, those beds are much too small for one person let alone for two.” She had to agree with that, given she’d nearly fallen off at some point during the night. And the nurses in medical had been very displeased to find her in bed with him when they’d done their many rounds.

  “I know.” He had constantly been waking to ensure that they were safe, his hands tightening on her time and time again. “I think that the one nurse will also need counseling after you told her that if she came in one more time you were going to kill her.” He had been a little angry at being woken every half hour, not that she could blame him. “But we’re home now, and we have the doors locked and barred. No one will bother us until you are feeling up to getting out of here.” She had everything she might need to make sure that he got better faster.

  “She deserved it. I don’t understand how they expect anyone to recover when they keep waking them from the rest they insist they need to have. If they wanted patients to heal they should leave them be. Especially anyone that is military trained. The smallest noise or movement wakes me up if I’m not expecting it. It’s a wonder I was able to rest at all in that place.”

  “You did though, once they left us alone. I think that you rested because I was there. Once your hand was in my hair you were happy.” She had been as well. Those six days and five nights without him touching her hair, petting her and soothing her, had been hell. “Bracken did take me to get a new wardrobe. His sisters helped out as well.”

  “I figured he would,” he said softly. He reached out to touch the skirt she was wearing. “This is new, one of your purchases, I’m guessing. It’s very lovely and suits you, Adira. I can’t wait to see what else you got, especially if you had Bracken’s sisters assisting you during your shopping venture.”

  “Yes. I did, however, have to tell them several times that some of the items they wanted me to purchase weren’t things you would appreciate me wearing outside of our home. Bracken had to come to my aid a few times.” She laughed and added, “You should thank the poor man. If not for him, I’m sure that all of the dresses would have been like my wedding dress.” With open or sheer backs and only scraps of mater
ial against her breasts and pubic region.

  Fintan frowned slightly while still running his fingers over the skirt. “I don’t mean to stifle you, Adira. If you’re comfortable wearing such things you should have a few pieces in your wardrobe. I know I can be rigid about certain things, and others I will not bend on, but your clothing is an expression of who you are and should reflect that inner self.”

  “No, heavens no,” she said suddenly. “I don’t feel comfortable in the clothing that your people see as perfectly acceptable for women. I prefer for the only person to see my backside and all the other parts of me naked is you.” She knew that she didn’t fit into the mold of the perfect Craegin woman, but she was simply who she was.

  Fin smiled. “I would have found a way to survive your desire to wear such outfits if you’d wanted to, but I’m very grateful you don’t want to. I’ll be a much happier male for you not going out like that. And I’m sure all the other males will be happier since I won’t be upset at them. As much.”

  “Another reason why the two of us will get along so well together. I don’t care for everyone seeing my bits, and you don’t like it either.” She leaned in and brushed her lips to his again. “We fit. That’s what matters,” she assured him. “Oh, I did meet your lieutenant colonel as well. Your first officer, whatever he’s called.” She had been told several times what the actual ranking was, but honestly she had been so worried about Fintan that the instruction went in one ear and out the other, so to speak. “He had dinner with Bracken and I night before last. He wants you to contact him when you are ready for company.”

  “I’m sure he will come by with a number of the crew to make sure I’m actually alive. Despite all Bracken’s assurances, they will want to see me with their own eyes. Mostly to assure themselves they won’t be having to break in a new commanding officer any time soon. I’ll have to send him a message and let him know it will be a number of days before I’ll want any company. Besides my little wife, that is.”

  Adira grinned, then pulled back and looked up. “Okay, time for your medication, and please don’t give me an issue with taking it? After your medication, we will get you cleaned up once more, okay?” Once he was cleaned she would bandage his wounds that needed to be redone so that he could continue to heal properly.

  Fintan wrinkled up his face at her. “I’ll take the medication, but only because it’s you asking me to. I’ll even lay here like a good patient and let you tend the wounds. But a kiss first before you begin the process, if you wouldn’t mind.” He puckered up his lips for her in a less than subtle hint on top of his words.

  That had her snickering. She nodded and leaned in. Adira teased him by brushing her nose to his, then lightly touched her lips to his. When he growled she leaned in and kissed him as they both needed. She allowed him to take the kiss deeper and reveled in the taste of him. When she pulled back she touched her fingers to his lips and nodded. “Better?”

  His eyes were closed, and he looked relaxed. Giving her a nod, his eyelids popped open. “Much, thank you. Now I seem to recall something about medication you wish to stuff down my throat. Best get that while I’m still blissfully happy with that kiss you gave me.”

  “Agreed.” She pulled back and grabbed the medication that he needed to take. “It might make you sleepy, so don’t fight it. Just let go and rest. I will take care of you, I promise,” she assured him. “Now, lean up and take these?” She held a glass of water in her right hand and the pills in her left.

  Pushing up slowly with a grimace, he let out a shaky breath. “It’s a sad day when I’m getting a preview of how it will be when I’m no longer fit and able. It’s not something I recommend in the least, getting old, I mean. If it’s anything like this, I’m totally against it.” He took the pills and put them on his tongue. Taking the glass, he took a couple of small swallows before handing it back to her. “Do you have that cream for my lips?” he asked as he eased back down onto the bed.

  She laughed and shook her head. Passing him the tube, she said, “I seriously doubt that you will ever be unfit.” He was simply too alive to ever be unfit or unable to do things. “However, what happens, happens. We will be there for each other no matter what might come of it. I promise.”

  “You say that now, little wife. What happens when things no longer work as I want them to? As depressing as that sounds now that I’ve said it aloud. At least I’ll always have the most beautiful of wives around.” He caught her hand in his and kissed her fingers. “No running off with someone younger, Adira. I’ll be hot on your trail with my cane if you try.”

  “No one will ever compare to you, Fin. This I can be certain of.” He was her one. He was the other half of her soul and therefore there would never be another for her. “We are forever, and you’re the other half of my soul. You say that you’ll have the most beautiful of wives, but I believe I’m the lucky one. I will have the most handsome of husbands. So no running off with the younger women that will flock to you, husband.”

  “Promise.” He gave her a rare smile, then attended to his lips while she began to gather her supplies.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The first few days of Fintan being home were definitely rough. He had limited mobility for a time, but eventually he began to make his way around. By the end of the week he was moving under his own power, if slightly slower than normal. It was at that point he asked her if she was up for a few visitors. His crew, she knew, were checking in on a daily basis. They were all anxious despite the reports Bracken swore he gave them each day.

  “Yes, I’m ready for visitors as long as you think that you will be okay? No pushing yourself though, right?” She was still worried about him. Even though he was up and moving, most of his wounds on his back having healed far faster than she had expected, she was still worried about him. He was her husband and it was her right.

  “I’ll make sure they know it is to be a short visit only,” he said. “With a promise to come see them on the destroyer later for a longer visit. Besides, I want to ensure no one actually moved into my quarters. And to show you around of course. I fear what you might think of our hydroponics bay, though. It wasn’t looking too spry when I last saw it. I worry as to its current condition.”

  “Of course.” She was grinning at him; she couldn’t seem to stop smiling when it came to her husband. “I should also take up some of my things as well. Have them there so that when it’s time for us to go we won’t have as much to take with us.” She had to think about that for a moment, then frowned. “I’m fairly decent with plants so perhaps I should take over the hydroponics bay? Just know that I might draft some of your people to work with me.”

  “Draft as many as you wish,” he told her. “We should take some of that massive wardrobe you’ve manage to accumulate in such a short time with us. I know you said it was a single shopping trip, but how did you ever manage to convince Bracken to carry all of that for you?”

  “I think that he was happy to carry it. It gave him a reason to walk away from his sisters. The poor man.” She truly felt sorry for Bracken. Every single woman that they met, the sisters had asked if she was single or not. It had been ridiculously horrendous, and if she thought that was bad it was nothing compared to his mother trying to set him up with a neighbor’s child or something odd like that. The poor guy.

  “How many women did his mother attempt to set him up with during your visit?” he asked. At her look he shook his head. “She does it every time we’re there. The last trip we could only stay for an hour and she managed to parade ten through for him to look over. They all were tripping over one another to fawn over him. It ended up in a very large battle during which we snuck out of there with great speed.”

  “I think that there were thirteen. There would have been more but as I said, he carried all of my belongings. Heavens, most of what I have I only purchased to give him something more to carry out.” She had felt terrible for Bracken. “And his mother was even worse. The woman, while a nice woman, is
an absolute harridan when it comes to getting her son married off. I feel terrible for him.”

  “Now you understand why he stays here as much as he does. Speaking of which, I haven’t seen him the last couple of days. Where did he get off to? I know he wouldn’t go home, not with his family on high alert to get him married. Did he return to his destroyer?”

  “Yes, he said that he had orders? He was supposed to have left you a message in the video cache.” Bracken had been called off before Fintan was fully back to himself. “I’m sure that he’ll be back before we have to leave though, right?” She wasn’t certain, though. Sadly they spent more time off world than on, but she understood that.

  “Hopefully, yes,” he said. “I haven’t check the cache today. I’ll do that before the others arrive.” Reaching out, he caught her hand and pulled her in closer to him. “We should see about getting food brought in so you don’t need to worry about feeding the horde that will show up.”

  “Good plan. I know just where to order food from. Bracken introduced me to this place about half a block away that’s delicious. He said that it’s one of your favorite places when you’re on world? Dreesens I believe that it’s called?”

  “He would be correct,” he said. Lowering his head, Fintan brushed a kiss to her lips. “They have some truly divine food. I think they are even saved on the vid so you only need to make a call to get what we need. I know I have their menu saved on the data pad that is around here somewhere.”

  “Yes, the number is there and the menu is there too. I’ve used it, a few times. I’ve found myself these last few days craving their braised Meer-Beast.” She typically wasn’t much of a meat eater, but the Meer-Beast was something that she found herself craving more and more each day.

  He stilled, and frowned as he drew his head back. “Really?” he asked quietly. At her nod he shook his head slightly. “Unusual, but I wouldn’t worry too much about it. It is a really excellent dish, especially how they prepare it. Now that you’ve mentioned it, you absolutely need to get some. I now have a craving for it.”


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