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Classic (Adrenaline Book 1)

Page 16

by Neal, Xavier

  “Relax,” Merrick whispers pushing inside me slowly. Immediately my eyes close as the untouched muscles try to resist the intrusion, his massive member insisting to fit in a space it can't.

  Yeah, yeah. It stretches. Whatever. much pain...

  “Breathe,” he orders. Pulling out slowly, he dips back in pushing a little deeper this time. When I whimper in pain, his lips lightly stroke mine, trying to absorb all the pain. Softly he apologizes though his hips keep moving, “I'm sorry you're in pain baby.” I groan a little in discomfort before he whispers, “I promise to make it better baby. I promise.”

  Unexpectedly my body shifts from pain towards a strange limbo like state where pain seems to crash into pleasure. The uncomfortable groans start to sway into heated moans, increasing quickly, as ecstasy starts to blanket my system.

  “Oh...” I moan louder.

  “Like that baby?” Merrick's hip sharply move keeping his dick diving deeper and deeper.

  His teeth nip at my shoulder. My neck. My ear. Continuing to rock into me, he grips my right leg, changing the angle, the new depth flirting with pain once more, but never leaving pleasure.

  For what feels like hours, Merrick buries himself inside me, making a new home. “You're mine now, Jovi.” The heaving of his hips increases and I can feel the urge to fall apart so close that the calling of his name stops leaking out and starts getting caught in my throat. “All mine.” My fingernails clamp into his biceps and he groans, his forehead falling onto mine. “Forever Jovi. You're mine.”

  With an intense quiver, I come apart, crying his name like a sacred sacrifice to whoever guards this temple of pleasure. My muscles keep convulsing until the trembles thrumming through me become so powerful tears threaten to fall.

  At that moment hot bursts of proof that he's satisfied begin to fill me quickly, drawing an additional orgasm from me as Merrick whimpers, “Jovi..”

  In an attempt to come down from the euphoric state we've slipped ourselves into, we lightly kiss, tips of tongues teasing and tasting the lingering flavors.

  A little salty with all the sweat, if you're really curious.

  Eventually, Merrick rolls off of me, and pulls my body until it's flush with his. Still struggling to breathe he asks, “Was it okay?”

  “It was....fantastic,” I breathlessly answer. Feeling the warmth lingering between my legs I question as our fingers fold together. “But shouldn't I wipe this out of me or something?”

  “Nope.” He kisses the back of my hand. “I want you full of me a little longer...” His tongue licks one of my fingers. “You sore?”

  Feeling my eyelids helplessly close, I yawn, “A little.”

  “Tired?” his voice seems faint.


  “Good,” he says. My eyes are now closed, moments from falling asleep. The last words I hear him say before I fall asleep are, “I love you, Jovi.”

  Did you hear that? Am I dreaming it? Did I dream this whole thing? When did being awake turn into something that feels so much like a dream? Can life get any better than this?


  Worse thing in the morning? Having to pee with the girl of your dreams curled against you like an angel too sweet to move. Look at her. I can't move her. I just can't. But damn...I have to pee.

  Carefully, I untangle us, slip down the hallway a couple doors and take a leak. In haste, I hurry back, shutting the door as quietly as I opened it. On my way back to the bed, I see a sliver of early morning sunlight slipping through the slit. With a grin, I crack it open and allow the first daylight rays to shoot past me, and caress Jovi's body in a way that makes me jealous.

  Damn right. Even envious of the sunlight. Only one who should touch that mocha delight is me. In fact, I should touch it now.

  Climbing back into bed, I slip under the sheets and position myself between Jovi's legs. Gently I slip a finger across her clit, eliciting a moan from her slumbering lips. I drop my mouth to hers and suck her bottom lip between my teeth until her body is awake, alert, and ultimately aroused from the combination of my tongue rolling against hers and my finger dipping inside. As soon as I feel she's close, I slowly drag my finger out, and suck off the juice while she watches.

  The sight makes her whimper. Her whimper makes my cock twitch. And without another moment wasted, I slide inside, reclaiming what's mine, her pussy the perfect fit for my dick.

  Like a custom paint job. Every stroke just for me.

  “Merrick...” Her soft cry closes my eyes as I pump a little harder, each thrust powerful. Precise. Determined to carve my name on more than just orgasms, more than just the climb of a climax.

  I wanna leave my name engraved on her essence. The same way she is on mine.

  She moans again this time, louder. Pulling her legs so her ankles rest on my shoulders, I let myself plummet further into bliss, the sharp gasp tempting my cock to bust already.

  Nope. Can't fucking come yet. No matter how fucking good this shit feels.

  “You're so deep,” she whimpers her body tensing, trying to reject the change in pressure. “Too big...”

  A short chortle creeps out.

  What man doesn't love to be told how huge his cock is?

  Bucking my hips faster, but keeping the pressure just as intense, I continue pouring everything I can into her, nibbling on her ankles as her pussy muscles convulse, caving to my cock's calling of her orgasm. Just breaths after she comes, I follow suit, dominating her body with mine.

  My sweat covered forehead lands on her shoulder after I lower her legs back down. As she nuzzles her face against me. Sweetly she whispers, “I love you, Merrick.”

  Immediately my face turns to her, the sound of her declaration for the first time enough to make me wanna come all over again. Instead, I push a strand of hair out of her face and say in return, “I love you too.”

  Our lips meet shortly before there's a heavy pounding on my bedroom door.

  Damn sure isn't housekeeping.

  “Merrick Jacob fucking McCoy!” Madden's voice thunders from the other side of the door.

  In a soft whisper Jovi questions, “Who the hell is that?”

  I groan, “My oldest brother.”


  “He sounds happy,” she sarcastically states. “Should I get dressed?”

  “Just cover up,” my reply is followed with making sure no part of her is exposed.

  No one sees my girl naked. Not even you. In fact, you cover your eyes too.

  My bedroom door flies open, the light flicks on, and Madden storms in with Knoxie on his heels clearly trying to calm him down.

  “Son of a bitch!” He screams at the sight of Jovi. Immediately he covers his face with both his hands mumbling into them. “I don't believe this! I don't fucking believe it!”

  “You're such a drama queen,” Knoxie sighs tossing her hands in the air. “Not like we're catching them in the act.”

  “That's not what this is about Knox!” he screams from behind his hands.

  “Then what is it about?” I sit up slightly. “Because everyone fucks in this apartment. Loudly―”

  “Extremely loud,” Knoxie snaps giving him a dirty look.

  “Merrick get dressed,” Madden calmly states lowering his hands. Now that his voice is lowered he less than warmly greets my girlfriend, “Jovi.”

  “Hi,” she squeaks.

  “Best if you get dressed too,” Knoxie politely instructs.

  I bend my legs and rest my arms on them. “Why?”

  “Just do it,” Madden demands.

  Quickly I argue, “No.”

  “It's not up for debate, Merrick.”

  “And you can't tell me when or who to fuck, Madden.”

  “Make love?” Knoxie says Jovi's direction trying to cushion the blow to my girlfriend's panicked face. “Better?”

  Turning to Jovi I agree, “That's what I meant. You know that right?”

  She nods, but remains silent.

id, my brother shouts, “Get fucking dressed! We don't have time for this bullshit!”

  “He's usually not this angry,” Knoxie playfully says to Jovi.

  The comment makes her smirk even as she shuts down terrified. Wrapping an arm around her I make an attempt to soothe her first meeting of Madden “Mad Man” McCoy.

  Can't blame her for damn near shaking next to me.

  “Not the time Knox!” He turns his anger to her.

  “Oh huff and puff and fuck off,” she comments in return. “You're scaring the poor girl and she doesn't deserve it.”

  “She doesn't,” I stand up for her. “And I don't appreciate your fucking attitude with her.”

  “And I don't appreciate the situation you've put us in. Now stop fucking fighting with me, put your fucking pants on, and get in the fucking car! We've got work to do.”

  Annoyed I sigh and squeeze her shoulder. “Shop work can wait, Madden.”

  “I'll take you home,” Knoxie says to Jovi. “I'm Knoxie or Knox. Either way. Nice to meet you.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Jovi softly replies. “I'd shake your hand, but....well...”

  “You're naked. I get that.”

  “I like that.” I wink.

  Madden clenches his fist briefly before pointing at me. “Get. Fucking. Dressed. Now.”

  “Fine,” I cave. “But I'm taking my girl home.”

  “Knox, can take her home.”

  “I'll take her.”

  “You won't,” Madden growls. The second my mouth drops to argue, he slowly states. “Boss. Called.” His words clamp my jaw shut. “Wants us”

  My chest starts to constrict and in a very gentle voice, I do my best to hide the sudden discomfort. “Jovi, do you mind letting Knox take you back to Hayli's?”

  “Um...” She looks around at the audience in the room. “Okay. Is everything alright?”

  “Yeah.” I blatantly lie.

  The Devil rarely demands unexpected visits. Everything is far from okay.

  “Client with special privileges. He calls. We come running.”

  Not a lie.

  Sweetly she nods. “I get it.”

  Seeing the concern and hurt look in her eyes, I look up at Madden whose blue eyes look so deep I'm even more uneasy than before.

  I wish I was overreacting, but sadly, I think I'm under reacting.

  “Can we have a minute to get dressed?” I ask Madden, my tone clearly indicating I understand where he's coming from and am complying.

  “2 minutes and your ass needs to be in the car.”

  “I fucking got it Madden, Jesus,” my grumble is followed with me gesturing towards the door. “Go. I'll be there.”

  He storms out with Knoxie behind him, shutting the door to leave us in private.

  Immediately, I lean over, softly kiss her, tongue lingering for just a moment. Pulling back, I state, “I'm sorry I have to go, but I swear baby, I'll make it up to you.”

  “Yeah?” Hope returns to her eyes. “Promise?”

  “Promise,” I echo and slip one more kiss on her lips.

  And I do promise to make this shit up to her. If I live long enough to.


  In Knoxie's jeep, I buckle up doing my best to hide my sadness.

  Not exactly how I saw the morning after my first time going...kind of thought there would be pancakes. Or waffles. Or at least some cuddling time before I was rushed out the door like a one nightstand he swears I'm not.

  Knoxie backs out of the driveway, after checking her reflection. “Just so ya know, I drive a little rough.”


  “Yeah. The boys say it's hard, but they’re a bunch of pussies so I don't believe them. Either way. You were warned.”

  I like her, but she scares me.

  “Friend's address?” She asks bringing up gps to type on her screen at the stop sign. Once I've given it, she makes a sharp right turn and takes off down the road, the ride just as she described it would be. Over the sound of the wind she asks, “So you're in love with Merrick huh?”

  Giggling I respond, “Is it that obvious?”

  “You're fucking glowing,” she calls back over the sharp sounds.

  Am I?

  “And not the typical afterglow that comes from screwing a McCoy, but the after properly fucked for the first time glow.” Knoxie stops at the stoplight. “Congratulations.”

  “Thanks?” I unsteadily question.

  “The congrats was on having a McCoy fall in love with you.” She laughs. “It's not normal. It's not something they typically do. Merrick's the first of the 5. Not surprised.” Knoxie glances my direction before pulling back into traffic, sharply weaving around cars. “He's always been more of a lover than a tool unlike the rest of his brothers.”

  Hearing her make that statement, fills my heart with faith that he's going to make do on his promise. That I really am everything he is claiming me to be to him. That this wasn't some overworked act to get me into bed and rid of me guilt free the next morning.

  Knoxie pulls up in front of Hayli's apartment a lot faster than I expected. To my surprise she places a hand on my lap. “Don't worry about, Merrick. It really is work and I swear, if I have to drag him by the ear myself to you, I will.”

  With a short smile I question, “And why would you do that for me?”

  “Because you're in love with him. And while the rest of his brothers may not deserve it, he does.”

  She may have this hard ass tough girl exterior, yet it's clear there's more to her. I hope I get to stick around long enough to discover the rest. Not just about her, but about him.

  “Thanks for the ride.”

  “Any time.”

  Hopping out I give her one final wave and do what feels an awful lot like the walk of shame.

  You know what though? No shame here. None whatsoever. In fact I kinda wanna call it the walk of fame. Not only did I make love with Merrick McCoy the infamous street racer, I won his heart. From the sounds of it, that's something to be proud of. Don't you agree?


  Fucked. Fuck. Fuck. Fucked. That's what I am.

  Walking up The Devil's walkway, Madden shoots me the first look since he followed me over to not only return The Devil's car, but to see why he's summoned us.


  “Not a word,” he bites. “Just shut the fuck up and let me do the talking.”

  With a nod I stay in his shadow as he leads us around back to The Devil's large open backyard area. The way it's lush and green with palm trees shading the whole area and birds that should only exist in exotic places, gives it a very real nirvana feel. My eyes wander over to the luxury pool with two topless females lounging in it.

  My girlfriend's tits are better.

  We walk around to the lounge area to where his guards insist.

  Security escorts all the way around his property? Yup. Fucked.

  I drop down in one of the seats at the table while Madden does the same beside me. He hides his frayed nerves much better than me, but still not well enough. He fidgets in his seat. Toys with the cuffs of his jeans. His watch.

  Suddenly The Devil strolls out through the patio door, cloaked in red swim trunks and an unnecessary red silk robe. With a cocky smirk he sits down at the empty spot across from us, leans back and raises his eyebrows. “Gentlemen.”

  Madden gives him a nod.

  “Enjoy the Lotus?” He casually asks as a blonde female strolls over holding out a bowl of green grapes for him to take.

  “Runs like a wet dream.” I playfully answer.

  “I bet,” his smirk turns wider once a grape is in it. While smacking he states. “Heard you cleaned up at the races.”

  “Yes sir.”

  “Also heard you took home quite the trophy,” the description of Jovi changes more than just the air surrounding us. Adjusting in my seat, I say nothing. “The commissioner's daughter. What a prize.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see Madden's eyes
briefly shut as his breath stiffens.

  “Wildcat in bed?” He chuckles wiggling his eyebrows. “Moaner? Screamer?”

  The Devil keeps pushing at my buttons, but I know better than to react.


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