Book Read Free

This World

Page 18

by Lee, TD

  I shrug my shoulders, giving him a meager look. “Well, other than the fact that Arthur just kept interrupting you and Sadie, it was good, I guess,” I answer.

  Hiro chuckles lightly. “Yeah, he really went overboard didn’t he?”

  “And you’re okay with that?” I question.

  “Uh, w-well yeah, of course I am,” Hiro stammers suspiciously.

  “Are you saying you’re okay with it because you actually are or because you feel like you have to be okay with it, but you’re actually not?” I interrogate. I know Hiro, he really wanted to answer stuff today, but wasn’t able to.

  Hiro pauses for a moment before he replies, “I-It’s not like that, I’m really okay with it.”

  “Right, that pause is so convincing,” I reply annoyed, “whatever, not a big deal though right? Is that what you want to say?”

  A shocked expression flashes across Hiro’s face for a moment. He bites his lower lip again. “Really though Ridley, it’s okay,” he smiles brightly at me, “c’mon let’s go see what they got here! I don’t have to be at my table just yet.” He moves ahead of his guards and out the door.

  The guards and I follow Hiro out and all around the building. I don’t what it is exactly that Hiro is looking for, but we’ve encountered plenty of interesting people. From overly excited fans of any superhero to the most oblivious attendant that got dragged by their friends. There’s no shortcoming of the amount of different people here, it’s definitely a colorful sea of personalities. We stop by almost every single booth on the show floor. Hiro examines each booth closely just to see if he can find anything that he wants. So far, he hasn’t bought anything, he really wants to though.

  When we finally arrive back at Hiro’s table, there’s a long line of fans that were waiting for him. As Hiro walks by the line, the fans cheer loudly. Some try to fight their way through the guards just to touch Hiro. This is so weird to witness.

  When we sit down, the first group of fans approaches the table. An overly excited boy shakes with excitement as he sets down a poster of the Mobile Knights. He says, “I’m a huge fan! Can you please sign my poster?” Not gonna lie, it’s a pretty cool looking poster. It has all of the Mobile Knights lined up in a colorful line with their pilots standing in front of them. It has to be a newer poster considering Hiro is actually on it.

  Hiro smiles as he picks up a marker. “Of course,” he says, quickly signing at an open space above Lancelot.

  Another person from the group chimes in, “Can we also get a picture?”

  “Of course,” Hiro repeats, standing up.

  Fan after fan, signature after signature, picture after picture, Hiro is preoccupied with his fans. While it looks like he’s enjoying his time with his fans by talking to them and generally just being a good role model, I’m bored as all slowing hell. I can barely get a single sentence in with Hiro because there are so many people wanting his autograph or to take pictures. I get it, he’s a popular guy and he’s a superhero now, but I really just want to hang out with my best friend. The only reason why I came to this convention is because of Hiro, yet I can hardly talk to him. It sucks.

  How many hours has it been since I just sat down and watched the fans go by? Two, maybe three hours? Sure, I can walk around the place and see what there is, but I really don’t care for this stuff. I should’ve asked what it was that Hiro was here for other than being a guest. If I knew that it was mostly just gonna be him sitting and talking to fans, I wouldn’t have agreed. I’ve looked through the booklet about hundred times just to see what’s happening. Maybe we’ll get our chance to hang out in a bit when Kirika’s going to perform in ten minutes. There’s a bunch of other performances also, but I only care about Kirika.

  The line starts to die down, so I actually get to talk to Hiro for more than a second. “So, we heading to the performance thing now or?” I ask after Hiro waves goodbye to a couple of fans.

  Hiro looks at me with a suspicious expression. He’s avoiding eye contact. He slowly musters up the words, “Uh, well, sorry. Sadie and I really wanted to walk around the convention together. We didn’t get to earlier this morning so we thought we would have the same time for a break just to walk around and see what there is together. I didn’t realize it was at the same time as the performance and I really want to go to the Kirika performance and-”

  “Just go with her then,” I say dismissively. How annoying. I’m only here because of Hiro, but he keeps leaving for one thing or another. Sure, I can walk around with him and Sadie, but being third wheel is lame.

  “I-I’m sorry Ridley,” he says to me sadly. I can tell he’s being genuine, but it’s really annoying.

  “Whatever, maybe you can make it up to me later, maybe to talk to Kirika?” I say, trying to make the situation a little more redeemable.

  His face lights up a bit, he speaks with that usual smile of his, “Yeah! Of course, I asked her manager if it was okay if we could meet her and she said that it’s okay for a couple of minutes. So, hopefully that redeems my horribleness today.” He chuckles quietly.

  “You’re fine,” I say. As annoyed as I am, Hiro does always pull through to try to make me as happy as he can. I should cut the guy some slack, being a superhero is a new thing for him.

  Sadie approaches the table without any security guards around her. She smiles at the two of us. That’s the first. “You ready Hiro?”

  “Yeah, sorry again Ridley. But I’ll make it up to you by getting you to meet Kirika later okay?” he says, standing up.

  “Yeah, yeah, just have fun,” I say, waving him away.

  Sadie and Hiro disappear into the crowd, hands entwined. Despite the fact that Sadie’s been nothing but a total bitch almost every time she’s talked to me, I have to admit that her and Hiro make a really good looking couple. Seriously, what a power couple those two are. Both got the looks. Both got the physique. They compliment each other well.

  I, on the other hand, confusingly wander about. I check inside my bag of goodies to quickly glance through the booklet. The performance hall is where I need to go, but that means I have to cross this deadly sea of rabid fans on the show floor. You would think with so many panels, events, or whatnot happening that there would be less people here. Nope, there’s a never-ending amount people just wandering about. Is the Kirika performance really worth this? Whatever, I can fight through the crowd.

  Slowly, I make my way across the show floor. People love to stop randomly. Some people have a good excuse because they’re taking pictures or admiring artwork, but some people just stop for the stake of stopping. What the slow hell? People are trying to get to places! It’s okay though, there’s music that’s gradually getting louder and louder.

  When I make it to the performance hall entrance, I’m stopped by security. “Badge please,” they say gruffly. You can tell this guy is miserable for standing here as security. I flash him my badge. “Thanks.”

  A different staff member emerges from the entrance. With a wide smile they say, “Come with me!” They lead me all the way into a large auditorium with a large stage that has an interesting setup with stairs that lead to nowhere in particular and tons of lights. There’s already a bunch of people in here. The staff member leads me to one of the front row seats. “Here you go,” they say, pointing with their hand to a seat with another bag of goodies.

  “Um, thanks,” I murmur, taking my seat.

  I’m surrounded on both sides, but luckily each seat has its own armrest. I open up the bag that was on my seat to find a plethora of stuff. One is a long case of tiny figurines of those Musical Maids. It’s cute. Another is a program showcasing all of the performances that are about to happen. There’s a pack of exclusive Spectral Singer cards. Going through them, there’s only one Kirika card and doubles of other Spectral Singers. Lastly, a glow stick. I turn it on and it’s flashing multiple colors before settling on blue.

  As soon as I finish looking through my stuff, the lights shut off. Cheers roar all around me. A sp
otlight hits the stage. Teleporting in with a bunch of bright sparkles is the leader of the Musical Maids, Serenade. She’s already in her maid gear. She announces happily into her microphone, “Hey everyone!” Even louder cheers erupt around me. “Are you all ready to sing as one!?”

  “Yeah!” people scream all around me.

  “Alright! Let’s all take the spotlight! Together Magical Musical Melange Maids!” Serenade announces proudly.

  The other members of the Musical Maids make just as much of a sparkling entrance as their leader. As soon as all of them appear on stage, a song immediately starts playing. The song is really energetic, light, bubbly, and super pop. Because of the loud fans around me, I can’t quite make out what the lyrics are too well, but I know they consist friendship and love or whatever. The Musical Maids are dancing with extreme coordination that it’s almost uncanny. Their dancing isn’t anything too extensive, but you can tell that they’ve had to practice this dance hundreds of times. Most of the audience rise out of their seats just to dance to the song, some are even doing the same dance as the Musical Maids. All of the glow sticks shine in unison and even transition to different colors when a different maid is singing. The beat and chorus of the song is very catchy though. I even catch myself humming at the chorus because it’s so catchy. Despite how happy the song is, I feel like there’s something missing. Like a person or even a color. Maybe it’s just me.

  Echoes of applause fill the auditorium as soon as the song ends. The Musical Maids take a bow and leave through the back of the stage. A well-dressed man who looks kinda like a butler walks on stage and says, “What a great performance from the Magical Musical Melange Maids!” He pauses as people continue to cheer and clap. “Hey everyone! I’m Corey and I’ll be your MC for our musical adventure that we have for you today! We have more coming from the Magical Musical Melange Maids, but we also have the Spectral Singers as well as some fan performances! Then we’ll debut our new game Mystery Singer! Where you as the audience will have to identify who the original singer is from several other very similar sound alikes! It’ll be wonderful! Now, get your hands together for the Spectral Singer, Kirika!”

  The audience’s applause is quieter than it was for the Musical Maids. Maybe the crowd just likes the Musical Maids more because they’re the hottest thing right now? Whatever, it’s Kirika and she’s the reason why I’m here now.

  The song starts off with a gentle beat accompanied with a live piano and violin. With each note they play the more emotion they put into the song. Music notes actually start waving around in the air, slowly dancing to the beat of the song. The song has a slower tempo than the Musical Maids’ song, but it has a strong beat that I can’t help but nod my head to the song already. Then a spotlight hits the wall which shows Kirika standing horizontally from the wall. She’s dressed in pretty normal attire that it looks way better than if she were to be dressed in some sort of costume or outfit. She’s singing in a gentle voice that matches the slower pace of the song. The song has enough speed and rhythm that it’s danceable as well. Kirika does indeed dance even on the side of a wall. The spotlight then focuses on the ceiling where Kirika defies gravity again and dances on the ceiling upside down. Then next spot the spotlight hits is on the top of the stairs where she slowly walks down. On the stage are backup dancers that I doubt anyone noticed because they were all fixated on where Kirika was. The song hits the chorus:

  Remember that blue sky we once saw?

  How about the days where we once stayed in to withdraw?

  These pictures will never bring us back to those days,

  but I’ll keep living on.

  Even if these memories have gone astray

  and my happiness won’t stay.

  I’ll remember you no matter the pain

  because you’re nothing, but a heart stain.

  So tell me,

  why, why, why did you leave like that?

  Why, why, why would you do that?

  Why, why, why?

  Damn this is a really emotional song isn’t it? No wonder is has such a slower beat compared to her comeback song a couple weeks back. It’s good though. I’m really enjoying it though. There’s a few disgruntled people in the audience that don’t seem to enjoy the song. Maybe because it’s slower, but it works for me.

  When Kirika ends, her applause isn’t as intense as the one for the Musical Maids. She bows graciously before vanishing into the floor. She gets followed up by another Spectral Singer who flies onto the stage, leaving a trail of feathers floating in the air. She’s bubbly, happy, and way more energetic. She riles the audience up as many people start cheering upon her entrance. Yet, she’s not my cup of tea. Kirika had this calm composure that I enjoyed versus this girl who is a ball energy. What a weird dichotomy. She’s good though, but I have my preferences.

  I wonder if I can leave though. I quickly glance through the program to find that Kirika is only performing that one song. I came what I came for, now I can go. Sneakily, I make my wat through the dancing crowd. I only got hit the face about twice as people were flailing their arms about and call it dancing, not that I can do any better.

  As soon as I make it through the exit, I immediately back into the wall as a stampede of fans make a mad dash by me. Something interesting must be going on. Whatever. Is Hiro done hanging out with Sadie yet? I take a deep breath, slide down the wall until I hit the floor. Just gotta wait this whole thing out don’t I?

  Chapter 9

  To kill time, I slowly just wander around the show floor. Nothing really catches my eye. I’m bored. I would just go home, but Hiro said that we’re going to meet Kirika later. I just really hope that Hiro’s done hanging out with Sadie so I have someone to be next to so I’m not just by myself in this giant place with people judging me. Or maybe they’re not and I’m just being paranoid. Regardless, I just want to hang out with my best friend. Is that too much to ask for?

  A gentle tap hits my shoulder. I look back and see the usual short suspect. “Mari?”

  “Hey! Fancy seeing you here,” she says with a smile. She’s dressed in some sort of yellow and blue cosplay of a hero that I don’t recognize. “What are you up to?”

  “Oh, uh, nothing much just hanging around,” I reply. I always run into her at the most random and strangest places. “How about you?”

  “I just got out of the Deviants panel, it was pretty good,” she answers. She eyes me suspiciously, “So you don’t look out of place or anything. Looking like you don’t belong. Too good to cosplay for this?”

  I’m taken aback a bit. Out of everything to question why would it be that I’m not in cosplay? “Wh-what? No, I just don’t really have a reason to cosplay.”

  “I’m kidding, man can you take a joke or what?” she responds. “You look like you’re waiting for someone.”

  “I am, my best friend,” I remark. I take a quick glance around the area I’m in to find people dressed similarly to Hiro, but not actually be Hiro himself.

  She eyes me suspiciously again, she leans in and asks, “Hiro right? The pilot dude who pilots Lancelot?”

  “Uh, yeah,” I slowly remark. Did I ever mention to her that Hiro’s a pilot or my best friend? When we saw each other at Hiro’s ceremony, I remember saying I was there for my best friend, but not specifically because Hiro’s my best friend and it was his ceremony. Maybe she’s good at putting two and two together.

  “Haven’t seen him, seen tons of people dressed as him though,” she laughs quietly to herself. “Sorry, I’m just remembering that I saw this really fat guy in a skin tight suit. Scratch that off of something I didn’t ever want to see, but did list.”

  “Uh, okay. Anyways, are you here with friends too?” I ask, trying to make conversation.

  “Just a couple of friends, they just went to the bathroom,” she answers. “But I’m surprised though.”

  “Surprised about what?” I ask.

  “A superhero hanging out with you,” she responds quickly. She places a
finger at the edge of her lips with a pouting face as she looks up in thought.

  “Why do you make that sound like it’s such a weird thing?” I ask. I’m starting to have flashbacks to those bullies back at school.

  She shrugs her shoulders, answering, “Well, superheroes don’t hang out with normies like us. Just look around, all of these people are all just normies, fans and just that. Nothing more, nothing less, just normies.”

  “Well, Hiro’s an exception,” I say defensively, “there may be some people that try to create that weird barrier, but Hiro’s not like that.”

  “So you’re saying that you’re not afraid that he’s just going to abandon you for his super friends? That’s pretty wishful thinking,” she says bluntly without even changing her expression. “Just give it time, he’ll eventually leave you for his super friends, that’s just the sad reality of it all.”

  What’s with her? Did she suddenly change personalities with Sadie or something?

  Before I could respond, a strong grip holds my shoulder. I look back to find a smiling Hiro. “Hey, there you are,” he greets me. His hand is still intertwined with Sadie’s who looks a bit frustrated. Is she frustrated because Hiro was looking for me?

  “Oh, Hiro, hey. I’ve been looking for you,” I say with a smile. “Oh, can you tell Mari here that-” When I look at the direction where Mari was, she disappeared. Nowhere in sight.

  “Tell who, what?” he questions me. Eyes confused, brow raised.

  “Where’d she go?” I mutter under my breath.

  “I don’t know who you’re talking about. But is my Ridley making new friends?” Hiro says with a wide smile and overjoyed tone.

  I look at Hiro, saying, “Uh, never mind.”

  Hiro raises a brow. “Alright then, you ready to go see Kirika?”

  “Yeah, of course,” I say. Seriously where did Mari go? She was just here, how did she disappear so quickly?


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