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Fighting 'round the Christmas Tree (Fighting #4.5)

Page 5

by Nikki Ash

  “You’re okay with them sharing a place?” I ask.

  “Of course, if she’s going to leave the state, I’m glad she has Tristan with her. There’s a UFC training facility in San Diego. I’m going to give them a call and make sure she’s set up.”

  “Marco trains in San Diego, right?”

  “Yeah, he lives about twenty minutes or so from the college campus.”

  “Hey Dad!” Bella jogs up to Cooper and gives him a kiss on his cheek. “I rode here with Tristan, mind giving me a ride home?”

  “Sure thing, Princess.”

  “When do you guys arrive in Breckenridge?” Bella asks.

  “Saturday. We are going to visit my parents first for a few days before we drive over.”

  “Cool! See you in a few days, Tris.” Bella gives him a hug.

  “What about me?” Mason smirks.

  “What about you?” Bella puts her hand on her hip.

  “Well, for one. Don’t I get a hug, too? And I’ll be joining them, so you will see me as well.” Mason winks and opens his arms for a hug, and Cooper smacks him upside his head.

  “Don’t even think about touching my daughter.”

  Tristan chuckles and shakes his head. “Let’s go Mason. If you’re catching a ride with me, I’m leaving. I need to shower and pack.”

  “All right… see ya soon, Bella!” Mason calls from behind as him and Tristan leave the gym.


  “Where the heck are my pills?” I look inside the medicine cabinet, under the sink, and inside my makeup bag, again. This is the second time they have gone missing. I consider asking the girls but if they didn’t take them, I will have to explain what the pills are for. Damn it! I am going to have to call in another order. I check all the places they might be one last time, not finding them, then dial the pharmacy’s number. Hopefully they can get me a prescription today. We are leaving tomorrow and if I can’t get a replacement today, Kaden and I will have to use condoms. Ugh! The bitching that will ensue on his end. After speaking with the tech, she lets me know I can pick up the pills in an hour.

  “Morgan! Emma! Come here please.” I call to the girls down the hall.

  “Yeah, mom?” Emma answers for them.

  “I need to go by the pharmacy to pick up a prescription. Nobody is home, so you two will need to come with me.”

  “Oh my god! We are ten years old. When will we be old enough to stay home?” Emma whines.

  “Not until you are at least thirteen. Sorry. Let’s go.” I grab my purse and keys and the girls follow behind complaining about not being treated like an adult. I stifle my laugh. They have no idea what being an adult even means.

  As we are getting into my SUV, Tristan and Mason pull up.

  “Hey mom, where are you going?”

  “I need to run to the pharmacy but you have perfect timing because your sisters want to stay home. Let your dad know I will be home in a few minutes.”

  Just as I am about to get in my car, Kaden pulls up and gets out of the car carrying bags of food.

  “Where are you going?” he asks.

  “Hey baby.” I give him a quick kiss. “I need to run to the pharmacy. I lost a prescription that I need before we leave.”

  “Everything okay, Mom?” Tristan asks, concern etched in his voice.

  “Yep, everything’s fine.”

  “Tristan, grab these bags of food and go ahead and get the table set up. Girls, go with your brother and Mason.” Kaden hands the bags over to Tristan.

  “Why don’t you come inside and eat and I can run to the pharmacy later?” Kaden doesn’t make eye contact with me. Hmm…

  Moving closer to Kaden, I ask, “Don’t you want to know what I’m getting at the pharmacy?”

  He continues to look everywhere besides at me, so I gently move his chin toward me. “Kaden?”

  “Whatever it is, it can wait. Let’s go eat dinner with the kids.” He grabs my hand, tugging me up the driveway. Oh. Hell. No!

  “Kaden…” He ignores me. “Kaden, stop!” When he still ignores me, I pull on his hand. “Kaden Scott! Tell me you didn’t do what I think you did… TWICE!”

  He slowly turns around. “Okay, I won’t tell you.” And now I’m fuming.

  “You took my birth control!? What the hell is the matter with you?”

  “I want another baby.” He says it so calmly, shrugging like he just told me he wants chicken fried rice with his Chinese order.

  “Kaden!” I glare at him. “We talked about this. I am almost forty years old and you are forty-five. We are not having any more babies. Our house is filled to the max.”

  “By the time you have the baby, Tristan will be moved out. The baby can take his spot.”

  I laugh at his ridiculousness. “Mason and Tristan are sharing a room. The room will still be filled.”

  “Then we can buy a bigger house.” He shrugs so nonchalantly I have to hold myself back from punching him.

  “I love our home. What’s going on?” I take his hand, threading our fingers together.

  “Nothing,” he huffs out and I hold back my laughter at his immaturity.

  “Kade, talk to me.” I give him a small kiss on his chin then another one on his neck. “Please talk to me.”

  “Fine. Yes, Tristan is moving out, and Morgan and Emma are ten going on twenty-five. They don’t even need me anymore, and soon they will move out and the house will be empty.”

  “Oh, baby.” I wrap my arms around his neck, giving him a soft kiss. “Our home will never be empty. Sure, Tristan is moving out to go to college but we have eight more years with the girls, and even once they leave, they will be back. Whether to visit or to move back after college. One day they will get married and they will bring their loved ones with them. And think about once they have kids of their own.”

  “Stop. I don’t want to think about them getting married or having kids. I want them to go back to being babies again.” He pouts and I have to kiss his lips again.

  “I know, sweetie. But that’s not going to happen. We just have to spend the time we have with them and make the most out of it. You know…” I give him a kiss, this time with my tongue. “…once the house is empty, we will be able to have sex anywhere we want.”

  This gets his attention. “Oh yeah? Like where?”

  “Hmm… like in the kitchen. The living room. On the picnic table. On the stairs. And we can be as loud as we want.”

  Kaden chuckles. “You’re the loud one, not me.” Yeah, okay.

  “Mom, Dad! C’mon! The food is getting cold,” Morgan yells out the front door.

  “Coming,” I yell back.

  “Oh, you will be… tonight.” Kaden whispers in my ear.

  “Not until I pick up my pills, I won’t be.” I shoot him a glare.

  “I’ll get them for you. They are in my glove box.”

  I smack his arm. “I knew your ass took them! Don’t do that shit again.”

  “Fine,” he pouts.

  He runs to his car to grab my packet of pills, then we join everyone for dinner.

  “We are leaving at seven in the morning.” I remind everyone. “Grandma wants us there for breakfast. We’re going to visit for three days with my parents, then after we go to Breckenridge, we will spend New Year’s with Grandma and Grandpa Scott before we come home. Please make sure you pack everything you need, phone chargers, toiletries, clothes.”

  “Mason, are you going?” Emma asks.

  “I sure am. You know what that means, right?”

  “What?” she asks, forking noodles into her mouth.

  “We can train in the mountains. Jogging, hiking. It’s going to be a blast.”

  “Ugh!” Morgan’s face scrunches up in displeasure. “That defeats the purpose of vacationing.”

  “Morgan, be nice.”

  “Hey Mom, did you still need to go to the pharmacy?” Tristan asks.

  “No,” Kaden says, sounding like a petulant child.

  “I seem to have found
my prescription after all.” I smile at Kaden and he pouts again.

  “So, Tristan, I was talking to Cooper today and he’s taking Bella to San Diego over spring break to look at places. Are you definitely wanting to room with Bella?”

  “Yeah. Her rent will be covered by her scholarship. I got approved for tuition and books but not for room or food, so I have to find a place like we talked about before.”

  Years ago, Kaden took money and put it into separate accounts for the three kids. He said he wanted to make sure no matter what happens in life, they would be able to go to college if they choose to. He didn’t want them to have to struggle between working and going to school.

  “Are you still planning to major in athletic training?” Kaden asks Tristan.

  “Yeah, either that or sport’s management. I’ve been considering maybe becoming a sport’s agent one day. I don’t know.” While Tristan loves fighting and training, he isn’t as dedicated to being a part of the UFC as Bella is.

  “You can major in anything you choose to and you don’t have to decide now,” I tell him. “I got my degree in elementary education and look what I ended up doing, running a recreational center.”

  “Your mom’s right, Tristan. All we want you to do is focus on school. We never told you this but we put money aside for you guys for college. As long as you keep your grades up, the account we set up will continue to cover your rent, food, car insurance, cell phone, and anything else you need to get through school.”

  “Seriously?” Tristan looks from Kaden to me.


  “I don’t want to go to college,” Morgan announces.

  “What do you want to do?” Kaden asks.

  “I want to be a fashion designer.”

  “Then you will need to attend a fashion institute.”

  “What’s that?”

  “It’s just like college, where they teach you all about fashion. How about after dinner we look it up and I’ll show you?”

  “Okay! Cool!”

  We all finish dinner and while the boys clean up, Kaden shows Morgan all her options for fashion design. I grab my iPad and pull up the current book I’m reading hoping to get a few pages in.

  “Hey Morgan, Emma, want to go get ice cream?” Tristan asks.


  “Go and get your shoes on.” Both girls run to their bedrooms.

  “You joining, Mason?” Tristan asks, grabbing his keys from the hook.

  “Sure thing. Maybe we should call and invite Bella.” Mason waggles his eyebrows and Tristan shakes his head.

  “Just leave her alone, bro.”

  “Why? I’ve given you two years and you haven’t staked a claim on her. If you’ve changed your mind, say the word and I’ll leave her alone.”

  “It’s not like that with us. She’s my best friend.”

  “So, you’ve been friend zoned. You can change that, if you want to…”

  Tristan looks over at me, realizing they are having this conversation in front of me. “Just drop it, man. Let’s go.”

  Mason chuckles. “You got it.”

  “Want us to bring you back anything?” Emma asks as they all stampede to the door.

  “No thank you, sweetie. Don’t be too long, though. We have an early morning ahead of us.”

  “Okay, Mom.”

  The door closes behind them and I click back on my iPad.

  “You hear that?” Kaden whispers.

  “No, hear what?”

  “Silence… a quiet house. Maybe we don’t have to wait eight years to have sex all over the house.”

  “They are only going for ice cream. We hardly have time to do it all over the house.”

  “I’m confident we can knock out at least two of those places you mentioned.” Kaden closes the gap between us and grabs my hands pulling me up and against him, my book already forgotten.

  “Oh yeah? Which places should we knock out?”

  “Hmmm…” He taps his chin. “The picnic table would be a great place to start.”

  “You’re crazy!” I exclaim.

  “Crazy about you.” Kaden pulls me out the backdoor, then grabbing my hips, lifts me up and sets me down on the picnic table, my feet resting on the bench seat.

  “I’m sorry, Ash.” Kaden gives me a small smile.

  “For what?”

  “For trying to get you pregnant without talking to you. It was a shitty thing to do.”

  “Yeah, it was. Don’t do it again.” I pull on his t-shirt and he falls forward against me, his hands landing on the table on either side of me.

  “How about we just play pretend?” I murmur.

  “Mmm….” Kaden places kisses on my cheek, along my jaw, on my lips. “…I like to play with you.”

  His lips go back to mine, his tongue seeking entrance. I quickly unbutton my blouse, exposing my bra as Kaden devours my mouth, his kisses getting harder. Rougher. I can feel the heat pooling between my legs.

  “Kaden…” I moan his name against his lips, needing more, and of course, my husband knows exactly what I need.

  Moving his lips downward, he trails kisses across my collar bone, over my shoulder, ending at the swell of my breasts.

  “Damn, baby.” Kaden’s eyes fill with lust. He unbuttons the top of my dress exposing my bra then kisses the top of each of my breasts. Unbuttoning a few more buttons, he pulls the cups of my bra down with his teeth, my cleavage spilling out. Then taking one nipple into his mouth then the other, he bites and sucks and licks them. I love that even after all these years, my husband still wants me like a horny teenager.

  Grabbing his belt, I undo it, then unbutton his jeans, pulling the fly down and push his jeans and briefs to his ankles. I stroke his dick while he continues to give my breasts equal attention.

  “Lie back, baby,” he murmurs. I squeeze his dick, not wanting to let it go. “You’ll have it soon. Lie back,” he chuckles.

  Reluctantly, I let go of his dick and do as he says, lying back onto my elbows so I can still see Kaden. He gives me a smirk knowing I want to watch whatever it is he’s about to do to me.

  His rough hands start at my calves and slowly, he runs his hands up my legs until he reaches the apex of my thighs.

  “Lift up.” I lift my butt and he pushes my dress up, exposing my panties. He bends down and kisses my sex through my panties. Goosebumps cover my skin.

  “Lift up again.” This time he pulls my panties down. The chill in the air hits my sex and I shiver.

  Kaden’s face disappears and seconds later I feel his fingers spreading my lips and his tongue running up my slit. I sit up a little higher so I can watch and the sight of Kaden’s face between my legs sends sparks straight to my core. I will never get enough of this man.

  “Play with those nipples, baby,” he demands, his mouth up against my sex. I lie back all the way, close my eyes and play with my nipples, enjoying the feel of Kaden’s tongue on my clit. I feel him insert a finger, then another and a few seconds later, he is fingering me oh so deep. It’s only been a few days since I have gotten off, but it’s long enough that I am already squirming with pleasure about to explode.

  “C’mon baby,” Kaden encourages. He slips another finger in me, making me feel full as his tongue massaging circles on my hardened nub.

  “I-I’m close,” I call out.

  “Give it to me, baby. C’mon.”

  His tongue licks harder, his fingers fuck me deeper and within seconds, fireworks are going off behind my eyelids as my orgasm shoots through me.

  “Fuck, yes,” Kaden murmurs. I sit back up on my elbows in time to see Kaden lifting his shirt to wipe his mouth, his perfect six-pack of abs peeking out. Then he leans down over me to give me a kiss. Even though he wiped his mouth, I can still taste myself on his lips.

  “Come here, Ash.” Kaden takes my hand in his, helping me off the picnic table then walks us over to the side.

  “Bend over, baby.” Doing as he says, I bend over the side of the tabl
e and Kaden pushes my dress back up again to my waist. “Damn, Ash. In your heels, you are the perfect height for me to fuck you like this.” He rubs circles over the globes of my ass then spreads my cheeks apart. With one hand, he guides his dick into me from behind, grabbing my hair with his other hand.

  “Fuck, baby. You feel so good.” He slowly pushes into me deeper and deeper until I can feel him bottom out.

  He’s just sitting there, teasing me, not moving. “Kaden, I need you to fuck me.”

  Without saying a word, Kaden starts to move in and out of me, his hand is wrapped around my hair pulling my head back.

  “Harder!” I beg.

  He obliges and starts thrusting harder and deeper and faster, his dick hitting deep inside of me over and over again. I feel my orgasm building, his dick hitting that sweet spot repeatedly.

  “Yes. Yes. Yes,” I chant, my words spurring Kaden on. He pounds into me, my breasts still spilling out of my bra, my nipples rubbing up against the wood, stimulating me even more. A few thrusts later and I am coming all over Kaden’s dick, my body shaking, my legs feeling like jelly.

  “Oh. Fuck. Ash!” Kaden pumps into me a few more times before finding his release. We stand there for a minute catching our breathes, Kaden’s dick still inside of me.

  “Hey,” he murmurs, tugging gently on my hair. I tilt my head to the side and he kisses me passionately.

  “Mom! Dad!”

  “Oh shit!” I push Kaden back at the sound of the kids calling our names, forgetting his jeans are around his ankles. He stumbles back and lands on his ass.


  “Sorry!” I whisper-yell, quickly putting my bra back in place and buttoning up my top before pulling the bottom of my dress back down. Kaden pulls up his briefs and jeans but stays sitting down.

  “There you guys are!” All four of the kids come out the back door. Luckily, we are both fully clothed except…


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