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The Grey Zone

Page 27

by Easton, Don

  Celeste was thoughtful, and her face became cold. “If, for any reason, mom doesn’t have the money together, I want you to scare her. Tell her she has exactly twentyfour hours to get it. For every hour she’s late, I’ll cut off one of her daughter’s fingers. After ten hours, I’ll start on her toes.”

  “Yep, that ought to scare her,” Jack replied. You should’ve said to tell her that I’d chop off the fingers, not you. A Freudian slip? He knew he was staring into the eyes of the person who had mutilated Tommy Chung.

  “Got it?” Celeste asked.

  “Got it.”

  She sat back in her chair. “So there we have it.” She made eye contact with Skye and gave a subtle nod.

  Skye cleared his throat. “I almost forgot. I need to use the computer in the spare room. There’s someone I need to talk to online.”

  “Better slide Ally back into our room,” Celeste cautioned. “Jack and I’ll help.”

  Jack followed Celeste and Skye into the bedroom. He tapped Alicia on the shoulder and said, “We need to take you to another room so someone can use the computer in here for an online chat.”

  Alicia went rigid, but didn’t respond.

  “Hang on a sec,” Skye said, “I gotta grab something from my room.” He returned a moment later, then he and Jack tipped back Alicia’s chair and dragged her into the master bedroom.

  Jack was about to follow Skye out of the room, but Celeste grabbed his wrist and held him back. Skye went into the next room and shut the door.

  “I want to talk to you … privately,” she whispered.

  “Privately?” Jack asked. He gestured to Alicia. “She might hear.”

  “I mean without those … boys in the living room listening in.” Celeste closed the door, then glanced at Alicia. “As far as our guest goes … this should do the trick.” She turned on some Latin music, and under the slow-tempo sound of bolero, led Jack by the wrist to sit beside her at the edge of the bed.

  Jack glanced up, caught their reflection in the mirrored ceiling, and moved away slightly. “What is it?” he whispered.

  Celeste kept her voice low. “When we first met, I teased you a little.”

  “Oh?” Jack replied.

  Celeste’s eyes took in his body, then drifted back up to his face. “When I checked you out and said why think small when you can think big.”

  “I think I remember that.”

  “You think?” Celeste snickered. “I caught the smile you gave me,” she added, snuggling closer. She gently squeezed his inner thigh. “Would it be presumptuous to say I think you’re attracted to me, too?”

  Actually I think you’re a slut.

  “I do find you appealing, but you’ve got a guy … and he’s in the very next room.”

  “Skye doesn’t mind,” she murmured. “We have an open relationship.”

  Jack felt her give his groin a gentle squeeze. Oh, no, you don’t! He grabbed her by the wrist and pushed her hand away. “I have a girlfriend,” he said, abruptly getting to his feet.

  Celeste looked amused and grabbed his wrist again. “That doesn’t bother me. A foursome would be okay,” she teased.

  “Sorry, but I’m a one-woman kind of guy,” he replied, giving his wrist a jerk.

  She held on. “Maybe that’s because you’ve never had me.”

  “No, but I’ve heard a few stories.”


  “Relating a preference for bondage, which I’m not into.”

  “Boys like to talk,” Celeste said scornfully. “That’s why I call them boys.” She studied Jack. “But you’re no boy. You’re a real man. Someone, I bet, who knows how to please a woman.”

  “My woman, yes.” He glanced at the door. “We should go.”

  “Doesn’t what I say interest you at all? Use your imagination a little. Imagine someone so turned on, wanting you so bad, being fully under your control. Having them beg for you to touch them, caress them … make love to them.”

  “Sounds erotic, but —”

  “Did the boys tell you about my outfit?”

  “They mentioned a riding crop … which really doesn’t do anything for me.”

  Celeste gave an unladylike snort. “That’s only for show. I’d never really hurt anyone.” She gave a nod toward Alicia. “Do you find her attractive?”

  “She’s pretty,” Jack admitted.

  “I can see some men not wanting to perform with another man watching, but what about another woman? Bet I could make her horny if I put on my outfit and had her watch us get it on. What do you think?”

  What do I think? I think it’s obvious you don’t plan on letting her live afterward. Perhaps not me, either … or does that depend upon my performance in the bedroom? He forced a smile. “You’re messing with me, right? You couldn’t do that — she’d see your face.”

  “Believe me, she’d never say anything. Especially after she’s joined in.”

  “How do you know she’d want to join in?”

  “Trust me on this. I’m a good judge of character. Besides, why should you care? She already knows you.”

  I’m not stupid. You do plan on killing her.

  “So? A little ménage à trois?” Celeste prodded. “Think you could handle two women at the same time, Jack?”

  “I’m not that much of a stud. Come on, enough. Let’s —”

  “Imagine yourself lying here, pleasing her and making her cry out with pleasure as she sits on your shoulders … while I sit behind her and take you in. Pleasing you ever, ever so slowly.” She paused. “Ever bring two women to orgasm at the same time, Jack? It’s wild.”

  “Thanks, not interested,” he replied, pulling his wrist from her grip and turning toward the door.

  “Shame,” Celeste replied angrily. “She’ll have to settle for just me.”

  Jack spun on his heel. “Don’t even go there,” he warned.

  Celeste looked taken back. “Wow … seems like I hit a nerve,” she replied, glancing at Alicia, before regarding Jack with suspicion.

  “It’s my ass on the line! I’m the one making the phone calls. Her mother won’t go to the cops only if she isn’t harmed. You do anything to her and they will go to the cops!”

  “Ally wouldn’t be the type to say anything. She’d be too embarrassed.”

  “Not a chance I’m willing to take.”

  Celeste eyed Alicia.

  Damn it, what do I do? No way I’m leaving you alone with her. “Look, I’m sorry,” Jack said. “I don’t know you that well and you really caught me by surprise. Tonight I feel stressed to the max. Sex is the last thing on my mind.”

  “That’s funny, I’m the opposite. The more stress I feel, the more I want to have sex. It makes me relax.”

  “Not me. All I can think about is getting the money tomorrow. Place half a million dollars in my hand and I’ll be a lot more amiable.”

  Celeste’s face brightened, and she got up off the bed. “Define amiable.”

  “Well, I know it’s your birthday tomorrow. I’d sure hate to disappoint a lady on her birthday.” But you’re no lady.

  Celeste ran her hand up the front of his jeans. “Promise?”


  “Then I’ll hold you to it.” She cupped his groin and smiled.

  “Let’s go. Tomorrow will be a special day … for both of us.” Jack nodded toward the door and she led the way out of the room.

  When they were part of the way down the hall, Skye emerged from the guest bedroom. “I’m done.”

  He and Jack dragged Alicia back to Jack’s room before rejoining the others in the living room. Peter and Horace looked at Jack with knowing grins. He decided to ignore them.

  “Turn off the game,” Celeste said. “Make sure there’s nothing on the news.”

  The news was uneventful. An hour later, Jack said he was calling it a night. Once inside his room, he closed the door and removed the tape from Alicia’s mouth.

  “Did you hear what happened?” he whispe
red. “When Celeste and I were in the master bedroom with you?”

  “The music was a bit loud. I know the two of you were on the bed. Did you … you know, her and you?”

  “Christ, no! What kind of person do you think I am? I’d never do that.”


  “But the ransom has to go ahead tomorrow. Would you like any food or water? Maybe use the bathroom?”

  “I’m not hungry, but I’d like some water. I also need to pee.”

  “I’ll get you some water and tell Celeste. She made it clear she won’t let you go to the bathroom alone.”

  “Will you be there? Outside the door, I mean?”

  “Yes, I’ll be around to keep an eye on you. Celeste swings both ways, and I’m sure she meets the definition of a nymphomaniac. If she tries something, stomp your feet, and I’ll kick the door in if I have to.”

  “They’d probably kill you if you did.”

  “Probably is a chance I’m willing to take.”

  Minutes later, Celeste used the kitchen scissors to temporarily free Alicia’s hands and feet, then took her to the bathroom before returning and securing her to the chair.

  Jack whispered in Alicia’s ear as soon as they were alone. “Did she say or try anything?”

  “No. Just asked if I was done and that was it.”

  “You’re trembling. You weren’t a moment ago.”

  “I’m cold.”

  Jack wrapped a blanket around her, then moved her chair closer to the wall and wedged a pillow behind her back and head. “I feel bad leaving you in the chair while I sleep in the bed beside you.”

  “I’m fine where I am. I’m — I’m glad you’re here.”

  Jack didn’t undress, but lay on the bed and tried to analyze what he should do in the different circumstances that could arise. Will Rose let them pick up the money and hold off on any arrests until we’re safe? Will Ottawa allow her to do that? If they do try to make arrests, will we be safe? What if they spot surveillance, or what if some of them are arrested, but the plane makes it back? Bet they’d kill Alicia. Even if the ransom is paid and Alicia is freed, I’ve still got the slut to deal with. What then? Fake appendicitis to get out of sex with her? That wouldn’t go over well …

  He listened as Celeste and Skye murmured in their bedroom, then heard Peter telling someone he’d take the first shift.

  His thoughts returned to Peter pretending to shoot him in the arcade. There was something in his smile afterward, like he had a secret and was toying with Jack. Do they plan to kill us both? Then there were the coveralls under the bench rather than hung up on a hook. Was he being paranoid? Had they simply been tossed there? He remembered how the coveralls appeared to have been laid over something. No, they weren’t tossed there. Trust your instincts.


  At 6:30 a.m. Jack quietly slipped out of his room and went down the hallway.

  “You’re up early,” Horace said from where he sat in a kitchen chair.

  The noise awoke Derek, who was asleep on the sofa. He tossed a quilt off himself and sat up. Peter was stretched out in a sleeping bag on the floor. Derek gave him a nudge with his foot.

  “I couldn’t sleep,” Jack said. “Too keyed up.” He glanced at his wrist and frowned. “Also I lost my watch. The pin that holds the strap in place keeps coming out. I’m thinking it might’ve fallen off while I was playing arcade games. I’m going to pop out to the hangar and take a look.”

  “I’ll go with you,” Derek said, getting to his feet. “Give me a sec to chain Diego up first.”

  In the hangar, Jack made a pretense of looking around the floor near the arcade games. “I was also looking inside the Cessna,” he noted. “Mind checking it for me while I look over by the drones?” He moved toward the workbench.

  While Derek walked over to the far side of the plane, Jack had a couple of seconds to peer under the coveralls below the bench. It was more than enough time to see what the kidnappers were planning. A shiny new pickaxe and shovel, with the price tags still on the handles. Guess they don’t plan on sharing the ransom.

  “Not here,” Derek announced.

  “Not here either,” Jack replied. “Hopefully it’ll turn up somewhere.”

  “I’ll get Horace to look in his van later. How about some coffee?”

  “Great idea.”

  * * *

  Not until an hour later did Jack have the opportunity to speak with Alicia in private and tell her what he’d discovered.

  “They’re going to kill us once they get the money,” Alicia said matter-of-factly.

  “My thoughts exactly,” Jack said. “Somehow I need to stall Rose from paying, then figure out a way for us to escape.”

  “I think there’s a gun in the other bedroom.”

  “What? You didn’t mention it before.”

  “Uh, I forgot, but when they first put me in the trunk, I heard one of them — Skye, I think — tell Celeste to hold on a sec before closing the lid. I heard him go to a dresser or something, then he came back and stuck a gun in my ear and threatened to kill me if I made any noise or tried to escape.”

  “I bet as a precaution that’s what he took out of the room last night before Celeste made a pass at me.”

  “Maybe that’s a good thing. She might have shot you when you didn’t do as she wanted.”

  “I think I handled it okay, but you’re right. Probably in their eyes I’ve served my purpose. They could get your mom’s phone number from you directly, and one of the others could contact her. With all the equipment they have, there must be something for altering a voice over the phone.”

  “So what’re we going to do? They could kill us both at any time.”

  “I’ll try and gain everyone’s trust and convince Celeste to keep me around. I’m hoping I already took care of that with the promise I made to her about tonight.”

  “To have sex with her,” Alicia replied matter-of-factly.

  “Once I get her back in the bedroom, I’ll put a sleeper hold on her and gag her. Then tie her up and look for —”

  “But if Skye has the gun and decides to use this room like last night, what then?”

  “I’ll need to ensure that he’s out of commission first. See to it that he’s incapable of responding or using a gun before I take out Celeste. Then, with luck, I can go back and get the gun from him if need be.”

  “How will you do all that without someone seeing and putting a bullet in your back?”

  “I have an idea. Might take a little Irish luck.”


  “Happy birthday, girl!” Jack said, raising his coffee mug when Celeste entered the kitchen wearing a creamcoloured silk nightgown and fuzzy pink slippers.

  Celeste smiled. “Thanks, let’s hope it will be,” she replied. She poured herself a cup of coffee before joining Jack, Skye, and Derek at the kitchen table. Peter and Horace were in front of the television playing a video game, as usual.

  “How’s our guest? I heard whispering from your room this morning.”

  “You did. I learned some things,” Jack said. “Our guest has a sister by the name of Laura.”

  “Why’d she tell you that?”

  “She’s worried about her mom being able to come up with all the money so quickly, since she’s starting to suffer from senility or dementia.”

  “Shit, that’s all we need,” Skye said.

  “The good news is that this Laura is married to some rich dude and could likely chip in a couple hundred grand right away. I’m sure both Mason and Laura will be there when I call. I think I should talk to Laura and put a little pressure on her.”

  “Is there any chance of Laura going to the police?” Celeste asked.

  “I asked that.” He smiled. “Her answer was ‘not if she wants to remain in Mom’s will.’”

  Celeste thought for a moment, then shrugged. “So nothing really changes. Talk to Laura instead. If they have the money, then great. Get her to deliver the ransom. If
they don’t have it … well, you know what to say.”

  * * *

  The rest of the morning was spent sitting around the kitchen table discussing various money drops and routes for the ransom payment. Jack had little to say about the matter, but he pretended to be pleased when Peter announced that he’d found his watch on the mat in the bathroom.

  Lunch consisted of peanut butter and jam sandwiches, then Celeste announced that it was time to put Ally back in the trunk so Jack could make his call. Once that task was completed, everyone started to exit the trailer.

  Out on the porch, Jack tapped Celeste on the arm and motioned for her to wait as the others walked toward the van.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “Because of you, I couldn’t sleep all night. I kept thinking about what you said to me.” Jack shook his head for effect. “Talk about my imagination running wild. You don’t know how many times I wanted to get up and knock on your door.”

  Celeste smiled. “I was thinking about you, too. Very much looking forward to tonight.”

  “What you suggested damn near drove me crazy afterward. Thinking about bringing two women to orgasm at the same time …”

  “So you’ve changed your mind about including Ally?”

  “I gave it a lot of thought. I mean … if I please her, what’s she going to say? That some guy aroused her and she wanted more?”

  “Exactly. She’s not going to tell anyone about it.”

  “We should keep her blindfolded, though. It would still be better if she never saw your face.” Jack tried to sound enthusiastic. “I can hardly wait.”

  “Good. Anticipation is all part of it.” She kissed him, and he let her slip her tongue into his mouth as she pressed her body up to his. “It sounds — or, should I say, feels — like I’m going to have a good birthday one way or the other.” She looked at him coyly as she stepped back.

  “About your birthday. I want to talk to Skye and get him or someone else to go out and get some stuff. Let’s have a party. Everyone is feeling the pressure. It would be good to have something to take our minds off of things, especially if it takes longer to get the money. I’d also feel better if everyone was partying and not paying too close attention later, when you and I slip away to the bedroom. Less of an audience, if you know what I mean.”


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