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Eliza Gayle Witch Bundle (paranormal romance)

Page 4

by Eliza Gayle

  She had to have him—now.

  His hands plucked and pulled at her nipples, creating a fiery blend of pain and pleasure. A needy whimper escaped her lips as his head dipped toward her neck.

  “Oh yeah, baby, you need this as much as I do, don't you?” His breath stroked her ear, increasing the helpless sensations coursing through her. She arched her back in an attempt to push her breasts harder into his hands. “I can't wait. I have to have you now.” He grasped the buttons of her shirt.

  But instead of unfastening them as she expected, he grabbed the edges and ripped her shirt apart. Her shocked gasp gave way to the cool air rushing across her heated flesh. Grae quickly pushed her bra upward, allowing her naked breasts to spill freely into his hands. His fingers went straight to the hard tips, giving them each a fierce pinch. The quick flash of pain took her breath away.

  Oh that was good. Not once had a man touched her like this. Fast and hard. Rough and raw. Whatever this was she didn’t care so long as he didn’t stop. She buried her hands in his hair as he worked her nipples. She curled her fingers into the table, digging her nails into the wood. Every new place on her body he touched made more moisture flow from her pussy until she wriggled and ached for so much more.

  His large hands pulled and twisted as his thick, erect cock pushed against her backside, forcing her harder against the table. In a desperate move she tried to angle her arms for more skin-to-skin connection, but he grabbed her hands when she moved and forced them back over her head.

  Graelen growled at her warningly. He didn't want her to move just yet. Not with desperate need ravaging through his system thanks to the events of their night. Heat burned inside of him, melting his brain and ability to take things slow.

  “Tell me what you need.” There was no way to hold back the harsh demand.

  “I need you.” Her voice shook on the answer.

  Yes, tonight she would be his. But first, he needed to get control of himself. Every time he touched her the energy he got from her mixed with his magick, leaving him with an uncontrollable urge to get closer, to touch her, to fuck her. As if he could become one with her.

  She chose that moment to wriggle her tight jean clad ass against his burgeoning cock effectively cutting his thin thread of control. “You shouldn't have done that, baby.” Before she could even whimper a response he gripped the waist of her jeans and deftly unfastened them, then yanked them down around her ankles. Her sharp intake of breath only fueled his desperate actions as he grabbed her waist and flipped her around, seating her on top of the table and pinning her hands behind her back.

  His lips swooped down to hers, feeding on her taste and the power they created together. He thrust his tongue deep in the hot cavern of her mouth. The sensation was like a drug oozing into his system, luring him to take what he wanted. Any way he wanted.

  With one hand he forced his own pants open, relieving the pressure of confinement as his cock enlarged. He slid his hands between her silken legs, spreading them enough for him to fit his hips into the vee of her thighs. When his crown touched her engorged clit her hips jerked and a low moan sounded in her throat. Hunger for more drove him to her breasts again to nip at her succulent skin. His teeth grazed and bit all around the soft creamy flesh. A particularly hard bite had her hips pushing against his length as soft cries and pleas came from her.

  “Tell me again you want it, baby.” He looked down into her molten eyes to watch her response. Her breath came in hard pants as the tips of her teeth gripped her lip. “Rena. Tell me. Tell me you want my cock inside you. Tell me now or I’ll stop.”

  She cast her eyes downward, a tiny little whimper rolling from her lips when she tried to speak.

  “Look at me, Rena. Don't turn away. Tell me.”

  “Yes.” A mere whisper touched his ears. But it wasn't enough. He wanted her to speak the words. His own need to hear her submission kept him from sinking deep into her slick folds.

  “What, Rena? Tell me. Tell me what you want.” He hesitated a moment. “Say it.”

  “Yes, I want you to fuck me, Graelen. Fuck me now!”

  As the last of the words left her mouth, Graelen slammed his cock deep into her wet, warm pussy. Tight heat wrapped around him, threatening the last of his sanity. Without hesitation he withdrew to the tip and thrust in again, lifting her ass off the table and her pussy further onto his cock.

  His control completely lost, he continued to bury himself over and over again. He pumped hard with little thought of anything other than the fist tight grip of her body that held him with every plunge of his hips.

  As his orgasm built within his body, his movements quickened and he lost his grip on Rena's arms. Her hands wrapped around his ass and urged him to take her even harder. All the while, her whimpers and moans told him just how close she was to coming herself. He was faintly aware of knickknacks falling from the table and wall around them, but was too lost in his pleasure to care.

  His balls tightened painfully against his body as Rena screamed and writhed when her orgasm ripped through her. Her muscles clamped harder around his cock, forcing his own orgasm to suddenly explode from his body. He gripped her hair and pulled her head back, exposing her slender neck as he pistoned his hips with the urgent need to come deep in her body.

  When Graelen was able to release her hair she slumped forward against his chest. Her breath kissed his skin with every pant for air. He wrapped his arms protectively around her as he soothed her, and worried if he'd been too rough. His needs were straightforward to a man like him, but likely confused a woman as soft as her. He slid his fingers through her silky hair, breathing in her incredibly unique scent now mingling with the smells of great sex.

  Within moments her breathing slowed to a nice steady rhythm and he realized she had drifted off. Smiling, he gently swung her into his arms to carry her to his bed. She needed to rest, because when she woke his already hardening cock would demand more from her. He may not understand exactly what they had between them, but he was far from sated.

  He looked down at her forgotten bags and saw one of his family's Tarot cards had fallen from her pack.

  Stolen. Betrayed.

  The implication of that card lying there slammed into him as common sense flooded his head, forcing him out of fantasy land and into the here and now, which meant her presence here was destined to destroy what was left of his family. An occurrence he wouldn't—couldn’t allow.

  Anger simmered to the surface as he considered how easily a sweet face and sensual body had lured him. Whatever her game, she’d managed to grab the upper hand right under his nose. Well, he would show her what happened to women like that. When she awoke she'd be shocked to see that she was no longer in control. Instead she would have to face one pissed off witch.

  Chapter Four

  Rousing from a deep sleep, Rena's lids fluttered open. Disoriented, she tried to remember how and when she fell asleep or even where she was. With a slight movement of her hips she groaned at the tight, aching pains of her body. Dawning swept over her as she remembered the intense encounter with Graelen in the hallway of his house. Practically from the moment she'd touched the tapestry a firestorm had taken them over. She smiled as she recalled every delicious detail of his rough, dominating demands. Never before had a man taken her with such hunger and urgency, or given her such pleasure. It had been a scene right out of her wildest fantasies.

  She couldn't help but wonder if he would be up for more. She giggled. Maybe this time she would do the taking. Rena attempted to move and suddenly realized that she couldn’t, her arms and legs were bound to the corners of the bed. Fear and confusion knotted inside her. Her gaze frantically searched the room for a sign—something, to find she was now utterly alone.

  Instinctively she struggled against the bonds. Have to get free. After several minutes of accomplishing nothing but chafing her ankles and wrists, she relaxed her cramping limbs. She needed to think. This was no time to figure out how or why this happened. She h
ad to come up with a plan to get free. Then she’d hunt down the bastard who did this to her and find out what the hell had happened. Where she’d gone wrong.

  “Graelen!” she yelled for him but the house remained eerily quiet. “Where the hell are you?” A quick and disturbing thought flickered into her mind. What if Graelen wasn't the one who did this to her? What if he was in some sort of trouble, too? In the aftermath of last night's shooting she didn't know what to expect. At those terrifying thoughts she renewed her struggle to free herself.

  He might be counting on her for help.

  After what seemed like hours she collapsed against the bed. Her nude body was covered in a thin film of sweat, her wrists and ankles ached from the abrasions, and the rest of her body continued to feel the effects of sex with Graelen. The man had a ravenous sexual appetite, all consuming and powerful. She could nearly feel his large hands gripping her thighs, burning their imprint forever in her memory.

  She valiantly fought the stinging sensation in her eyes, but ultimately lost the battle as a single tear slid down her cheek.

  “What's wrong, Rena, don't like having the tables turned on you?” Her head whipped around at the sound of his voice to find Graelen lounging against the bedpost.

  “Graelen.” Her voice cracked as she tried to talk. “What the hell is going on? Are you okay?”

  Laughter rolled from deep in his chest, filling the room with its mocking sound. Comprehension snaked along her spine as her brain struggled to keep up with the truth that stood before her.

  “You did this? You tied me to your bed and left me for hours?” Shock yielded quickly to fury as she renewed her fight against the bindings.

  “You're wasting your time, baby. Bondage is my specialty and you won't get free until I say you can.” His features hardened as he spoke, leaving Rena to ponder what the hell she'd gotten herself into.

  Using her most authoritative voice, Rena made her demands clear. “Graelen Scott, I demand that you release me right this minute. This game you’re playing is not amusing.” She fought the restraints at her ankles and her wrists, only to watch the corner of his mouth twitch with exasperation over her futile efforts.

  “I assure you, Ms. Gallagher, I hardly find the fact that you’re here to destroy my family a game.” Stunned by his latest statement, she watched his scowl deepen as she frantically tried to rack her brain for what the hell he was talking about.

  “Did I miss something? Did we have a conversation that I've completely forgotten? Why the hell would I want to destroy your family? I don’t even know you!” Her blood boiled and was about to spill over into a full-on rage. She pulled harder on the bonds, ignoring the pain shooting through her limbs. She wanted to get free so she could hurt him. Maybe knock some sense into him. Never mind he had about a foot and close to a hundred pounds on her. She didn't understand what kind of crap he was pulling, but he sure wasn't going to get away with it. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “Who was shooting at us last night, Rena?” He clenched his mouth tighter, giving him a sinister look.

  “How the hell am I supposed to know? I didn't have any trouble until I came here.”

  “Exactly. Now that I've had time to think about it, it seems like someone was trying to scare me off of you or make sure they got you away from me.”

  “Graelen, you're not making any sense.” She twisted and fought, desperate to free herself. Her lip trembled as she returned his glare.

  “Stop pulling on the ropes like that. You're just hurting yourself.” He walked forward, stopping at the edge of the bed. His fingers wrapped around her bare arms as he attempted to still her body. The shift was lightening fast as sheer black fright rolled through her, swamping her own thoughts with his. Yes, the anger was still there, but more importantly his anxiety for his brothers touched her. More deeply than she wanted. The thought of his enormous burden tore through her insides as she fought to absorb his pain.

  “Rena, stop. You’ve got to be hurting yourself when you try to touch my emotions.”

  “I can't help it. The shields I've built over the years to protect myself don't work with you.” She sucked in air in shallow pants. “Something is happening here. It's as if—as if your power, your magick, even your strength are combining with mine.” Her body warmed making everything tingle from the top of her head to her toes. “Bonding together.” She gasped. “Oh God, it’s so wild. I see everything now.”

  “You shouldn't be here. It was a mistake to let you in. Things are confused now. Your role in all of this is unclear.”

  “My role? I only wanted answers to the questions that have plagued me. I was compelled to come here by them. That's not fair, laying the blame on me.”

  “Prophecies don't lie, Rena.”

  “No, but they are misinterpreted all the time. Why do you think I have a job?” Her body trembled with her words, her voice catching in her throat. “You're being a damned fool letting your so-called curse rule you instead of—”

  “Please don't do that, Rena. I can't take it.”

  She saw the concern, raw and vivid, blazing in his eyes.

  “What are you talking about now?” she sobbed. It was all too much. She wasn't sure she could take another reproach from him. Her own anger dissipated quickly as she sorted through his emotions. Somehow she was linked to his fear for his family and his internal struggle broke her heart.

  “Your tears, baby. They're killing me.” His hand swept across her cheek to wipe a tear she didn’t know had fallen. She turned her head into his hand wishing it were her body curling into his. Her overwhelming need to comfort this man rode her hard. She wanted to prove to him that she would never cause him or his family harm.

  Her lips brushed his palm with a whisper of a kiss. The heat she found there seeped through her as lust curled tight in her belly.

  “This can’t happen again. Whatever this even is.” He shook his head. “I don’t know what to believe.” The incredible sadness in his voice broke her. She no longer cared that she was tied to his bed. Only that her body ached for his.

  “Graelen, please.”

  “I know, Rena. I feel it, too. This incredible pull… I need you. But more importantly, I need it on my terms.” His voice lowered yet somehow sounded firmer, more in control. “Can you give me that? Do you want to?” Instinctively she knew exactly what he wanted and her body wept to do exactly as told. To others he may appear calm and cold, but his emotions churning inside told her the real story.

  “Yes, sir.” Her voice so low she wondered for a moment if she'd spoken the words out loud, until she noticed the wry grin he tried to hide.

  “Be sure, baby. Because despite my reservations about you and your motives, I plan to have you every way that a man like me can.”

  A chill swept over her at his words, hardening her nipples to tight peaks. Her reaction to him didn't go unnoticed as his hands reached for her breasts. He pinched and rolled the tips tightly with a constant increase of pressure and pain streaking through them as he tortured her nipples. She bit her bottom lip, attempting to stop her cries, but a low moan escaped.

  “You want this, Rena, don't you?” She hesitated a moment. “Tell me. Tell me what you need, baby.” Instead of waiting for her answer, his hands stroked down her belly, heightening her arousal to a fever pitch as her body screamed and ached for more. When his fingers slipped through the dark curls surrounding her sex, the muscles clenched in anticipation of that first touch. Liquid fire pooled between her lips, readying her for his thrusts.

  Bypassing her aching bud, he slid through her moist folds, spreading her cream across her flesh. “Dear Goddess, Rena, you are so fucking ready for me.” Without further warning two fingers were roughly thrust into her passage, setting off a storm of sensation against her sensitive tissue.

  “Oh. Oh. Please.” Her fingers flexed in an instinct to grab a hold of him, stopped by the rope. Her muscles quivered as the build up gathered around the fingers he ruthlessly continu
ed to glide into her flesh.

  “Please what, baby?” His strokes taunted her continuously as she wriggled and fought the bonds trying to rub her clit against his hand.

  “Take me. Use me. Fuck me.”

  A deep smile crossed his face as his devilish intent sparkled in his eyes. He removed his fingers from her body, leaving her close to coming with no immediate relief apparent. “No. Oh, Graelen, please, please don't stop.” She heard her own needy cries trembling from her lips, yet nothing could have kept her from begging. Her cheeks burned with equal parts humiliation and exhilaration.

  He pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it to the floor, revealing a strength and power in his muscled torso she had only imagined the first time. His tawny skin rippled over the bunched muscles as he unfastened his pants, letting them fall to the ground. His boxer briefs strained under the pressure of his engorged cock, the tip of which was visible at the edge of the waistband. Her heart beat frantically in her chest at the sight when his fingers dove to the waistband, shoving his briefs along the smooth muscles of his thighs.

  The thick shaft jutting heavy from the dark patch of hair as he approached her riveted Rena. Before she even had time to wonder what it would feel like in her mouth, he covered her body with his own, nudging the head of his cock against her slick opening. She gasped her pleasure as she bucked her hips upward, attempting to lodge him deeper. Instead he eased back onto his knees, removing his cock from her pussy. She whimpered in agony at the loss.

  His feisty historian was making him crazy. The blazing heat of her pussy almost more than he could bear. Goddess, he couldn’t remember ever feeling this out of control. Not even as a teenager. Good thing she was still tied up or there would be no stopping her. The little whimpers and moans escaping from her plump lips went straight to his head, not to mention the need rippling through his balls. More. He had to have more. Holding back was simply not an option any longer. He needed to come and come hard. In slow motion he pushed inside, savoring the tight muscles that parted for him. The pleasure of the tight grip of her cunt around his flesh whipped over and around him. Power sparked. Unable to bear another second he powered inside until his balls slapped her ass.


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