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Skyrocket (Love and Music in Texas Book 6)

Page 10

by Nikki Lynn Barrett

“Well, we had a slight interruption before we could finish the conversation. This gorgeous girl took the stage, and I told him we'd discuss it more later.” Matt kissed her tenderly. “I don't want to shatter his dreams. Do I worry about him going into the music business and the limelight? Yes, but I'm hoping maybe, if you'll agree and he agrees, that you'll help him. Take the time from now until he decides to go to Nashville to prepare him. For everything- the ups, downs, and everything in between. Well, as much as you can prepare him for.”

  Tears sprung to her eyes. “I'd love to. I'll do whatever I can for him.”

  “He could change his mind between now and then, but it seems Andrew wants music in his life, and I spent too much time not accepting that before. I'm not going to be that person any more.”

  “You're a special man, Matt Greer,” Kyra whispered before she inched forward and pressed her lips to his for a kiss. “I love you so very much.”

  Pain spread upward from his foot again, and he groaned. “I hate to cut our conversation short, but it's time for my next dose of medicine. I'll be right back, okay?”

  “Hurry back.” Kyra blew a kiss at him, laid back on the bed, and put her hands behind her head. Despite his pain, Matt didn't move for a a while. He had to stay and stare at her. She was his woman. Kyra loved him, and that meant so much. So many feelings coursed through him. He wanted to spend forever with her.

  No matter what, after he got back in bed with Kyra, he planned to propose right then and there. No more waiting. This week proved there was no such thing as a perfect moment. What mattered was that he asked and she answered- hopefully with a response that would mean they got to plan a wedding.

  Kyra's eyes were closed, but Matt doubted she'd be asleep by the time he finished tending to his foot. He headed toward the bathroom sink, grabbed the bottle of water, and downed some of it along with his pills. Then he pulled off his shoes to check on the wound. Even though they'd put a bandage over it in the ER, he needed to make sure it didn't come off and that there was no bleeding. Hopefully, he wouldn't discover an infection or anything. There was nothing. He blew out a breath, relief flooding him. He'd actually been pretty startled and nervous earlier, but because poor Kyra couldn't calm down, Matt decided to mask his pain and keep her from freaking out even more.

  Matt patted his pants pocket, needing reassurance that the ring was definitely there. Now or never. Nervousness slammed his body.

  She hadn't moved from her spot since Matt left. Disappointment settled in his gut. She'd fallen asleep. The gentle rise and fall of her chest in a rhythmic pattern hypnotized him. A small sound escaped her lips each time she breathed out. Matt sat on the edge of the bed, just staring at her. Kyra didn't stir He bent his head to kiss her lips gently. “I love you, Kyra Renee Sanders. Always, forever, through the good and bad. I want to marry you, and soon, we'll have that moment where I ask without something happening. You're my lifeline. You look so damn content sleeping, I can't bear to wake you. So hopefully these words I'm saying to you right now drift into your subconscious and you'll know without a doubt I'm not going anywhere.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “Dad, you have some serious explaining to do.” Andrew narrowed his eyes at Matt the next morning on the tour bus, currently en route to Kyra's second Florida stop and the concert where Andrew would get on stage with Kyra and Tucker. Matt glanced up from his text conversation he'd been having with Rhett and waited for his son to continue. “What?”

  Andrew handed him his tablet. “What in the world is all of this crap?”

  “Hey, watch that tone.” Matt took the tablet from his hands to see what the fuss was all about. A photo of him and Kyra in her red haired disguise in New Orleans popped up. The headline read: Sanders' boyfriend meeting up with his ex in the city? “You've got to be kidding me.”

  “What's wrong?” Kyra headed his way from the back room, where she'd been talking to Taryn.

  “New rumor alert. I'm hooking up with my ex.” He shook his head as he passed Andrew's tablet on to her. Didn't these sharks have anything better to do than to fill the tabloids with junk? Apparently not, so why did he even question it?

  “Well, I'm offended,” Kyra scoffed. “Kay looks nothing like her!”

  “Kay?” Andrew stood between them, confused. “Who the heck is Kay?”

  “That's me in disguise. I took your dad out the first night so we could see a little of the city together, since I couldn't go with the two of you before the concert. I don't know why this is filling the papers. Seriously. I'm not even sure why I'm saying I don't know why. It's the tabloids. They're looking for dirt to add some negative light on the tour.” Kyra rolled her eyes.

  “Did you think I was with your mother, Andrew?” Matt faced him.

  “Not in a way that would ruin your relationship with Kyra, but at first when I saw the headline, I thought maybe you were talking to her about what she did. Then I saw that photo and wasn't sure, because you two were holding each other. I didn't know where you and Kyra went out that night, and I never thought about Kyra disguising herself so she wasn't recognized. She doesn't do that often when I'm around, so I never considered the idea. Sorry I jumped to conclusions.” He made a face, his eyes downcast. “Is this gonna hurt your career, Kyra? Do you think M-Kendra did this?”

  Kyra handed Andrew his tablet back. “It doesn't matter who did or didn't do this. Sadly, it happens a lot. Someone's always looking for a story. They take a photo and make stuff up. I could give you a top ten list of worst rumors made up about me that would make your jaw drop. I don't listen to them any more- much. I can't believe they're resurrecting the story between your dad and Kendra, though, but maybe they've got nothing else to go on.”

  “They're picking up things on Baby Stetson, too,” Taryn said as she joined them. “They're saying Randy was once arrested, suspected of attempted murder.”

  Matt made a face and hesitated before speaking. “Umm, that one's actually true.”

  “What?” Taryn gasped. “Randy? I don't believe it!”

  “Blaine's ex-husband came to Harmony's Echo to find her, and he'd been two timing Blaine and his wife. The other wife found out. When Frederic went to spy on Blaine, his wife followed him, they were fighting, and she hit him and ran. Randy and Blaine were out at the creek and heard something, and he stumbled across the guy,” Matt explained. “Took a few weeks to officially get Randy out of the line of suspicion.”

  “Wow, I never would have pictured any of that.” Taryn shook her head. “And there's the whole thing with Marty and his paranoia. The tabloids are saying he has a serious juvie record and how maybe he hasn't changed a lot from his younger years after all.”

  Kyra groaned. “You've got to stop reading that stuff, Taryn.”

  “I know. I do, for the most part, but I do hear the band members talk. It's going to take them a while to brush it off.” She grimaced, then held up a finger. “On a good note- no one mentioned your slight panic on stage last night or what happened there six years ago. Thanks to Matt's quick response, everyone thinks it was an act. I don't think they believe that you didn't know he could sing.” Her smile grew. “The fans are waiting for a Kyra and Matt duet to race up the charts.”

  “Well, I'm glad that helps Kyra.” Matt slid an arm around her shoulders. He hoped to not address the other statement, because he had no intentions on doing anything else with music.

  “They want more of it, Matt. More of you and Kyra singing together. And if it goes extremely viral, you might get hounded a lot more by the paparazzi,” Taryn warned.

  “I guess we cross that bridge when we get there, but I'm not making a career out of this.” His eyes searched Kyra's. “How bad did I get myself into the limelight now?”

  Her slight frown told him more than he ever wanted to know. “Landon is really interested in you. I shut his idea down quick, but it's there in his head. This isn't going to rest for a while.”

  Well, damn.


  “It's rea
lly nice to be able to sit together all at once, and for more than five minutes at a time!” Kyra exclaimed a few hours later, situated at their hotel in Tampa. “I want to thank each and every one of you for making this tour what it is. I know we've had a few mishaps- they can't be avoided no matter how much we try, but I think it's been going well.” She glanced around the room at everyone's faces. Everyone nodded in agreement, and a chorus of voices rang out quietly. “I hope that the media attention isn't getting to you too much. I've been told there's plenty of different stories flying around, and I wish I could have come to you sooner to talk about them.” She settled her gaze on Avery and Jameson first, then Marty.

  “You know, I was prepared for this,” Avery rested her hands flat on the table. “I had a lot of media in my face when I connected with Belinda for the first time and the announcement came out that she's my biological mother, but some of the stuff the tabloids brought up, like my past relationship with Jameson and how they portrayed it, really caught me off guard.”

  “It's like they're expecting a shake up in the band over it,” Jameson added. “They're drawing attention to things that aren't there.”

  “Well, eventually it'll be old news. I'm glad you're taking it with a grain of salt, though.” Kyra picked up her water and took a sip. “Is everybody ready for the different routine tonight?”

  “Oh man, I'm looking forward to this.” Taryn rubbed her hands together. “How's our young guitar star feeling?” She questioned Andrew.

  “Nervous,” Andrew admitted. “There's a big difference playing around you guys, or even at Blaine's wedding. Getting on stage in front of thousands makes me jittery.”

  “I bet none of your classmates can top your summer vacation, huh?” Randy raised a brow. “You've got some major highlights to spill back home.”

  “Don't I know it! Daisy keeps stalking my Facebook page, and she checks Kyra's fan page for any photos. She's already super envious about me being on Tucker and Quinn's pages a few months back.”

  Kyra laughed, loving Andrew's enthusiasm and how much of a good time he'd been having despite the whole thing with Kendra. “Since we have time to spare, who wants to hit the pool and play a little water volleyball? I keep trying to be serious up here with you all, but that pool and game looks inviting.”

  “I'm in! Girls versus guys?” Jameson cracked a grin.

  “Umm, no! You outnumber us easily!” Melody complained.

  Kyra pushed her chair back, and it scraped across the tile. “We'll figure out a fair team strategy. Everyone get changed and meet in the pool in about twenty. We'll play a few games, then get ready for tonight's shows.”

  “Sounds good to me!”

  “Let's do it!”


  As Kyra grabbed her purse and prepared to step out to catch up with Matt and Andrew, Marty shuffled over to her. “Hey, how are you doing?” She searched his face. His deep brown eyes weren't bloodshot today, which was a good sign.

  “I've been better. I know I'm off my game. I've already apologized to the band, and now I need to with you. I feel like I've been blowing this opportunity.” He scratched his forehead as crinkles formed above his brow. “I know you've probably seen that I have a record from my younger days-”

  “That's not important.” Kyra cut him off without even thinking about it, but immediately regretted it. Better to let him tell his side of things first.

  “But it is. It's why I'm off my game. I worry my past is gonna blow up in my face. I've been worried for a long time because my brother is sending letters to my house. I haven't opened them. And even though I know it can't be, I keep seeing him everywhere, which you know. Truth is, for the longest time, I ran in his circle of friends. We did a lot of things I'm not proud of. I betrayed my brother by testifying against him in exchange for a lesser charge for me. That moment changed my life, but it haunts me every day. Angie had different suggestions for me. We started fighting, then broke up. She was never sure about the whole relationship thing with me going on tour, so I think the changes in me solidified the need to split. I swear I feel like I'm always looking over my shoulder, like someone I once wronged is going to be in my face to make sure I don't get to live this life. I've got this feeling, ya know?”

  “I do know, actually. I had my own moments of self doubt and looking over my shoulder. Whatever your past was doesn't define you now. I can tell. If you ever feel unsafe, then tell me and we'll get added security.” Kyra placed a hand on his shoulder. Good for him for finally opening up instead of drinking his pain and worries away. Kyra felt so much better knowing his struggles, and she would do her best to help him.

  “Maybe the move to Nashville in a few months will help. Something sure has to give.” A shadow crossed Marty's face. “Anyway, thanks for listening. I wanted to make sure you aren't ready to boot my ass or something.”

  “Nah. Maybe some booting with pranks, but you're all good. No more drunken disappearances, though.” She wagged a finger, but made sure to smile a little to lighten the mood some.

  “You've got yourself a deal. Feel free to take any alcohol away from me if you see me with it. That shit's nasty, anyway. I don't know how people tolerate it on a normal basis. The few times I drowned my sorrows in it, I've woken up to regret it.”

  “I'm glad we had a chance to talk. Don't hesitate to come to me if you need anything. Now what do you say we go burn off some of these pent up bouts of energy in the water?”


  “You can't get in the water?” Taryn asked Matt as he sat along the edge of the pool, watching the intense game between everyone. Kyra had a fun competitive side, and she flourished in a game of volleyball.

  “It's probably best not to get chlorine in my wound, even though I have it bandaged. I can smell it so much my eyes are burning,” Matt informed her. “Besides, I get up every once in a while and move to take some pictures. I don't mind being the designated photographer.”

  “I was half tempted to try and play, but it would use a lot of upper body strength, and I don't want to take the chance and mess up tonight with a muscle spasm or something.” Taryn leaned her back against the edge of the pool. “Chris is way too good at this.”

  “How is he doing being out on the road? For that matter, how is it for you?” Matt inquired. “He hasn't filled in for you so far.”

  “I'm trying my hardest not to let it happen. If I'm going to do this full time, Chris won't always be around to jump in. Besides, the drumming has never been too much. I'm having a hard time here and there with the bus and the hotels.” Taryn spun around to face him again. She rested her arms on the side of the pool. “So, Kyra thinks you've been trying to propose this week.”

  Matt made a face, then looked past Taryn to watch Kyra again. At the moment, she spiked the ball and landed in the water hard, causing a big splash. Marty and Randy yelled as they both claimed they got it, but neither did. Andrew slammed it back over the net. “I have been. I was going to last night right there in our room, but I had to take my antibiotics, clean my foot and check on it, and the next thing I know, she's out. So she has a suspicion, huh?”

  “She told me last night she thinks it's the case. She's trying not to get her hopes up, because honestly, Kyra's been saying for the longest time she can't imagine you proposing for at least another year, if not longer.” Taryn shifted positions and floated lower in the water. “She's got doubts about how you feel while being out here on tour.”

  “Oh, I know. Kyra apologizes for being busy. She's feeling guilty, and I've never once said anything to make her feel that way, so I know it's doubt. Not that I blame her. I spent the first few weeks of knowing her judging her. Great first impression I made.” He'd wanted nothing to do with her. Boy, did she change his mind fast.

  “Obviously it was a good impression, because here you are, months later, together and happy.”

  “You know, it's going to be strange not having you around the house when you move to Nashville.” Matt changed the s
ubject. He'd enjoyed getting to know Taryn the last few months, especially when he'd made a bold move to contact her. No one was sure what the outcome of that would be. Luckily for everyone, it worked out. “It's been nice to listen to you and Kyra banter, and it's been great to talk to you about things.”

  “Yeah. I'll miss you all, too.” Taryn's voice softened. “But new ventures lie ahead, and I'm ready for them, for the most part. Looks like the game just ended.”

  Sure enough, everyone was heading their way. “So, who won?” Matt inquired when Kyra was close enough to hear him.

  “Who won? How did you not see my epic win?” Kyra feigned hurt and splashed him.

  “Man, Kyra's competitive!” Randy exclaimed.

  “I thought Taryn was bad, but sheesh!” Chris approached, giving Taryn a quick kiss.

  “Where do you think I learned it from?” Taryn fired back. “Kyra taught me well.”

  “Wow. I thought for a second you were going to take all the credit,” Kyra quipped as she climbed out of the pool. Matt grabbed a towel within reach and handed it to her.

  “I saw most of your game, but Taryn and I were talking toward the end of it. I'm sorry I missed your epic win.”

  “That's all right. It wasn't that epic, anyway, but my team still won. Great game, guys.” She made herself comfortable cross legged at the edge of the pool near Matt.

  Now that the game ended, Taryn swam laps with Chris. Melody, Jameson, and Avery headed off to get something to eat, with Marty and Randy following suit after snapping towels at each other and laughing.

  Kyra leaned her head back and shook out her hair. She turned and caught Matt staring at her. Eyes lighting up, she leaned in for a kiss. Matt pulled her close, not caring at all that she was still soaked.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked.

  “Honestly? Every time I look at you, I'm in awe of your hidden talents. What else do you have hidden?” she half teased.

  Matt stifled a groan. Would this die down eventually, or would the pressure be added about doing some kind of musical feature with Kyra?


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