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New Bloods Boxset

Page 67

by Michelle Bryan

  “Of course da boy means us too.” Talbert rolls his eyes Beanie's way. “We's the chosen protectors of da Mistress. Where she goes, we go. Don't be dense, Bean.”

  “Talbert's right,” Finn chimes in, and I turn my look of alarm to him. “You're both family now too.”

  “Now don't get ahead of yourself, boy. If I ain't in danger no more, why I gotta have protection?” I try to change the turn of this conversation. I don't want those two holding me to anything.

  “But we gotta ask 'em—”

  I jolt to my feet, my body in motion before my head knows the reason why. The Chi sizzles along my skin, a forewarning of danger, and my head swivels toward movement in the dark night. Cat seems to sense it as well, and she leaps to my side, her back arched and a menacing growl in the back of her throat.

  “Who's there?” I yell into the darkness, knowing instinctively whatever is moving out there is human. “Show yourself before I sic the devil cat your way.”

  Mack and Beanie and Talbert also leap to their feet, weapons pointed but puzzlement staining their faces. I guess they ain't noticed what me and Cat can feel.

  “I said show yourself.”

  “Please… we don't mean you no harm.” The voice is scared.

  “Step into the light,” I demand, and they do just that. Shadows, I count about ten, appear out from behind the sand dunes and move into the reach of the fire's flames and turn into people. I cain't determine born years since they're covered in dirt and grime from their heads to their toes, but from the slight stature of a couple of ‘em, I reckon they ain't no older than Finn. I don't see no weapons from my quick study, but that don't mean our shooters waver from their targets.

  One of 'em steps closer to the fire, ahead of the others. Underneath the grime, I can pick out the features of a young man as he pushes his cloak offa his head.

  “As I said, we mean no harm. We're camped not far from here, and we saw your fire and smelled your food. We…” He swallows hard. “Well, it's been days since we ate, and we were wonderin' if you had enough kindness in your heart to share your meal.”

  I can tell he speaks the truth. The gaunt faces and hungry eyes staring at us as they crowd the fire has a pleading that tears at my heart, and I know they're harmless. They're just a bunch of young'uns. My Chi eases off as my anxiety wanes.

  “Finn, get some more biscuits and tins outta the truck.” I hear Mack sigh in resignation as he puts his shooter away. He knows there ain't no point in arguing with me on this. I gesture to the fire. “Sit.”

  I ain't gotta say it twice. Finn starts handing out the biscuits, and the newcomers practically tear them outta his hands and rip into the food with all the muster of the starving. I let 'em be for a bit. I've been on that end. I know all to well what it's like to be hungry.

  I study 'em in silence. Looks to be six boys and four girls. Where did they come from? I hold my curiosity until the biscuits are gone, and they're working on the stew before I speak. “Where do you hail from? And why are you out here in the middle of the sand lands?”

  All the dirty faces turn the young man's way, the one who’d spoken earlier. I reckon he's been designated the leader.

  He swallows his mouth fulla stew before answering. “A village called Patton, in the eastern Sand lands. It was attacked. I cain't rightly say when. We don't know how long we been out here in the sand lands. Three or four weeks, possibly. I'm guessin' we're the last survivors of the village not dead or taken.”

  No need to ask attacked by who. We already know. “How did you survive?”

  “Pure luck, I guess. Our group was out settin' the trap lines. Brandon was stupid enough to walk right into a sand-trap, got himself stuck real good.” He points to one of the smaller boys, who turns bright red under our scrutiny. “Took us forever to dig him out and made us late gettin' back to the village. It was almost dark by the time we arrived but still light enough to see the carnage left behind.” His eyes close, and he breathes deep, as if his memories are still vivid. I know exactly what he's seeing in his mind's eye. “They killed all the elders. I guess they were too old for what they needed 'em for. Took everyone else. They're all just gone.”

  “They took everyone? Not just the young folk?” I ask in surprise.

  He shakes his head. “No, everyone.”

  This was something new. I glance over at Mack. “Why?”

  “They need more able bodies, I'm guessing. More soldiers. More slaves. More people to make them weapons and armor and food. He's preparing for war. If that's the case, then this village is probably not the only one that's been stolen.”

  I try to hide my fear at Mack’s words, but he overhears my sharp intake of breath “No need to worry. The boy said they came from the east, lands closer to Skytown. The villages he’s taking are nearer to his stronghold. Gray Valley is farther north. It doesn’t make sense to go that far looking for more slaves when he has so many choices close by.”

  I look back to the young'un in charge, mollified some by Mack’s assurance. “I'm real sorry,” I say, and he nods in thanks. “So that was weeks ago? Where are you headed now?”

  “The mountains,” he says, but the earlier sadness in his voice is replaced with cold steel. “Just before this all happened, a trader passed through the village. He told us stories of how a New Blood had attacked Skytown and freed all the prisoners and fought the Prezedant. People say she’s powerful and is buildin' up her own army. He said she saved a village in the sandlands near the mountains, so we're headin’ that way lookin' for her. We wanna find her. We wanna join her. We wanna fight.”



  My heart finally starts beating normally again as soon as we lay sight on Gray Valley. It ain’t been attacked like I’ve been fearing, even if Mack said otherwise. Jax is the first person I see as we approach, and my heart suddenly goes all wonky again.

  The crowd of greeters walking our way is substantial, but he's the only one I have eyes for as I jump down from the truck. As he gets closer, I can see his wide smile turn to confusion as he takes in my white hair and the group of young'uns alighting from the back of the veacal. He stands impatiently behind his ma as she pulls me into her welcoming embrace and touches my hair with bewilderment.

  “Tara, what is the meaning of this?” Vi straightens her arms and holds me out for further perusal. “What's happened to you? You look so different.”

  “It's a long story,” I answer her. “I will explain it all, I promise. But right now these young'uns need a place to stay and possibly some clean clothes. Think it’ll be a problem, Vi?”

  She takes one look at the group of haggard stragglers that are now lined up behind me, and her mothering instincts kick in. “I'll take care of it,” she assures me, and I know she will. She starts herding them off with the promise of food and water. That's all it takes for them to follow her like lost puppies.

  “Welcome back,” Larius says, beaming at us all, stepping in fronta Jax and cutting him off. Jax rolls his eyes, allowing the man to greet us. “I take it the trip was a success?”

  “It was,” Mack confirms. “The muties have agreed to answer our call for arms. Everything still calm here?”

  “It is. No sign of the Army, but I figured as much since our crops won’t be ripe for another couple of weeks. Why come all this way for some when you can get more?”

  Mack nods in agreement. “Yes, that is their philosophy. Speaking of crops, we’ve also brought back a truck full of supplies. We will need help unloading it.”

  “On it,” Larius says, and he motions for the people at his back to move while he pulls Mack aside.

  Jax finally reaches me, and we stand just looking at each other. His gray eyes travel over me with such intensity I feel my cheeks flushing.


  “Shizen, Tara. Good to see you, but what the heck happened to your hair?” Ben smacks me on the arm so hard I stumble a couple of steps. I shoot an angry glare his way.

I could say the same,” I grumble, rubbing my shoulder. My sarcasm is totally lost on him.

  “Seriously. You look like an old lady. How'd that happen?”

  “Tara had her enlightenment,” Finn informs him as he barrels through. His excited comment only seems to confuse Ben more.

  “Her what now? If that's another word for getting old, then it worked.” He picks up a strand of my hair and rubs it between his fingers. “Seriously, this is freakin' weird.”

  “Ben, Finn, did I tell you two that I found choc-o-let in among the supplies?” Belle comes to my rescue, and I send her a grateful smile as Finn pretty much squeals in excitement and bounces toward her.

  “Really? Where is it? Oh gods, Ben. You gotta try choc-o-let. It's better than… well, anythin' I've ever tasted. You're gonna think you've died and gone to live with the gods. Gimme, gimme,” he demands, and Belle smiles at his enthusiasm.

  “Well, I gotta find it again first. You guys come help me.”

  “Choc-o-let? I've heard you talk about that before, Finn.” Ben's interest is also piqued, and he forgets about my hair. “Now, this I gotta try.”

  Finn is still gushing about choc-o-let as the three of them disappear around the back of the truck.

  Jax steps my way, and my stomach flips over as the dimpled grin breaks out. “Hey, you,” he whispers, and I utter back a stupid, “Hey yourself.” Real smooth.

  His hand reaches out and caresses my hair. “I guess you have a lot to tell me.”

  “Uh-huh,” I answer. Yup, smooth as a baby's skin.

  “I can't wait to hear the story on this one. But first, come with me.”

  He grabs my hand and starts tugging me away from the truck, ignoring Finn's, “Hey, where you two goin'?”

  Belle's, “Finn, you gotta help me find the choc-o-let,” causes my lips to twitch, and I make a mental note to thank her later for her interference.

  I follow Jax without question as he drags me down the path and toward the shallow creek and the outcrop of rocks where he had first told me about being free. Once we're on the other side and sheltered from any of the villager's prying eyes, he crushes me against the rocks with his body.

  “Jax, what the—”

  “Shhhh,” he whispers as he places a finger over my lips. “For once don't question, just go with the flow.” He takes his finger away and kisses me.

  Although this ain't our first kiss, it sure feels like it. This ain't no farce to fool the guards, or a kiss born outta anger and frustration. It's a real kiss. The tingling it causes all over my body kinda reminds me of my close encounter with the lightning strike as every nerve ending sparks alive and my belly quivers. I bury my hand in his hair, and he tips my head to deepen the kiss. His lips scorch mine, his touch burning my flesh, and I almost expect to see smoke rising. The kiss is fierce and tender. Hungry and giving. Perfect.

  He moves closer, blocking out the light as his body covers mine. I cain't help but notice how our bodies fit together perfectly, chest to chest, thigh to thigh, like we were meant to be.

  “I've been wanting to do this right for so long,” he whispers as he finally drags his mouth offa mine, and I smile through my kiss-swollen lips.

  “Right, feels real nice,” I say. “Only thing I don't understand is why you stopped?” I feel his laughter rumbling in his chest as he grazes his lips against my chin and nose and temple before resting his cheek on my forehead. His stubble is rough and prickly, but I don't mind at all. I lay my hand on his chest, his heartbeat strong and steady.

  “I missed you,” he says.

  “I thought I was a pain in your ass?”

  “Meh, well, even a pain leaves a hole when it's abruptly gone.”

  “You're such a sweet talker,” I say.

  “What can I say? You bring out the best in me, Freak.”

  I laugh, and he sucks in his breath as his eyes devour me. “I love your smile.”

  I shift uncomfortably and drop my eyes, but Jax grips my chin and forces my gaze up to meet his.

  “Oh, no, you don't. No more running.”

  “I ain't runnin',” I say.

  “Yeah, you are. Whenever there's talk of feelings, you try and close yourself off. It's kind of your thing.”

  I grimace, knowing he's right. “I guess I need a new thing.”

  “No arguing that.”

  I stare into his face and catch my breath at the naked intensity I find there. “I'm sorry. It… I ain't used to feelin' this way. It's overwhelmin' and a little uncomfortable to say the least.”

  The fingers on my chin move up and stroke my cheek. “Well, get used to it. I've been waiting for this for a long time, and now that I have it, I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me.”

  The fiery gleam in his blue eyes is strangely arousing. Warmth gushes over me as my whole body trembles in excitement. What the hell is wrong with me? I'm acting like some lovesick fool. But like always I don't know how to respond, so I don't say nuthin'. Instead, I arch toward him, and it's all the invitation he needs. His lips brush mine again; this kiss is so tender it melts my innards. My arms snake around his neck, trying to draw him closer as he explores every inch of my mouth, driving me to a level of want I ain't ever felt before. My hands drop, running back and forth over his arms, feeling the sinewy muscles under his shirt. When he releases my lips, I'm unable to move.

  He grins at my befuddlement as he brushes errant strands of hair outta my face. “As much as I don't want this to end, trust me when I say it needs to.”

  My cheeks heat up at his words, and he laughs softly. He curls a strand around his finger. “Why don't you take our minds off this and tell me about your trip to the out lands?”

  “Okay,” it comes out as a squeak, and I clear my throat and start again. “Let's just say it was more than I expected. Their leader was a lady named Maya. She's Lily's sister.”

  “What?” Jax says.

  “I know, right? It surprised me too. Apparently, her and Lily never saw eye to eye on fightin' the Prezedant. So while Lily devoted her life to it, Maya ran and hid. She told me things Lily never did. Like how a New Blood of the light needs her enlightenment to be her most powerful. I ain't gonna lie to you and tell you I know exactly what that means, because I don't. All I know is she gave me this herb that sent me on a wicked trip that was in my mind. Maybe? But I met my ma there, and I fought scorpi-ants and vines and the Prezedant. I became one with my Chi which caused the white hair. Sounds crazy, right?” I trail off as Jax stares at me in bewilderment.

  “A bit. But crazy and you go together, so in a way it makes total sense. I knew you under went something significant the moment I saw you. You looked... different. More powerful. More in control.”

  “So you believe me?”

  He looks surprised. “Of course I believe you. I always did. What does it mean for us though? For the war?”

  I'm quiet for a bit. Something's been gnawing at my brain since my Ahaya experience, and I debate whether to share it with Jax. I decide to. “I ain't said anything to anybody about this, but my ma said something to me that I think just might help me defeat him once and for all.”

  “Okay, intriguing. What was it?”

  “She said he ain't of the light. That his power is stolen power.”

  “And that means?”

  “It means—” I suddenly change my mind before the words leave my lips. “It means I have an idea, is all. I promise I'll share it with you when the time is right, but I wanna think about it a bit more.”

  “Okay, but you promise?”

  I nod and smile, hoping it covers my lie. I do have an idea, but I realize Jax ain't gonna like it. Not one little bit. None of 'em are, and since I ain’t quite sure how dangerous it will be, I keep it to myself. At least for now.

  “Bottom line, the trip was a success. The muties agreed to join us in our fight. They have the numbers that can make a difference. Between them and the raiders and our own growin' band of misfits, I reckon we may stand a chance.”

  Jax shoots me that dimpled grin, and I fight the urge to kiss him again. “What?”

  “Nothing, I'm just stunned by the change in you. You left a scared girl and came back as this badass New Blood. You practically ooze confidence now. I like it.”

  “So, you like the new Tara better?” I tease.

  “I ain't gonna lie. I find this new self-assurance appealing as hell. Or maybe I have a thing for white hair?” He flicks my colorless strands.

  “Oh, really? Well, good to know you ain't gonna run away when we get old and wrinkly and I turn into a gramma.”

  He laughs at my comment, lacing my hand through his and pulling it to his chest. “Is that your way of committing to me and telling me that we're gonna grow old together someday?”

  He says it in jest, but his eyes search my face with an intensity that says he ain't joking at all. I gulp a couple of times, trying to swallow the spit in my mouth. I wanna say what my heart is screaming, “hell yes!” Instead, I mutter, “Take from that what you will, Jax.”

  “Okay, I will.” Raising my hand to his lips, he covers it with kisses as gentle as butterfly wings, causing my heart to almost burst. “Because I'll make sure it happens. I will follow you to the ends of the earth, Tara of Rivercross. This is my pledge to you.”

  I blink hard, trying to dispel the stupid water in my eyes.

  “Aye, well, you may regret sayin' that,” I croak at him, trying to dislodge the lump in my throat. “Because there's something I gotta do. And if you're gonna follow me to the ends of the earth, then I guess you're goin' with me, and you ain't gonna like it.”


  The Promise

  “Are you sure about this?” Belle stares across at me in worry from atop her bedraggled excuse of a horse. I nod as I move in time with the animal I'm sitting on. My horse ain't in much better shape. I swear I can hear her labored breathing with every step she takes, but given the circumstances, these were the best we could do. We bartered them offa an old lady in the small village outside of Littlepass. They were already one foot in the grave, and she had plans on making jerky from 'em, no doubt. But she took the deal of a larder fulla supplies and the bag of crop seeds. We paid far too much for the animals, but I need for this plan to work.


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