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Page 27

by Wayne Mee


  Shag was not happy. His leg wound was still hurting him where the filthy little Stoner had stabbed him nearly a moon ago, yet that wasn't the main reason for his discontent. Skatha, The Hooded Man's head Nar-Graith, had recently given him a tongue lashing and several well placed kicks for failing to kill Dingle Redbeard and the other hated Stoners. Skatha had added to the humiliation by demoting Shag from a Four to a Two Fist Leader. That had hurt Shag far more than any physical beating, for now he was only a junior squad leader, easy prey for any of his so-called 'brothers' he had stepped on as he climbed the Hooded Man's 'ladder of success'.

  One Karn in particular took great pleasure in rubbing salt into Shag's wounded pride. Belch, a fat, sadistic, Three Fist Leader, whom Shag had openly humiliated not long ago, was now Shag's superior. They had hated each other ever since they had been cubs, and the hatred had blossomed over the years. It had been Belch's idea that Shag and his squad go to relieve the rear guard, grunting that 'watchin' rocks grow' was all that Shag was good for.

  It was while leading his motley group of ten to the rear that he heard the fighting. Fear shot through him like a icy wind. Glancing around, his piggish eyes saw no immediate danger, so he motioned for half of his group to scout ahead. The shouts and clanging of weapons died, and moments later two of the Karns reappeared. Breathlessly, they panted out that at least two fists of White Skins and Stoners were killing the rear guard. Several of the hated Nim were also there --- as well as two strange little creatures.

  Shag yanked the scout closer, his knobby fingers digging into the others pelt. "Be they big-eyed n' shorter than Stoners ?!" The Karn nodded. "Be one thin 'n wearin' a short-sticker n' t'other fatter with a forked spear?!" Again the nod. Shag's grip released and a cruel look twisted his already twisted features. The scout backed away, thinking that Shag was acting even more crazy than usual.

  "Come!," Shag hissed. His second-in-command asked if word should be sent back to Skatha. Shag answered the Karn with a savage backhand. "Kill first, THEN tell muck-eatin' Skatha!" As they started off he hissed one more command: "Kill all, but leave the little big-eyed ratlings for me!"


  "Faith, Cynwulf old fart, where the quiff be this fine door o' yours?!" Erin and the others were standing about catching their breath. None of them had been evenly seriously scratched, yet the bodies of five Karns lay strewn about like fallen trees. Cynwulf, on a ledge a vel or so above them, was carefully examining the rock face of the cliff. Thorn blinked and looked at his trembling hands. They were covered with blood, though none of it was his own. He fought back the urge to vomit. Suddenly Kel arrived, as silent as a shadow. His two a-sa were covered with the same dark substance. Thorn felt his gorge rising again.

  "Found it!", Cynwulf called out. As they looked up, the Rif-Dag thrust his hand deep into a crevice in the rock wall and then stepped back, a smug look on his hard face. Before their eyes a crack appeared in the smooth stone. There came a faint grinding sound and the crack widened. The sound suddenly died, leaving the door half ajar.

  "Needs greasing," Bragi muttered. Snorn merely nodded. "Erg shatter me!", Timin gasped. "It IS a door!"

  Bragi slapped him good-naturedly on the back. "And just what did you think it was, Timin-me-lad? A Great Worm's mouth snappin' open to warm your toes with a fiery blast?!"

  Timin blushed. "Of course not! But, er, well, that is, I did expect something a bit different."

  The grey-bearded Delgi laughed deeply. "Something 'magical' no doubt! A 'waving of hands' and a few 'mysterious words of forgotten lore', eh? Well, we Delgii have little truck with such things and leave such doin's to the likes of your wizard friend. Good solid stone and sound planning's the ticket! Levers, rollers and pullies works better than all that other mumbo-jumbo shite any day!"

  Just then a shadow fell over them both. Whirling round, they saw the old mage towering over them. Timin suddenly felt like a small child caught making fun of his elders. "Mithdar! What... what are you doing here?!"

  The old man leaned on his carven staff, glanced around at the dead Karns and then at the half-opened door. "I had a feeling that you might need me. Apparently I was wrong." His bushy brows held Bragi's gaze for some time, then he smiled. "You are quite right though, friend Bragi. Magic is a chancy thing at best, and should never be used unless all else fails. In my travels however, I've often noted that one man's 'magic' is just another man's 'science', so to speak. Take that door yonder. To the unlearned eye its sudden appearance and opening would 'appear' magical, yet in point of fact it is but a clever mechanical device consisting of those pullies and levers you just mentioned --- coupled with Delgi brains and ingenuity, of course."

  Bragi was trying to decide if he had just been complimented or insulted when one of the Nim-Loth cried out and slumped to his knees. As the startled party watched, the blond archer slowly fell forward, a long spear protruding from his back.

  "Karns!", Flynn yelled. "More Karns!"

  Several spears clattered around them as they raised their shields and snapped down their visors. Timin jammed his dented helmet on backwards and thought he had been struck blind. Cynwulf called down to them from above and they bolted for the half open door. Thorn helped Timin with his helmet and they both started to climb. Roary and the 'lad', Ono, scrambled along behind.

  Once up on the ledge, Cynwulf led them through the half opened door. Kel and Flynn stood by the door firing shaft after shaft at the charging Karns. Several went down, but more kept coming. Diswainal, the one remaining Nim-Loth, still knelt by his dead companion, cradling the blond head on his knees. Flynn called to him, but he seemed not to hear.

  "I'm going back!" Flynn said and started to climb back down The Chin grabbed the Narthrond's arm and shook his head, but Flynn pulled away. "That's Diswainal's brother out there! He'll not leave him willingly, and I'll not let the stinking Karns get two of my kin!" Kel saw the finality in the Nim-Loth's eyes and nodded. Flynn bolted from the entrance.


  Shag saw the tall Nim dash out from the strange doorway and screamed for his Karns to kill it. Two of the creatures rushed forward, only to have Kel's arrows slam into their heavy breastplates. One went down, pierced through the heart. Grulch, the second one, staggered back towards Shag and the others. Shag glared at the wounded Karn and called for two more to charge. None volunteered. He rained both curses and blows down on them, but none of them wished to expose themselves to the small human with the great bow. Grulch sat down heavily, Kel's long arrow sprouting from his barrel-like chest .

  "Circle them then!", Shag screamed. "Come at them from both sides if you haven't the guts to face them!" The eight remaining Karns scurried to obey.

  Neech, Shag's second-in-command, motioned for one of the smaller, swifter Karns over to him. "Run fast! Tell the muck-eater, Skatha, that me, Neech, found two fists o' Stoners 'n stinkin' Nim! Tell Skatha to come fast n' bring plenty of fighters!" As the bewildered Karn turned to go, Neech grabbed it by the scruff of its neck. "Tell Skatha Red-Eyes that Shag is crazy! Not a good Fist Leader! Neech much better!"

  As the messenger scurried off towards the main camp, Neech worked his way cautiously through the trees and boulders to where the rest of the Karns were slowly closing in on the two hated Nim and the strange manling with the deadly arrow-caster. None of them, however, seemed in a hurry to get too close. Grulch snapped off Kel's shaft and stood glaring at Shag. The arrow still protruded from his breastplate, but the large Karn seemed not to notice. "I'll go again, Shag --- but not alone. A Fist-Leader should lead!"

  Shag almost used his pitted sword on the insolent Karn. Almost, but upon looking into Grulch's eyes he decided against it. Grulch was from the distant north where both independence and insolence were encouraged. The Hooded Man mistrusted the northern tribes, but, as they were the fiercest of fighters, so he used them anyway. Shag decided that he too could play that game. He would use Grulch and he would have the two small beardless ratlings!

Together Shag and Grulch worked their way around while Neech and the others threw axes, spears and a great number of rocks at the hated Nims and the slant-eyed human. Coming out eight or ten vels above the half opened door, Shag suddenly pushed Grulch from behind. The startled Karn fought for balance, cried out --- and fell.

  The noise caused Kel to glance up just in time to see a monstrous form hurtling down at him. Instinct and years of training took over. The Chin shifted his weight and felt the heavy body brush past him as it wedged itself into the half opened door. The edge of Kel's hand flashed out and struck Grulch in his windpipe, cutting off a scream and ending his life at the same time.

  Yet Shag's cunning plan had worked. The Stoner's accursed 'door' was now permanently wedged open, for the big Karn's body would make it impossible to close. Shag called for the others to charge as he himself began kicking rocks and boulders down from above.


  Inside Bragi and Snorn had lit torches. The flickering light made eyes smart and cast grotesque shadows on the uneven walls. Once past the door, they found themselves in a large cave, with a tunnel running back into the mountain itself.

  Erin grasped Mithdar's arm. "Kel's not here!"

  Thorn blinked as his eyes adjusted to the torches. "Neither is Flynn or the two Lake Warders!"

  "Fools!", Erin hissed, turning to head back. Cynwulf called to him. "Hurry! The door is rigged to shut on its own! You could be trapped outside!"

  Just then a loud scream echoed down the tunnel, followed by another that was suddenly choked off. Erin didn't wait to see who would follow.

  They all did.



  Flynn had almost reached Diswainal and his twin when the spears and rocks started to come. From the cave's entrance Kel shot one attacker and wounded another, causing the rest to scramble for cover. Flynn used the time to pull both brothers into the relative safety of the rocks. The Nim-Loth looked up at him with wet, sad eyes; his dead brother's head was cradled in his lap.

  "He's gone, Flynnial. My soft, gentle brother is gone."

  Flynn bent over both the dead and the living, trying to shield them with his own body. Diswainal seemed not to notice.

  "He was the youngest. Followed me everywhere. He could paint such trees that seemed to sway on the canvas and flowers that you'd swear you could smell!"

  Flynn saw the spear coming but was too late to do more than deflect it. With a sickening thud the rusty blade sank into Diswainal's shoulder. The Lake Warder only grunted, his weeping eyes never leaving the still face of his brother.

  Flynn pulled the spear out and tossed it away. "Dis, we can't stay here! There's nothing we can do for him now. He's in Great Lear's hands."

  The Nim-Loth glanced up and clutched the dead form to his breast. Blood welled from the shoulder wound and mingled with the dead lad's corn colored hair.

  "He'd want you to live, Dis! He'd be angry with you if you failed in your duty!"

  Diswainal looked up, puzzlement written on his fine features.

  "Live, Dis! Don't let your brother die for nothing!"

  The bent form stiffened, the jaw took on a more firm line.

  "You're already wounded, Dis. Go back and warn Gildar. Tell him Cynwulf's 'door' is guarded. I'll take care of -- him."

  "You'll not let the Karns get him?! Not let them --- ?!"

  "I'll take him into the cave. He'll be safe there until you come back with Gildar and the others."

  Diswainal seemed to hesitate, then, handing his dead brother over to Flynn's care, he struggled to his feet. Using his bow as a prop, he hobbled into the cover of the trees. Weapons clattered all around them, but still he paused to look back.

  "You'll keep him safe until I can return, Flynnial? Swear you won't let them at him!"

  Flynn lifted the dead Nim-Loth and stood facing the wounded brother. "By Lear and Quent I swear that no unclean hands shall touch him nor savage teeth rend him!"

  Diswainal nodded and vanished into the shadows, while all around the air rang with the guttural cries of Karns lusting for blood. Several of them shambled out into the open, certain now of an easy kill.

  Flynn had almost gained the entrance when he saw Shag push a large Karn off the ledge above the half opened door. A scream followed as he staggered forward. Then the boulders began to fall.


  "Kel, lad! We're coming!"

  Erin half ran, half stumbled towards the light that marked the opening. Glenrig, his long, black sword was clutched tightly in his hand right hand, his Raven shield in his left. Behind him the others struggled to catch up.

  The tall Loamin's pace never slackened as he saw the battered monstrosity wedged into the massive half opened door. Using the dead Karn's head as a step, Erin literally ran up and over the dead body, past Kel and out into the moonlight, where his blinking eyes saw Flynn struggling up the slope with a dead Nym-Loth in his arms. Three Karns were close behind him and gaining.

  "Drop him, man, n' run!", Erin shouted.

  The Narthrond seemed not to hear and continued to toil his way up the rocky hill, Diswainal's dead brother in his arms. Erin swore, then charged the nearest Karn.

  The creature's curved sword deflected Erin's blow, but snapped in the process. Erin drove the pointed spike on the center of his black shield directly into the startled Karn's open mouth.

  Two Karns still lumbered up the slope. Kel's bow brought down one and Erin's long blade felled the second. No others cared to face the tall manling in the black mail. Erin turned to see Thorn and Timin helping Flynn carry the body through the half blocked doorway. The two Delgii had taken up defensive positions on both sides of the entrance while Cynwulf climbed up to where Shag had been.

  The Rif-Dag called down to them from the crest of the hill. "They scatter! A few of them are cowering in the trees at the bottom of the glade! They'll not soon be back!"

  "But others will!", Mithdar said as he emerged from the boulder-strewn doorway. "Those down below will send for help, if they haven't already. Soon this whole area will be crawling with the vermin!"

  "Lady Zoean and the others!", Timin squeaked. "They'll walk right into a trap!"

  "Diswainal's gone to warn them," put in Flynn.

  "But he's wounded!", Timin continued. "What if the Karns --- ?!"

  Mithdar placed a fatherly hand on Timin's shoulder. "Diswainal will be fine, Timin, but I might be able to send a warning even faster than a light-footed Nim-Loth. If I succeed, they should arrive before those few down below get reinforcements!"

  "How?!", Timin demanded.

  Mithdar seemed not to hear, already composing himself for the casting of a 'sending spell'. He held his staff up before him in the direction where Zoean and the rest of their force waited. His eyes took on a distant look, and his lips moved as he spoke softly yet firmly in an ancient tongue. For several moments he continued, then he sighed and lowered the staff. Sweat ran down his weathered brow and he looked suddenly very tired and old. He sat down, breathing heavily.

  "Well, be they comin' or no?!"

  The wizard glanced up at the tall mercenary from beneath his bushy white brows. "Not all things are a simple as you would have them, weapons-man! Necromancy is seldom certain, a spell of sending the least reliable of all! For now all we can do is watch and wait!"

  "Not so, Mythdarian," Cynwulf called down from his perch. "We have yet two other choices to consider. We could press on alone, leaving the others to follow as they may, or we could carry the fight down the hill to those skulking below."

  Thorn's large eyes opened even wider. If more Karns came before Gildar and the others reached the door, Lady Zoean and Nim-Loth could be caught in an ambush and slaughtered. Thorn found himself unable to stomach even the thought of leaving her or the others to such a fate.

  "I say we attack!", he shouted, his hand going to the hilt of his infamous short sword.

  The others looked at him, then nodded agreement. "Brightly forged!
", Cynwulf said, descending the slope in great bounds. "We WILL carry the fight to them! Together we shall drive the Karns before us!"

  Bragi grinned and hefted his axe and shield. The rest quickly prepared to launch their own counter attack. Even stoic Snorn seemed caught up in the battle frenzy. Only Mithdar seemed hesitant, though he kept his reasons to himself.

  Flynn immerged from the half blocked door, his thin face stained by dust and tears. His voice when he spoke had a strained quality to it, though a flame seemed to burn in his pale eyes. "I have placed the body in a crevice and covered it with stones. None shall find it; none shall touch it."

  Erin stepped forward. "We go to avenge his death, Narthrond --- n' perhaps to our own."

  Flynn placed an arrow in his bow. "Nothing lasts forever."

  With that they charged down the hill, cries from the four corners of Oma-Var filling the air; from far distant Chin and the lush, rolling hills of Loamin; from the high, windy crags of Tyree and the green, peaceful dales of The Wold. Nim-Loth, Delgii, Man and Kirkwean went boldly back down the hill to save their friends.

  But the enemy had already flown. At the bottom of the hill Shag and his motley crew were nowhere to be seen. While Cynwulf and the two Delgii beat about the trees and bushes, Erin sat down and laughed.

  "Seems the quiffers had enough o' us awhile back! Haven't the stomach to face us man to man!"

  "Perhaps they are smarter than they look?", Timin said, wiping the sweat from his trembling hands. Thorn stood as though in a trance, his eyes distant, a look of disappointment distorting his once-young features.

  "Perhaps," Mithdar repeated. "Then again perhaps there is some darker design behind this. At any rate we shouldn't tarry here. We must reach Gildar and Zoean!"

  Just then Kel materialized out of the shadows. He bowed to both Erin and the old mage. "Shawma, Ri-Shawma, the Nim-Loth an the Lady come. Half a bowshot behind."


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