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Deserved (The Soul Mates Book 2)

Page 7

by Victoria Johns

  “Last chance,” I muttered between kisses as I sat her on the table, but I received no answer. Her kisses only became more urgent, more insistent.

  Placing my hand between her exposed tits, I pushed her down and watched as all of my afternoon’s hard work, book keeping and neatly piled receipts, fluttered around her.

  “Tell me what you want, Lacey.”

  “You,” she panted as I bent over her body and sucked her tit into my mouth, causing the most sensual noise to leave her mouth.

  “Not good enough. Talk,” I ordered, wondering just how far she’d go.

  “Sex. You. Need it,” were the words that rushed from her mouth this time. For once, we were in agreement and talking right now felt overrated, so I began to pinch and lick her tits like a starving man. If I could have gotten both of those pert globes in my mouth at once, I would have. I definitely fucking tried.

  While I was busy watching her squirm and thrust underneath me, I toyed with the edge of her useless panties. I mean let’s face it, they barely covered anything, and right now they were in my way. They were so wet. I could smell her arousal the closer I got to her pussy.

  “Spread those legs, Lace.” My impatience was getting in the way, but before anything else could happen, she needed to shed those ineffective undergarments. Helping her do just that, I found myself looking at the pinkest swollen pussy lips with the smallest strip of cute hair. It was trimmed to a fine V, like an arrow pointing to the prize.

  Looking down at her, I knew nothing was going to stop this. She was like a sacrifice spread out in offering. Rubbing my stubble along her inner thighs and licking her seam once made her start this cute purring noise that she seemed to have no control over. Feeling as out of control as she did, I spread her lower lips wide and tongued her to within an inch of her life. Whether it was the thought that it was only going to be one time or simply her youthfulness, I wasn’t sure, but she tasted delicious.

  “Tommy, don’t stop.” Lacey was shaking and writhing on the table top. Unbelievable, fucking unbelievable, she was going to come just from oral action. Magnificent.

  Another minute or so later and she fell apart on my table.

  “That’s number one,” I told her, wondering whether I’d see her through another one without nutting myself.

  This time, I put a finger inside her and had to close my eyes to concentrate and calm myself down. She was so warm and wet. Moving back up her body so I could see what I was doing to her wasn’t optional. It felt vital. I wanted every visual for when this ended because I had a feeling I was going to be in for some lonely nights wondering whether or not it had been a dream.

  I began to kiss her fiercely as I added another finger and began to scissor them apart.

  “Damn, that’s a tight pussy, Lace. Give me number two,” I urged and after a moment, I touched my thumb lightly to her clit and she exploded. “The next one will be around my cock. Be right back.”

  Licking my fingers as she watched me walk away, I hauled ass quickly to the bathroom cabinet to get a condom. I timed my arrival back in the dining room perfectly, enough to see her eyes widen with surprise when she saw how hard and ready I was. I’d thought about putting it on in the bathroom, but I wanted to tease her, so I covered my cock in front of her, loving that she was enjoying the show. As I covered myself, I knew I was smirking the smirk of every man who knows they’ve got it and are about to let it loose. Finally, towering over her, I dragged her back to the table’s edge by her thighs and lined myself up.

  “Tommy, I…”

  Before she could finish and ask me to stop, I launched forward and felt myself breaking through a barrier I wasn’t expecting.

  “What the fuck?” I whispered, looking down at her face and beginning to pull out.

  “No,” she shouted. “Don’t stop. I want what I came for.” Her harsh, detached manner pissed me off immediately. How could she not tell me that I was taking her virginity? It was such a precious gift and something no one should give away on such a casual fuck. I was about to ignore her and retreat when she looked me in the eye and said, “I’m sorry. I should have told you, but it was my decision. Now fucking finish what we’ve started.”

  This made me angry. She wasn’t the one who was supposed to be demanding things, and I felt duped. If she was asking for a once in a lifetime experience, she was going to get one. I pulled back and slammed forward, holding back just a little from really unleashing myself. How I was treating her would definitely guarantee it would be a one-time thing. No one would come back for more of this. I’d give her what she wanted and work my ass off to make sure she regretted starting this.

  The sight of her body being shoved up and down my table, back and to almost violently, her tits jiggling with every movement waged war on my mind. I wanted to hate how I’d been manipulated, but it was hard when I was enjoying every single fucking second. I wanted to cheer when I finally felt the walls inside of her start to shrink and contract because I was struggling to hold it together. A few seconds later, she screamed and like a vise, her virgin pussy coaxed me into my own oblivion.

  I dropped my head down and let go of her hips, placing my hands on the table on either side of her waist, trying to gather a few precious moments to pull myself together. As I slid out of her body, I knew she would be tender, so I went back to the bathroom to get a washcloth. Walking there, I refused to look down at myself, but when I finally did, the evidence of her virginity was smothered all over the rubber on my cock. I knew this was about to get awkward but I was apparently the grown up, even though I had no idea what I was actually going to say to her when I returned.

  I needn’t have worried, though. When I made it back to the dining room, Lacey was gone, and there was blood and evidence of our union on my floor.

  And my fucking receipts for the accountant were everywhere.

  Lacey Talbot

  I did my best to sneak back into the house and avoid the social evening that was still in full swing when I pulled up in the drive. I just needed a little while to get my shit together because I was still trembling from the experience I’d just been ballsy enough to kick off, participate in and see through. I’d never been a selfish girl at heart. Part of me understood that was because I’d always been grateful for everything I’d ever had, but that was only part of me. The rest of me knew that it was because I’d never found something that made me as self absorbed as wanting Tommy had. I deserved that piece of selfish happiness. I thought I was doing it because I was infatuated and couldn’t shake the idea, like it was just something I needed to get over and forcing the issue, pushing his buttons was my way of getting what I wanted.

  I was absolutely fucking terrified, though, that all I’d done was feed my need, my obsession more.

  “Where’ve you been hiding? You know I only come to these things to catch up with you. Unless I spend time with my best friend, I don’t need to be here.”

  I jumped a mile. “Jake! Shit, you scared me.” I was so lost in thought that my attempt to sneak in unnoticed had failed.

  “Or is the better question, who’ve you been with? That dress, those heels and that shade of smut you’re sporting across your cheeks are a bit of a giveaway.”

  “It was nothing.” His words were putting a cold damp cloth on my emotions and panic was starting to creep in because I was a useless liar and my best friend knew it.

  “You dress like that for nothing? I don’t think so. It would appear that I have failed in my duties of keeping the hoards of animals from your door.”

  Jake’s posture and demeanor changed and I could tell he wanted some answers. We didn’t hide things from each other or hadn’t so far, but this time the only answers I had were ones he wouldn’t like. I hated deception, mostly because it did things to people that I didn’t see as likeable qualities, but at key times, like now, I appreciated its necessity.

  “I didn’t tell you because I wanted to see if I could figure out whether he was a decent guy without needing you
r ‘dickhead radar’.”

  “My Lacey is trying to learn the ways of the force from the master.” He smiled proudly. “And?”

  “He was a total tool and I shouldn’t have agreed to a date. So I’m skulking here in the shadows because I didn’t want to admit that I’m a shit judge of character and I was trying to avoid the ‘I told you so’.”

  “Ah, my young padowan learner, it is clear you are not ready for the ways of the force yet. You are forgiven for your impulsive need to skip steps in your training. You may proceed to a different phase, though. Your mediocre walk of shame may begin.”

  I may have been an innocent, or I was in some ways, but I’d lived, learned and watched the best of the best wrapping guys around their pinkies. Lottie and her crew were experts and I knew that pandering, distraction and an admittance of failings with a bat of the eye lashes ticked enough boxes to get you a metaphorical hall pass.

  I leaned up and kissed his cheek. He had only ever had my best interests at heart. He was my self-appointed protector and if he’d known the shit I’d pulled, he’d have spewed fire and started a world war. Taking the hit, letting him see a bit of damaged pride and admitting to a few failings to keep him in the dark was vital. It would keep my world spinning in the right direction and not set it on course for self-induced implosion.

  “Would you be able to do me a really big favor and take Carly back to Tommy’s on your way home? I think I need to wipe the date-disaster from my memory banks.”

  “Sure thing.” Guys were so fickle. His pleasure in my failure and my feigned need to lick my wounds meant he thought he’d won. As a result, he was acting the predictable male and had forgotten to pursue specific details, like the identity of my mystery date.

  Within fifteen minutes, I was sinking into a tub full of hot water, but only after I’d managed to force my body away from the full-length mirror in my bedroom. As soon as I got undressed, I stood for what felt like forever and looked at myself. Did I look different? Could you tell that I’d finally given away the last piece of myself? And more importantly, would anyone else be able to tell? My breasts and soft skin were red from the friction of Tommy’s delicious stubble. If I looked at my lower body, I could see what had him so wrapped up and felt enlightened about my own body and what it was capable of. The need to touch my lips and see whether they felt different now was almost overpowering.

  The tub was deep, bubbly and warm, and it soothed parts of me that had never before needed that magical healing attention that only soap suds seemed to possess. My erratic mind somersaulted between joy that I’d finally lost my virginity, an ecstatic victory that little old me had managed to tempt and tease Tommy into losing control, and then the complete opposite. Feeling embarrassed because I couldn’t forget the look on his face when he realized what I still was, the shame of being so brazen and the fear that I knew I couldn’t just disappear and hide forever. I was terrified. Tomorrow still needed to be a normal day as a caseworker because I still had professional responsibilities towards Tommy and, ultimately, Carly.

  I soaked until my water wrinkled skin pruned even more and I became pissed off with my own incessant thoughts. I couldn’t stop thinking about what tomorrow would bring. I knew my fluffy bed was calling, but I was afraid I wouldn’t get any sleep. It was clear the only way to deal with it would be to actually face it tomorrow.

  Tommy Sevens

  My anger subsided fairly quickly, in fact pretty much as soon as I wiped the evidence of her virginity off the floor. What the fucking hell had I done? I was a grown ass man, and at the sight of a tight ass in a dress, I’d let my morals roll over and die. I’d risked a lot to have that sex tonight and I was afraid that Carly would end up caught in the crossfire.

  “Hey, Tommy,” I heard as Carly approached. I spun around fast and was shocked to see she was alone. My anger that Lacey couldn’t even walk my girl to the door and face me fought its way to the surface.

  “Where’s Lacey?”

  “She had a date, I think, so Jake brought me home.”

  “Oh,” I said nonchalantly. At least I knew now that avoidance was clearly how she was going to play it.

  “I know. Jake said it didn’t go well. He caught her sneaking into the house.” She chuckled at this bit of information and then continued. “He said, and I quote, ‘it was a bust’. The guy was an ass and ‘wouldn’t know a good thing if it smacked him round the face’. Apparently, she went all out and the… well, he swore at this point, so I won’t repeat that, lucked out because she’d made an effort and was looking smokin’ hot.”

  Those kinds of words did nothing but entice my anger back to the surface. So the uppity little madam had duped me into taking her before running out, only to bitch to her jock-manwhore-pal that I was an ass. To top it off, she couldn’t even see my daughter home safe. It was safe to say when she did man the fuck up, the words we had would not be pleasant and if she wanted to play with the grown-ups, she needed to fucking learn the rules of the game.

  “Hellloooo… Did you hear a word of what I just said?” Carly was snapping her fingers in front of my face, trying to bring me out of my internal monologue.

  “Sorry, phased out. Just remembered something. How was your night?”

  “Aces!” Her enthusiasm made her youthful prettiness shine through. Unfortunately, it also made her look like her whore of a mother, but I refused to let that dampen the joy I was seeing. It was amazing how finally living a normal life was enough for a few people and taken for granted by so many. “We played games, we laughed, I ate too much, Oli is a grill master and Lottie let me play hide and go seek with little Sam. He’s so cute, but…”

  Carly stopped and began to fidget nervously, almost like she was washing her hands but without the water.

  “But…? You can tell me anything. You know that, right?”

  “I’m just wondering what’s the point of it? Getting to know people and looking at the school, just settling in here in general if you’re gonna send me back with Gloria or my mom when they reappear.”

  How had I missed her insecurities? That was one vital skill other parents had that I didn’t and it was because I hadn’t been fortunate enough to watch her develop these traits as she grew up. I didn’t yet know when something was affecting her or when she was acting out of character, but until I figured it out, fucking everything was out of character.

  “One thing I will always strive to be is honest with you. So I’ll tell you where we are right now.” I watched as she nodded and followed me to take a seat on the sofa. “I’ve tried to track down both our mothers.” With those words, her face dropped. “Not for anything bad, just because they owe me some answers. I had a daughter and they didn’t have the decency to give me the privilege of having you in my life or being part of yours. Part of getting to know you is trying to understand the life you’ve led before you came to me. As you can imagine, they’ve vanished and in some respects, that’s great. We get to grow as a family without their darkness staining our lives. I have to make sure that the reason they’ve decided to make you a part of my life now is not going to harm us both in the future.” I could see she was following my words perfectly, a testament to how mature her life so far had forced her to become. “And because we’re being honest, I will tell you now I’ve arranged for a DNA test.”

  The horror on her face was gut wrenching. No twelve-year-old should ever have to be a part of a discussion that causes them to worry over their parentage. Her hands started to flip back and to again and she was slumped in the seat looking almost defeated. It hurt to continue pushing her through this, but I knew it was necessary. I picked her hands up, secured them between mine and waited until she’d calmed down just a little and was paying attention again.

  “Firstly, whatever those results say… You. Are. Mine. I am honored to be part of your life. You are a beautiful, clever and vibrant girl. Knowing that I didn’t get to see you grow up, especially your early years, has killed me and I will not miss out on anymore
. If you’ll let me, blood or not, and if you want me to, daughter or not, I will chew my arm off to give you a home until some urchin decides to take you for his wife. Be warned, though, that will be when you’re around fifty-five, I’ve had him vetted by the goddamn president and I’ve acquired a firearms license.”

  Carly started to giggle, and it was an amazing sound, one that tugged at my heart strings, so much so that I knew if the world was fucked up and we got the wrong DNA results, it was going to cut me deep.

  “Seriously, though, Carls, there is a reason. It’s the smart thing to do. I think you get that Gloria has a nasty side. I want your life with me to be on the level. Even the hint of someone knocking on that door, tomorrow, next week, hell even in ten years and claiming you as theirs will scar us both. We need to know and be prepared, or not as I’m sure the case is, so that we, not anyone else, can set the scene for our future together. The life we will have will be on our terms, whatever those results. The truth will give us the power to make the next part of our lives together what we want it to be. Understand?”

  “I think so. I can stay… whatever?” she asked hopefully.

  “You can stay whatever. So you should also know that Lacey, Oli and Lottie know about the legalities, so our journey is being monitored by them. That way, if the worst comes to the worst and you don’t share my blood, they can start the formalities to have you placed with me anyway and you’ll be safe.”

  “I kind of figured that out. Lacey explained her job. I just thought at some point I’d end up at Grove House.”

  “No, Carly, not if I have any say in it.”

  After a few seconds of silence, she threw her arms around me and hugged me, whispering, “Thanks, Dad,” in my ear. The words would have brought me to my knees if I hadn’t already been sitting. I did the only thing I could, which was to return the hug and send a prayer to the big guy upstairs, pleading with him to make her my daughter in body as well as spirit. “I’m gonna get a glass of water and head to bed, I have another library day planned. Gotta be on top of things so I can fit right in at high school.”


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