Book Read Free

Lovers & Players

Page 17

by Jackie Collins

  ‘No. It’s about dissing women.’

  ‘You ever heard of female rappers?’

  ‘I like Missy Elliott and Queen Latifah’s early work. I’m more into singer-songwriters–y’know, Norah Jones and Alicia Keys. I write my own songs, too.’

  ‘Who doesn’t?’

  ‘I told you–I’m good.’

  ‘Confident too,’ he said, locking eyes with her. It was a moment.

  ‘Guess you’d better come see me,’ he said, breaking the look.

  ‘You mean that?’ she asked breathlessly.

  ‘It ain’t my nature to say things I don’t mean,’ he said, reaching into his jacket pocket and flicking her his engraved card.

  ‘Do I just come by your office?’ she asked, studying it.

  ‘Pick up the phone, call my assistant, Fay, tell her I said you should come in. She’ll make an appointment for you. Don’t forget to bring your demo.’

  This was like some kind of dream. And it was happening because Cindi had been picked to appear in a music video. How lucky was that?

  ‘When should I call?’

  His eyes were all over her. Finally he was aware of her existence. ‘Soon,’ he said.

  Maleek, the director, came over, gave her a perfunctory glance, realized she wasn’t anyone important, and began talking to Damon.

  Damon turned away from her. Apparently their conversation was over.

  Wow! So much had gone on in the last two days. Her mother’s confessions about her father, and now this. She had been talking to Damon P. Donnell, and he’d actually suggested she come up to his office and play him her demo. He’d given her his card!

  Stay cool, she warned herself. This could all turn out to be nothing.

  But how could she stay cool when things were turning around at such a rapid pace? It simply wasn’t possible.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chris was more disturbed by your cock needs a service than by his missing gold Rolex. What was that all about? He’d never had any complaints before.

  The fact that he’d had a woman in bed who was obviously employed by Roth Giagante was not a comforting thought either. How had she gotten into Max’s bachelor party? Didn’t coincidences like that only happen in movies?

  Apparently not.

  He thought about placing a call to Roth in Vegas, then he realized it was way too early, so he decided it was okay to wait until later.

  The previous night he’d had no chance to discuss Red’s surprise appearance with his brothers, although he and Jett had muttered a few things to each other, like, ‘What’s the son-of-a-bitch doing here?’ and ‘Why is he looking so fucking healthy?’ Max was not in on their exchanges, he was too busy having a lousy time.

  Jett came by his hotel at eleven. Chris was getting kind of used to hanging with his kid brother. He had friends in L.A., but nobody to whom he was really close. He was a workaholic, and lately a degenerate gambler. Between the two, it had kept him pretty busy.

  Oh, sure, he had girlfriends. Verona, who was on her way out. Holly Anton, who’d driven him totally crazy. The truth was that male friends were hard to come by in L.A. Most so-called friends were rooting for your failure, not your success.

  ‘How come he cancelled the meeting with us yesterday morning?’ Jett asked, helping himself to a glass of orange juice from the room-service trolley.

  ‘He did it to piss us off,’ Chris replied, pushing an egg-white omelette around his plate. ‘That’s his way, always has been. But I’m not jumping rope anymore. If the goddamn meeting doesn’t take place on Monday, I’m outta here.’

  ‘I agree with you,’ Jett said, ‘not that I’m leaving New York, but I’m not jumping either.’

  ‘What are your plans?’ Chris asked.

  ‘I told you about the girl. I’m still looking for her.’

  ‘You haven’t tracked her yet?’ Chris said, looking surprised.

  ‘It’s in the bag,’ Jett said confidently, reaching for a croissant. ‘I have a number but nobody’s answering. It’s probably an office. I can wait until Monday.’

  ‘So…do you want to hear what happened to me last night?’ Chris said, pouring himself more coffee.

  ‘Go ahead, surprise me.’

  ‘I brought one of the strippers back here. She stole my gold Rolex and left me a nasty note.’

  Jett started to laugh. ‘That’s the kinda deal used to happen to me.’

  ‘Great! Now it’s happening to me,’ Chris said dourly. ‘And I don’t like it.’

  ‘What did the note say?’

  ‘Try this on for size–“your cock needs a service”.’

  Jett burst out laughing. ‘That’s cold, man.’

  ‘You’re telling me.’

  ‘You callin’ the cops?’

  ‘No way.’

  ‘It was a gold Rolex.’

  ‘It was also a message from my guy in Vegas.’

  ‘No shit?’

  ‘Yes,’ Chris said, nodding. ‘It was. This is something I gotta take care of.’

  ‘How you gonna do that?’

  ‘I’m considering asking Max for a short-term loan.’

  ‘That means you don’t think Red’s coming through.’

  ‘You saw him last night, sniffing pussy like it was his first time. Did he look like a guy on the way out?’

  ‘Guess you’re right. The old dude ain’t goin’ nowhere soon.’

  ‘Which means I’m screwed.’

  ‘Wait until after the meeting on Monday before you say that.’

  ‘Nothing’s going to change between now and then, that’s for sure.’

  ‘You think?’ Jett said, picking up the paper. ‘Hey–how about the rain in L.A.? I talked to Sam this morning, he said it’s brutal.’

  ‘We have sunshine all year long,’ Chris said. ‘A few days of rain won’t kill anyone.’

  ‘Sam told me there was a mudslide and people were killed.’

  ‘Fuck!’ Chris said. ‘I hope my house is okay.’

  ‘People are dying, and you’re worried about your house?’

  ‘Shallow, isn’t it?’ Chris said, with a hollow laugh. ‘Guess I’ve been living in L.A. too long.’

  ‘Why wouldn’t your house be okay?’

  ‘It’s sitting on the side of a freakin’ giant hillside, and Verona informed me there are leaks all over it.’

  ‘Tell her to call someone.’

  ‘She won’t do anything about it unless I invite her to move in. And, believe me, I am not going there.’

  ‘No housekeeper?’

  ‘Not on weekends.’

  ‘It’ll be okay,’ Jett said, throwing down the paper.

  ‘Like I don’t have enough problems,’ Chris grumbled.

  ‘Saw Birdy at Gatsby’s last night,’ Jett remarked, pouring himself more juice.


  ‘She was with this big biker freak. Looked like they were in a fight, so I stayed away.’


  ‘Do you know him?’

  ‘That’s the guy she’s planning to marry.’


  ‘Right. I should call her, then we’ll take off.’

  ‘Maybe you should stop and pick up another Rolex, just in case,’ Jett said, grinning.

  ‘Fuck you!’ Chris responded, but he couldn’t help grinning too.

  Early Saturday Max received a full report from Clive Barnaby regarding the Japanese bankers. According to Clive they had enjoyed the bachelor party immensely and were now eagerly anticipating the big meeting on Monday.

  ‘Looks to me like it’s in the bag,’ an enthusiastic Clive told him over the phone. ‘After the party I had to take them out for drinks. Believe me, they like the ladies.’

  ‘Did they end up with girls?’ Max asked.

  ‘Who knows? I finally left them at four a.m.’

  ‘So, we’ll see,’ Max said.

  ‘How about you? Did you have a good time?’

  ‘How could I when my fathe
r appeared out of nowhere?’

  ‘I must say, that was a surprise to everyone. I had no idea you were so tight with your old man.’

  ‘We’re not exactly tight. As you know, when it comes to business I’ve always separated myself from him.’

  ‘I understand,’ Clive said. ‘That’s why I was taken aback when he came walking in.’

  ‘You and everyone else.’

  Later, Max picked up Lulu and took her to the Pierre. His little daughter was on her best behaviour. He’d promised her that if she didn’t do any whining and ate all her lunch, he’d buy her a big present.

  ‘I wanna get a white rabbit with yellow fur ears and a red cape,’ Lulu announced matter-of-factly. ‘And furry boots. My rabbit should have furry boots, Daddy. Pink ones, or green. No orange ones.’

  ‘If we can find one, that’s what you’ll get,’ Max agreed. ‘But only if you behave yourself when you meet your two uncles.’

  ‘Uncles,’ she said, smiling cheekily. ‘Will they bring me presents?’

  ‘I don’t know. Maybe if you sit here like a little lady.’

  ‘Yes, Daddy, I will. I promise, Daddy. Lulu’s a good girl,’ she said, flashing him an angelic smile. ‘A very good girl.’

  ‘We’ll see.’

  ‘Is Amy coming, Daddy?’

  ‘She might drop by later, and if she does you’d better be nice to her.’

  ‘Yes, Daddy, me be very nice,’ Lulu said, widening her eyes. ‘Lulu’s a good, good girl.’

  Both Chris and Jett were totally charmed by their niece, who was at her most adorable. Her table manners were impeccable, she never interrupted anyone and, as a bonus, she ate all her lunch without threatening to throw up.

  ‘My daddy’s buying me a present,’ she announced, scarfing a dish of chocolate ice-cream. ‘A big present.’

  ‘Lucky you,’ said Jett. ‘What’re you getting? A spaceship?’

  ‘No, silly!’ She giggled hysterically. ‘Only boys like spaceships.’

  ‘Then what? A great big castle full of soldiers?’

  ‘You’re so silly,’ she said, giggling even more. ‘Soldiers are for boys. I’m a girl.’

  ‘Oh, you’re a girl, are you?’ Jett said, grinning. ‘I didn’t know that.’

  ‘Yes, you did.’

  ‘No, I didn’t.’

  ‘Will you buy me a present?’ she asked coyly, tilting her head on one side.

  ‘Maybe, if I get to see you again.’


  ‘I promise, ’cause you’re very cute, and I missed all your birthdays, but now that we’re friends—’

  ‘Friends!’ she chanted, grabbing Jett’s hand. ‘Friends! Friends! Friends!’

  ‘She likes you,’ Max said.

  ‘Happens with all the girls,’ Jett replied, winking at his little niece.

  After lunch Jett announced he planned to drop by a video shoot. ‘My friend Beverly’s doing make-up for a new rap artist. Why don’t you all come?’

  ‘I wouldn’t go near a video shoot unless it involved one of my clients,’ Chris said. ‘Been there, done that.’

  ‘Maybe you could score a new client,’ Jett said. ‘This rapper is supposed to be the next Jay-Z. Name’s Slick Jimmy, he probably needs representation.’

  ‘Slick Jimmy, huh? Think I’ll pass. I’ve got enough crazy clients. Besides, I should see if Birdy’s surfaced.’

  Before he could phone his youngest client, she was on his cell, insisting that he come over to her hotel immediately.

  ‘What’s up?’ he asked, knowing it wouldn’t be anything he wanted to hear.

  ‘Just get here,’ she said, her voice quavering, as if she was about to burst into tears.

  ‘How about you and the kid coming to the video shoot?’ Jett asked Max. ‘Lulu might enjoy it.’

  ‘Some other time,’ Max said. ‘Lulu’s nanny is taking her to the park, and I’m about to embark on a sit-down with my ex.’

  ‘Sounds deep.’

  ‘I expect it will be,’ Max said, his expression grim. He was not looking forward to meeting with Mariska, but then again, Vladimir was her problem as much as his, so why should he be the one stuck with it?

  Lulu gave everyone hugs, while Max remembered to invite them to the rehearsal dinner the following night.

  Outside on the sidewalk Max glanced up and down the street to see if he could spot Amy. He was anxious for her to meet his brothers: this was the most time they’d spent together, and it was turning out to be quite a worthwhile experience.

  Maybe family wasn’t such a bad thing after all.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  ‘Out! Red Diamond screeched, his face turning puce with anger. ‘I want you out.’

  Lady Jane Bentley, who was sitting at her dressing-table brushing her hair, paled and said nothing.

  ‘Pack up your bony ass and go,’ Red snarled. ‘Get the fuck out of my house. I’ve had enough of you.’

  It was Saturday morning and he’d marched into her bedroom full of piss and vinegar. She had no idea what had caused this sudden confrontation, she just knew it was upon her with no warning.

  ‘Why are you acting like this?’ she demanded, standing up and facing him. ‘We haven’t had a fight. Nothing’s is different.’

  ‘Everything’s different,’ he replied. ‘Last night I spent in the company of younger women, vital women, women who were able to make me hard again. It finally dawned on me that I’ve been wasting the years I have left with a dried-up old snob.’

  ‘You’re disgusting,’ she said, turning away from him.

  ‘I found the life force I’ve been missing for the last six years,’ he roared. ‘You can’t stand sex. Every time I’m on top of you, you lie there like a wooden board giving me nothing.’

  ‘I’ve done everything you’ve ever asked me to,’ she said, making a supreme effort to remain calm.

  ‘Yes,’ he sneered. ‘Even sucked my cock when I’ve had to beg.’

  ‘How dare you speak to me in such a fashion?’

  ‘I’ll speak to you how I want.’

  ‘You can’t possibly mean what you’re saying.’

  ‘Every goddamn word,’ he replied impatiently, cracking his knuckles.

  ‘And where do you expect me to go?’ she asked coldly. ‘Let us not forget that I left my husband and gave up everything to look after you for the last six years.’

  ‘Look after me?’ he roared. ‘You make me sound like a decrepit old invalid, and that’s something Red Diamond will never be.’

  ‘I did not call you an invalid.’

  ‘Who gives a fuck what you said? You’re boring. All you do is nag me about travelling abroad, and spend my money at an alarming rate. It’s enough. I want you out. In the future I plan on enjoying my freedom.’

  ‘Do you now?’ she said, a slow fury building within her. ‘Well, plan away, because I am not going anywhere.’

  ‘What?’ he said, his leathery face twisted with anger.

  ‘You heard.’

  ‘Do you understand who I am?’ he yelled. ‘Once I bring in my lawyers, they’ll force you out immediately.’

  ‘Call them,’ she said, refusing to back down. ‘I have a right to be here. This is my home too.’

  ‘I advise you,’ Red said, his rheumy eyes glittering with malice, ‘do not get into a pissing match with me, because I can assure you that no woman has ever gotten the better of Red Diamond.’

  She regarded him for a long, silent moment. It was probably true–no woman ever had. He’d managed to kill off three wives, and the fourth was a broken-down drunk who lived a pathetic life. But she, Lady Jane Bentley, was different. She was made of stronger stuff, and she refused to be intimidated by this churlish old man. She was smarter than he thought. She knew plenty about Red Diamond, things he would never want anyone to know.

  ‘When we have negotiated a suitable settlement, and only then, I will consider leaving,’ she said evenly. ‘You can deal directly with me, or you can speak t
o my lawyers. Whichever you prefer.’

  ‘A settlement.’ He cackled. ‘We’ll see about that.’

  ‘Yes, we will,’ she answered calmly, refusing to be treated like one of his whores. ‘Tell me, Red,’ she added, ‘exactly what surprise do you have in store for your three sons on Monday? How else are you planning on ruining their lives?’

  ‘Ruining their lives?’ he bellowed. ‘Those boys would be nothing without me. Look at what they’ve achieved.’

  ‘Yes,’ she said succinctly, ‘and, I might add, without an ounce of help from you.’

  ‘Bitch!’ he muttered. ‘You know nothing.’

  ‘I know how you forced those two banks to withdraw from Max’s project. I also know you’ve been in touch with Roth Giagante in Las Vegas, insisting that he pressure Chris for the money he owes. Not very fatherly acts, are they, Red?’

  ‘I’m teaching them a lesson,’ he growled.

  ‘They’re grown men, Red. Why do you keep punishing them? What have they done to deserve this kind of treatment?’

  ‘Have you been spying on me?’ he shouted, his craggy face darkening. ‘How do you know all this?’

  ‘I don’t spy, I protect. And I might remind you that you will never find anyone who’ll protect you the way I do.’


  ‘And I should also warn you that if you think I spend money, start seeing other women and you’ll find out how much they spend. I have made your home a place of calm and beauty. I entertain when you request me to. I even put up with the call-girls you meet at your secret apartment on 59th Street–the apartment you think I don’t know about. Well, I do know about your whores, Red. And I know plenty of other things that I’m sure you wouldn’t want to become public knowledge.’

  ‘Last night I got more action from a bunch of strippers than I’ve had from you in six years,’ he growled, ‘so you can get your blackmailing ass out of my house, ’cause I’ve no use for it anymore. Do you understand what I’m saying? I’m finished with you. Finished. Done.’

  ‘You really are a vile man,’ she said, controlling the icy fury that helped her to stay strong.

  ‘Then get the fuck out,’ he screamed.

  ‘Not until I’m ready, Red. And that you can depend on.’


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